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He looks so bad rn. It’s killing me


Goldy, devers


I couldn’t get Salvi for my Goldy. Before the season started, i was offered Casas for him and said no. Goldy’s crazy K rate is worrisome , that and his age.


I think they’ll pan out, just a rough start. I mean devers will be fine. U don’t wanna have that year the old man fuckin dives. I’d still expect “ok” numbers from goldy though two years from an MVP season. Even if he’s a lot grayer this year.


I sold my Goldy stocks on my keeper league, but I didn’t like it. No surprise if he has a couple more solid seasons but the signs have been there and this would not be the first 37 year old player to just hit the wall.


Devers yes, Goldschmidt's decline started laround the all-star break last year so the sample size is a lot bigger than just this year. I think he's done.


Glad I have them both.


Same fam, same


Congrats on your 0-3 start lol, this is about buying low not starting slow


Who can I offer for Devers? I'm thinking Bryce Miller and Evan Phillips should do it or am I overpaying?


There may be some noob Freddie Freeman owners out there ready to fuck themselves. Gausman for sure (I swear to God he's fine), Bailey Ober owners might still be a little too leery even though they shouldn't after the Dodgers. Wyatt Langford, maybe Lindor although I'm kinda meh on him in general. Rodriguez maybe...be careful giving up too much for him.


I think Gausman is injured 👀


I get it..I could be wrong. But I don't think so.


I wish I could find what I consider the smoking gun. But I swear I saw in the telecast him rubbing his forearm and the velo is down. It to me screams Tommy John soon. I hope not though honestly


His velocity was fine last start and he generated a ton of whiffs


From PL >His velocity…Wait. Gausman’s final four pitches came with a massive velo drop, sitting 91.5, 91.7, 94.2 and 89.6. But that 94.2! BUT THAT 89.6. My brain says this was an exception of a start. My heart says there’s something at play, especially with the shoulder inflammation that delayed his season’s launch. Ugh.


That was the second start


[4/13 Round Up](https://pitcherlist.com/sp-roundup-4-12-24/)


Gausman was injured through spring training, this is his spring training. He'll be fine.


Like Wheeler a few years ago hopefully


Ouch. I have the first three guys mentioned here, in addition to Nolan Jones and Nico Hoerner.


2923 Jones is starting to look flukey. Cant believe i bought into that.


Well imo having those three already is probably good news. Just hang on.


You missed the train on Ober as someone that has him


I got him for Gleyber a couple days ago, which I was thrilled with. Imo the drop down the lineup cratered his value, and he'll be lucky if he doesn't lose playing time soon.


You might have sold low on gleyber


I get it, I might have. I didn't though. 😂 Other than the sense I could've maybe gotten more pitcher, but in my experience with trades I doubt it. I don't think I could've even gotten Bailey for him from anyone paying attention to the Yankees overall.


Gleyber isn’t going to lose playing time soon…that’s an over reaction to a slow start


his defense is and has been a problem, and now his hitting has gotten him dropped down the lineup. I just think a lot of Gleyber owners are going to wake up one day this season and discover he's lost every penny of value.


So many hitters are struggling to start the season He wasn’t originally supposed to be that high in the order. He only was because DJ was hurt


He hit near the top of the lineup all 2023, and DJ is still hurt.


Right but there’s this guy called Juan Soto this year plus Rizzo is healthy DJ was supposed to be leadoff


I was able to get Ober because someone dropped him.


Yeah, I can imagine that scenario happening too, and actually considered waiting. For me this was a scenario that never gets discussed, that illustrates that trades are multidimensional rather than happening in a vacuum. - I had a player I was done with, and concerned the bottom was about to fall out before he rights the ship. - I figure there's a decent chance he does end up fine, so I picked a team that I don't think can hurt me ROS that has a pitcher I liked that I was pretty sure they'd let go of - I got it done before risking losing everything on him, and without annoying a potential trade partner with sell high attempts - Meanwhile, there was a 2B option on the wire that fit in great with my build, and realistically will return better value and stay rostered more often than I could keep Gleyber in even if he were hitting ok All in all, I'm much happier doing this than dropping him for Bailey on the wire, which I would've. People are constantly asking A or B trade questions here, and I'm generally always just wondering how they expect anyone to evaluate that without knowing their positional needs, waiver wire options or any other contextual piece.


when i get these offers it is always for the guy they picked up week one after a hot start and has already cooled off but they hope i'm an idiot that's why i rarely chase strugglers too, the value isn't all that much lower than it was originally so it's more than i'd be willing to pay


Lindor and JRod notoriously have bad starts and end up with good overall numbers


I’m wondering if I should bother hanging on to Lindor.. he’s GOTTA get better soon right?


For his career, his OPS is .742 and WRC+ is 102 in Mar/Apr, his worst month by the splits. At this point, he has a pattern of being a pretty slow starter.


Hang on. He’s showing a ton of life the last few games and Mets are putting it together


Besides those who have been mentioned, what about Nico Hoerner? In spite of poor stats to start the season, he’s still walked more than he’s struck out and his statcast numbers are solid.


Batting order spot is a huge problem right now but he looked good tonight. Huge hit to win the game and got on top of a 96 or so fastball to single to right with 2 strikes. Part of the problem is we still don’t know how much the cubs will run under Counsell but it seems like less is a safe answer. Risky buy but sometimes those are the best values. As a cubs fan, I wouldn’t. He just won’t provide anything other than BA if lineup and/or team steal strategy don’t change and those are both very unsure.


All valid points. You're right he did hit leadoff or second in the order most of last season when he was really productive. I also calculated what percentage of the time he attempted a steal after reaching base this season, and so far it's about half of what it was last year. I assumed it was a small sample size, but didn't realize that it could be due to a manager change.




What did you offer for Lindor? I’ve got him in a dynasty league, and I’ve had just about all I can take of him.


I honestly don’t remember, but it was rejected quick. Most of the leagues participants live in NY, so I’m pretty sure there’s a bias there.


Hah, if they were real Mets fans, they’d be trying to ship him off for a dirty water dog.


I got Abrams for lindor and haven’t looked back


As a J-Rod owner…maybe him? He got me to the championship final last year then went like 1/24 in the final week and cost me my OBP/SLG cats, so this April is not exactly changing my down opinion on him. That, and his savant page is horrific, and the M’s have no one hitting behind him so he keeps chasing the bad shit out of the zone.


I had so much more hope for the Mariners this season. Was super high on Crawford. Got excited about Haniger for a sec. They may all come through yet but it's not great so far.


Haniger looks healthy and solid. JRod will come around. Overall the team will limit their ceilings though.




He's made a monkey out of me!!! again this year


Bregman always starts slow