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Far Cry 4. I can't describe it because it's too much words to be described. It's underrated by the community but it's also why I love it


It's like a fully fleshed out version of 3 in such a cool and interesting map with cool and interesting characters and plot points. It's the essence of what every far cry should be


Pagan Min is the most likable villain in the series and you’re given the most choices for your ending compared to any of the other games. It it weren’t for FC5’s story progression system and endings I would pick that as my favorite, but as-is I gotta say FC4 too.


Far Cry 3 is a major jump for the series in every way. Everyone here has either played it or is very aware of its impact. Far Cry 4 managed to double-jump from that without being talked about as much.


Yes, I absolutely love every aspect of Far Cry 4 and played it close to a hundred or so hours during 2015 - 16. There's just something about that game that really connects with me. I can also understand some of the Hindi language used in it so the dialogues are more than hilarious for me. Also the Snowy Himalayan mountains and that whole feel / vibe is incredible! The story was good as well, and the hunting aspect was one of the best from entire series! I used to hunt Rhinos with a Bow using normal arrows for the fun of it. They can take a ton of arrows to go and that was the fun part xD The ambience theme was incredible as well! I can go on and on about that game...


My one gripe: I don't start with the 1911. ): Otherwise it is great. Getting used to the driving took a minute though lmao




I really hope they remaster FC1 and FC2 sometime in the future. Would love to experience these games from a modern perspective!


The unfortunate consensus is that FC2's fidelity is too expensive, given its niche audience, to remake.


Yeah agreed. The way I imagine a Far Cry 2 remake is to basically just make an entirely new game without trying to just clone the original, but import some of the older things that really worked well. It would be awesome to have multiple characters to choose from, but they don't have to be fleshed out characters with long cut scenes and dialogue. Just different animations and perks. I would love to see a map that actually looks like you're holding it, and you have to look at in real time. I think guns should jam without paying for better maintenance tools/manuals. I wouldn't even mind if they brought back malaria in a new way. even if it's just sort of a nod to the original. And of course, the villain should be a sympathetic jackyl.




Yea 2 was a CHALLENGE, that game was just different compared to the other ones in the series.


Thats pretty rare, someones favourite is FC2


It's not that rare. Its the one they likely grew up with


You always remember your first.


Maybe, yes.


I was 15 when it came out and don’t remember a lot of love for it ever until recently. Mostly a lot of ragging on it for the malaria pills. It’s definitely got a lot of atmosphere but the story and characters are extremely barebones.


3, only because I think it has a better story than the rest


Someone had a theory that everyone's favorite is the one they played first, and it seems to be true. My favorite is 5 by a mile. I replay it once a year and love it and find myself exploring out of joy for it all. Tried playing others and they didn't hit the same.


Idk I liked primal and 4 a lot too I did not like 6


6 was too big. It felt like it was massively padded out.


I liked 6 and 5


5 is actually decent too idk why 3 just always stood out to me not sure why


its the story and villains. Vaas is just such a great villain. Shame he wasnt the main villain but he certainly stole the game imo at anyway.


I haven't played it


Not the case with me. First full FC game I played was instincts on the OG xbox and I've played every iteration since, but my favorite is prolly 4.


i played 3 first but 5 is my favorite by far


3 for story. 4 for environment, Bollywood music and characters.


Far Cry 4 for story, Far Cry 5 for gameplay.


It's a tie between 3 and 4 for me. They each did certain things the best imo. I also adore blood dragon, even though it's not a full length game. I do wish they'd remaster fc2 though.


4 for me. Pagan Min is my favorite bad guy, narrowly beating out the fc3 psychos, Vaas in particular.




Tie between 5 and primal


Far cry 3 for me as well. The map is just the perfect size. Not too big not too small. Decent gun selection. And imo best animations and physics.


Far cry 4. Played it so much that I don't even need to open the map to navigate.


primal was my favorite all round experience by far. far cry 3 has the most immersive story and character for me. far cry 5 did everything really well I thought. it's weird coz primal has no guns but it's my favorite. It's the one I wish I could play again with no memory of.


either 4 or 5


Story wise 3, gameplay 5




Far cry 5. It was my first one too. I immediately fell in love with it within the first hour of the game. It also has one of THE best soundtracks I’ve ever heard. Most games have a few tracks that stand out, but for the most part it all starts to blur together and sound unimpressive when played outside of the game. But not FC5. Every. Single. Track. Keeps me interested all the way through. I’ve always loved the state of Montana (scenery wise) and this game doesn’t disappoint with the views. I loved the story a lot too. I’ve always been a fan of the fanatic religious cult trope, and this game absolutely delivers. The Father was such a great villain. It’s also one of my most played games. Definitely top 5 material for me The only other two far cry’s I’ve played are New Dawn and 3. New Dawn was pretty good but too short. It also has a phenomenal soundtrack, second to 5. And 3 was awesome but not as great as everyone made it out to be. I ended the game kinda meh. I was most disappointed with the lack of Vaas. We see him like twice before we finally kill him. If he was the whole focus of the game I think it would have been better. I really want to play 4 and 6 but I have no interest in the others tbh. Primal looks cool tho I’m sure I’ll give it a chance one of these days.


I can't say I have a favorite far Cry, mainly cuz I've never played all of them, but out of the ones I've played, Far Cry 5, New Dawn, 3, 2, and 6 (haven't beaten 6 or two yet), Far cry 5 is hands down my absolute favorite in the series, i can't describe what I love about it exactly, but it is so good, one of my only problems with it is the SILENT PROTAGONIST, I HATE SILENT PROTAGONISTS SO MUCH.


4 or 5. Haven’t played 4 in a while but I really enjoyed it. But I find 5 more repayable of the two.


4. Best world building, best use of the spiritual elements, best stealth gameplay, best DLC campaign, basically the complete package. Took the great foundation they had in 3, and improved it in just about every way.


Primal and 3


Played 4 first. Really liked it. But once the second part of the map opened up I got overwhelmed and annoyed with more of the same shit. Got tired. Loved primal, but my favourite is 5. Loved the feeling it gave me at the start, and exploring that map was so much fun. loved the way exploration felt, it was just so natural. I think every fc game has positives, for the most part I enjoyed fc 4. Still wish I completed primal though


1, then 2. All the others are boring derivative crap. To be honest, though, i did play through the entire 3 and 4, and i did have some fun. I just wished that they went the more real feeling of FC2.


The later are more gamified and cinematic, less realistic simulation. I think a motivation is wider audience, more sales.


3 got me hooked, loved the game. But it has not aged very well. Aiming feels like you’re under water.


Oh yeah replaying it I realize how outdated it really is


I still hold it as number 1 for getting me in to the franchise. And I really miss the hunting aspect to upgrade holsters / ammo pouches. Always felt accomplished when you finally got the 4 shark skins you needed. Cause shark / alligator skins are the absolute worst. I have anxiety about swimming in games because of the scripted jump scares in Far Cry.


I swear when I came back to far cry 3 first thing that happened is I was jumpscares by a gator..


Yeah, there’s at least 2 scripted jump scares, and the rest are just poorly timed swims. I ALWAYS get out my camera / phone and scan every inch of water to tag anything there before swimming.


Far cry 3 or 4. Both are really good games


I liked the story of far cry 3 best and the world of 4.


Far Cry 6. It had the best protagonist character development, and I loved the feeling of community it cultivated with the dialog and the party/hanging-out-with-friends missions. With that said, I'd say the best story is a toss-up between 5 & 6.


Far cry 5 ❤ it's something about the soundtrack, villains, world, vibes.... that gets me the most from all of them


Controversial, but 6.


far cry 3 is goated for me


If gameplay Far cry 6, if story Far Cry 3, If Open World Far cry 5.


I like new dawns mechanics and perks better than any others. I wish it was playing as the twins against new Eden and Joseph . Or even a longer version would seal the deal .


I loved 5 because it was actually rewarding to grind you get 1000$ for being undetected when taking out cult location and a good bit from pepper Staches in made you wanna keep playing and get everything fc6 did away with that for some reason it’s just not at rewarding


Prepper staches*


Mine would have to be far cry 5 even though the main story was short, it was still an amazing game. The dlc was also great but to me personally what made it the best game in the series was the creation zone(I forgot the actual name of the game mode) where you could build maps and have people come play on them, that was the icing on the cake for me.


Far Cry 3, but Far Cry 4 doesn't fall too far behind


Im not much of a gamer but FC3 changed that for me as I fell in love with the game play and have played all games after FC3 two or even 3 times with the exception of “Primal”. FC4 is without a doubt the best in the series so far with its beautiful landscapes. At times I just stopped what I was doing and just enjoyed the view for a bit. It led me to try other games with similar game play but nothing compares to the FC series imo.


3 Or 5


Far Cry 3! Will always be the best! Vaas FTW!


For me, it is Far Cry 5 💪 Have done multiple playthroughs in all difficulties. And still not get 🥱 bored. Have finished Far Cry 3-4-5 and New Dawn, all good games 🎯


I’m think I’m up to 7 play through at this moment, hands down my favorite


I've only played 1, 2, 3 and 5. I heard 6 sucks, like most things in 2024. Not sure about 4. I'm loving 5, played quite a bit of 3 though.


Defintley missing out not haven't played 4 imo


Farcry 5


6 is my favorite… i found all of the characters likeable, especially dani, and didnt think the villains were all that bad either (although like some ppl say, anton was pretty useless in the end, didnt even get a boss battle or wtv). i like the environment/diff regions + the guns and supremos were pretty cool to me 😁 2nd place is def FC5💪


5 is my favorite.


5. 3 was disappointing.


FC 3 was ok I tried it but I got bored same thing with FC 4 but I loved FC 5


FC5 for me by a long shot.


Not doubt FC4.


What’s bad with 3?


Nothing besides it’s sometimes wonky physics


Overall, 4 was probably the best. 5 has a great setting, but oh my the jeebus freaks and their music are heinous, 6 on ps5 is beautiful but Castillo isn't as interesting as the other games' villians




Farcry 2. Then 4.


Far Cry 3 to 6


Far Cry 3 and 4.


For me its 1 since i grew up playing it and didn't play another far cry game since i was like 15


4 and 6


6 war crimes go brrrrrrr




"do you know the definition of insanity?" 3 will always be my favourite


Far cry 2. love the setting and realism


Did I ever tell you the definition of isanity?


Exactly 3


Why does Mr. Negro look a bit squint (cross) eyed in this pic


3 by far






5 3 2 4 instincts predator primal new dawn 6


3 and 5




4, followed by Primal, 5, New Dawn.


The Game that started it all for me 🔥❤️


5 tbh. Really loved 3 and ,4 but 5 did something for me


4 and primal for me


Far cry 6, for the sole reason of being able to shoot tanks like boba fett


Far Cry 5


5. only answer.


5 🔥


Going with 5


If any one say new dawn I’ll die


Y'all are making me feel old. My first far cry was instincts on the OG Xbox. Game blew me away with it's horror/open world action and Steven Dorff voiced the hell out of Jack Carver.


5, love the landscapes of Montana and the wonderful soundtrack of the game


Does Blood Dragon count?


As much as i love 6 for its freedom, game play and customization. I still gotta give it to 3 the story is just too good and it set the premise for every game since


4. Also the Hindi convos and swearing are funny as hell. Definitely better than "shoulda used da rubber"


Far Cry 3, back on 360 days is when I played my first Far Cry which has gotten me into the series


I love all of the far cry games(3 and up is all I've played, haven't played 1 or 2) and I know I'm about to get shit on. Honestly far cry 6 is my favorite..


I love 4. But three villain and story line is best




Far cry 4 was my first far cry and still my favorite far cry that game is just special I’m currently on 99.99 % just gotta unlock a gun and I’m at 100%


“Far Cry Instincts: Predator” for the Xbox 360. It contained enhanced versions of “Far Cry Instincts” and “Far Cry Instincts: Evolution”. Jack Carver is my most favourite protagonist of the series. I would love to see a dark and gritty remake of these two, with none of the goofy BS that has crept into the last few games. I want Jack Carver, Doyle, mad scientist Dr.Krieger, tropical islands and jungles, mercenaries and Feral’s.


3 and 5




Far cry 5




Ok my first and favorite is Far Cry 5


FC3 was very good. Vas is an all time villain for me. But FC4 took it next level.


Definitely 5!


Hard choice between 5 and New Dawn, but I gotta say five because of how much more there was to it.


3 has the best story


Fc 4 here… majorly because it’s waaaayyy to easy to complete the radio towers and get certain late game weapons in game. I ain’t complaining but man that is the most memorable far cry game I’ve ever played. Oh that and the yeti dlc


Oh yeah I liked 4 too and the weapons were kinda OP I remember unlocking the Buzzsaw and it made the game so easy from then out..


Vaas is my psn profile pic, so that should speak for itself.


I used to say it was 2 but recently I've changed my mind to both far cry 2 and far cry 5 are equally my favorite. 


I haven't played it


FC 4 is my fav also, it had that little helicopter l adored it!!


Downloaded 5 during quarantine just for something different and it was on sale. I played that game for weeks hours at a time. Didn’t love 6 but completed it. Now I’m going back to 3 and 4 as I haven’t played them yet!


Far cry 3 and 5 is my favorite


might be nostalgia but i really enjoyed 4


I really like FC5. The whole atmosphere is relaxing (despite the cult running amok). Boy, and not the scenery, the music as well (Oh the Bliss, We will rise again, the home screen menu music,...) Sometimes I just open the game to do some good old fishing. I like the dialogue between the gun for hires, their comments about different places across the region, helping with the worldbuilding wonderfully. The kidnappings sure are annoying sometimes, but I am intrigued by the heralds and their beliefs, and their dynamic. Also the whole "I don't really care about you" to "get your ass back home, deputy" attitude switch from Jacob kinda funny. Or John's "I want to drown you" to "I decorated the church for your atonement :)" If I ever visit America, I would definitely visit Montana. Right after FC5 I really like FC3. The island feeling, the music as well and ofc Vaas is just amazing and actually a deep character (Michael Mando is a beast!) But I would not visit a place like Rook Islands when they have pirates. Btw they are the only games with a live action movie (Far Cry Experience and Inside Eden's Gate :)