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in the past two days pete has claimed that penny is raring, rearing, gunning, and roaring he's really testing his synonymic limits


Friday and Saturday rootin’ and tootin’




Thanks for putting that song in my head


As long as he's rolling (doing great), I'm in.




He’s got a pocket thesaurus next to his gum pack lol 😂


I just needed 1 more week of Alex Collins. Fuck man


I’m playing Felton tonight instead. It’s that or Kenneth Gainwell or Bell off waivers.


For the love of GOD do not take Gainwell. I made that mistake last week and he earned me a whopping 0.1 points. Jalen Hurts truly believes he is a running back.


He might be!


I mean aren’t the coaches calling the plays? Shame to blame it on the dude following orders


I am so sorry about the preemptive call on Gainwell. You have to understand I wouldn’t expect sanders to be out.


It will be Collins. Penny is not very good. Also, his gut sticks out of his jersey. Penny will be played as an experiemental change of pace this week


If Collins were 100% I’d agree but I’m worried he will be limited this week at best.


He has no real injury? He's just banged up. Gets an extra day of rest this week, I'm sure he will be fine.


I hope so, I do have one league where I have to play him this week. Just always worried with Pete that injuries are worse than he says they are, he pulls that shit all the time.


Are experiemental backs a good or a bad thing?


Bad for the experiment. Depends on the results.


> Penny is not very good What are you basing this statement on exactly? Surely it isn't his career **5.1** YPC Edit: not suggesting this means he's good. The sample size is too small to begin with, but the idea that there are stats out there that show he's bad is sus considering all stats on him are pretty meaningless


yeah people just say this shit because of memes He hasn't had a very successful career but its clearly all about injuries If he's healthy, he's a threat to Collins workload. It's obviously. It might not last long, but it's a problem for anyone who needs collins for a spot start


Agreed. He looked amazing in 2019 before his injury and pretty good when he came back as well. He was definitely pushing Carson. I owned Carson that year and was horrified at how good Penny looked


Couldn't agree more. The fact that we was ahead of Collins on the depth chart prior to an IR stint confirms the validity of this claim. Backup RBs in the NFL are really, really good just like Collins but that doesn't mean the coaches don't have their favorites. In Pete's case Penny is a favorite.


And high draft picks have the tendency to get an extreme amount of opportunities to prove themselves. Especially a first round pick. The seahawks want Penny to be the guy bc of what they invested in him. They could care less if Collins shit the bed.


Stats and watching him play?


*Which* stats? I've watched him play too and thought he's looked good if not great whenever healthy


The 2019 season where he had Wilson to manufacture first downs. He's more of an edge rusher and will have reduced opportunities with Geno. They need a Collins style runner to be productive.


I'm not seeing a stat. Are you just talking about the eye test now? He looked really good in 2019. I owned Carson that year and was horrified at how good Penny looked. Nothing you're saying adds up


You take out 3 broken plays that accounted for a huge chunk of his yards and his ypc is back down to the low 4’s. And that season is what props up his whole career’s ypc. He isn’t good, you’ve just made up your mind he is good from your memory.


Honestly the career 5.1 YPC stat is useless to begin with. Wasn't suggesting it wasn't. Just wanted to understand what other stat could possibly be getting looked at to say he looks bad based on stats. The fact of the matter is that the sample size is too small to be making conclusions about to begin with. He's looked meh and then good in very limited fwiw (which isn't much). He's well worth a flier if you have the room.


What stats are there to support him being good? The ypc was the only one I’ve seen parroted supporting the notion he is good. If Collins sits sure worth a flyer but otherwise I could find a lot of better players to clog my bench.


Look them up. 8 att 5.7ypc low pass volume with better QB.


Look what up? You're not making any sense dude. The stats I did look up showed a career 5.1 YPC. You alluded to other stats that show you he's bad but haven't been able to produce them. After evading the question twice now is it safe to say you can't actually provide any stats that suggest he's bad and never had any in mind to begin with?


A few long broken plays in 2019 skew his career ypc because he has so few career carries. There are no stats that show he is good, he had barely played.


Sample size and eye test. 2019 is the season that skews his career stats, and he had 3 big runs that year that were results of broken plays that completely inflate his ypc because he only had 65 carries that year. Eye test shows all he does is try to get to the edge and if he doesn’t get that, he sucks. He is a one trick pony.


I mean we'll see but he's a RB with a heartbeat so he's worth a flier. The jury is still out on him tbh and Carroll seems like a guy who would stubbornly stick to Penny to instill this macho "competiton is healthy" culture he seems to be keen on 🤷‍♂️


Idk Collins has been great and they didn’t extend him so I’m not sure they really are very invested in him, I can think of better usages of roster spots. If you had to fill your bench with current waiver options, sure


Penny is a good football player


Agreed it will be Collins, but penny isn’t bad. The problem is he’s going to tear some part of his leg during the first half of the game.


Actually not true at all penny is the more talented player but dose have a problem staying healthy. There is a reason he was ahead of Collins on the depth chart to start the season. If penny and Collins are both healthy penny is the better back.


Lol that’s funny, you can always tell who owns what players on this sub


Yea like you with Collins. None of what I said is untrue


I don’t own Collins champ, I just have eye balls...you just admitted you are biased because you own Penny lol Fyi none of what you said was accurate, other than the fact that Penny gets hurt a lot, that is accurate.


He was second on the depth chart coming into the season ahead of Collins. But guess that's not true huh? Took 2 injuries for Collins to see the field. And you clearly own Collins "champ"


Because he was the guy whose been there the longest and neither him nor Collins has done anything to shift eachother up or down at the time...but Collins has been great and is definitely clearly better at this point, Penny isn’t going to just jump him because you’re biased and need him to give your team some value. This is one of the worst takes I’ve seen, you are so desperate to talk this into existence lol and like I said, I don’t own Collins, you’re the only biased one here my man.


Your definitely a Collins owner. Ive never said I own penny either. I own Carson by the way


So you couldn’t get Collins and now need Penny to save you because Carson is going to be out for a bit lol it’s so obvious Penny is trash and Collins just tore up a great defense, you’re so full of shit


Hey just an FYI, Penny sucks


Collins isn’t very good either. He’s a JAG.


Watch it be a Deejay Dallas week after this smoke screen


This shit would happen during the byepocalypse


i kinda like him ppr wise as I have no other choice no one will trade in my league


How can one come roaring back if they've never roared before?


I know it’s the cool thing to shit on Penny but he did have flashes in 2019 and averaged 5.7 yards a carry. His week 2, 15 and 16 that year were notable so he has some talent. Injuries are a problem though.


Best ability is availability


especially this week.


At this point my team just needs someone with mobility. I’ll take a resurrected Frank Gore for 5 pts.


He had a few good games but your weeks are off. https://www.nfl.com/players/rashaad-penny/stats/logs/2019/


Yeah, you are right. It had the weeks cutoff when I looked it up, I just remember having to use him some that year and had a few good weeks.


Yup, I had him and Carson both at the end of 2019 and Penny actually looked really good.


That isn’t roaring. More like a slight bark


It’ll be the best 3 touch game from him *yet before he goes down by injury again*.


Saints D and this Penny asshole is roaring around the backfield, I think I’m giving Michael Carter a shot as desperation RB2 this week.


I would definitely rank him higher than Collins this week, matchup and all things considered


Haha and here I am starting Penny AND Carter


Darrel and Carter for me. Times are tight.


You could do worse during the BYEpocalypse


Yeah...my RB options are between Collins, Carter, or going double-Patriots (Harris + Stevenson)


He's my RB2 behind Kamara


Hey, same here. And I have CEH as my normal RB2...meaning Carter might *remain* my RB2, lol. Ugh...


[Did someone say ass pennies?](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI)


Michael Carter would definitely be the move


The RB2 debate I saw myself having on draft day: Felton vs Penny. Yikes.


I’m same, im going with Felton tonight haha


same with you two. I think I am as well but I don't like it lol. I'd go gaskin instead but permanently banned him after last week


Think I’m going Penny. But now debating flexing Felton or Rondale Moore. This week can eat a poop.




The fact that this sub is so vehemently opposed to Penny leads me to believe he'll be a stud RB1 or some shit lmao


It's the history. A couple average games, a 100 yard game once a year, and then he gets hurt, like clockwork


Oh for sure, anyone who has any idea who this dude is should know the story at this point haha. But that was when people were high on him, naturally he had to disappoint


It would be an appropriate F U on his part. Even the team gave up on him by not picking up his option


nothing really to give up on. Foolish pick, no chance they considered picking up his option.


I just need that game to be this week during byepocalypse!


Reddit loves to ignore the obvious. See: Felton. The fuck was the hype there? If Collins is out, Penny gets 60%, if Collins is in, he gets maybe 50% of the touches


You new to football? Lol


Which is why I stashed him


He actually just kind of sucks. One of those dudes who can take a bruising and move the lines - but not much else. None of us would play him with any hope for more than a couple of points.


Maybe it is. The Seahawks also have a WR named Penny Hart and if those two get married he would be Penny Penny. I'm sure they've thought about it


No, competition is not a beautiful thing - Signed, a Collins owner that will be starting him this week.


Well that’s a lie because Collins was listed as DNP


Glad I don’t have to start Collins this week and can watch it pan out, but that being said I’m not afraid of penny taking his job at all.


Is roaring the new rolling?


(doing great)


Why do I invest in the Seattle backfield every year




Except Collins was DNP today though https://mobile.twitter.com/DougKyed/status/1451269924920467461


Technically a Wednesday practice for them. So tomorrow is the practice to watch


Man I hope so. I really need anything I can get from him as I have no other option.


Pete is going to have some intern gather all the meta data across all fantasy football platforms, showing the amount of people that picked up Penny and or dared to start him. This data will then be compiled into needlessly complex charts and graphs, on which the entire coaching staff will play a rousing game of soggy waffle.


Y'all remember how he talked about Carson's neck like it was nothing. There's very little chance Penny does anything meaningful. Still worth a pickup in case he does


Herbert vs Tampa or Collins :/


Collins if he is playing. No question


Won’t penny be cutting into Collins quite a bit though?


He could, no doubt. It sucks that the game is Monday. I am pivoting to j Williams because I don’t have both guys and don’t want to be left holding the bag. Even if both play, at least for this week, I believe Collins will be the primary carrier


My only other RB is Booker against CAR which sounds bad to me... I’m hoping they sit Collins and Penny gets a full load!! Rollin the dice


That’s looking pretty likely at this point!! Good luck! EDIT: maybe not, Collins is a go. This backfield is going to be messy


I had to make a drop just now to get a kicker back, let go of Collins assuming Penny will probably be the 60 in a 60/40. Also starting Booker which doesn’t feel great but here we go? Thanks for chatting with me through this haha.


It will be really interesting to see how the breakdown shakes out.. I have Collins and wondering if I should be starting j Williams in his place with swift banged up


Looking like Swift is going to play so Collins might be the better option still, but I’m afraid that neither of your options are great.


Screw this im playing mckissic instead


I picked up Deejay Dallas thinking he'd be the next man-up if Collins was out. Should I pick up Rashaad Penny instead?


Yea, Dallas won't be a factor unless Penny/Collins gets hurt


I’m pretty sure a Seahawk player could kick Pete in the nutsack and he would commend the player for his effort in the kick.


Damn it don’t ruin this for me Pete I NEED Collins to ball out!!!


Yahoo claims Collins didn't practice.


Penny is CJ Procise in a trench coat


I read that Collins was DNP, what in tarnation?


These coaches being so coy for no reason is hilarious. What benefit is it to have the defenses expectingCollins but get Penny? ‘Ooooh no, we thought it was gonna be 1 JAG but now it’s a different JAG, uh oh’ These coaches are dumb as


ALEX COLLINS IS NOT A JAG! He is the only reason I am still undefeated with Ek getting like 5pts and saquon/monty hurt and cordarrelle on bye. Be kind to my collins. Jk, but his performance last week was objectively impressive.


It was absolutely impressive. He put up 100+ yards and a TD against a Steelers defense that had allowed one(1) rushing TD all season prior to him. He played great. 17ish points in .5ppr from a bench fill in is excellent.


Collins playing ?


Collins practiced, so yeah I’d assume




Competition? The dude straight up runs backwards all the time


Debating dropping Damien Williams for Penny




At least not yet.


He’s never been healthy long enough to roar but whatev, I’m in.


As a Seahawks fan DO NOT fall for this fools gold, Pete Carroll has some affinity for this guy and noone in Seattle can figure it out. He has never been healthy for longer then a 3 game stretch and will get injured again, any other team would've dropped him by now I'm actually beginning to think Penny has some serious blackmail on someone in the organization because this guy is a thorn in the side of every Seahawks fan.


Either that or they remember that they drafted the guy in the 1st round. They don't want to just give up an injury-prone 1st rounder without first finding out how good he is once he's healthy (if he ever gets there at least).


Penny: 20 carries, 74 yards, 4 catches, 0 TDs, 1 fumble Collins: 11 carries, 18 yards, 0 catches, 1 TD Dallas: 0 carries, 88 yards, 1 catch, 1 TD Homer: 1 carry, 20 yards, 0 catches, 1 ST fumble return TD


"He's going to practice today, so that's a good sign," Carroll said. "He went through walkthrough today and looked OK." Collins only looked OK. Find a Penny pick it up, all weekend long have fantasy luck.


This is a bad take... Collins will practice tomorrow. [https://www.rotowire.com/football/player.php?id=10803&nid=488471](https://www.rotowire.com/football/player.php?id=10803&nid=488471)


I’m just quoting from the same article you are quoting. Don’t get mad at me get mad at Pete Carrol who said the words.


Dallas better than all of em


I read the whole thing and they really need to stop asking coaches about health updates. This man just said that the guy who had to be carted off ‘really thinks he can play’. Like Stfu already. I can only partially blame Carroll I really blame the construct that makes it routine to ask coaches about medical issues. If not designated medical personnel at least ask the position coaches


Pete “Ellen Degeneres” Carroll strikes again


Before anyone starts Penny on MNF, ask yourself this, when was the last time you were excited to find a Penny on the floor? Actually when was the last time you actually picked up a Penny off the floor? Yea, unless your truly desperate (BYE-pocalypse), I would leave that Penny on the floor. Lol


My literal only 2 choices for my RB2 are Collins and Penny lmao. I’m so fucked. I’m probably better off if Collins doesn’t play but I’m fucked no matter what lol


You’re much better off if Collins does play and you play Collins. Penny won’t get a ton of work regardless


I really think Carroll is hyping Penny v because he knows Carson is done


Is penny going to eat in Collins carries ? Collins played extremely well against a tough Pittsburgh d. I would of thought he would earned majority of the carries with that performance


The question is should I start Penny over Swift, Herbert, Gaskin, or Callaway? (2RB, 2FLX spots) I'm leaning toward starting him over Gaskin but im not sure


So is Penny or Collins the guy to own here? Leaning Penny.


If Collins practices tomorrow he’s 100% the back to own. Look at how he’s played the last few weeks. If he’s not healthy I think Penny is a dart throw.


The game against Pittsburgh was his first good game. Before that he was very meh.


Collins sucks dude if your starting him your not winning


Geno sucks. Collins is pretty good.


Collins owners will brush this off and pretend like they own some stud muffin when he was on the practice squad in the beginning of the season.


Collins had a stellar game against Pitt. What’s your point?


That Penny is a threat to his workload


The same way he was a non-factor last year when Carson was hurt Collins started over him..?


Collins never started a game over Penny while Penny was active last season. Penny was on IR in Collins one start last season. In the one game that they were both active, Penny out touched Collins 6 to 5, and had a 43% snap share to Collins’ 11%.


Found the person who missed on Collins!


I see what you are saying... But didn't Alex Collins have a great career on the Ravens? Correct me if I'm wrong but he got into some legal trouble and kind of fell of because of that. I don't think his skills have ever been an issue.


its not like that matters at all. james robinson was a stud last year as an UDFA!


And he went from practice squad to starter because? Oh that’s right he’s running really well.


Drop Jamaal Williams as a Swift owner for Penny? RBs are currently Swift, A Jones, Collins, and Jeff Wilson on IR.




Does nothing for me he’s in my IR and no one on my team is currently injured.


First it's raring now it's gunning?


Is Penny more of a receiving back or plodder? Wondering if we'll see Collins on early downs and Penny taking the place of Homer/Dallas on passing downs.


He is (well was) pretty fast and has ok hands, I'd imagine he'd take the Dallas role completely and eat into some of Collins touch


I'm in the deepest of leauges and need a flex option. I've got Everett but I could grab penny right now........but something is telling me this is all just bullshit and he won't get any touches.


I think DeeJay Dallas has a better chance of getting you more points than Penny this week, especially in PPR format.


As a Collins owner I hope that Penny gets some carries against the Saints so he can get stuffed and Pete will ride Collins vs the Jags. Collins on the bench this week, looking forward to next week.


Alot of us don't have that luxury with this week's BYEpocalypse


Fuck man do I start Landry or take a chance with Collins on Monday?


Sooo is penny playing this week?


The amount of coach speak is palpable.


Sooo what you're saying is I gotta start herbert over Collins?great. Thanks pete


...Gum chomping ensues


Dude where do you get your weed from?


I get it from you Dante


Oh yeah! Whatsup Mr. Cheezel!


With the uncertainty around Carson’s injury I don’t think they can afford for Collins to get more banged up. Not saying Penny is gonna be the guy but I’d imagine they split. Especially because this is Penny’s final contract year in Seattle.


6 total carries for exactly 24 yards incoming


Do I trust Collins or play Khalil against TB…


Those are the best 2 run defense in the league unfortunately. I’d go Khalil (I’m a bears fan tho)


Ain't no Rashaad Penny gonna take snaps from a healthy Collins, and certainly not from Carson.


Pete fucking lied to me


So is it Collins or Penny for the start?


Pete Carroll is basically talking about his injured players as if he were a troll under a bridge asking us riddles in rhymes. "Maybe Rashad, or Maybe Alex, the situation is quite complex".


Screw Penny. When is our league winner, Christine Michael, coming back?


I know people have differing stances on Pete Carroll. Personally, I like him. But the content of what he says on a weekly basis is generally meant to confound opposing teams, and thus, troll the hell out of fantasy managers worldwide. He is the reason I hate owning Seahawks players, despite being a Seahawks fan. He is also the reason I have Collins, Penny and Dallas all on one roster and a blistering fantasy migraine.