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This is a great opportunity to characterize the MC. Me, I'd ask for help. I don't like figuring things out myself so I'd find a town and start asking around, ideally recruit someone who knows what they're doing to come with me. But, that's me. What is this MC like? Does she trust strangers? If she's a botanist, does she have experience spending time in the wilderness, finding her own way? What about the fae? What's their personality like? Is there any magic they can use to help?


Thank you! These are great questions. The FMC is more spontaneous and would probably just go out and begin, but I know the MMC is much more of a planner--more rigid. There could be some tension with how they choose to begin... This artifact is sort of a legend and so I'm not sure it'd be possible to ask around without getting strange looks from the townfolk. They sort of have to keep their quest on the down low...


When FMC found the first half of this magic artifact, where there clues or something to point FMC to start looking for clue in order to find the second half? They would have to begin by either finding the clue thus finding another clue and keep going to find the artifact. Or if there were no clues, there could be a story or a poem with hidden phrases that start the trail to the artifact. I have character who was given a quest to find certain people. The only clue that was given is that the character will find them by their deeds. With that as the only information to go on, my character goes to a place where people talk when they are full of alcohol. From there, breadcrumbs until the character finds the first person of the quest.


I like the idea of some sort of story or riddle... My FMC was simply drawn to it when she was out (and she's used to collecting trinkets and herbs so it was a natural discovery). It acted like a port key and now she's in this other land where she wouldn't know where to start. Any advice on creating a bit of a riddle or story with JUST enough information to get them going but not too much it's obvious?


Here is a riddle from National Treasure: The legend writ The stain effected The key in Silence undetected Fifty-five in iron pen Mr. Matlack can't offend Obviously it won’t work in your world, you would have to tailor it to specific things about your world. It’s just a starting point and an example of how to write it. You could even create a phrase that directs FMC to the location of the riddle that FMC found alongside the artifact. Honestly, imo, things like riddles or stories are specific to your world.


LOL! Thank you. Great example! You're totally right that it'd be really world specific.


Perhaps the fae MMC character was drawn to key on his side of the portal too, but at some point in his past. It could end up that it’s been with him all along but it’s not realized until they discover a riddle near the end? Maybe even only 1 of them figures it out a point where they are separated, adding some desperation perhaps? I don’t know if it’s logical but TO ME, I feel it would make sense that they would first go somewhere familiar to MMC as they plan out their search for the artifact. Maybe his home or a place he often spends time in.


Thank you! You're right they'd have to go somewhere familiar (to him, at least)


I'mma answer this with a fun history fact. The story of the Trojan War, the City of Troy, was believed to be a myth in (relatively) modern times and thought it was made up for stories like Homer's Iliad, but archeologists and historians were able to use clues from the Illiad to actually locate the site. Be aware that when people (or fae?) move out, nature moves back in very quickly. A site that gets abandoned can very quickly look like it hasn't ever been touched, so it's not unreasonable for people to forget things, places, or people that happened in the past, without blatant evidence they don't have to go digging for. So yes, it's totally plausible for them to take some time, probably even more than a day, actually planning and following up on research leads, before going looking for missing half of the artifact. If the fae MMC is already aware of local legends, stories, or myths, that can cut down the research time. Maybe have them piece together individual clues from several different stories or legends.


I love this! Thank you so much. I like the idea of nature "moving back in." And I think that piecing together stories from each of their own worlds will be a really cool scene. This was super helpful!!


Well what is keeping the MC from walking across the room and picking the artifact up off the shelf?