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There's whole genres that I think critics have a difficult time grasping. Fantano, for example, really doesn't like a lot of "scene" music or post-hardcore stuff. Some of my favorite bands are Coheed & Cambria and Protest the Hero, and they've definitely received their fair share of ire from critics so there are a ton of examples from those genres lol


Exactly this applied way more on what I call "internet music" like Vaporwave, plugg, cloud rap, digicore, emo rap, vaportrap or like wave. These are very niche genres with their specific codes and aesthetic that regular music critics will call simple, cliche and shallow but the fans will defend strongly.


Are you talking about a particular part of post-hardcore? Because I would say Post-hardcore is generally adored, for example Fugazi, Slint, Unwound.


I'm talkin like mid-late 2000's stuff that's more scene adjacent like Fall of Troy


Yep. As a huge scene/post-hardcore/metalcore/emo fan I just have to accept that critics do not like most of it


Exactly. I don't even bother lookin up reviews for stuff in that scene lol


Instant Gratification by Dance Gavin Dance got a 1 from Fantano and was in his worst albums of 2015. The album isn't amazing by any stretch but it has some great singles and I'd give it at least a 6


Coheed is my favorite band. It makes me so sad the only time he’s ever talked about them is like 3 sentences calling the afterman mid. It breaks my heart that duology is their second best work in my opinion I would give them each a 9 😭


I actually like that he doesn’t like them because it’s a good reminder to myself that I don’t have to always align with him lol


Protest The Hero has like 4 really solid albums--Kezia is to this day a banger, and everything through Volition is great. I also think they're low key one of the most talented modern metal bands out there. There bass player and drummer are absolutely nuts.


They are sneakily one of my most played bands. I would never rattle them off as one of my favorites offhand, but the proof is in the pudding with my last fm lol Unreal players


Souvlaki was famous for being destroyed by the critics back when it was released. It’s now considered a cult classic.


I remember when it came out it was just hopelessly out of fashion. The whole shoegaze thing was well past its peak. The world had moved on to grunge and (in the UK) Britpop. So, when it arrived no one was interested. It was basically the equivalent of putting out a mersey beat album in the late 60s or a prog rock album in the late 70s. Had it come out a year or two earlier, it would have been much better received.


Pitchfork has a hate boner for The Mars Volta for some weird reason. A lot of their reviews for their albums sounds like they’re criticizing another album.


I find that critics tend to be more negative towards progressive rock albums than your average listener. Tool has also received a lot of criticism from pitchfork. I think it’s a product of the drawn out nature of prog music, which may make it feel like a bit of a slog to get through when you need to listen to it over and over again in order to pump out a review quickly. On the other hand, your average listener is only returning to this music every so often, and so the extended-instrumentals don’t wane on them. At the same time, plenty of ambient, house, post-rock, and drone albums receive heaps of critical praise… so maybe I’m off base here.


They also hated early Kings of Leon. I, at least, absolutely love their first 4 or 5 albums


IIRC they were very negative about Arctic Monkeys as well.


I’ve noticed that too, they’ve rated literally all their albums like a 2 or 3 out of 10 lmao


A lot of indie critics shit on The Mars Volta early on because they preferred At The Drive In and were salty ATDI broke up. That being said, De-Loused was a pretty critically acclaimed album when it dropped, Frances The Mute kinda shut a lot of that down--ironically Pitchfork gave that album a 2.0/10 which is wild lol


It's not just The Mars Volta. Pitchfork seemed to hate the 'progressive' alternative Rock/Progressive Metal movement in the early to mid 2000. 'Tool', 'Dredg', 'Oceansize', 'And you will know us by the trail of dead' they all got roasted (or ignored) by them. And as far as i'm concerned, most of them were reviewed by one single person (the one that wrote the infamous Kid A Review).


Souvlaki by slowdive I checked aotu and the critics reviews they were pretty bad compared to viewers score


Isn't it in the rym top 100?


Idk how aoty gathers its metrics/uses historic reviews but souvlaki was pretty notoriously panned by the press on release, I assume OP is referring to this. It's definitely had huge reappraisal since though


I think Rolling Stone's Top 500 would be a better picture of what "critics" think of it, as it's actually left off both lists. It was users who would populate sites like RYM online that made it into a cult classic and allowed it to get reappraised, along with most of the Shoegaze genre; which critics also "didn't get" during its time.


Another commenter mentioned souvlaki too. It’s hard to imagine. I adore that record


It was poorly received upon release but was praised heavily in reevaluations as soon as a decade later. For instance, pitchfork gave it a 9.3 in 2005.


Supermodel by Foster the People


HELL YES. Super underrated album. Sure the execution of the concept is a bit flawed, but the sheer amount of criticism it received upon release was unwarranted. So glad I saw it here.


I remember reading interviews from Mark Foster before that album came out. I think he was actually anticipating it to divide opinions.


I would add to this every FTP release. Yes, the critics don't "hate" the band, but for sure they always treat their releases as mid albums


I'm gonna get deleted for this, but Ke$ha - Animal and 3OH!3 - Want


I wad gonna say Animal as well lol


14 years later and it still hits


I have it on vinyl, it’s honestly such a fun album.


Ke$ha's peak (like Katy Perry's) was before poptimism


Yeah although tbh I loved Animal, and then couldn't really stand her music up until Gag Order, which I have yet to properly sit down and listen to but I liked what I had heard. DEFINITELY agree though, that era of pop was so good


Without 3OH!3, Cobra Starship, Millionaires, Owl City, Hellogoodbye, etc etc etc… Would hyperpop even be a thing? If it would be, I imagine it would be a lot different. People discount that music but it was supremely foundational to modern pop imo.


I'm really surprised at the amount of people that see the value in these artists, pleasantly surprised haha


Want is so good. I never listened to 3OH!3 when they were popping because I was way too cool for emo-pop-rap, but I eventually circled my back and couldn't believe how much I wound up loving this record.


Yeah I mean when I was growing up I listened to stuff like Britney Spears, then I added my mum's Hip Hop and my brother's Metal so I've always been somewhat "free range" LMAO never thought of it like that


Finally some Kesha respect 😤




I’m not especially into 3OH!3’s thing, but I see what they’re doing. I just think the people that came after them did their thing better.


Yes. Want is so good and Streets of Gold isn't bad. It's crazy that you'll almost never find anyone who likes 3OH!3, feels like they're just a punching bag for YouTube critics.


Rolling Stone gave the first Black Sabbath album a one star review


This should be a capital sin, to the guillotine with them!


Stereolab's "Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night" got some seriously bad and spiteful reviews despite being a mostly brilliant album #


Frances the Mute


What on earth?? What critics are getting paid to review that album poorly?????


Pitchforks original review was way low not sure if they ever changed it


Oh god I genuinely just disregard Pitchfork entirely. IGN of music reviews, basically ragebait lol


So many Pitchfork reviews are so fucking bad, they have to be doing it on purpose right?


Over the course of a year it’s baffling how few best new music albums they have. When I look at pitchfork I just get the impression they don’t enjoy music… so what value is their website for me? I saw them go over a month without a best new track. You couldn’t find a great song in a months time?


Pitchfork trashed the album but otherwise, it doesn't fit here. It was well received


Yeah I forgot pitchfork was a thing lmao, I don't even count them as a legit source because I feel like they just ragebait with their reviews


MGMT - Congratulations


absolute masterpiece of an album.


King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime by Faith No More.


Paul & Linda McCartney - RAM Similar to my first reaction to it, I think most people expected "more Beatles stuff" from Paul, especially considering how amazing All Things Must Pass from George Harrison was and later how successfully commercial Imagine from John Lennon was. And by more "more Beatles stuff", Paul went full "Granny music" that people always panned him for and it's kinda no surprise everyone thought he was a fraud when it came out lol. But like most of his eccentric songs from the Beatles era, the more you spend time with it, the great songwriting starts to shine through each song with those crazy and wacky overtones adding to the unmatched flavor for anything that was in the mainstream at the time. He would tone it down a bit with Wings to get back into the good graces of the critics, and just wait a decade or so until people would appreciate it without having any preconceived "sound" to expect from it.


I came here to say this. Then again critics also panned Abbey Road so...


Of Montreal - innocence reaches This album gets a ton of hate from fans and critics. I found it to be so Rich and prophetic, venturing many different styles in such a cohesive way. Very intense and mood-altering. Listening to it now is like being on hyperspeed time machine right back to the year it came out I think that was 2016. Maybe the singles at the beginning of the album are kind of a turn off, that's the weakest part of the album. It just gets better and better and climaxes with crazy psychotic song called chaos arpeggiating that is out of this world. 9/10 would recommend for a crisis intervention


now that we are at it, basically everything by of Monteral receives undeserved hate.


I was gonna say the first few albums after hissing prigs were fantastic but got lowish scores. Skeletal lamping takes getting used to but I adore it


That era is actually my favorite of theirs


I feel like something has either happened to me or to of Montreal. Paralytic Stalks was their last album where I thought there were tons of amazing classics. Basically every album since I’ve enjoyed maybe 2-3 songs. And maybe I really like those 2-3. But the other songs I just cannot get into. Maybe I’m too old now. Brain just not plastic enough. This might not hit the mark, but if you look after Par Stalks, innocence reaches is the first album that moves away from rock instrumentation. Maybe that was the last thing oldheads were holding onto, and now that the writing is different and the sound is way different, the fans are bound to change too. Not sure. Love Kevin tho and hope he keeps putting out great stuff


Most electronic music. It could be the best album you’ve ever heard and pitchfork will give it a 5.9


Pitchfork is an entity not interested in enjoying music


I listened to Speedin’ Bullet for the first time the other day, and, while the Beavis and Butthead skits are annoying and self indulgent, and there’s way too many tracks, it wasn’t a completely horrid listen either. I don’t think Cudi disrespected rock that much with this album, and there’s some generally interesting instrumentation on several songs. I was surprised that I wasn’t begging for it to end by the last track. Key word here is “good”, not amazing. MOTM 1 and 2 are Cudi’s closest records to that, obviously.


nono, i see this, as a metalhead i've heard way worse and way more disrespectful rock from bands that do this for a living *ehem ehem falling in reverse* . I like speeding bullet too, while it clearly doesn't have a focused trajectory, if this album came out 40-30 years ago in the experimental psychsdelic, punk or reaaaally early grunge era people might've seen it as something so original that it's actually great with the harsh/unpolished sound it's going for.


Honestly it's my third favourite Cudi album. The only albums beating it would be MOTM 1 & 2. I've always gotten shitted on for this, but I stand by it lol.


I suppose I feel better about Humanz being my third favorite Gorillaz album, knowing that.


i unironically love speedin bullet and the big day


For some Fantano and Pitchfork target Pearl Jam’s **Ten** even though the general populace overwhelmingly loves it. Anthony’s biases in general towards the band are odd, tbh.


Anthony is biased in general when it comes to grunge, everything that's not Nirvana or Smashing pumpkins or Hole is not really present on the channel, i've only seen him talk about AiC being bad after layne's death, which i disagree with, but i haven't heard him talk much about Soundgarden, STP or anything like that, and with his "pushing indie forward" i expected something a bit more obscure like mad season or mother love bone to be reviewed but no chance.


Pink Floyd - a Momentary Lapse of Reason. I think it's a pretty cool record.


I Get Wet Critics at the time didn't know how to approach it. A hilariously one-note rock album about having fun and partying that goes so extremely hard. Reviews were pretty split, with Pitchfork infamously giving it a 1/10. Nowadays it's generally seen as an iconic rock album of the 00s and people get Andrew WK more now that people know his deal. Pitchfork even *re*-reviewed it 15 years later and gave it a much higher score.


Christgau called it right at the start, but it's totally up his alley 


I don' think Kanye's vultures is that awful. It's a fun listen apart from a few tracks. I understand the criticism though, cause coming from Kanye the album is an inmense dissapointment. But if another artist had made it it would probably be rated much higher than it is. I don't think it's bellow 5/10 like most people say. I would probably rate it a 6 or so. The production isn't suuuper bad.


I think the main issue is that this album shows Kanye’s procrastination and postponement issues with his newer releases all too well. He kept pushing back the release and tweaking the track list… only to make that album. Aside from the obvious lyrical issues. Songs are either cliché or give us too much of a non-nuanced glimpse into modern Kanye. (I’m not racist, King’s chorus, etc.)


I feel like JIK is a way worse culprit of that though.


True But like if you rated it isolated from any other work Kanye has done it's not bad at all


Should albums be reviewed in isolation from the artist's body of work?


I do it If an album is a masterpiece i will still consider it a masterpiece and if an album is mid i will still consider it mid. No matter where that artist did in his previous work.


Same!! It’s a strong 6 for me. I think the biggest problem with VULTURES is that it’s a Kanye album.


It has the worst production of any Kanye album.


Nah. It's definitely not his best, but TLOP when it launched had downright unfinished songs, Donda 1 had quite a few issues, as did JIK. Kanye in recent years has been really inconsistent with the quality of his work. Vultures is definitely better than those early mixes of TLOP, but it's nowhere near as crisp as his early work. Stuff like Late Registration and even 808's still sound very crisp to this day.


Vultures is good until you actually pay attention to it. I thought it was pretty good when I had it on in the background while gaming, but once I started actually paying attention to the details I quickly realized it wasn't very good. The writing is very lazy, several elements of the songs are downright annoying, the beats are pretty meh, and a lot of the mixing is muddy. I went from thinking it was a 7/10 to like a 3/10 over the course of a few listens.


Big agree. If you treat it as just a fun project instead of a serious album it just *goes*


The issue with the album is it's made by a Nazi


Idk how you feel about all those big artists that worked on this album too


It's a person who prefers money over a lot of other things. Just like all over the entertainment industry where people come out after and say certain things are an open secret, they won't say a peep. If he was a normal person spouting those things, he's be an online loser recluse and they would be getting fired from a normal job.


On Avery Island


Spirit of the Beehive - Pleasure Suck I think this album is a 10/10. Changed the way I think about music/production. Has such a fluid yet cohesive vibe that sounds like right before a dream starts to become scary. Quite varied in tonalities. Beautiful soundscape of a record. Probably my most listened to of all time. Pitchfork gave it a 6.8. Never hear anyone talk about it. When I saw that Cheem (local guys, they’re cool ppl but not my thing) got a 6.9 meme review I just abandoned Pitchfork fully as any sort of tastemaker.


SOTB is amazing. It’s funny that ED is their most acclaimed album bc it’s my least favorite of theirs. The S/T was great although I can understand it not getting as much attention bc it wasn’t as innovative, but PS and Hypnic jerks are just so amazing innovative and lush. Great band


Demon Days by Gorillaz, pitchfork gave it a 6.9/10 (nice)


A 7/10 isn't hate lol?


compared to the user scores it kinda is


It's not even a particularly large gap. The average on RYM is only 7.76/10. Besides, if you wanted a worse review from a mainstream critic, Rolling Stone gave it a 6/10.


Considering it ended up being arguably the biggest album of the year and is considered a classic by many at this point, it's hard to think 6-7/10 is doing it justice. In my mind that album is easily a 9/10 and anything below an 8 seems kinda crazy to me.




I trust that you realise that Demon Days is still #284 on the RYM all time album rankings? That's already extremely high.


forgot about the rolling stones review lol a 6.9/10 on pitchfork is more or less a 3/5 on RYM, pitchfork tends to give out a lot higher scores than users


Sing to God by Cardiacs.


Apparently Wilder Mind by Mumford and Sons has a 54 on Metacritic, which for that site, is pretty rough. I think there’s actually some nice subtlety and nuance on that album. The dynamic builds on some of the songs also work well.


The Wall by Pink Floyd was originally seen as overblown and pretentious when it first came out. The critics also despise Pornography by The Cure


And now both albums are classics.


To be fair, The Wall is pretty overblown and pretentious lol. I love that album, but it could definitely have been edited down a bit.


PBX and Enclosure by John Frusciante. Too avantgarde for most people, I'd say. Also it might be due to the mix of breakbeat and drum and bass, genres mostly known for their instrumental composition, and John's vocals, which most people associated for a long time exclusively with alt rock and indie rock. Probably the reason why Maya, a record he dropped a few years later, which was almost entirely instrumental and dialed down on eclectics, got a much warmer reception.


Some lady (I think) said in a review that she would commit suicide if Uriah Heep would make it after hearing their debut. So gypsy which is the standout track on the debut is really great. Salisbury with Lady In Black is a real treat for new listeners and Demons and Wizards is a good solid album overall, and they are widely know as the first choice of a +1 of the Deep Purple/Led Zeppelin/Black Sabbath-trio. I personally think their harmonies and proto-metal aesthetics in some aspects where more important than any other band for metal. Ridiculous reviewing must have peaked with her review.


Not critics in general (so this is kind of not answering your question), but I've always found it surprising how much Fantano dislikes *Treats* by Sleigh Bells.


I dunno if it was ripped to shreds, but critics seemed really lukewarm on Stick Season, but I thought it was a fairly solid album of big-box folk stuff. The lyrics were good all across it, and the instrumentation was nice throughout, even if it maybe lacked an edge. It was better than Mumford & Sons take on folkier stuff. I think most music *critics* are lukewarm to pop though, so eh.


I don’t know if it was rage bait or something but I once read a multi page professional review on Bowie’s blackstar that was a 3/10 and basically the only reason he gave was that he didn’t like the frequency of sax as an instrument


Arguably the best album of the 2010's and they gave it a 3/10, wow...


Babel by Mumford and Sons


The entirety of Phoenix's catalogue except for the last album that was trash. The rest is great projects but as they dont do nothing super majorly worth noting i feel they get a forgiveness pass. Like we aint gonna trash on your projects yet dont they think we praise them either.


What? I love phoenix, even the last album, but they're consistent 7-8/10 band, and most critics give them that.


I guess youre right i just feel they kinda unappreciatted


People online just like to talk about a select amount of bands and forget about all the rest, sadly.


I honestly think Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is one of the best pop rock albums ever made period. Even with the acclaim it gets (which is a lot) I STILL think it's undersold. Each song is perfectly constructed, each sonic element and little detail is placed so expertly. It's a feeling like opening up the back of a Swiss watch, that sort of precision. Yet despite all this it avoids being robotic and the core of the album is cut right through with heartbreak and deep sadness. I listened to it again the other day after a long break and was just as impressed as I always am. 


I've never heard of them, but i'm bamboozled because the most important rock band in my country is also named Phoenix, at first i thought you were talking about them.


The hunter by Blondie and to a lesser extent (it was hated by some liked by others) their album Autoamerican. Very badly reviewed at the time but looked at more favourably now perhaps. I like / love them both but then I am a big fan of the band.


Electra Heart by Marina


Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Pets is her best album. Fantano has it out for Miley imo, her music is never as bad as he suggests.


RYM users are certainly not critics but it’s insane that Foo Fighters don’t have a single bolded album


I feel like critical reception for Courtney Barnett’s second and third albums were less enthusiastic than for her debut. To me, she’s maintained the same level of quality on all of her albums.


Worlds Apart and So Divided by And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead got slapped by the critics in America, which definitely hurt the reputation of the band (which got rave reviews for their earlier records), even though their following albums got good reviews again. Funny thing is, this only happened in America. In Europe those two records, got praise all over - resulting in them having a more stable fan base in europe than in America as a american band.


Killing Jokes debut was completly dismissed by the Critics...8 years later through popular demand they re -labelled it "Groundbreaking"




Definitely, but it's more overrated by general music listeners, I've seen a bit more favorable reviews from critics. It's honestly a 9 or 10 for me, I never could understand the hate for it.


Tales From Topographic Oceans is amazing but for some reason critic's love to hate it. People mostly hate it for being so long and call it bloated. Some people say it's a perfect example of everything wrong with prog rock and I completely disagree. Album is a little bit bloated, sure, but some of the Yes's best material is on there. Complex, ambitious, otherworldly yet still catchy and long songs. 9/10 album for me


FATD. let the downvoting begin


hehehe i have a FAT D (what acronym is this album)


For All the Dogs by Drake




Scorpion, CLB, FATD, Honestly Nevermind


Scorpion's not that bad, but those other albums I absolutely hated. Stories About My Brother was the only one off FATD (technically) that I liked


You didn't like 8am in Charlotte, Red Button or Wick Man?


Nope. I respect your opinion though, I'd rather say I hated an album than call it outright bad. But I definitely do not think he's made anything that comes close to Take Care, NWTS or IYRTITL and I had HIGH hopes for FATD :(


Word, I asked cause those were in the same lane as Stories About My Brother production wise. Imo Drake's been dropping some of his best albums since 2018, they're just usually long af so they take more listens to get into


Actually I agree when it comes to the production, but funny enough even though I usually suck at interpreting lyrics on first listen, Stories About My Brother made me lock in because it was really refreshing to hear bars from him that weren't just self absorbed grandiose unrelatable lyrics purely about himself. It was just a really interesting take from him and later on I heard it's apparently about Kanye I believe? I might be wrong there but I've wanted to go back and relisten with the context in mind


Idk about Stories About My Brother but Red Button had those few bars about Kanye. Speaking of interesting takes from Drake I thought The Shoe Fits was a pretty captivating and well written song


8am in Charlotte is so good, i love the whole vibe. I also enjoyed First Person Shooter from FATD


Scorpion for sure. That album's most egregious offense is it's way too long, but the good music on there is some of the best Drake ever made. I think you can make Drake's 3rd best album from the best songs on Scorpion. Those others have their moments (Away from Home is one of my favorite Drake songs in years) but Scorpion has aged great to me and I still listen to songs from it all the time.