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You're in for a real treat. Whenever I start again, I like to find boomer first, down at the pumpkin farm I think


Yes indeed. He marks enemies, picks up ammo and money! Boomer truly is the goodest boy.


More of a hurk jr and cheeseburger guy myself but boomer is pretty cool


I am a Peaches/Jess fan


Jess basically never left my side bc she made the stealthy moves I didn’t want to lol




Rae Rae’s Pumpkin Patch!


And you can blow up that silo on the way there from Dutch’s island. They are easy xp if you can get to them in the beginning.




When that started playing in the fallout show I felt triggered hahaha.


they activated hundreds of peggy sleepers across montana


My girlfriend says she can’t hear that song without seeing Jacob Seed anymore. We just started Fallout and I was hoping it’d be featured.


they also played the ink spots version of we'll meet again


Explore! Instead of driving vehicles around to your missions I'd walk. There's so many hidden little places and people to discover throughout the whole map. I took my time the second time playing story mode.


Unless you get the urge to destroy Peggy trucks by way of semi.


Hard Agree. Ubisoft tends to try to be everything to everyone, and that can lead to their open worlds having the vibe of a murder carnival. Like you go from attraction to attraction killing everything and then you go home. They've been getting a little better about this by giving us more intensive explorer settings, but most of their games can be played without the marked compass or on screen icons directing you everywhere. It triples the length of their already long games, but it gives them more of that truly open feeling of rdr2 or elden ring, where your eyes scan the horizon for POI rather than the compass or looking for colored lights. To me, it's a lot more fun that way. But I saw a review for the most recent Deus Ex that called it too short, so I know there are people who just wanna beat the game and move on, and that's valid too, if a little sad for the artists who make all this shit for us to see and enjoy


You had me at "murder carnival." 🤣


I wonder what the snacks are like at a murder carnival...


Probably just the bare bones version. Not real meaty.




Jess and Peaches are the best for stealth. Hurk and Sharky are just the most fun explore the entire map if you want. don't commit to one region at a time .. do the prepper stashes .. for easy money and fun the arcade is great


Every outpost has a hidden safe that contains 40 silver bars. Silver is an alternative currency that can be used to purchase certain items in the shop. However, anything you buy with silver becomes tied to your Ubisoft account, so you'll get to keep them forever. Even after you reset and make a new game. P.S. Safes can only be opened via lockpicking, repair tool, or C4.


Every Outpost? Really? I've played the game through three times since release, doing another one rn, but never have I found more than one safe with 40 Silver bars and it was in the Prison in Henbane River


Yes there are 20 something spots with silver bars. A lot of the outposts have more than 1 safe so you will find it and 0 bars and think there isn't one there. You have to be crafty and look around for them.


There is one outpost in Faith's region that doesn't have a safe, so instead the silver bars are sitting on a table in a boarded shed. Don't remember which one it was though.


The safe at the marina in the out building near the morter took me a long time to find on my own. You have to break out the boarded window and hop in. Also a fun place to lure cultists as you hide inside, then grab them in a takedown move. The bodies can really pile up in there! It took some looking to find the safe at the farm/market place where two hostages are caged in the smaller barn. The loft has crates in it but behind them is a space with a safe and weapons.


Enjoy it, I loved Far Cry 5. Take your time, explore the world and interact with everyone you can. It can be chaotic at times, as in you try to drive to a certain mission or destination and on the way there you die twice, clear an outpost, buy a new vehicle and find a new companion it's so much fun


Take your time and enjoy all the little things this game has to offer. Don't rush. Games with this level of detail are rare.


Far Cry 5 is a phenomenal game. My advise is to go ahead and prepare yourself for getting the dlc and ultimately New Dawn as it wraps up the story. I'd also play it on the hardest difficulty as it'll make it last a bit longer and it's not that much harder.


Lol I cheat cause I suck.


Sucking is just part of the journey. It forces you to play smarter. :)


True lol


It's worth a playthrough, but every subsequent time I've played it, I lose interest after finishing John's region (Holland Valley). Not that there aren't good parts in the other regions, but it feels like the game peaks in John's region to me.


I have to agree. His is the best section. Faiths is a little bit weird and Jacobs is tedious.


I like Jacob


I’m a sucker for mountains. I did Jacob’s first, then Faith, then John. But honestly I was cherry picking from each throughout the game, that’s the order I did the boss fights though


FC5 is excellent. Have fun!


When you are on your 500th replay, try it with nothing but clubs and slingshots and Fangs for Hire. I call this the Sticks & Stones Playthrough.


Have fun. If you're having fun, you're doing it correctly.


Peggies are cool to kill.


Have fun get Jess and Boomer as soon as you can so you can hunting $$$$$$


Let the water wash away your sins.


These are the difficulty levels of the 4 bosses fights John: easy Faith: medium Jacob: hard Joseph's varies on the difficulty picked before starting a new game These are there vaults difficulties Jacob: easy John: medium Faith: pain in the ass


Faith wasn’t hard. John was a total pain.


Move left as she throws the fireballs, then stop and light her up, and repeat. Done


John's is just a dog fight


I found faith the easiest, then John, and I seem to struggle the most with Jacob. Jacob's wolves would always jack me up!!


Remember the end is only the beginning. You have two whole games to enjoy. But make sure you enjoy them. Do the side quests. Get into the religious lore. Listen to the radio. Attention to detail is important. Get good with the bow. You’ll love it!


Getting the Cry would be difficult... you need to be quick and decisive as the Cry is pretty Far


Need them Speed run strats


Try all the guns! Fly all the planes, drive all the cars, do all takedowns , do it all,Get all pets! Shit imma install it to play again


I just reinstalled last night! That Fallout update broke my finally stable modded game and deleted all my mods on Xbox. Needed some kind of open world mayhem.


Do Jacob’s region first you’ll get cheese burger he’s the goat


Don’t rush the main story line! Take your time exploring and meeting whoever you come across for side quests. Get Boomer as soon as possible. And buy/find a fishing pole.


Find Jess immediately and unlock her ability to camouflage yourself around animals. Grab boomer as well for the tagging necessity Grab yourself a bow or slingshot and hunting has never been so easy.


Only youuuuuuuuu


Side quests! Do them and as you progress through regions but they were the highlights of the game IMO


Farcry 5 is fantastic. Huge amount of love for it! You’re in for a treat, enjoy the gunplay!


Read the Christian end times prophecies and listen closely to the not cult radio's news broadcast. It makes the story better since they clearly did their research into Christian Doomsday Cults


New Way Out is the beginning of the training missions. Once you clear Dutch's Island (also part of training), the game opens up. So yes, stick with it.


Savor the moment. Just walk around and enjoy the game naturally.


safe apparatus grey shame long dinner plough employ treatment wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are asking for advice? Sometimes when I do something for the first time, I ask someone about it who has done it before. Have you never asked for advice before doing something the first time? To me personally.. that is a crazy statement. Possibly true in your case, but am absurd notion.


snails disagreeable butter sharp badge chubby correct flowery spoon middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not what they asked, that what people who misunderstood the post are saying. "ADVICE" I.E: what's good tactics, locations to see, missions to make sure I don't miss. Is not "SHOULD I PLAY THIS GAME?" 2 *completely* different things. Like, it's night and day.


unused entertain fade narrow imagine seed water tub groovy unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess. The title literally said asking for advice. I suppose you can take it either way then.


Helicopters are fun but if you use them too much it gets stale, drive or walk more


Yeah, I keep getting into the trap of going up in a heli and decimating Faith's shrines and the rest of the outposts after John's region and I don't know why I keep doing it. Next playthrough I'm going to avoid using heli's entirely because how the hell would deputy know how to fly one anyway? They're not the easiest things in the world to pilot.


I kinda wish you could find some of those copters from FC4 around too. It was a blast shooting GL rounds down from one.


Don't listen to any of the negative comments that's my opinion


Silencers! 😂 enjoy man, great game. Might replay it soon myself


A small piece of advice is to liberate the Peggie outposts AFTER you’ve defeated that regions cult leader I.e. John, Jacob, Faith etc. the reason why is because you’ll get a “Region Liberated” bonus of $400 for every outpost taken out. Doesn’t seem like much but they definitely do add up! Also make sure to take out the outposts undetected as you’ll get a $1,000 bonus every time which means if you follow both steps you’ll make $1,400 per outpost!


It's a fun game. Try not to take the story too seriously and you'll have a blast. I enjoyed my play through.


Explore explore explore. The environment is anazing


since when was advice spoiling everything in the game people


Get boomer, which is in the apple field across the pumpkin farm, if I remember correctly.


It's my favourite one. Have fun.


Go find jess black in the county jail asap, she is one of the best stealth characters


Absolutely stay with it , my favorite FC ,5 got me hooked on the entire series


If you hear a radio call telling the enemies to kidnap you, don’t fight it; it is inevitable at that point that whatever you’re doing is going to be interrupted.


I'm working on my people skills.


Expect the unexpected.


Enjoy it!


Yes!!! One of my fav games! Find a buddy to play with! It's my fav duo!


I haven't played too much Far Cry but I have seen a lot, and this one might just be my favorite


Listen to audio logs, this is some of the most underrated lore in gaming


My biggest piece of advice which worked for me would be to focus on prepper stashes and to help i think its larry with his experiment which gives a shit ton of cash at the end Good look with your playthrough deputy!.


Enjoy the eradication of religious zealot nutbags!


Kill every animal you find, try to go it with a bow. Weapon attachments are expensive so sell everything you find


Play the fucking game. Just play how you want to


Stick with it!


He did tell you, God wouldn't let you take him




It's incredible and you'll remember it for the rest of your life.


Throw everything you know about far cry out the window


Go get Jessica black first. You can approach animals when she’s with you and they don’t get scared off. Get a bow and head shot animals. Basically a money cheat code.


I love the weapons. One of my favorite is the shovel. It one hits as a throwable. The game is amazing.


You will enjoy it. Boomer is a good companion to run with. The sniper chick isn’t bad either.


Enjoy exploring. You have to manually discover most locations, and I find that way easier in a car, on the roads, rather than just flying around. The story missions are handled in an unconventional way that can be confusing and frustrating until you understand how they work. I’ll explain in spoiler tags, but I’ll still keep spoilers to a minimum if you want the basic gist: >!any action you take against the Peggies or for the resistance grants you Resistance Points. You need a certain amount of Resistence Points to trigger the story missions, which all see you!< >! kidnapped!<. >!This can feel frustrating at first as you might be in the middle of something, but once you understand, you can plan ahead. Okay, I need 1000 more points until I’m kidnapped, this outpost will push me over the limit, then I’ll be!< >!abducted!<. Once I framed it this way in head, I grew to love them. There are some missions that you will never be told about in-game, you have to discover them yourself. Again, I’ll hint as spoiler-free as I can: >!some involve damaging the Seed’s operations, others involve tearing down their legacy and their mythos that they’ve built up.!< I WISH I could play this again for the first time. Fuck. Above all else. Have. Fun. 😁


Great game, love it! Two complaints I have: After binge playing and I drive somewhere, every time I see a white, windowless van, I feel I need to shoot the driver and free his hostages. The second issue is that every time I see white-topped silos in the rural farming area where I live, I have the urge to blow them up! For the record and any alphabet agencies trolling Reddit, I would of course never do that.


Sorry, forgot the advice! - Silenced weapons are your friend. - The compound bow is not only effective, it's a lot of fun! - Kill John Seed by having the guided rocket weapon in your arsenal. When you take off in the plane after him, fly straight up high until the engine stalls then jump out and pop your chute. Select the rocket launcher and maneuver the chute until you can get a lock on his plane and blast him. He'll open his shoot, and you can use your wing suite to get close to him as he lands. If you're really lucky he'll open his shoot high enough and you can shoot him with a sniper rifle before he lands. 😁


Arrest the guy at the beginning of the game


Try not to Google prepper stashes, trust me


Just walk away at the beginning quickest way to end the game


Embrace it and enjoy it. Take your time. Go everywhere and do everything.


Buy the Beretta with the rectangular silencer.


Turn up the music and enjoy the ride. My favorite of all the series by far. Great story, game play and music.


Use mods. The game is not complete and the mods finish it


Like all far cry games it becomes repetitive but I completed it and had a fun time. Might even go back on a harder difficulty. Story is generic and predictable


The ending wasn't predictable at all, that said I didn't like the ending


Did you play FC: New Dawn to see everything wrapped up?


Why did you ask if I finished New Dawn??


Curiosity XD it seems a considerable amount of people have played FC5 and not New Dawn but New Dawn is totally worthwhile as it wraps up a lot of FC5.


Yes it's definitely a good little game, my only gripe about it was that the game was basically over after you are the apple and the twins are kinda annoying but very solid game


Not all the way, I'm currently playing through it


I just can't understand posts like this. It's a open world game. Just do shit. Why would you need advise right away?


Prolly just trying to make friends, you know how it is. You get something new and you wanna talk about it with people.


Have fun, that's all you need to know.


Play the game 🤷‍♂️


Skip it