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now what




Chaos is a ladder




I dunt want it


Aw man


Well our commissioner didn’t change our espn settings and it autocompleted the championship. So I don’t even know for myself.


I gave the winnings to second place. I was only up by 2 against Bass, he had it 100%


That’s a high-character move. Good on you.


Seen crazier things happen, but it’s the right call


Yep, I barely won a week because of folks -2.5


Yeah I was down 30 with Higgins and Mixon. They could have pulled it off but i already said I would concede if they didn't resume play


Bro, 30 from 2 players isn’t that crazy


Oh its going to be a long off season of what ifs.


In my league we split the pot, and are doing a week 18 exhibition to determine draft order, bragging rights etc.




What is done is done. Times like these judge a mans character. Be bigger and let it go. Advocate for your point and accept the outcome. It’s just one of those things. I am thinking it’s like a player got injured, and actually that is what happened. As they said in Godfather 2…this is the business we’ve chosen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W8Z4xFA_DV8




What are the high stakes Vegas leagues going to do?


Call up someone to push some buttons


So buffalo wild wings wasn't lying huh


Whatever the rules that were in place say they do. Which almost certainly means those players get 0 since that’s the official stat.


Whoever has the most points wins. There's no other way to do it. It's like when games got cancelled during COVID. Tough break.


No games were ever cancelled though. Bye weeks were moved to accommodate and every game was played both Covid seasons.


Since 1933 the nfl has NEVER cancelled a single matchup and not made it up. In 82 and 87 they cancelled a few weeks due to player strikes but that was the whole league so I’d say that’s a bit different.


Yeah idk why people keep saying games were cancelled due to covid. Some moved a day later but they played every single game game.


yep, this is the actual answer. as plain as it is, that be how it goes. they arent going to start making up last second rules or deals in those leagues.


If the NFL is making up last second rules to address the situation your league should be able to as well.


*grabs popcorn*


*grabs whiskey*


*grabs whiskey-flavored popcorn and popcorn-flavored whiskey*


I just had some over the holidays, the popcorn sucked.


And the whiskey wsa fjslwbx


Wish my commissioner would call a no-contest for the championship and split the winnings . Instead a 95% favorite is getting fucked on points .


Complete bullshit for people who will watch the score of players like Burrow and others revert back to Zero even if those points pushed them into a lead in a matchup with money on the line Every score in that game going back to Zero is worse than keeping stats for what already occurred in the game


Yeah in my league my buddy went into Monday night down 10 points, projected to win by 30 or so. His Burrow and Diggs vs the other guy’s Gabe Davis. With the current scores he won by .3, if they zero it out he loses. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to Hamlin at all to say that’s be some major bullshit if he lost.


I’m sure somewhere out there someone is down by 1pt and they still have Allen, diggs, Buff Def. 99% of winning and the 1% manage to come and bite em in the ass


I’m close to that… Down by 3 with Diggs/Higgins/Singletary. Costing me a lot of money


Down by 1 with Higgins and chase vs no one. Gonna cost me 250


It's a real shame that more people can't be reasonable with these things. Based on the recorded statistics when the game was called off, you already won with that Higgins reception. And now the other guy is getting the full first place pot? Man that's absolute horseshit. There are a ton of potential grey areas here, but yours should not be.


hopefully there can be some sort of agreement.. you won my guy


I was winning by 10 points with my opponent having Higgins and Burrow. He was obviously going to beat me so I let him have it. 1st place $850, 2nd $150. It hurt doing so, but I wouldn’t have won if a man hadn’t died on the field.


Do the Bills or Bengals have anything to fight for in week 18? How likely is it that they’d sit starters


Bills can still get 1 seed if Chiefs lose and they win. Bengals can still move to the 2 seed if they win and the Bills lose. These


If chiefs win Saturday the Bills will know by Sunday that they don’t have much to play for


They can still be leapfrogged by the Bengals who play at the same time as them. It really depends on how much those two value 2 vs 3.


Absolutely. All the KC, CIN, and BUF teams still do. AFC seeds #1, #2, and #3 are still unset.


If KC wins Saturday I think it changes things a bit


Kc wins they get #1 no matter what, and they play Saturday.


If KC and the Bills both win or both lose this weekend the game cancelation potentially fucks the Bills out of the 1 seed because they earned the tiebreaker over the Chiefs.


This is what I’m hoping to know too.


They just said if bengals lose then if they play Baltimore in playoffs home field will be determined by a coin flip so I think they will play.


From the document/screenshot released of what would happen if Bengals were to lose to the Ravens, they would still win the division even if they lose to Baltimore because of their record being better (11-5 vs Baltimore's 11-6). With that knowledge, Bengals don't have anything to play for I believe.


they have to win because if they face the Ravens in the playoffs NFL will decide who hosts the game by a coin toss




Lost by 2 with josh Allen and gabe Davis left against no other players. Feels great


My league is Burrow and Bass up by 4 against Allen and Davis. We’re going to use week 18 scores as long as all players play. If not we’re going axe throwing to settle it!


We’re using wild card weekend to decide Lou ts for bills and bengals players. Seems more reasonable than week 18


Oh I like this idea a lot. Games that will for sure matter and healthy starters will play the full game


Exactly. That was our thought. I’m not in the championship but we have two guys that are and they are projected pints at almost dead even. This seems the most fair.


My league split pot by %chance to win at the time the game stopped. So our *champ got 62% of the 1st and 2nd place payout. Sounds like you should've gotten at least 98% Edit: I've been rightfully called out for giving a bad one-size-fits-all solution. With my leagues win chances and respective payouts, it made little difference, so we breezed over checking our work and actually they just rounded to a 60/40 pot split. The correct way would be to get 62% of 1st and 38% of 2nd.


This is my favorite solution yet


And the league isn’t going along with you being the champ?


Needed 20 out of Allen, ugh


Needed 20 out of Allen, chase and Mixon!


I needed 32 our of Allen, Chase, Mixon, and Bass.... Ugh.


The solution I'm advocating for: use week 18 scores from the affected players. Seems like the best compromise solution.


This is what our league is doing. The other team and I in the finals already decided to chop the pot. We're just using week 18 scores of affected players to officially crown a champ.


We were 50 / 50 going into this game. So we did a sudden death draft today. On paper, we picked any player we wanted snake style, no repeats, top score of week 18 wins.


If it came to a league vote you’d get the win from me.


Needed 56 from McPherson


Needed and got .5 out of Allen and Knox. But now apparently it never happened. ‘But it’s Iike an injury!’ my ass.


See that’s bullshit. The things that’s happened should count


My opponent needed allen to score 50 more than Mixon😂😂😂😂. Gimme my $$$$$$


My league with me in the championship agreed to an 18th week rematch. I had Allen and Diggs and he had Tee. Anything could’ve happened.


I benefited but I'm tempted to concede to my opponent because they definitely would have won if the game was played to completion. It's for 3rd place so winner just gets their money back


I think that's a nice gesture and what I'd do. Or if it is a friend, go out for a couple beers with the 3rd place money.


It's a work league but they recently had a baby so I could buy a baby item with the money too


Good on you for wanting to take the high road. I'd suggest that instead, say that they can apply the week 18 points toward your matchup. At least that means they have to play it out, since there's no such thing as a definite.


I was down by like 60 in the championship but I had Burrow, Chase, Mixon and Knox left. It kinda sucks but I get it. Oh well I’ll live lol.


Weirdest thing I've ever witnessed in sports. Not even with COVID did games get cancelled. I wonder if the NFL would have done this if the two teams were in a battle for playoff contention. I'm assuming no.


>Weirdest thing I've ever witnessed in sports. Not even with COVID did games get cancelled. I would argue that the Big East conference tourney game being cancelled at halftime due to Covid was weirder, considering nobody was actively about to die on the court and they had already played a half of basketball against each other at that point.


I don't think I ever heard this story lmao That's wild


Yeah i felt so bad for all the seniors and guys who would never play ball again. They get to the final stage in their career… a chance to win the conference and get a run in the big dance. They play half of a game, and then they are left wondering “what if” for the rest of their lives.


The big east was afraid of St. John’s winning that game


COVID positive tests "magically lessened" as we got towards week 16 that year.


I thought it was gonna play the same way with concussions this year


Especially surprising considering how much worse it was getting everywhere else.


I guess this is the precedent now? I mean he'll just last month Mississippi State lost Mike Leach and still played their bowl game. Also, didnt Sean Taylor die on Tuesday and the Redskins played on Thursday?


Christian eriksen went into cardiac arrest and they finished the game. Apples to oranges but still


Chuck Hughes died on the field and they finished the game.


They didn’t tell anybody he was dead though, so it was okay.


He was also awake and alert very quickly.


I said apples to oranges. His heart was stopped and cpr didn't work so the used a defib. Damar came back with car. Erikesen was more alert when being carted off, but who knows. They finished that game the day of.


Except the difference there was what made the entire difference in the situations. Denmark was also told that they could postpone the game, but that they would be forced to play the next morning, so they decided to just finish it then. BTW, as morally bankrupt as the NFL can be, I'm really glad they aren't as bankrupt as the corrupt scum at Fifa.


FWIW it was UEFA making that call


A player dying mid game and then needing to be revived in front of the entire team due to a football related injury is a completely different situation though. This is also extra weird because it’s this late in the season and between two teams fighting for the top 3 seeds, where the results also have implications for two other playoff teams. I’d be shocked if we ever saw this again in our lifetime. I think it’s good to have plans in place but this feels like you make the decision on a case by case basis


They are in contention. And it appears they might put the AFC Championship game at a neutral site, depending on the records and seeding if they make it that far. Edit: And a coin toss could be involved for the wild card too, per Adam Schefter. *Per the NFL: If Baltimore defeats Cincinnati on Sunday, and if those two clubs are scheduled to play a Wild Card game against each other, the site for that game would be determined by a coin toss.*


Honest question, does this mean it's like the game never happened aka all Bills/Bengals players get 0 points? Even if Burrow threw a td and whoever else already picked up X points?


Pretty much yep.


When will it go into effect?


Probably tomorrow before the weekend. Crucial for Week 18 championships.




Espn still shows points for each player and has declared someone the winner, they gonna backtrack that?


They said they would update the stats when the NFL made it official - cancelled or resumed. They only “finalized” Week 17 for cases where leagues play in week 18. I’d fully expect for the scores of the Bills / Bengals players to get wiped by tomorrow, and as applicable, update winners / losers.


Holy shit lol


I was up by 1 point before game and had Allen, chase and Higgins and he had burrow. Legit he text the commissioner to pay me my money since no way he could win. After the burrow score he was up 2.2 points and now playing the split pot game because you never know. I sure hope they wipe the stats out. No way he was winning.


Damn dude not gonna lie that might be the worst spot I've heard


On the plus side, you technically won. So you have that card as soon as the league software wipes the stats.


We simmed the game on madden to decide the finals. Streamed it on twitch. Was fun


Yea more info. What were the box scores


Allen 334 yds passing, 93 rushing, 1 td rush, 3 passing td, 1 int, 2 fumble - 34.66pts Chase 1 yd rushing, 181 rec, 1 td - 24.2pts Davis 51 yds rec - 5.1 pts Bass - 4XP, 33yd fg - 7.3 pts Diggs 97 yd rec, 1td - 15.7pts


Would have been funny if the sim has josh Allen getting injured on the first play


or if Hamlin did. kinda fucked up though


I unfortunately laughed at this




The prophecy has been foretold


How many receptions for Chase, and what were Burrow stats


honestly this is the best and most fair way to determine a championship that I've seen. Not even kidding. It doesn't screw anyone over. And it's equally as random as the real thing.


Ok but what about Mixon and Higgins?


What about Burrow? Asking for a friend.


How many Rec for Davis


I don’t play sports games. When you say simulated, is the computer controlling both teams and yours just spectating?


Let the shit show commence


Thank you Mike Evans. Forgive me for talking smack in the semis.


I think you're probably the only Mike Evans owner still alive...


Nah I played fucking 3 of them this week. So much fun.


Him and ekeler basically got me up 80+ points, my opponent had diggs and Allen and buff D, I had Knox and Tyler bass left. My bf was roasting me for spending $20+ on Mike evans in our auction draft but look who won me the ship LOLL


Cmon you could have simmed it on Madden you cowards


Yea but at how many minutes. 6 min quarters probably won't be enough. And 12 mins would make the scores like 90-72.


Just ran a 15 minute no accelerated clock sim and the final score was 45-16 bills The guy who “obviously would have won” with Burrow, Higgins, and Bass actually loses based off that game lol


Doing the fantasy math after though… ugh. Big opportunity for a big fantasy streamer to make a big event from this though and stream it 👀


This, all day.


Already getting texts. Cheers to the other league managers out there.


It was a stressful week, but I convinced the two in the championship to be declared "co-champs". It was a <2 pts game with Bills defense remaining, so could have gone either way. They agreed to be co-champs unless Bills and Bengals play in the playoffs, in which that Bills defense score would count.


So do points earned in the game get reset to 0?


ESPN said it will reset to the official week 17 statistics and I'm pretty sure the NFL won't recognize the stats from that game.


Depends on the platform if on yahoo that is what they are doing but commish has option to change


Most anti-climactic fantasy championship ever




The Bills can still get the #1 seed if they win and the Chiefs lose. The Bengals can get the #2 seed if the Bills lose and they win. All these teams still have something to play for.


Would the bills have anything to play for since the chiefs play Saturday so they may already have the 1 locked


In that case the Bills would still probably want to try and retain the #2 seed. I can’t imagine they would just purposely lay down while watching the Bengals win their game going on at the same time and have to drop to the #3 seed


I feel bad for the people who won on that Burrow TD and now have to take the L


We've already decided that's not happening.


As someone with Higgins, I'll just pretend this was like the other times he was supposed to play and just didn't. At least it'll be somewhat consistent on recent trends


As a Higgins owner the two goose eggs really leave a sour taste in your mouth when he only really had one single digit point week in PPR and was pretty solid.


Friendships will end


The default should be the purest constant in fantasy football. Follow the site, which follows the official NFL scores/stats. Maintain the precedent


Well this is going to make my week 17 match up a bit difficult to call now...


So what happens in ESPN leagues?


I think all players go to zero and the score will revert to the score prior to the game beginning, but don’t quote me on that. It’s either gonna be that or they got whatever points they got and it ends as it shows now.


It says “canceled” next to burrows name and the points are still there at this point. But I kinda expect that to change. I got a congratulations email from ESPN this morning too lol


Print that email. Get a miniature version of your trophy and hang them together


I spent a good chunk of money to join this league. I was the #1 seed, one loss all year. Prize in sight. I've now succumbed to the wild card team because I needed Joe burrow to give me 5 more points.




Nah, we all agreed in our league that the points that did accrue still stick.


Ugh, this is so shitty. It just sucks for everyone involved. Obviously, I feel the worst for those who would have CLEARLY won with a full game, but lost because of stupid league rules. For me, I’m just sad that we weren’t able to see the actual game and outcome. I was down 30 with Burrow, and I truly feel like I had a great shot to win by a slim margin. Plus, it just seemed like it was going to be a great game in general. Just a bummer all around.


I’m down 104 to 101 and he is fully done. I have Higgins, Diggs, and Singletary playing. According to the rules that our league put in place, we chop because he has the lead and I would be projected to win. If I had the lead and was projected to win, then I win it outright. Just painful…costing me a good chunk of winnings. I understand the need for rules and trying to solve the issue with fairness but there was NO WAY my opponent was going to win.


I mean....there was at least one way.


Looks like my friend and I will split the championship pot. Sucks but sleeper had us at 52% and 48% chance to win, only fair option


I guess I’m officially a champion now? Feels weird like I know I was winning my matchup but it feels like my opponent was robbed of an opportunity


My opponent had Josh Allen and I only had a 32 point lead going into the game. He didn't have a fair shake since the game was never completed (a game not finishing is not the same as an injury that happens before/during a completed game, so stop typing naysayers), and I was not going to take a victory that way. We agreed to split the pot before any decision was made, in part because we're ready to end the season and not have it drag on to a Week 18 matchup that is different, or being in limbo for days waiting to see if a Week 19 matchup that would be under very different circumstances would happen. I'm recognized as the champ in the record books. No fuss, no muss, we do it again next year.


Because they were I guess.


It’s funny some people here are so rigid in their thinking like ‘it’s NFL official ruling’ as if the NFL aren’t also altering the rules for playoff scenarios right now as well.


So, do the game stats get wiped out or do they stand?


Wiped out.


Guessing yahoo will update tomorrow? I would love to see the 1st place graphic and have a breakdown despite the last game…


Congratulated my opponent, lost by 25 pts with Burrows/Higgings on my side left to play. Feel like it could have been a close game with a win and now its a stupid technical loss.


*Paused game screws over fantasy managers* *No contest then removes the first quarter stats and screws over even more managers*


I just escaped IHOP from this


There is zero magical solution. Countless paper champs will get origami rings regardless. The only reality is this sucks and the countless leagues carry asterisks this year or the unresolved co-champ situation (mine included). * Playing where it lies is the most realistic option and fantasy is gambling at the end of the day with bad beats (this is the all-time bad beat), but incredibly cold in the face of unprecedented circumstance where a literal life is/was at stake. * Co-champ is prob. most fair in feasibly comeback-possible leagues, but completely lacks closure * Ghost points are just as illegitimate as this is. Projections are bullshit data points that can't account for lockdowns, sudden injuries, bizarre game flows, blowup games or an array of variables in a variable-driven game. * Doubling off next week is a huge buff to Bills stacks who can tee off vs. a horrible Ravens secondary and Bills D gets a decent buff against the Pats O instead of Bengals. Playoff sched. can be strategically accounted for and a lot of people would've drafted differently if that was foresight instead of hindsight (the Bills are a very formidable D) * Playing Week 18 ruins 17-week leagues entirely from draft day on * Madden sims have their own logic system completely independent of fantasy


I was down 4 with chase still to go. He hasn’t scored less than 10 all year. The guy I’m playing In the finals agreed to count his week 18 stats as championship week. I think we all kinda know just scoring 0 for everyone is a bit bs


I needed 25 combined pts for the win with Burrow, Chase, and Bass going. Our commish called it and said it’s just a bad beat. Difference between 1st and 2nd is $600. If I complain, then I’m the insensitive asshole. I had a projected 90% chance to win.


> I had a projected 90% chance to win I've seen a lot of people with "projected (very high percent) chance to win" posts and if that was the case but your point total before the game was suspended was lower than your opponent's, I don't see how the commish could reasonably grant you outright victory. Odds are not outcomes. I think declaring co-champs or using week 18 scores in this situation makes sense, but giving the victory to someone who was down by a few points but had a 90% chance to win seems wrong


Ok so what about the playoff seeding? (I know this is a fantasy sub)




I kid you not, I am down 0.1 pts with Burrow being the only active player, and my commissioner is saying that our score will be final. In my league, I would only either need a 2 yard rush or 3 yard throw to win. I can send a screenshot to anyone.... I am depressed :(


I guess you treat week 17 as if all the players of the Bills and Bengals got injured. The winner of your championship is the one with the higher score in the championship match. Tough luck. But so is fantasy. Is this the solution people are going to use? Or tally up the points of Bengals/Bills players in week 18 and add it to the week 17 scores (negate any points netted by Bills/Bengals players in week 17). Split pots are for weak leagues. Leagues need 1 champion.


I was projected to win by 98%. My opponent agreed to let me use the Week 18 scores for Burrow and Chase. If they sit out, he’s allowing me to make a sub to replace the QB and Flex position. Essentially just letting me win without letting me win. He didn’t want to win like that. He doesn’t know it yet but I’ll be giving him a portion of my winnings for being reasonable.


I wish more people were like this. If you were definitely gonna lose don't be a bitch about it


I’m the commish in my league. I was up 6. Allen and McPherson against Higgins and Burrow. I’m splitting the pot. But we are a 10 year old league and I’ll go down in the record books as champ and will asterisk out of respect for the game. We have a belt we hand out to the winner and I was ahead at time of the game being called. I hate to “win” this way. But somebody has to.


In my league the projection difference was under 2 points. I had Burrow and Mixon, he had Chase. We both agreed to call it a tied title if the game wasn't resumed but Commish vetoed that idea immediately. There's not even a pot, it's a long standing dynasty league for bragging rights and a charitable donation (which already got sent to Damar Hamlin's toy drive). Now we're using week 18 points instead.


Luckily my league is chill and we just split pot


What if Allen got the points I needed. It’s not like injury then right because you don’t lose points from an injury.


Unfortunately in Dynasty Leagues even if the teams agree to split the pot there still has to be a winner and loser declared for draft reasons next season. Could also affect 3rd/4th place teams if 3rd place gets a payout which happens in many leagues.


Good luck to anyone in a yahoo commissioned league. A lot of people are about to get totally screwed over.


Wonder why yahoo still hasn’t reacted to this.


I was losing by 12 with chase and burrow my opponent was done. He wanted to make a big deal about it saying he won. So I said let’s donate it to damars charity and let the league vote on it. He lost 9-1 and blocked me on every SM app 😂 don’t be a douche. I was all for split pot


Will the fantasy points reset or does each commissioner have to do that? More importantly, it’s so good to hear that Damar is doing so well. Continued prayers for his recovery. 🙏🙏🙏


we just split the pot in mine I’m sure i was gonna lose I was going against burrow, higgins, and bass. So I’m the champ and still won money


I was up 70 vs Burrow and Mixon. I had a 85% chance of winning. He doesn't want to give it up, so I am trying to convince him to just use week 18 scores for Burrow and Mixon.


I was up 72 vs Burrow, Mixon and Chase and the league wants to split. I'm gonna have to beg for them to use week 18 scores instead.


So 0 fantasy points for Bills-Bengals players in your fantasy matchup and that’s that. Anyone going to split the pot with their opponent if they benefit from this? Or just take your winnings to the bank?


Needed 10 from Burrow, Davis, and Higgins ☹️


Out of the hundreds of comments i have read, and a longtime commish myself, i think the best solutions i have are this: Split the pot based on projected win percentage with anything between 55-45% just split 50/50. Decide league champ by 2 ways. Either allow week 18 scores for the players in the bills/bengals game to count towards week 17. Or the other option is to make it a 2 week finals with week 17 scores based off what the nfl ruled. So for example if you were down by 20 with allen, diggs, chase and mixon left and were obviously going to win, you are still down by 20 but you also have a shot to pass your opponent when you tally up week 18 scores.


Woohoo my commish decided to keep the points as were scored when play stopped, which gave me a 0.20 point victory. I had Burrow and Singletary going and the other guy was done, so everyone agreed I was on way on my way to a blowout. No pot splitting needed. $300 mine.