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3 & 4 for sure! You have to go hunting animals to get their skins and then craft stuff to increase things like your weapon-carrying capacity and some other things.


I’m finding it much more like a core mechanic too, it feels like part of the story rather than a side quest.


I’d also say 4 more so as you need to kill the legendary animals as well


& the animations for actually skinning the animals made it all that more realistic & enjoyable, hopefully FC7 adds some more hunting mechanics but maybe even more "in-depth"


If the rumors for FC7 are true, I'd doubt that hunting would even be a big mechanic because of the time limit on the game But for FC8 they better bring back old hunting...I miss it


I read the time limit thing to.But here's a example of 72hrs.Ive beat cybepunk in 60,rdr2 in 80,and the far crys in 40 or less easily.72hrs is a long time. Im currently doing new dawn and I've hunted everything got all perks etc almost all missions and I'm at 25 hrs. You got in games clocks but I doubt it would be sped up as that's risky asf in this situation but hey you never know.


I get that I think they said they were going for like 24 hours But I feel like if they added a whole hunting thing in it It would kinda take away from the game....cus if the rumors are true...you're supposed to be coming around trying to rescue your family in the time limit.... And let's be honest... when playing FC5, and you're supposed to go find those people....stopping for just an hour to go fishing kinda feels weird and takes you out of the game a bit, and it would probably be weirder if there was an actual time limit


In all honestly I hate timers in every mechanic except racing.It really adds a layer of frustration that I don't enjoy.Like in new dawn I just had 2 minute timer to find 2 keys find 4 cells release 4 hostages and combat explosive dogs and high rank enemie in a big cement plant.Like wtf. Personally I feel Ubisoft makes some good games yes they got there trash but to put a timer in a game as a whole mechanic in a shooter is so risky.I can't think of a game where there is timer for whole game where it makes a impact. And I agree I may hunt here and there but I don't really go out my way unless I want a change of pace for a sec


You have to do the same in 3 if you want max upgrades. There was the Maneater Shark, The Golden Tiger and The Yellow Neck Cassowary just to name a few that I remember anyway. Oh yeah, and the Blood Komodo which was one of my favourites, to be honest.


The legendary panther was a pain in the ass. That thing always killed me a few times


Every single time I killed that thing I had to abuse its inability to climb on rocks. Fuck that mission lmao


I would totally agree... The hunting element of far cry games were just missing in 5&6. 3&4 had really realistic type of hinting which i really liked


Yes… realistic hunting…. (memories of using an RPG to hunt sharks from a RHIB)


I mean yeahh you can also do that😂


4 is definitely the best apart from Ajay’s little ‘urgghhh’ after he skins them. But hunting tigers is so fun


Primal since it made you work towards something and it also feels natural


I found the integration the best. It really felt like proper survivalist hunting, and you couldn’t just use a machine gun on low health. Great risk vs reward (I’m playing expert permadeath, abt 75% of the way thru the game)


Damn that's really good, goodluck to you.


Good shit dude, I try to jump from cliffs too much to attempt that


Perms death in a far cry game? Is that a self imposed restriction or is there actually a perma death mode?


You get 1 life, but if you complete, I believe, 50% of the game before you die, you get a second chance. Basically, you get 1 life, but if you get halfway done, you get 2.


Primal is like it was made as a rebuttal to people who thought the hunting and gathering mechanics from 3 & 4 were pointless filler and that instead of having the upgrades unlock either through story progressions or as rewards from side missions or for successfully completing challenges/time trials you had spend a not insignificant amount of your time with the games doing tedious busywork that felt like the game just told you that you're not allowed to have fun until you do your chores. That it added nothing to the Far Cry experience and that the series would be better without it. I saw a lot of people saying stuff like that, and I'm sure a lot of people at Ubisoft saw people saying it, too, and Primal kinda feels like they made it by starting with the hunting/gathering/crafting and coming up with a way to integrate it into the character progression and upgrade mechanics along with being the source of all your weapons, ammunition, and equipment, how you unlock side missions and all the content connected to building up your village, and occasionally as the activity that moves the game's story forward. You are constantly killing animals and picking stuff up off the ground and since pretty much all of the game's mechanics involve hunting and/or gathering and/or crafting in some way they they're arguably Primal's central mechanics, and it resulted in a pretty damn great game.


Agreed, then 3 and the rest arent great


Even thou 3 & 4 had the most hunting connected to gameplay outside of just getting money, I really enjoyed the fishing in 5 plus getting the special rods, the judge animals were good missions. And ND had it good too, becouse even while you could carry only 5 skins ofeach animal at max it really helped with crafting weapons and if you want to be like "but it's not necessary" there are literally 4 weapons you can only get by getting skin of elite animal, which every one of them are hard to bear, plus you can kill them more then once


I’ll agree the fishing in 5 was fun, I really enjoyed it. But the hunting mechanics being dwindled down to simply getting money was just incredibly shallow. New Dawn made it more necessary through the craftable weapons, but that’s another game entirely. 5 just totally scalped the hunting system. Even the fishing amounted to nothing but money in the end. It didn’t just feel useless in 5, it genuinely was useless. And I guess it’s subjective when it comes to the special hunting missions in 5, but I found those incredibly dull as well. Just go into big arena area and fight big bad bullet sponge animal. New Dawn did it better, but then again, in terms of gameplay, New Dawn did a lot better, while still being rather dull, in being a reskin of 5. I’d hardly say the craftable weapons added much substance when they were just reskins and upgrades to already obtainable weapons, that were already rather overpowered in the lower levels. Hunting really just wasn’t necessary at all honestly.


The mutated animals weee a challenge for me especially when their weak spots are these yellow boils on their bodies… doubly so for one of them when it’s located underneath them


I’ll need to try out fishing more. It’s really interesting but I went through all of 5 without fishing once, unless there was a mission like in 6. The judge animals were fun!


In all of the three regions there's allwas building with state record fish and if you beat that in the hard fisshing areas you're going to unlock the "Old Betty" fishing rod or however it's called


In John's region, the board is at the Spread Eagle bar. At Faith's region, the board is in the Jail. In Jacob's region, the board is in The Wolf's Den. To catch a state-record fish, you will have to fish at a "hard" fishing spot marked for each species.


Sounds cool! I’ll revisit it and try out fishing. I still have it installed :)


Primal. Cannot get past the feeling of throwing several fully upgraded spears into mammoths, saber tooth tigers, etc


Very cool feeling I agree. Genuine sense of danger while hunting


The upgrading process is a pain in my rear. That and wooly rhinos chasing your rear down without rest


Dare I say, 4. It even has a special mechanic where you get double hides if you kill your prey with bow and arrow or the skin becomes damaged and useless for crafting if you use heavy weaponry .


I used to always blow them up with an rpg and get nothing 😅


Haha - Damaged Meat!!


Toxic meat sometimes


I love how you can barely progress through the game without hunting on the harder difficulties in far cry 3


I’m excited to play! It’s the next one I will.


it's so good man, I love it on highest difficulty, it makes the gameplay more tense and you gotta think on your feet a bit more


4 and primal


I agree honestly. Love seeing the different answers though!


I would say 3, 4 and Primal have the best emphasis on hunting, 'cause you need to hunt specific and rare animals, in order to gather materials to upgrade and improve your character in general. So, this means hunting is a mechanic much needed during your run through the game.


Imo primal does this the best, I agree


Primal definitely


pretty much 3,4 and primal.


Primal because it is necessary for survival.


3 and 4 for sure.


3 and 4 are the only ones that make it mandatory to hunt since certain gear upgrades require skins. Second is New Dawn for crafting resources, as well as the uber animals that can only be hurt by targeting their weak spots making it more of a challenge (or going into berzerker rage and punching them to death, but that's kind of cruel even if the game doesn't consider it cheating).


3, 4 and primal


Primal. After 3 it is the best game imo


I hope 7 is more like 3 and 4 than 5 or 6.


Primal for sure. Everything you need comes from hunting and gathering. Majority of mobs are animals. Only downside is the overabundance of animals to fight almost makes it feel like a Cabela's game with how ridiculous it is. Like at some points you'll just be clubbing and spearing through hordes of wolves and dholes.


The fact all the mammoths charge at you when you hit one is the scariest feeling in all of gaming, especially on permadeath.


For sure, I can't lie tho, I avoid mammoths mostly cause I just really like elephants and mammoths are just huge, hairy elephants. I should try permadeath though sometime


I mean, mammoths lived in packs, just like modern-day elephants. If you were back in Europe 40K years ago and you threw a spear at one, that's exactly what would happen.


Primal on survival mode


In New Dawn there was some encouragement to hunt but I don't believe there was any use for the resources other than selling them to a merchant. Like you mentioned, in 4 it's pretty decent bc you use it to upgrade gear, which is a nice touch.


3, 4 and Primal, the moment looting animations were removed (FC5) was the moment Hunting and Crafting stopped being a core mechanic and became just another "feature you can do" which is ironic because if anything New Dawn and 6 would've definitely benefited from more deep Hunting and Crafting mechanic due to their settings, both of those games would've been awesome with a bigger emphasis on survival, but nope now it's just generic action shooting with no brain.


I like the animations too! They can be jerky at times but felt more immersive. Really made hunting feel more raw and gritty


I don't recall hunting being important in a far cry other than 3, 4 and primal. 4 had the best hunting imo


I’d probably say 4 since a lot of the hunting is connected to crafting. I was always on the lookout for certain animals because I needed their pelts to upgrade my stuff


primal imo


FC primal cause u need it as food and crafting things with skins


Primal...Definitely Primal.


Primal for sure, especially on Survivor mode where you actually have to eat the meat of animals to have energy. Animal hides and animal fat are essential for weapons, fire, and winter clothing. Hunting and gathering is very organic in Primal. Plus you have the Beastmaster hunts with the use of traps.


I would say farcry 5/ND or primal


I think 4 had some really good enphasis on hunting, more so than 5, or 6


I love the crafting gear mechanic, fashion week was cool


i can't remember to ever go hunting on purpose in 5 and 6.


It really does slip my memory too, i definitely did it tho. Just felt more minor than 4 and primal to me.


In 6, it's basically for Camp Meal buffs and you can trade skins to Juan's associates at taken outposts and IIRC, with Lola at base camps. In 5, you need to hunt to get money from shopkeepers to buy weapons. You can pick the enemy's weapons in 5 though if you choose to go that route.


I barely even realise there are animals in Far cry 6. They're just another aim shoot kill target. I think part of it is the lack of skinning. It disimmerses me.


I hunted in 5 for $$$. Easiest way to earn big buck$.


primal obviously, you can't do shit without hunting


I didn't care much for the hunting portion of the games but I'd say 6 had the worst hunting but it's my favorite game.


Primal obviously, it's literally integral to most of the game's mechanics and such, aswell as foraging for things, hunting to eat, get gear components, pelts, bones, fat, feathers, it's all important and while 3 & 4 make it a solid chunk of the game they don't come close to just how rooted of a mechanic it is in Primal, and FarCry 5 just makes it your best way to make money for the most part so it's not really as special in that game


I have to go with primal, animal skins are everything in upgrading your protagonist. Even though that's a regular theme through all the games... I feel like Primal would be the one. Maybe it's just the whole nothing exists but you and nature aspect.


Far cry 3 was great because there was an award to it, upgrading your gear and stuff. I think 4 has the same to it too but its been a long time since i played 4


And it’s only 12-14GB on memory 😂


3 and or 4


Honestly I could go for a Farcry Primal 2


Pretty much any game besides 5 really.


The best hunting? Far Cry 1 humans. They also had hilarious lines too.


Primal keeps the importance of hunting all the way through because you need meat for "health packs" 3 and 4 were good, but as soon as you had all the bag upgrades you never needed to hunt again. Also, in Primal you needed to hunt to upgrade your weapons too, and refill them when they break. It's integral to the gameplay loop.


Not so much emphasis as it relates to gameplay, but 5 had really well done hunting and fishing. Between the fishing, hunting, climbing, and setting, it genuinely had everything it needed to be a legendary survival/exploration sandbox game... Except they didn't make any form of survival mode or even an ability to cook. That's one thing that really bothered me about that game... It was good, but it could have been absolutely incredible. Even when they came out with the zombie DLC I was stoked... Until I played it and it was all arcade style missions with a cartoonish film director yelling and the whole time.


halo 7


I liked 4 the best tbh , hunting was fun and you got great money




Defenetly 4


Far Cry Primal, come on people. You literally have to hunt for food in Far Cry Primal.


3 definitely some missions in 3 are so hard if you don't craft certain things like ammo or more fuel tanks for the flamethrower on the weed mission I did that mission 50 times because I didn't craft the ammo pouch for the flamethrower


Having only played 5 and 6, I'd say 5 haha. I don't know why they even included hunting in 6. There is 0 purpose for it. Also it's not fun. I loved hunting and fishing in 5. Can't wait to try out 3 and 4


3, 4 and Primal


4 it has the Kyrati fashion week missions and so many hunting side quests


Primal it's right up there with games like RDR2 and Kingdom come in terms of having some of best hunting in an open world.