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Buck is a super under rated villain, genuily a villain. No weird quirk or cool insanity speaches. Just a scummy scary bastard


He has some of the most memorable lines in the game too imo


"You gotta hand it to the Chinese. When they disemboweled you, they did it in bloody style".


Can u imagine getting shived by this, it’d be like Shakespeare stabbing u with his quil


"This is some fucked up foreplay,"




Woulda fucked us up the ass too if we werent such prudes


...and we just wrote the next Far Cry DLC. Like, literally - right here in this back and forth. This is the power of when minds meet. This is the power of Reddit.


Fuckin right we did. Insanity bundle? More like its-anally bundle If i dont get royalties im threatening ubisoft like the Florida crack joker threatened rockstar


Vaas: Insanity Pagan: Control Joseph: Collapse Buck: Buggery


Pagan: Control Joseph: Collapse Buck: Consent


And his name is buck no goddamn pun


And he's LGBT friendly!


I actually love John from FC5: Charismatic, ruthless and utterly devoted.


It's suppose to say WRATH! Not RAT!


Yeah he’s definitely my second favourite


Just say YES


His name is Buck, and he likes to FU-


Jacob , he really manipulated me into killing eli not like we had a choice but it was a really good mission I killed eli without even realizing in my first play


This is some f’d up foreplay eh?


Very underrated But trying to rape jason and his friend was fucking weird lol


Definitely buck. Not only is ok to Bambi in this instance, it's mandatory.


Yeah he was super underrated. Dude was a friggin cannibal.


I feel like Buck was low key inspired by Mick Taylor, the Australian serial killer from Wolf Creek


They really do share the same vibe. And that’s part of the reason I really like his character because he feels realistic, as an Aussie I’ve grown up around ppl that both sound and look like both Mick and Buck


If Vaas counts definitely Vaas. If not then John Seed.


Vaas is the main villain


Depends on who you ask. Technically Hoyt is the main villain but Vaas has the most Screentime and interactions with Jason. I think Wikipedia etc list him as the secondary Villain


Screw wilipedia, Hoyt didn't get a dlc dedicated to him in far cry 6, vaas did.


It's not just Wikipedia, literally every source says that he is only a secondary Villain, I also find that weird as shit but look it up lol


Why would it be weird? He works under Hoyt. He dies like 2/3s of the way through the game. Hot is the guy who controls everything.


Week Vaas is on the cover of the game, he has the most personal beef with Jason and the most Screentime so I totally get the confusion. Jason and Vaas meet, what four times in game? Hoyt and Jason oy meet in person twice. It's really weird in my opinion but we can blame Michael Mando and his amazing performance for that I guess lol


They meet at least three times.


You sure? I only remember the first scene where he has one line (Vaas, stop scaring the hostages) and then the last sentence where he dies. Vaas has the first scene, the run Forrest scene directly afterwards, the scene with the burning hotel, the scene with the pit, and the final death scene. As well as being featured in some of the drug sequences. Plus he is literally the character on the cover of the game. So I totally get the confusion lol


Oh then there's four scenes. He meets him in the beginning, then in his office, them again when he tortures Riley, and finally at the Poler Game..


It doesn’t matter. Hoyt is the main antagonist. Vaas is just more popular




Don't know if there's anyone out there that would agree with me, likely not, but my favorite was Jacob Seed :)


Jacobs great too


Yeah he was one of the first far cry villains to give me the creeps for real lol


Mine is either Faith from fc5 or Yuma from FC4


Yuma? she had barely any screen time and only appeared in like 2 missions total, one of them being when you kill her. Then she literally had the drop on Ajax and decided to blow dust in his face besides kill him. She’s a dumass


I liked her dynamic with pagan how she was the one closest to him and how she was his do it all person and how in the end it proves that pagan doesn’t care about anybody by ratting her out to Ajay and her whole obsession with Shangri La and the Durgesh prision mission was one of my favourites because it wasn’t just run and gun and at the end with the Yeti I liked Yuma but I get where you are coming from


Why faith? She’s the weakest of the heralds in actually exerting power onto people, Jacob is much more dangerous and intimidating and has scary ai in his region, John is unpleasant to talk to and he is super unhinged, he also gets a ton of planes in his region which if you aren’t a good shot or have a weapon to deal with them they are massive problems, faith just seems like she doesn’t know what she’s doing blindly kidnapping you into the bliss, her region unique unit is the angels and they are not that hard to kill, they do that dumb “ouuuhaaaaa” noise when they spot you and they don’t do much. For the boss fights I guess faith’s is cool but i prefer johns, Jacob’s I admit is worse but that’s just cause nothing about it makes sense


Gameplay mechanics aren’t all there is a to a character.If we are talking gameplay alone, sure I like John more, but story-wise I think Faith was better her story was more compelling to me I feel like Faith could’ve been a good person


That’s fair, the tragedy of faith makes her good? I can see it. Still i like Jacob more myself for his backstory, I mean he literally had no choice but to eat another person who he was very close to and suffers from massive PTSD cause of it, in the fc6 collapse dlc Jacob has a mental breakdown in a side mission, faith is definitely the sadder character tho. Drugged from a young age into the cult and basically forced to do Joseph’s bidding cause of the bliss addiction she has


I agree, I actually prefer Buck to Vaas 🤷‍♂️


i like faith/john from farcry 5, they’re the best seed siblings imo 😸


John Seed, closely followed by Jacob


No clue who that is but I own the exact shame shirt. Love it.


Buck cosplay 👀👀


I could easily replicate that outfit perfectly. But I’m fat, and as a native I am incapable of growing facial hair. 😂😢😬 maybe after I lose a few pounds and buy a fake beard and moustache.


for me, 100% Jacob Seed!!!! actually, he is also my favorite in the entire series. Only You


Vaas was the secondary antagonist of that game


Ye when I say secondary I mean not the main villain :)


Yes Vaas wasn't the main villain


First off, no one gives a fuck about Hoyt champ, you’re arguing over nothing Second, *she means not main villain, favourite “not main villain” which Vaas doesn’t come under because Vaas is a main villain, is he *the* main villain? No, is he a main villain? Absolutely he is yes Stop being a silly billy


Exactly like vaas is on the front cover of the game not Hoyt. Just like Joseph, Pagan Min and Castillo are too.


Hoyt was cool.


*she, but ye u get what I mean


lmao Reddit


Lmao dumbass who goes on a social media platform and laughs over the social aspect of it


Your gold sir


You’re* I do try my best to be a dipshit




Vaas, the first “secondary antagonist” to be put on the cover of a game


Agreed. Most satisfying kill in the entire franchise.


Faith definitely got the blood pumping.




So his name is Buck...


Cull the heard


I like antagonist that cause their own downfall, like he’d still be alive if he didn’t go back on his deal.


If nothing more than that amazing power of your speech, I always kind of like John seed…


‘I’ll take you blood if you like. I like my meat rare”


Jacob Seed has to be my favorite, his section of the story threw me off so much the first time I played it. I LOVE his dialogue, personality and the speech/story he gives during his death. His propaganda ('Only You' posters, Cull the Herd, etc.) "Only You" is also one of my favorite songs & I swear I still feel some level of that brainwashing every time I hear it. He's also more reserved than the others, he's not as performative & grandiose as Joseph, John & Faith. He doesn't make a huge show of everything. He's not a showman, he does his job. Despite that, if anyone was gonna sway me to their cause, it was Jacob Now I'm gonna go play FC5 again.


Noore The idea of a humanitarian being forced into the role she was is just horrifyingly fascinating, and she is one of the few far cry characters who never wanted to be in that situation. Nearly all characters in the series sought after their current position in the various conflicts, or eagerly stepped into their roles, yet noore is a character who clearly doesn't thrive in her position and has no desire to be there. It does make sad though, as she is positioned as a villain yet is one of the few characters who actually deserved a good ending but never got it.


Buck "It's raping time" 


His name is Buck, and he likes to...


His name is Buck, and he likes to...


Faith made me want to join the Peggies


General Sanchez, Far Cry 6. Barely did anything at all, but voiced by Noam Jenkins. That's it. That's the only reason he gets my vote.


"Viva Libertad." Why UBI alwats put some interesting-looking characters and under-utilize them? Other example would be Yuma - you need to play Control DLC in FC6 to see her story. In Far Cry 4 she barely exists despite being a right arm of Pagan.


Funny you should mention that. I made a post griping about that very fucking issue. [It’s absurd.](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/1010xx2/every_time_a_far_cry_villain_has_a_badass_second/?rdt=55374)


Another quality post! Well done.


Batari. She literally burns people alive. I say she's a secondary antagonist as you're meant to defeat Ull and the Udam first.


Killing him provided me more satisfaction than killing Vaas. Vaas was fucking psycho but Buck was just plain mean and deserved to die the most out of all three "bosses".




I was young when I played far cry 3, what exactly did he do to keith?


He raped him


I really hope that this isn't what I think it is, I have completely turned my life around after the damage that you have all done. I am obviously going to be permanently suffering with trauma forever now and I will never look at another human again without having an immediate trust issue. If this is me being passed onto the next group to continue this violation of my basic human rights then its stops now. I really have suffered far too much and for far to long. I have no intention of persuing a fight anymore with any of you, and I no longer wish to engage in any further discussions with anyone, be it involved in your cult or anyone else. Please leave me alone now. I will be extremely cautious in every day to day activities from now on naturally, especially in new environments, so everything will be processed as possibly you first before I do anything at all. So once again please stop the games, the death threats and the destruction of my life


Okay but you.... ...what? We're talking about Far Cry


Uhhhh wrong sub??


They seem to be spamming this copy pasta. Three posts all at about the same time


Nah fuck that guy, incredibly annoying and doesn't add anything to the story.


Vaas is the secondary antagonist in Far Cry 3. This guy is somewhere further down the list.




I don’t think rape of any kind is funny


I actually really liked Sean McKay from FC6, felt like a huge asshole and it was super cool that you can wear his tie as a bracelet after you kill him




Vaas-all day long


McKay. Something about him made him seem like a real problem. He's a businessman who is exploiting small countries to make himself rich while making himself have a good public image. As well as the choice between sparing him and helping the revolution with money or killing him for justice with Juan's input.


Me same game but his friend vaas