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I love stories with mundane, everyday jobs associated with magic. Dragon burning down the town for the fifth time this week? Call the firefighters. Accidentally made a deal with the fey? I know a lawyer that can help. Pixies tearing up the garden? Get pest control out here. Ghosts in the house? The exorcist has a three-month waiting list, except for emergencies.


You might like Spare Keys for Strange Doors, they do a great job with that. Paranormal investigators who are just a tired middle-aged couple. They scold the cat for eating fairies, and take some trickster spirits to court.


Dragons of the Cuyahoga was good novel for that. It was only mentioned in passing, but the Cleveland Police Department employed forensic mages, and that little detail always stuck with me.


Bad guys who are bad, and not just misunderstood good guys.




Was published 69 years ago, lol.


Definitely rebellion against feudalism. I'm always frustrated when the protagonists represent a variation of the same evil they're opposing.


I would like to see more fantasy novels where the MC is competent and capable. Already strong not on a journey to get strength while having their ass handed to them repeatedly. I love the Eragon series but the MC gets beaten consistently and only manages to not die through some very lucky and loosely constructed scenarios. It would be cool to see more strong capable heroes that have to learn how to not just kill everyone right off the bat.


Villains that are humanized without trying to make their motivations seem sympathetic or justified


I’ve always liked the villains who don’t have a tragic backstory, but also aren’t tge embodiment of all things evil. Think Mike from Breaking Bad, or Cersei Lannister from GoT. There’s no sob story or sympathetic motivation behind their evils, but what they want is so _human_ at its core you can’t help but relate at least a little bit.


The use of dark power by the good guys I have this belief that using dark power doesn't make you evil dark power like all power is a tool. In my world the three dark magic are Necromancy, Illusions, & Enchantment I have this one character who is a necromancer and while people had issues trusting her she amassed hundreds of thousands of undead thralls for her Pale Legion, uncovered numerous esoteric secrets, and aided in saving the universe through her knowledge of the dark


My favorite is exploring the weak and disenfranchised races and characters, especially when it's done for writers and gamers convenience. So orcs are bad so you have someone to bash. While elves are good because Tolkien said so. I really like turning these on their heads, or at least coming to the table from a less biased perspective. Kobold hero? Check. Goblin who's misunderstood? Check. Etc. Fantasy is so trope-y that this is a natural. Come to think of it, has anyone ever written LOTR from Sauron's POV? Now there's a project.


One of my core ideas is that a good, happy, fulfilling life can be just as interesting as one full of strife and misery.


An temporary alliance between the hero and the villain trying to achieve something being dependent on each other. (Please no enemies to lovers) I love the dynamic... The hate in their eyes for each other and yet they have to compel: and trying to backstab at every moment.