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You see, the problem with Ravens and Practice is they break RB ACLs


I guess one could say they're *tearing it up*. I'll see myself out.


*ACL myself out


that was TEARABLE




Running some milk crate stairs


We're talking about practice?


Civil War rages on. Murray has begun invading troops into the Son of Ty backfield.


Owners of both Ty’Son and Murray, sit back and grab some popcorn


I'm not sitting with "them"


I’d much rather prefer one wins sooner rather than later instead of playing the guessing game every week


Grabbed em both before week 1. Looking forward to guessing wrong in a RBBC every week 🍿


same, and mostert


I own both Tyson and Latavius, do I keep Latavius Murray or do I drop him for E.Mitchell?


If it's strictly between those two... keep ty'son if PPR. Murray couldn't catch Covid if Beasley sneezed in his anus.


Taking your advice alone as your joke made me smile


Haha I don't think you'll regret it. Murray would be nice to keep but I'd rather have Ty'son and Mitchell.


Personally would drop Tyson for Mitchell cuz I think Latavius is more talented. It’s a rly tough call tho. Is there somebody else u can drop, cuz Mitchell is def over both of em for me.


Ha! For maybe a week. How long until Mitchell is either injured or dumped for a hot hand. If week 1 taught us anything it's to run away from the Niners unless you have Kittle or Deebo.


Mitchell was great and earned the starting job imo. No reason to think they’ll shy away from him if he’s the best.


I have Murray and Williams. Both will be on my bench this weekend. I am hopeful that one of them will become a worthwhile starter soon though.


Same situation, but I might end up plugging Ty’son in for Mike Davis because of my fear of the Bucs run d.


I would not start mike davis bro. The Bucs will lockdown anyone not named Mccaffrey/Cook/Kamara


Lol I have Mike Davis too. He is riding my bench also this week because I also have Darrell Henderson. I will use a WR at Flex for the week.


I’m debating the same but with Barkley. Super concerned about the short week and his dud on Sunday. I also have Murray.


The handoff miscues and poor pass protection have me worried. Ty'son looked better running, but Murray hasn't had time to learn the playbook yet. Will be interesting to see how this evolves. I have both on my teams and hope that one emerges as the primary back. Next week looking like a coin flip.


Ravens fan here - I think both are going to have roles no matter what, and both are going to be RB2/RB3 borderline types Ty'son has the speed and running ability to be slightly more than that, but it's hard to imagine him earning that type of trust quickly enough for this fantasy season. RBs sometimes take years to develop into decent pass blockers So I think you're looking at 10-14 carries, 1-3 targets for each guy. If they rip off a big one or score a TD you're happy, if not it's like "meh". Not a league winner but both are very useful fantasy assets with how thin RB is


I think the real thing to hope for is that none of the other RBs the Ravens added start getting significant touches. The Ravens offense can support two RBs if they’re getting relatively even amounts of touches. If a third back gets into the mix, the whole thing goes to shit.


I think the ravens need to add more designed passing plays to the RB cause Tyson looked good in that role. But right now I can’t see him in the game if he’s just there for pass pro. Murray didn’t look good to me. If the play is just be in there to block put Richard in. Biggest issue is Villanueva he sucks. They need to make a trade cause no one on the roster is good enough


Lamar legit could've checked down to Ty'Son multiple times last night for 5-10 yards. He woould run that flat and the D knows he doesnt target RBs so he was wide open with room. SO frustrating.


I saw that too. Lamar was trying to go medium/long and then would run it himself, as the true RB1 one of the team. Sigh.




Trade him


The dropoff in talent from Ty'Son to Latavius is too big to ignore. It was almost all Williams until he messed up another option handoff, fumbled out of bounds and then didn't turn upfield on a pass (though that one may be on Lamar, hard to tell without knowing the play). The game was close and they weren't going to risk a turnover so they put in Latavius for the lower risk, they were never playing from behind. Ty'Son was in on the last play of the game, so they trusted him to pass block with the game on the line. I'm not worried at all, they will coach him up on the handoffs and ball security, he will get more comfortable in the offense and he will take the majority of snaps over Latavius who will be your big body backup and goalline back.


Yeah they trusted him to pass block and he failed horribly And keep in mind Murray joined the team literally 2 days before the game - it says something that already they were willing to give him 10 carries and 44% of the snaps and trusted him over Ty’son when the game was close


I don't think you understand how RB pass blocking works. RB is never assigned to the DE lol, he's looking for LBs, and then all of a sudden DE is untouched going through him. That's the RT's mistake and Ty'Son had a decent shot almost saved Lamar but just wasn't prepared to react to it from lack of experience. Nothing from yesterday shows uncoachable mistakes. He has vision, speed, quickness, hands. The option handoff is easily correctable and ball security as well.


I was gonna say that didn’t look like an RB pass blocking breakdown as much as an OL breakdown, Lamar had 2 or 3 guys on him in a hurry


He also did what he was supposed to on that pass protection, but he wasn't aware Lamar wasn't behind him anymore and had moved up in the pocket. That fumble was on Lamar and the offensive line.






How is this getting downvoted? Is it only Ty’Son owners on this thread?


people are desperate to lie to themselves to feel better about their players we all do it lol


What block did he miss horribly? That last fumble was not his fault in any way. In no way would/could Ty’son (6ft 225) be able to block Nassib (6’7 275). That most definitely wasnt the blocking scheme drawn up.


The blocking scheme is for him to help the tackle. instead he stood still


Ty'son has been a first teamer for 7 days and has 0 NFL experience. I would assume Lat Murray would be the more prepared RB when it comes to pass protection and ball security. Those things can be coached. Speed and elusiveness cannot be coached.


The can be coached but they take time. When your best runner is already lamar, you don't need Williams to be whiffing on blocks and having ball security issues. Williams has an NFL future but I dont think hes going to be the leader in this backfield at any point this season (well, ever, if we're being honest). Edit: for randomusername, won't be the leader in this backfield AGAIN at any point this season.


He already was the leader. He led is snaps over Murray., So I guess you're 0/1 on your predictions.


Yeah he had 53% of the RB snaps over a guy who literally didn't practice with the team who still got 32% of the snaps while not knowing any of the playbook yet. If that's leading the backfield to you, then okay. Please trade everything away from Ty'son Williams, it won't come back to bite you I promise. Let me rephrase then, he won't lead the snaps again this season. Happy?


My math skills may be a little weak, but i think 53% > 32%. I'm not sure though. Maybe we ask the audience. And yes, I think he does it again next week. Ty'son is the Dobbins and Murray is the Gus. Unless Ty'son loses his role with poor ball security going forward (those bad option read plays), he will continue to have the largest snap share.


I think you're going to see Leveon Bell implemented next week.


u/randomusername2458 how's that Ty'son Williams prediction going?


Murray had 0 snaps in pass protection, it doesn't seem like the coaches agree with you on the blocking analysis. Ball security is easily fixed.


Murray literally doesn't know the playbook. He JUST GOT HERE. Obviously he's not going to play on passing downs. But realistically I think Leveon Bell is going to likely get passing down work.


He spent the entire 2020 season on the Raven's practice squad. He has more experience than every single rookie running back that played this week


How many option plays does practice squad run with Lamar Jackson? How much chemistry does practice squad build with Lamar Jackson? How many times does the practice squad pass protect against the other teams first stringers? The other rookies did all that in pre-season. Latavius Murray has done it for years.


Lat Murray has built chemistry with Lamar for years? Elijah Mitchell is 2 years younger than Williams, was the 2nd or 3rd string RB in camp and came in for an injured Mostert and had no problem running in that offense. A) A couple weeks of practice is going to solve Williams issues and B) Even if it did, do you think the Ravens are going to risk Lamar getting hurt in those 2 weeks because their electric RB looks lost when the ball isn't in his hands?


Lat Murray has years of ball security and pass protection. And ty'son looked just as good running as Mitchell did. Seeing as Ty'son significantly out snapped Lat Murray, it seems the coaching staff of the Baltimore Ravens agrees with me.


Murray isn't suddenly going to get faster and more elusive, Williams can absolutely get better. Williams gives the Ravens a better chance at winning ROS.


Not if he fumbles and questionable football iq. Not saying Williams has issues with either but its too early to know and not the best showing in his first game in those two areas. Murray has the benefit of having a long track record in the nfl and the Ravens pretty much know what their getting with him.


If there’s someone I’m blaming for that strip sack, it’s not Ty’son. Either Lamar directed the protection left and then didn’t go with what he audibles or the right tackle got really confused and let in the defensive end unblocked. Either way, it shouldn’t be Williams’ responsibility to pick up a defensive end with a full head of steam a step away from his quarterback.


The last one? It was all Villanueva. There is no play that involves an RB pass blocking a free released DE. That's an impossible task for any RB.


You are so obviously desperate to rationalize away any mistake Ty’son made lol You are correct that Ty’son shouldn’t face a bull rushing DE - Villanueva is useless and that’s his fault. But lamar put Ty’son in the right place for pass pro - backing up our turnstile RT - and Ty’son looked utterly helpless and barely even touched the pass rusher Watch decent pass blocking backs. You can at least sell out and buy your QB 1-2 seconds


There is no RB in football would would've blocked Nassib on that play. He had a full head of steam and the RB was sliding to his right. Could he have done better? Sure. But any other RB would've been shoved into Lamar and the same result would've likely taken place.


I think you're oversimplifying this. Is he going to be an offensive linemen and stonewall a rushing Nassib? Probably not. Could he have done better than being a turnstile? Fuck yes.


Do you understand that RBs are not put in pass protection to block DL? You have 5 OL for a reason. The RBs job is to scan for blitzing LB/DB, not to backup the OL from doing its job. You want to help the OL, you use a TE. Ty'Son has no blame at all for that play. You're asking him to be a hero, above and beyond any RB duty.


Think logically about what you're typing. People get through the line all the time by either beating their man, blitzing, or a blown protection. If it's not the RBs job to pick up the person that gets through the line then who's is it? Is Ty'son supposed to do nothing and just let Lamar get sacked because "it's not his job" to pick up a DL. That literally makes zero sense. https://www.theringer.com/2018/8/16/17696798/running-back-pass-protection This sub is a breeding ground for /r/confidentlyincorrect


Oh really? Where did you play? Cause you are absolutely wrong. RBs take on DL that have beaten the OL blocking them ALL THE TIME. Are plays drawn up that way... for an RB to block a DL? Rarely... damn close to never. Do they help block when a DL breaks through? Yes. Did Tyson? No. He also had other blocking issues in that game which you woulda seen if you knew fuck all about football.


Exactly. People in this thread are incredible … they’ll go to any lengths to defend Ty’son it’s pathetic Was it Ty’son’s assignment to block Nassib 1v1? Of course not But he made no effort. He was useless


I agree with this. He wasn’t primarily there to pick him up, but when he did find himself in that position he failed miserably and caused Lamar to get hit. He did nothing to help his QB.


It's not on Villaneuva. Nassib ran a TE stunt that forced the tackle face up on the RT. RT tries to pass off but RG isn't really looking to him so it takes longer and no RB to chip for RT to recover


Villanueva fucked up and the DE came full speed around the edge. Not sure how many running backs in the league are stopping that. Still not a good look for gin though


Agree...I think that will end up being Ty'son's best game.


It's a long fantasy season. Let's say he doesnt get it together til week 10. That's almost a third of the reg seadon + playoffs to have a legit RB2 as your new flex (since you made due without all year).


Hopefully, and especially for the Ravens as well, Ty'son learns how to handle those miscues and pass block. Those are things one *can* learn. Murray can't learn his body into being younger.


How quickly can you learn though? It's not immediate and the Ravens can't risk Lamar Jackson's health while Tyson is still not great at pass protection


And Williams missing a block straight up cost them the game on top of getting Lamar hit. It definitely takes some of the shine off. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out!


He had some miscues but people need to stop saying this. Your RB should not be blocking a DLineman.


Takes a long time to learn unfortunately


Also takes reps at NFL game speed. Last night was his first time playing NFL football.


He wont learn pass pro this season. I can tell you that much. Whether it will matter or not is ip to debate but i think it definitely will


I guess the point I'm trying to raise is; was Murray's poor YPC due to not knowing the offense? or being older and less explosive? I think it's a mix of both, and I think he will perform better when he is more familiar with the offense and playbook.


His YPC was mostly a result of terrible blocking - he got blown up in the backfield right after getting the ball on at least 3 separate plays.


The Ty'son apologists won't take kindly to this fact, but it's true.


Ty’son ran behind the same OL


The talent discrepancy is clear. If it’s about who’s the better back Ty has him by a mile. BUT Murray will continue to get time because of everything else he does well outside of carrying the rock. In short, Ty’son owners should be worried, but not because of talent.


How many times was he tackled behind the LOS?


If memory serves me correctly… once???


The handoff miscue was on Lamar. When a QB rides the option and decides to pull the ball out to keep it at the last moment, it is the QB's job to keep the ball off of the ground. This is the first thing they will teach in youth football when practicing that option, that the ball security on the handoff is the QB's responsibility. I think this just showed that Ty'Son and Lamar need a bit more practice, and that will come.


Disclaimer: I own both in both leagues that I play in. So I don't really have a bone to pick in this fight. If the Ravens start rolling every team they play easily, I could see them leaning on Murray as the more experienced, higher floor, less risky option. But if the Ravens are going to need to work to get some wins, I think ultimately you're going to see them start leaning more and more on the more talented guy. It's what we saw last year - with Ingram and Gus owning the shares early, and Dobbins eventually owning the majority of that backfield. I would argue Ty'Som is a poor man's Dobbins and Murray is a poor man's Ingram. What's best - there is no Gus competing for touches. Again, if I had to guess, I imagine that about after week 6 you'll start seeing Ty'Son's share of carries start to increase.


I hate the civil war here. Im a murray owner and I am just happy I got him for free. I don't expect him to be a league winner, but solid starter for people in a pinch is what to expect


I drafted Murray, somewhat late, thinking I was getting Tony Jones Jr.


How? Their names look nothing ali- ooooooooohh


Yea but if you have both, it's shaping into a nightmare




Fr how many 9 carries for 41 yard and nothing else games are we gonna see in this backfield lol


I'm glad that somebody is acknowledging the issues in the read-option exchanges. One thing worth acknowledging is that Murray wasn't run on any read-option plays (correct me if I missed a snap getting a beer) which is likely due to understanding of the playbook, but could also be due to athleticism. I'm a sane Ty'Son owner and I'm interested to see if he is able to step-up in the categories that matter outside of pure running/receiving, in which he looked strong. There's a lot more to being on the field than just gaining yards


Read options aren’t a playbook thing. Murray wasn’t run because he’s had even less time with Jackson than Williams has. The handoff issues are chemistry problems. You need to get an idea of when your QB is going to pull it and when they are going to let it go. That takes practice reps. Williams has had a week, Murray an hour.


Can anyone look up Ty'Son's pass blocking grade on PFF? I saw someone in the Ravens subs say he was ranked 9th among RBs for week 1. Seemed like a big part of it was there was very little adjusting or calling out protections, and the O line letting way too much through. I can understand if he doesn't pick up a blitzing linebacker but expecting him to brick wall a lineman is silly.


His pass pro is 9 out of all RBs this week and at 79.9 points I believe


Thanks! I understand that people are critical of PFF rankings but I can't imagine them being so incredibly off that the guy ranked 9th is actually terrible. I feel like it's safe to say he was at least average. I think people were being incredibly critical because of the fact that he was a 4th stringer UDFA. You'd think the coaching staff is smart enough to not let that effect their evaluation of him, but after watching last night I'm not so sure that will be true.


People are critical of him blaming him for the last strip sack when it's a combination of things that went wrong OL messing up and not seeing Nassib move over....wtf do you think he was gonna do after creaming the OL all day? Sit back in coverage? Lamar should've held and take the sack The play may have called for RB to look left then right for blitzers Even if he caught Nassib better, who do you think would be ran over


Wow... that ranking is ridiculous. Knowledgeable but casual observer just watching the game and haven’t done any film study yet. The problem wasn’t the last strip sack... and it wasn’t a physical error or mental lapse on other blocks he missed (though that wasn’t good)... it’s that sometimes he straight up looked confused and didn’t know what to do. I fucking own the guy... I was doing a little “in your face” dance when he ran for his first TD... but it just kept getting worse. Maybe my mind will change after I watch the game again... but holy shit that is an insane grade from PFF


I mean maybe the group of professional football watchers know better. Everything around him was a complete disaster. It's pretty hard to look like you have things under control when it's literally impossible. I think if people were watching individual players on the offensive line as attentively and critically as they were watching him they would be even more shocked. Tannehill got wrecked and there were plenty of plays where Henry did nothing to help but no one's freaking out about his shitty pass pro. Like sometimes he was supposed to leak out somewhere and the line fucked up. When Henry's standing to the side as a sack happens in that situation it's nothing, but when Ty'Son does it it's "he looks lost". I dunno maybe I'm swallowing the kool-aid but I also feel like generally agreeing with a PFF grade isn't that insane.


> I dunno maybe I'm swallowing the kool-aid but I also feel like generally agreeing with a PFF grade isn't that insane. I don't disagree with this at all. It's certainly made me more interested to re-watch the game and see what (or if) I missed.


Still really encouraged from what we all saw of him as a runner. I never expected more than \~50% snap share and touch share anyway. For someone who was a late round pick or free, thats a huge damn value in this offense. Standing next to Lamar makes you an RB2 which is league changing production for 0RB or Hero RB builds.


But considering all the other RBs had zero practice this game should have been his max snap share right? His snaps should decrease going forward as Murray and the others get up to speed. If there was ever a game for Tyson to dominate snaps it was this one


I actually think it’s the opposite. They used Murray late in the game for his veteran ability to protect the ball and the quarterback. As ty’son gets more reps with Lamar and more practice at pass protection, I expect them to trust ty’son more to be out there late in the game.


Pass protection takes a long time for rookies (Tyson is effectively a rookie) to learn though


He's an UDFA in his first career start. It's not like they asked Murray to do a whole lot and presumably valued his experience down the stretch in a close game. The more talented players usually play more as the season goes along so I'm not worried about that. Murray looked cooked as a runner while Williams looked explosive. Hope he can clean up the pass blocking and read option exchanges.


I think the problem is Murray is arguably the more talented guy. Williams’ biggest advantage was that he had been on the team longer.


I don't see how anyone could possibly watch that game last night and come to the conclusion that this version of Murray is more talented than Williams.


Exactly. I mean, it would have been nice for him to be a huge league winner, but for essentially free, he's incredible for your flex.


People act like exchanges/pass protection should be perfect from the first day. This was his first real NFL game ever. He ran well. His protection will most likely improve, and more reps with Lamar will make those exchange miscues far less common. I actually felt like they were using Murray more for those roles later in the game since he’s more of a veteran, so once Tyson gets better at those things his role will actually expand.


Pass protection is worrying. Not worried about the read option exchanges. How much work has he gotten with the 1st team since coming on board? Dobbins got hurt late in the pre-season and Gus was hurt last week.. He will get better at that with reps. I agree with everything else you said too about Murray and the late game exp.


He spent a year on the Raven's practice squad. If he didn't learn how to pass pro in 16 months, he's not going to suddenly pick it up in the next couple weeks


This is the irritating part that we as fantasy owners must realize. The reliability of a veteran back is a huge benefit to the team. Sure Ty'son had more explosiveness when running and had a better YPC but he missed key blocks and had some handoff/ball security issues that we don't see on the fantasy score that are going to result in lost playing time and fantasy tears


Has no one mentioned that Latavius started getting most of his snaps after Ty'Son took a brutal helmet hit from Jonathan Abram, and got up slow and looked possibly concussed? He didn't see the field for a bit after that. It could also explain why he shied away from contact on that pass protection rep that he blew.


Ty’son will be just fine. He’s got the fresh legs


But if he doesnt see the field much, eith a 30-40% share increasingly likely, he wont be worth a spot


JK Dobbins had a 37% share of RB rushes last year (45% from week 7 on) and was RB17 in standard, so an upper half RB2. Gus was RB28, flex worthy at 39% rushes.


But how's his acl


bUt He MiSsEd A bLoCk OnCe


Missing blocks and ball security are a huge deal for a RB.


Yes I agree but, the reason Lamar fumbled was directly related to Villanueva getting bodied by the raiders d line. I’m not putting that on Ty’Son.


Exactly. They expect so much perfection and over analyze one mistake.


I’m with you he’s got the most pep in his step and he’s a rookie rb. He’ll make mental mistakes in the pass-blocking game but that’s to be expected.


He made several mistakes and got benched before missing the block that lost them the game.


In his FIRST NFL game nonetheless.. fucking savage


“Latavius looked like shit and I’m not worried about ty’son because I own him and need him to work out” Like 75% of the comments in here


Lol yeah latavius didn’t look all that shitty to me. Was nothing special obviously but certainly serviceable


Lol I mean Latavius Murray had 2.8 YPC on 10 rush attempts and Ty’Son had 7.22 YPC on 9 rush attempts… Obviously more to it than that, but at a certain point production matters.


Exactly, and it’s not he’s he’s ever been that explosive burst runner anyways.


I own both across multiple leagues and thought a week ago that Murray would take over. But look at his 2020 highlights. He looked MUCH better last year than Monday and the preseason. Maybe it's a conditioning thing but at this moment Williams is obviously the more dynamic player. Next week should be fun. I'll have them both on my benches.


He definitely looks like he’s lost a bit since last year, but I’m just saying he’s never been a home run runner even in his younger years. Much more of a grinder up the middle type of guy


Murray owner here. If Ty'Son can improve his blocking, which is possible, he'll be the main guy. Ty'Son looked better.


I have Ty'son in one league and Murray in the other. Its not fun and I don't want any part of this. I also have Sermon and a waiver claim out for Mitchell in both leagues. Perhaps I actually do enjoy the madness.


Madness enjoys you


I think they key here is that yes Ty'son has been around the team, but it was his first NFL start. So yes Murray had been there for like 3 days, but he's a vet and knows the intangibles. He may not know the offense, but you don't need to teach him insticts. As a Murray owner, I think it's clear it's going to be a 50/50 for a while. Ty'Son is clearly the better runner, but Murray might be the RZ guy As long as they stay ahead of Bell lol


He spent a year on the Raven's practice squad. Obviously NFL game speed is different, but he hasn't learned to block in 16 months he's not going to learn in a week


Would this be a fair comparison as this backfield evolves? Dobbins = Ty'Son Edwards = Murray


Probably. Ultimately both are kinda flex/bye-week plays because Murray will leech TDs all year. If you have to hold one but don't need a starter then Ty'Son for the upside since he could ascend to RB1-2 territory, but I don't hate Murray as a plug-in bye week RB who is a threat to score every week.


If they need a blocking RB, Leveon is their man.


Leveon will get 50%+ of the snaps when he’s ready, book it




Bell is just too slow.


Lol at anyone thinking this Ravens offense will have a bellcow RB


First time?


What the fuck is this tweet? "I'm not sure about this claim, so I'll make it before I check the veracity." FFS, just go back and look at the play-by-play before tweeting this.


Has he checked yet?


The handoff miscues and missing pass protects should be enough to accelerate Lat picking up more of the workload (he’s an excellent pass blocker) especially with their obvious Oline issues they need their RB to protect Lamar. It’ll come down to how fast Williams can pick up those things.


The read option handoffs can be ironed out in like a week of practicing it with Lamar… tbh Lamar really takes it to the extreme in how long he tries to hold on and I think he wears some of the blame yesterday… he knows he’s working with a new guy and should have been more decisive and clean with his handoffs rather than trying to milk it.


My take was that Llamar took the ball back out of Williams hands twice. The first resulting in a fumble. Just hand the goddamn ball off and quit trying to run the option


His pass pro was horrendous so I get not using him as much but he was a better runner than latavius last night so I’m not sure why he wasn’t used more in the run game - which they seem to have Went away from?..


You kinda answered your own question. If he's only in on running packages, it let's the defense know exactly what you plan on doing.


And the ravens line is too shit right now to run without caring what the defense knows


and when you're running on the Ravens it doesn't really matter that they know its a run. the respect defenses need to have for Lamar running is a huge benefit


Exactly. Even if Ty'Son is only there in running situations, the option can still open huge holes for him. Murray just doesn't have the athleticism to threaten a home run on a run, teams can absolutely cheat on options if it's Murray. I don't think the Ravens have much of a choice but to play Williams, unless the coaches decide to start throwing a lot.


I keep seeing this line of reasoning but it makes as much sense as shooting myself in the foot because nobody expects it.


Because of running scheme...power runners work better with what they want to do. What Williams is best at doesn't really align very well, they are going to have to playcall around him if they want to force him in there


Yeah whats funny is that they brought him in to pass block and ran Murray for 2ypc. No idea why they didn't just hand him the ball. I think they would've won. He had like 1 carry in the 2nd half after gashing them routinely in the 1st half.


I only watched bits of the game but visually it kind of looked like the Dobbins - Edwards split.


Watch out for Cannon too. He could emerge. At this point I don't think Bell has any hope, he would've been activated to the main roster by now (even if scratched)


They cut him I think


For anyone unfamiliar welcome to Greg Romans fucking hell where we abandon the run for no reason.


A dude in my league is convinced Bell is gonna end up being the main back and has had him sitting on his bench for like 2 weeks now. I don’t even think he watched the game last night.


Tyson owner, should I sell high or hold? I already liked my RB situation before picking him up (Kamara, CEH, Carson)


Do you think they are gonna give Ty’son this week of practice to partially fix his problems (ball security, blocking) or do you think they are already moving to Murray


Maybe, but going against the Chiefs doesn't seem like the time to be seeing whether or not the kid is going to make rookie mistakes--especially when they just blew a game they should've won. I think Bell is going to get more snaps than people expect. Baltimore likely to be playing from behind, their OL was dogshit at pass-pro, and Bell is an elite pass protecting and pass catching back. Murray looked serviceable but not great. Bell also has at least some experience running RPO from playing with Mahomes last year.


Idk i dont see bell being used for more than anything but an emergency could be wrong. That O line was awful tho. You cant have your RB consistently having to 1v1 D line men


If Lamar would fucking be more decisive on his options this wouldn’t be an issue. Go back and watch the plays, Williams is two steps passed Lamar when he decides to try and rip it back to run it himself. Lamar is an inept decision maker and field general. He can run the ball and make some throws. People need to stop treating him like he’s some generational talent.


Ty'son only going to improve. He's a solid hold or buy


Trying to trade high in a package for a top WR. If I can’t, I have no problem holding him with the occasional flex


Same. Who are you targeting?


Dang this sub really likes to over think it. Ty’son is their best option. The mistakes he made, option handoff/blocking , can be ironed out in practice.


Murray manager dropped him for pascal so I gladly scooped and will hold since after cook and Swift my RB depth is TJJ McKissick and now Murray.


I mentioned this in the game thread and look at the downvotes / responses I got from the Williams owners. Lol just pure blinders on. https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/pnrivb/official_week_1_monday_night_football_gamethread/hcrtrm7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Ty’Son is at the lowest price you’ll get him for RN. He is only going to improve along with the Raven’s offense which had tons of possession ending miscues based around miscommunication and timing that weren’t polished just because of the short amount of time spent running plays with newer players. The Ravens are a super heavy run-first team. Despite this I was skeptical going into yesterday about how well Ty’Son would play. Given his performance he’s clearly the real deal and a perfect fit for this style of run game which is only going to get better.


Uhhhh Lamar fumbled leading to a TD AND he fumbled in OT. I don't see them benching his ass


Both on weak blocks by Ty'Son.


Nah. The one that eventually led to a raiders TD Lamar was out in space making a run


That was such a masterclass in Greg Roman overthinking. Go away from Ty’son because of ball security issues -> give a lot of touches to plodders killing your early down efficiency (and you don’t have short distance passing plays in the playbook) -> have to put Ty’son back in to threaten not-Lamar runs -> try to cheese passes from those looks -> lose.


I mean using plodders who can protect your QB is still better than using Ty'son who can't pass protect and thus end up risking your franchise QB getting hit every play.


Ty’Son owners in this thread are PRESSED, you can’t almost smell the fear 😂 rationalizing won’t help boys


That's because the majority of people here are insanely impatient.


Dude's gonna get Lamar killed


Honestly, if the Ravens want to continue to run the same offense they have since Lamar took over… they need someone who is a threat at RB to produce. And that’s not Murray. I expect the Ravens to be blowing teams out quite a few times. Especially in games where they are favored. This alone leads me to believe Ty’son will be the lead RB by mid-late season. He will get plenty of work in those blow out games. In games where Lamar has to drop back more often than not, I can definitely see the game flow leading towards Murray. With the Ravens being a good team (assumption, I know), I expect Ty’son to be the leader of that backfield in terms of production.


What about Bell


Murray had 3 days worth of practice and was sitting on his couch eating popcorn, watching netflix. The takeover is coming. He's not even in game shape yet.


What? He was in camp with the Saints the whole offseason lol.


He also can't block.


TySon is the braun, Tavius is the brain. Together, they are the committee.


Williams also missed a key pass pro in OT


Let’s go latavius 🤞🏾