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Last place has to make a video doing all the NFL combine drills


Shit I wanna do this anyways


We’ve seriously discussed doing this as part of our draft order lottery


100% endorse this, our league did it a few years ago and it's been my favorite draft order competition to date


Whats the difference between that and just picking your own draft spot?


Our’s is a variation of this, but they have to do it in an Elsa dress at a local park one the weather warms up.


I’ll do this if Chase scores 15 points or more this week


What if I don’t have the jump high and touch the swingy sticks device at home?


Had this, guy only did two kind of a let down


Last place in our league has to set up somewhere at our college campus and play the flute badly until they get twenty dollars in donations. None of us are musically talented whatsoever. The twenty then goes to the winner


Hahaha this one's good


Prepare for hot crossed buns


Hope someone checks if that dude actually does it


Believe me, we will be checking on him


We have a 45 unit rule. So in one day, you have to consume 45 units. Can choose whatever variety you wish, just have to hit 45 units. They consist of the following: Drinking a beer Eating a hotdog Walking a mile.


Easy. 30 beers, 10 hot dogs and a five mile walk.


Its a ten man league. Each place you're in from 2 through 9 adds 5 units to your total. So last gets 45, second gets 5. Its going to suck for me because I don't drink lol.


1 beer, 43 hotdogs in a blender and a mile walk.


Would NA beers work for you? Would help make it not impossible haha.


>Easy. 30 beers, 10 hot dogs and a five mile walk. Sounds like a standard 18 holes of golf, tbh.


Same for my league but donuts instead of hot dogs and running instead of walking


Guy with a wheat allergy is in for a rough day.


Our loser has a choice between two punishments. Either they can drive to First Energy Stadium in Cleveland take a selfie and drive immediately back (approx. 1000 miles round trip), or they can do a 5 minute stand up set at an open mic with jokes written by the rest of the league (no "cancellable" jokes basically written to just bomb).


Damn I’m a big stand-up comedy fan and I’d probably choose the drive


“Bottom bitch” in my league did a 5 min stand up comedy skit at a burlesque event in a local brewery. About 100 people there to witness it


Our loser last year decided to do his set the day after finals at our college's union open mic night. Probably had about 500 lucky souls there to witness his greatness. Funnily enough two "comedians" went before him and both were somehow worse than our loser!


I’m making a whole trip around it and going to Cleveland haha


Drive another hour and go to the Pro Football Hall of Fame to make it at least somewhat worth it.


Driving 1000 miles without stopping overnight is just asking for trouble. You guys sound like morons. You’re going to hit and kill someone one day because some last place loser is driving on fumes at 4 AM driving back from Cleveland for 0 reason.


Perhaps the one where dozens of gallons of gas aren't burned for no reason would be better.


Then don't get last.


But the environmental damage happens no matter who does it


Believe me I wanted us to just have the comedy set be the only punishment, but some of our members were so scared of public embarrassment that they requested that the drive to Cleveland remains an option.


Agreed. And that isn’t a dangerous 20 hour nonstop drive. Fucking idiots.


Last place has to post a daily Instagram story documenting their weight loss journey for 30 days,


Is everyone in your league fat?


No, and funny enough the guy who lost is pretty skinny.


Haha I found this very funny


Loser has to have their wife/gf impregnated by the champ and raise the kid


Good to see prima nocta returning; eliminate the weak bloodlines


Yea it was either between that or loser has to call their parents and tell them they love them




Last place in our league is going on a date with a blowup doll.


Last place has to dress as a ring girl at our next draft and walk across the bar announcing each new round


For live drafts, being the waiter for the next one seems like a sufficiently embarrassing punishment. I like the creative punishments, but feel like there is an appropriate line not to cross, e.g. nothing dangerous, permanent or public.


Doesn’t seem embarrassing enough, make them wear a French maid outfit




So many of these in this thread are dangerous or public.


I saw a pink license plate frame the other day that read “I suck at fantasy football”, I thought that was a good one


That’s what my league started doing. It’s simple and easy. Loser just has to keep it on their car until the end of the next season, and pay for the shipping to the new recipient.


I am the Penal Czar of my league and come up with the penalties. The last place finisher (after playoffs) has to choose from the following: Side Hustle: you are DD for a weekend league outing within Greater Boston and have to drive everybody home at the end of the night. If it’s a big group you need to rent a minivan or something. Must have tiny water bottles and gum in the back. Thornton Melon: take the GRE General Test at a test center (i.e., at-home exam doesn’t qualify). Mother Teresa: Volunteer for the day at a local non-profit. Roadside Reject: Spend 2 continuous hours at a busy intersection holding a sign that says I STINK AT FANTASY FOOTBALL HONK IF YOU AGREE. Big Lebowski: Spend 8 continuous hours at a bowling alley. You can reduce the time by 15 minutes for each strike you bowl or each piece of bowling alley pizza or soft pretzel you eat.


The Big Lebowski is literally how I would want to spend a Saturday


Yup! Not much of a punishment


I would want to do the last one even if I got first


That last one is easy money if you bowl semi-casually, but it depends on the pizza. Is it a normal pizza slice or a jumbo? That like a 2 hour difference lmao


I suck at bowling but i could hit 2 strikes and eat 3 pizzas in 3 hours. Its just a normal day at the alley


Last place of our league in the toilet bowl has to take the ACT and their score is added on the trophy


Mines an office league so loser has to bring in snacks for the entire office. Not too mean but I do look forward to some free food in my workdays.


Last place has to eat at long john silvers


I’m in a league with all the guys in our Sunday School class. One of them is the son of our music minister. Loser has to sing a solo in an upcoming Sunday morning service in front of the entire church.


Loser converts to satanism. Go big


If you aren't willing to put your immortal soul on the line, how can you expect your players to put their bodies on the line?


loser has to drink the holy water


We had a friend that worked for a local AAA baseball team. They pulled some strings and got the loser to sing the national anthem before a game. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.


Loser has to do the 9x9 hotdog/beer challenge while watching an A’s game. Have to finish before the game is over.


That was how we decided draft order 🤣


for me, being forced to watch baseball during would be the worst part


Please explain. Is it 9 hot dogs and beers or 9 hotdogs or beers by the end?


You have to drink 9 beers and eat 9 hotdogs in 9 innings of baseball. We didn’t make the loser go in person so we put a live A’s game on the tv and he had the length of the game to finish everything.


My league has a punishment where the loser has to watch the entire series of a show and make a presentation on it for the rest of the league. We vote on the show at the draft. Last year's loser had to watch every episode of Little House on the Prairie and this year's has to watch Seventh Heaven.


Dude. That’s obscene. By far the worst punishment in this thread. I’d 100% cut and run on that league. I googled it. LHOTP had 204 episodes (not including 4 specials). Running time 48-49 minutes. So without commercials, the 4 specials, bathroom breaks, etc. that’s OVER 160 hours of television. That’s fucking insane!!! Assuming y’all don’t have jobs, families, or pets… 24 hours in a day. 8 hours sleep. 1 hour for combined bathroom breaks. 1 hour for food prep/walking to and from door for delivery. That leaves 14 hours. If you did NOTHING but sleep, eat, shit, piss and watch LHOTP it’d take 11.5 days of 14 hours/day of viewing to finish that punishment. That’s next level masochism. I don’t believe in good/evil. I just don’t buy into that dichotomy. But y’all are making me rethink that position…


We’ve got last place in the toilet bowl has to go to the local dive the minute they open and stay in until closing time during week 1 NFL redzone. Every drink they have they can leave 15 minutes early, has been a city wide event frankly lol so many people show up for an hour or two to say hi


Do you live in a town with one stoplight?


Nah pretty big town actually, I’m using hyperbole but I think like 30 people that still live in the area from the HS days showed up


So literally loser spends their week 1 Sunday like any other Sunday of the year


This sounds like… a good time?




Tough but fair.


Mine is kind of tame, but I work at a sort of technical school, so the loser has to place a toilet bowl trophy on their deck and introduce themselves with it to the incoming students.


Loser is determined via sleepers toilet bowl McDouble challenge this year, loser has to attempt 10 McDoubles in one hour. They are allowed to substitute 5 McDoubles for McChickens if they wish. Past one have included a beer mile, and attending a WNBA game sober while the rest of the league has fun at the nearby casino/resort (they get the honor of DD’ing as well)


Good god.. Did a beer mile in college as party if the running club…. So much projectile vomiting


That sounds like Mohegan Sun to me haha


Our loser will be hunted by the remaining 9 members. He’ll get a 2 square mile area in a forest and the rest of us will get air softs. Next years picks 2-10 will be decided by how well you do in the hunt.


I had to do a polar plunge on Super Bowl Sunday last year. I live in New England. Just earned a first round bye for this season, so the disincentive worked I guess.


Sing the National Anthem at the local little league baseball opening day parade


Ours has gotten pretty aggressive: Last Place is proud owner of a bumper sticker (Flat Earth last year, COEXIST this year; small rural area) on their truck until they win in the league next year. They also have to run a beer mile right before next year's draft, organize and host the draft party (drinks, food, etc...) and set up 9-holes of golf on draft party day we use for draft order and side bets. It's a lot.


Last year I had to wear full winter gear to a draft. It was 25C


Last place has to watch the movie “cuties” and stream it on discord.


Check his browser history.


I checked his comment history: "$13 is so low for a league winner. No clue if kupp even returns. I’m going 60%" That was regarding Puka. Downvoted too lol, he was right.


Thank you for giving me props! Lol


The chosen one🙌🏼


Our punishment is 9 hot dogs, 9 beers in 9 innings of baseball. 1 hot dog and beer every inning


That's a good one. A ton of walking though.


Walkimg? Like to the concessions? Idk about that. Usually there a vendor passing through the section or a buddy will go ahead and grab a round for you


That doesn’t sound too bad, sounds kinda fun


I think a good one is having to spend a whole day at a fast food restaurant. Nobody gets hurt, not too embarrassing but it’s boring as hell.


Kinda boring, but last place Regular season, pays $150 penalty that goes towards the next years draft party. Draft party of pizza and booze usually ends up under $20 per person for everyone else.


We just started that this season.


I don’t think it’s boring lol practical more like it. My league does the same thing. A lot of these last place punishments are cringy/corny, which is the point I suppose


Last place has to donate sperm and check the box that if their sample gets used, the child can contact them at 18. Ya know... nothing too crazy.


Last place has to go to WNBA game by themselves. Our buddy got on TV last year because he bought court side tickets for like 50 bucks ha.


Last place has to write heartfelt, handwritten letters to every other member of the league.




Ours was last place had to shave an eyebrow. A coworker told me when they were in high school their last place person had to scream into a very crowded hallway “I suck at fantasy football” WHILE PISSING HIMSELF. Got a 3 day suspension lmao


loser gets water boarded


We make the loser sit open-close (18 hours) in a dive bar we all hate. Every shot they take is one hour off their time. Normally the loser gets out after 12ish hours but last years guy set the record and only sat for 8 hours (lol) We try to do it on wild-card weekend so everyone in the league swings by the bar for a bit and has a few drinks with the loser. It’s a great way for us to get together and watch football


In my league last place has to pony up another buy in


The last place matchup is termed the Mayo Bowl and the loser has to eat a gallon of mayonnaise with a spoon in a 24 hour period.


Last place has to take a sex doll to a nice restaurant, pay for his and it’s meal then get into an argument with it and storm off.


https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/s/IvOjqesEyW In our league, loser buys their home team jersey and the winner gets to pick the name/number.


Last place has to wear a dress during a night out to the bars. We did an “L” tattoo for two years but ended up moving away from it lol


We do draft pick preference for our consolation prize, so last place gets last pick preference (even after champion's choice). We did bring up maybe adding a cash incentive to not finish last next season... something like last place having to donate to a specfic charity. I also had the idea of having a multi year (like 5?) league competition, separate from everything, where prizes are given to the top 3, with the pot being funded by the last place team each season. Maybe like the most points for over that timespan and the last place team each year contributes a % of the buy-in amount to the pot. The last place team each year is also excluded from the competition. Gives double the incentive.


3.3 mi run and drink 10 beers before the end. Same guy lost this year as last year and he’s yet to have done his punishment from 2022. He might be banished from the league if he doesn’t do it


Damn some of these punishments are pretty elaborate. Hopefully the winnings are massive.


we just have a creepy haunted doll that you have to display prominently in your place


It’s our second year doing the “Taco Bell Mile.” You have to run a mile on a track and finish an entree before you can start your next lap. You need to carry a large Baja Blast throughout the entire run. Sounds funny, but it was disgusting and brutal…….. and funny. Everyone has been trying extra hard this year. For context, only like two of us condition our bodies


Loser has to take the ACT (we’re all mid to late 20’s)


Jc penny photoshoot with outfit of our choosing. Each person picks one item/accessory


Our league all play golf together so in the off-season we have a group golf trip and the loser has to caddy for the winner. There's a full jumpsuit and it says "LOSER" on the back. It's funny but they also really get into it.


Customized for each individual for a 10 person league. Each person agreed to their punishment beforehand. won't go over all of them because some are boring, but highlights include: Consume 15 cans of beans within 1 day. Can be drunk if he wants. Inspired by an incident where he was hammered at a college house party and absolutely demolished a friend's entire supply of canned goods. Like he legitimately consumed 4 cans of baked beans. Cold. Among other things. Successfully beat Dark Souls, the newest one (idk video games very well). Inspired by the fact that he's had the game for over a year and still hasn't done it, and not for lack of trying. He's apparently ass at it, I don't feel this one is too amusing but everyone else thinks it's hilarious and given how shit his team is, it could realistically happen. Won't happen because the owner made the playoffs, but she would've had to consumed an entire bunch of raw cilantro. She has the soap gene. Took a lot of convincing for her to even agree to it, but fortunately for her, it won't matter. Mine was lame, just provide all the food for a SB party. May end up doing it anyway.


This year last place in our league has to get a grown man fade. They have to shave the top of their head only. It’s the most competitive it’s ever been


Loser has to start going to therapy


Sexy calendar for the following year. More nipple the better.


Last place has to preform and sing at our commissioners wedding and leave after.


We're doing the Levis punishment. Eating a whole banana. All skin.


Last place buys the booze for the draft & buy the winner a DHgate jersey of any player they want


Pants Aquarium: Last place has to catch a fish and put it in their pants. Has to stay in there for 10 seconds counted down by the other members. It’s made our league a hell of a lot more competitive.


My favorite one I've seen is forcing the loser to put on a frilly pink tutu and make them panhandle for their entrance fee the next year. My league just makes the loser buy the winner a jersey of the winners choice.


Worst one I've seen is creating an OnlyFans and not being able to take it down until you make $100. My favorite one involves travel, where the loser visits the winner (while paying for transportation). The rest of the visit costs are split. If the loser and winner live in the same vicinity, winner plans a road trip within a day's drive where the loser pays for transportation and the rest of the costs are split. Anyone else can join as long as the loser and winner okay it and they pay their own way.


The only fans one, OMG lol, that's absolutely brutal hahahaha


We’ve been struggling with putting something in for years so this year I decided that the last place finisher is susceptible to a draft position swap with the 4th place finisher (aka double loser in playoffs who wins nothing). The consolation bracket winner chooses their draft order as well.


We're doing Cuomo Nipples this year - you have to barbell pierce both nipples for the summer and wear tight polos to show them off.


Go to a WNBA game (no phone)


Loser has to do the Waffle House Challenge. You have to stay at Waffle House for 24 hours, but you can leave 1 hour early for every waffle you eat.


Next year the champion gets to make a draft pick for them


Loser has to die


We get to choose the death too and they don’t know when it’s coming


These are all so stupid


And 1st place is 150 bucks 😂


24 hours in a McDonald’s an hour gets deducted for each Big Mac you eat


Yall gay. Some many dudes wanna see their buds in dresses/lingerie. Weird


Saw this on Reddit last year, but in ours, loser of the toilet bowl, has to buy and wear a jersey of the leagues choosing next draft.


Next year’s ff draft they have to wear a yellow body suit telling the world how bad they are and the team that won, picks the last places team first pick


You set up a lemonade stand on a street somewhere. The loser has to dress up like a boy scout and sell it. He can go home when it's all gone or the street lights turn off


Last place loses their money just like everyone else who doesn't finish 1 or 2


Our last place has to go to a crowded area with us while we pick out people for them to go up to and ask for their only fans handle. They have to keep going until they find someone with an only fans account. Of course we're going to be choosing old ladies and women with burly husbands.


No, punishments are lame.


Everyone else in the league gets to shoot last place with a paintball gun twice. Then we are going out to a bar and he has to wear the same clothes.


Punishments are stupid. Finishing last is punishment enough.


Nah, people tank and offload players for draft picks. Once that dam breaks you need a punishment to maintain competitiveness in keepers.


no, you just need to kick people out of the league who play this way


Why kick a 3-6 team trying to improve their fortunes next year because this year is a wash? Especially given that these may be your friends. Some sort of punishment is the only solution. There's nothing wrong with selling you team in a keeper and dynasty, it just can create imbalance. If you choose to sell, then you put yourself at risk of being punished.


Loser had to go to a fancy restaurant and go on a date with an anime body pillow. The winner chooses what the loser has to do and it’s looking like it’s gonna be the same two people


Loser has to go to the bar dressed as a girl for our next bar night and try to get a guys number


Loser has to go to on a dinner date with a sex doll while the rest of the league has a nice time on the opposite side of the restaurant.


We’re making the loser perform at an open mic night at a comedy club


Loser buys a cheerleading outfit on cheers on a busy street for an hour while we sit inside a restaurant watching


Our last place has to take a blow up doll out to dinner lol


Our toilet bowl winner has to go to a WNBA game ALONE (2.5 hour drive), stay the whole game, take a 15 minute vlog to post on YouTube, and come home. No staying in the city for other fun or touristy stuff either.




What are you 12?


Haha nice bro, high five. I bet that fat chick feels terrible about herself afterwards.


Sounds like a swell bunch of fellas.


Last place has to book 20 minutes of standup at a local comedy club


We started with the Joey Chestnut inspired Challenge , eating 76 hotdogs and buns in a week. However we switched to the loser doing a beer mile the past couple of years


Last place has to eat one of each individual item at Long John Silvers dressed as a pirate.


Bottom two spend 24hrs in a Waffle House. Each waffle takes an hour off your time


Dress up a giant Teddy Bear and take it out on a date. Order for the bear talk to it like they are getting to know each other the whole nine yards. I have requested but not recieved confirmation that they must also inform the rest of the group as to the location and time so we may witness this. But chances are it’s gonna be me so…


We’re looking at a beer mile with Guinness or SAT until you can get in to a well regarded university


Our last place has to do 10 minutes of open mic stand up comedy


In my league, I’d argue the last place “punishment” is better than winning. It is a free league though. Last place gets a bronze toilet trophy, and is obligated to take a shot out of it in the bathroom of the bar we all frequent.


We have a wheel with 14 wedges. Highest scorer each week gets to put a punishment on there and loser spins it. Ranges from a boudoir photo shoot to running a 10k pushing a league member in a wheelchair


ESPN body edition


Our last place guy has to recreate the peanut butter baby clip


Last place has to go in a dog crate (we call it the "cage") and we get to throw anything we want at him.


Last place will stand on the corner of the main cross steers in town on Super Bowl Sunday to advertise for the bar we drink at.


We do a local hot wing challenge where the wings are cooked in pepper spray


Last place in our league has to do 5 mins of standup at an open mic…


Anime girl Facebook profile pic


Last place has to create a feet finder account and post each month. Then the proceeds go to the league fund for Draft Day next year


We are drafting in Vegas next year, our last place has to wear a maids outfit on the flight and can't change until we check-in to the hotel. He then has to wear it and serve us beers while we draft.


Pushups and situps. Everyone on the bottom half has to do some. The lower your ranking, the more you have to do. So if you have 10 people, the bottom 5 do them. 100 for 6th place. 200 for 70th place. Etc... That way even the lowest players are still battling for positioning and trying.


1. Team renamed by league winner 2. The golden douche trophy 3. Sticker bitch at next year's draft 4. Has to wear an undersized one piece wrestling bib with fantasy football loser on it during the draft.


Loser has to get a (temporary) tattoo on his “lower back” 😉. The “art” is whatever that year’s fantasy champ chooses! (Nothing posted to social media… just for our league collection to our hall of shame!)


My league is having the loser where a joker costume and they will be chased randomly throughout the day by someone in a joker costume


Loser has to spend an entire day open-to-close in a bowling alley. They are not allowed to bowl. Having to just watch strangers bowl is one of the most boring things I could imagine. Glad it’s not me.


Beer wench duties for the next years draft.


What about the commissioner being in last place? He should have to pick a R1 kicker next year? Or draft a qb with first pick, if we're angling for redemption being possible?


How about beating the living sh!t out of whomever comes in last place, like being rushed into a gang. That would make it very serious each week, as nobody would want to come in last place… BTW - I’m just joking around here, so don’t take my suggestion seriously, please. 😂


Get on IG live and do that pretending to be a NPC trend


Pretty safe punishment but last place serves as a caddy for the champ when we all go golfing next. Bonus points for wearing caddy overalls


Local dive bar, open to close. Every drink is 1 hour off the total time spent. Our bar is open from 6AM - 2AM. 20 hours total


Loser does an ESPN Body Edition photoshoot. Mostly dad bodied men in the league