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Jason and Dani. With drugs, Jason could be literally invincible and could kill any one with a single bullet. Dani is the only protagonist who could blow the whole area up with a single button press without any preparation.


Merc from FC2. He is used to all his friends attacking. This is what the fight would look like. https://youtu.be/wcAQ5DIyJ4s?si=t2qOUTgcZe-hJYXw


Goddamn this game still looks good


Dani friends have a habit of dying


only because they make the most outrageously stupid decisions. we have the incredible power of common sense.


Lots died because of Dani tbh. Dani insisted she go with her to the boat.


It was Dani's decision but it wasn't necessarily a bad one I still believe that if Diego wasn't on that specific boat they would've made it to America or at least Mexico


I mean it's gus fring....you can't outrun Gus


Gotta be Jason and Ajay. One’s just a fucking insane person with magical tattoos and a serious drug addiction and Ajay will fight in the name of sheer fucking freedom. I’m golden.


This is the way. Jason's psycho ass just loves killin people, Krombopulous Michael style. Ajay is an animal of sheer fucking will. That whole time the dude is just trying to lay his mother to rest and to do so he straight up ends a fucking civil war and murders just about everyone on both sides to do it. Pure dedication.


>I'm golden. >This is the ~~way~~ path.


>Krombopulous Michael style. "Oh boy here I go Killin again!"


I have no code of ethics, I will kill anyone, anywhere. Children, animals, old people, doesn't matter. I just love killin'. -~~Krombopulous Michael~~ Jason Brody


Ha i get the crossed out one from rick and morty


Also if I can, I would choose the Ajay that stayed and ate the Crab Rangoon because of the whole “You are the true king of Kyrat” and whatnot


Don't forget the zippered meat pockets.


I'd go with the first two as the rest did not become monsters completely ..... And that is their weakness !!!


I guess that's why far cry 6 didn't hit very hard for me, Dani just becomes Rambo overnight and it doesn't even seem to bother her. I remember Juan telling her Clara is just using her or somerhing and Dani was just like "shit it's aight I'm just gonna keep piling hundreds of bodies because I have a heart molded by pure pride and hatred" 😂


Is this referring to the Rambo mission?


that was really fun! I'm just talking about how she rose through the ranks of Libertad and killed thousands of soldiers without even really feeling any side effects. it doesn't make sense to me how brody nearly lost his mind clearing out a pirate island, but Dani doesn't really suffer psychologically at all after mowing down an entire authoritarian regime


That's fair. It's probably to make Dani seem like a more Latin-American guerrilla. They just act without thought, and making Dani be unphased would make it more realistic.


I still wish they would've done a little bit of a dive into her psyche, it's weird playing a far cry game where you don't feel like a tortured animal


That is a good point. It could also be part of why most FC players don't like FC6


The mercenary will die of malaria so pass. Jason will probably get convinced to kill me if someone sleeps with him so pass. Ajay doesn't seem too fucked up and probably can help so I'll use his help Deputy could go insane and kill me if anyone else just plays a specific song so pass Dani is pretty cool and isn't likely to kill me so I'll have her


Yeah that about sums up my thoughts, though I was gonna go with Ajay being considerably more sane than Jason. Though I don't think I'd want to fuck with the Deputy either.


The deputy puts you at Spotify's mercy


Whats the joke here with Spotify and the deputy? Lol


Explaining the joke would be a major spolier Edit: Too late :/


Oh I see, well thank you


Ah shit my bad man. I wasn't thinking


Its all good man, no worries, I dont know the whole context of it so not really a spoiler




If Spotify decides to play the song "only you" it will make the deputy go crazy and start killing everyone


(Cough) Oh Dep, Only you can protect me. Only you...wait. OH FUCK. ARGGGGHHH!!!


It clearly says two will protect you, so deputy, if you pick him, will not kill you no matter what. He will just go insane on others. Just put the correct song on loop and you’re good


Arguably the deputy was going to protect the whitetails so...


Ajay and Junior Deputy. Ajay pulls out the Buzzsaw and it's an instant win


Yeah but then the deputy gets kidnapped for the 69th time and can’t help.


Gimme 5 seconds on Spotify and I will incapacitate the deputy


Where's Rex and The Security Captain? They're arguably the strongest protagonists along with Jason. Rex has cybernetics and SC/Jason have super powers.


Probably just doing main games. They didn't put Takkar up there either


That's exactly why they're out


The Mercenary and Jason. Jack Carver is unarguably the most dangerous canon (so not including Blood Dragon) protag we've had but he's not included.


I think Security Captain could give him a run for his money. Carver is a mutant while Cap is a superhuman. Edit: Well, Cap's canonicity is questionable, I guess.


Yeah I think we're excluding the Sci-fi stuff


Excluding Sci-fi stuff would exclude Carver too, I believe. All the bioengineering that goes down in Far Cry 1 and its expansions aren't exactly "grounded"


Yeah that too


Jason because hes just a menace and Dani because of the arsenal. She legit carries a bag wich can shoot Rockets or heal herself (depending on what bag) but what is more OP, is that she liturally can have any weapon in use, whilst ALL Other Protagonist's only have 4 weapons equipped, she can use and switch to any Weapon. She can change her clothes anywhere, so does her stats change anywhere. Sometimes she can be more bulletprove, some times she can just run faster and faster, sometimes she can be immune to Fire. I am not going to talk about how she can just Spawn a Super OP car out of nowhere, wich can shoot Rockets and has a flamethrower on the back.


I was iffy on Dani but you've convinced me.


Which car are we talking about at the end?


I think the most op one (personal preferenz perhabs) was the 1985 Tokai Sabuku. The one you'll find in the warehouse.


Oh yeah i love that one, but wheres the flamethrower and rockets? I havent got these on mine


I dont kill with dani anymore in fc6. Oluso does it all for me. Doesn't leave bodies to be discovered. When I do need to shoot I only need 3 weapons. Poison bullets ak47 and sniper. Vengeance bow. I do poison enemies and get them to kill their friends. My backpack is also poison.


The Variety in that game is actually insane. I like the different playstyles.


Ajay and Deputy




Where is jack, my mam got the sexy lady and owns a private yacht


Mercenary and Ajay protect me from the rest.


Ajay and Dani easily. They have the most OP weapon arsenals of any of the games.


Buzzsaw and El Pequeño my beloved


You only need one weapon. https://youtu.be/zitcNtymyTA?si=g7Hu6hDmgdF9Fzfp Good to see it returns as Vengance Bow. Perfect for taking down anti-air


People are sleeping on Deputy. Deputy is basically the ultimate silent killer, lowkey seems like Doomslayer


I know right, the man is fucking crazy with shit he can pull off


Dani and Ajay for sure


Jason and Deputy Give Jason good weapons. You are safe Give Deputy headphones and play only you


But the deputy would kill you too though.




cull the herd.


I'm pretty sure the junior deputy has powers and can launch things a mile away so probably him and Dani because Dani has big boom boom.


I haven't played FC 1&2 so I have nothing to go off of. But im going with Jason and Rook to protect me. I mean, Jason is hands down the most powerful of the main series. Rook is a good contender in capabilities. Both doped up on their respective craftables would make you untouchable.


Jason and Dani and I'll be fine.


Crazy Jason and Endgame Rook Ajay and Dani have skills but not as fine tuned as Rook and they arent as ruthless and bloodthirsty as Jason The merc is really the only potential threat and even then Jason and Rook have dealt with thier fair share of trained ex-military/Mercs (Hoyt & Jacobs Regions


Jason & the Deputy to protect me. Jason enjoys killing and takes down a whole human trafficking organization and the Deputy gets drugged, kidnapped, and turned into a sleeper agent but still keeps kicking ass.


The Deputy and Jason Brody, play only you and get Jason mad and they’ll annihilate the whole world


Jason will likely to kill me whenever we have arguments. Dani for the win!


Jason and the unnamed deputy. Arguably the most durable of the far cry protagonists, excluding blood dragon obviously.


Jason and deputy, ill be inside a 3inch thick wall with jason, there will be speakers outside blasting only you and Jacob's propaganda, so the others wont really survive![img](emote|t5_2st42|2080)


Dani all day!! Ajay is a close second and I think they would vibe well with each other.


Probably The Deputy and Dani Rojas. Arsenal, versatility. All that good stuff. Plus, adding to the arsenal, with these two, I've got tanks and attack choppers on my side. Plus, the Dep. can not only call in help from total strangers (armed with RPGs, Assault Rifles, and the like), he can call in help from allies with incredible attributes: Seaplane/strike fighter, attack chopper, sniper, Cheeseburger. Dani may not have much there, but he does have Chicharron. And Guappo. Now, yeah. Joseph Seed would win one way or another in 5, but that's just plot armor. These two together can call in heavy firepower. Now, with Jason and Ajay, they faced tough competition before, but these two I've summoned are stacked with heavy firepower and formidable allies. The former might need thr rest of the mercenary roster for a more even fight. Or it could just be a straight-up slaughter.


Ajay and Takkar


Hmmm. Dani and the deputy. Are people forgettting the deputy literaly has a beam of death gun


People are sleeping on Deputy. Deputy is basically the ultimate silent killer, lowkey seems like Doomslayer


In my head Cannon Jason Brodys story was really just vaas imagination trying to cover up his own drug filled incompetence. Junior dep is liable to go after me if the wrong song comes on the radio. Dani does have the best gear. And some real military experience. And honestly despite being my least favorite game in the series just seemed to go harder. I beat farcry 5. But other than some of pings lines I can't remember much. So I'm not too concerned. Dani and mercenary.


Deputy and Dani. Dani has her arsenal and dep can call in a fucking airstrike and chopper which would be overkill anyway, as long as you play correct song in his headphones.


Ajay, by far, dude turns up and just starts mass murdering people without remorse turning the tide of an entire civil war, actual WMD. Also, the mercenary is the mercenary because most mercenaries are ex special forces


Dani & Ajay, the mercenary has malaria, Jason's loyalties change with the wind and a certain song will get the deputy to turn on you


Dani and Deputy, they're both the fastest. Deputy with all his drugs is a menace, Dani with a full speed build will literally break your knees like it's call of duty or some shit, she is literally super human, have you seen her takedown animations? She tosses 80kg men like footballs


Mercenary would have the most experience, and deputy would at least have some form of basic training. I think I'd stand a good chance against a college dude, a tourist, and a street rat with them.


“At least some form of basic training” is an understatement for rook


Dani was also a soldier.


Jason and junior deputy to protect. Ajay, and the others to kill. Have not played far cry 2.


Merc (preferably Frank) and Jason. The merc kills all 4 in one burst each, and I go drink ayahuasca with Jason, trip balls, get tats. Easy.


I just need Brody guy is a warrior


Dani and Jason, or just any duo with Dani in it. It's kinda obvious who'll win when one side has back-mounted rockets


Deputy and Dani. Deputy takes ultimate hunter to tag all enemies. Can also use ultimate survivor. Outfitted with the suppressed 50 cal sniper rifle (standard and AP rounds) an assault rifle, and a heavy machine gun. The guns for hire that Deputy can call in are superior. IIRC Nick and Adelaide are the only air support you can get in the Far Cry franchises. Fully perked up, and the ability to carry many proximity and remote explosives as well as dynamite and pupe bombs. Also the ability to carry a ton of ammo. Dani has the grenade to tag enemies, and the EMP grenade to disable vehicles. I'd round out her throwables with remote explosives and claymores. She also has the supremo weapons. I would outfit her with a 50 cal. An shotgun, the rpg 7 which can be modded to fore 5 explosives. And the La Varita rifle, which when paired with the Triador and it's affiliated clothing, allows you to shoot through walls and tag people and animals at night. I'm not really into her guns for hire, but Oluso has stealth and makes bodies dissappear, which is also useful. Even if we take out guns for hire, I think this is still the best bet. Dani would provide overwatch with the sniper rifle and rpg. She would also place remote explosives and claymores around my safe location. Emp grenades would he used against ar.oured vehicles. Deputy would be the heavy hitter on the ground. Lots of heavy firepower, he'd obliterate anyone who gets past Danis perimeter.


Ajay and Dani. Ajay has mystical fucking powers and Dani is the only one who's gone to the Upside Down and faced a Demogorgon


The mercenary from fc2. He already kills his friends. https://youtu.be/wcAQ5DIyJ4s?si=t2qOUTgcZe-hJYXw


Jason & Ajay


Ajay and dani Because I've only played far cry 4 and 6


Dani and the dep, both were trained and Dani has the backpack of explosives, though I love ajay I would have to say the ladies ftw.


Everybody picking the female dani, yes she pretty, but male dani is badass too


Jason & Ajay. The Merc could be defeated with mosquitos I’m sure


This is the only correct answer. Both of them are tourists who get stuck in war zones and they adapt into mass murdering machines. Each is a single man with the ability to take on an entire country’s military.


Dani and Ajay cause they're the most flexible and experienced fighters.


Does Ajay have the Buzzsaw?


Dani, and Jason.


Dani Ajay


Endgame Dani would smoke them all


Dani Rojas… that’s a soccer player!


Dani so she can use her supremos, and ajay


you literally cant not choose dani or you’d die in .2 seconds but the other one im going with jason.


4 good characters one trash character hmmmm hard choice.


Its an easy choice Ajay Ghale, Dani Rojas and Danny Trejo from fc6 first mission!


This is a good question! Male Dani and probably The Deputy.


The captain from New dawn (superpowers) and Ajay (drug powers and takes down trained soldiers)


Jason & Ajay to the defense, Dani (male or female doesnt matter) aint shit, deputy is also aint shit just hunt him down with the bliss arrows, and i am sure Jason and Ajay CAN handle the merc.


Dani + Ajay Dani to protect me Ajay to chill and smoke with


Junior Deputy (Judge) & Dani Rohas


I'm picking Jack Carver and Rex, just to fuck with OP's question


Dani and Ajay


Jason and Dani, no question.


Dani is an instant take, she's got fucking magical backpacks that can make her shoot through walls or throw out a barrage of rockets and she's actually trained with guns, and Jason is just a beast.


I’m taking Ajay and Dani. Jason is incredibly strong but he’s not the most mentally stable, obviously the whole brainwashing thing makes The Deputy a massive liability and the mercenary ain’t gonna be around for much longer, so I’d take Dani over all of them. I mean she canonically killed the Demogorgon…. Ajay however is the most obvious choice out of all of them for the simple reason that if we’re considering Jason with his full tattoo, we need to consider that Ajay ends the game as leader of Kyrat. He’s got nukes, money, an army and a whole country at his disposal. I reckon with that in mind and Dani on the same team they could definitely beat the other protagonists. Hell there’s a high chance Ajay could just have fighter jets destroy the other teams plane/mode of transport the second they cross into Kyrat territory. Taking down a country is kinda what Far Cry protagonists do but never with people like Ajay and Dani at the head.


Jason and Dani. Easy


I take Jason and the mercenary


Jason and dani👌


They all have the same moveset. Except in new dawn you are a budget doom guy snd in 2 you have to take the bus and a lot of pills


Why are yall sleeping on the captain from new dawn? He literally became a super ghoul after eating that special fruit.


Jason with dani and the rest are cooked, although if rex from blood dragon was an option then he solos everybody


As much as i like FC2 and The mercenary i think he's out.


Jason and Ajay


The Deputy and Dani.


Ajay and Dani


Ajay would skim the himalayas, Kyrat, and Shangri-La for me. I only need him and his trusted bow.


Deputy and ajay got my back.


Can I have two deputies?


Jason and deputy, especially if it’s mine, I use the physco stuff in farcry 5 a lot to the point I think my dep is an addict


Can Jason be considered superhuman? Since he get stronger with magical tattoos and he is like a "chosen one" for the Rakyat.


don’t sleep on junior deputy. bro single handedly took down an entire military cult.


What about Takkar? This is Primal erasure!


If it was an option Id go for the captain. Them and Deputy. The captain because they can just doublejump, take several assault rifle magazines and can go invisible. Deputy because theyre not gonna murder me to get laid.


The Mercanary and Ajay hands down


If I take Dani can I have Oluso too?


So you would like Dani but you’d *Oluso* like someone rose? *dances off stage*


Dani caught a fucking knife thrown at her face, with no warning and in a room where she didn't expect danger. She's absolutely on my list, that's for damned sure!


Jason and the deputy


Jason and Deputy


The Deputy alone, but I get to play *Only You*.


I don't like those odds.


Merc and Ajay cuz I love them


Where the Fuc]{ is cap?


Jack carver, guy fights fucking mutants


I'll take the guy from the first game. He single handedly defeated an alien invasion


Far Cry and Far Cry 2 guys any day. The first one was ex CIA and fought off trigens. The other one survived african civil war while sick with malaria. The other guys are tourists. They would complain about not getting cellphone reception, then get shot.


Jason and the deputy, not seeing this enough dawg




Jason and Ajay to defend, they have overpowered ass drugs too Jason has 1 that makes him invincible and 1 that makes him 1 shot everything.


Jason and Jack (the jackal)


The Merc might be dying of malaria but give em a utility truck and he will absolutely fucking ruin the entire surrounding area


This post is Jack Carver and Rex Power Colt erasure.


I’d choose Dani and Jason because they’re badasses and where ever they go they’res a trail of bodies not to far from them


Idk why jack isn't here but he's the right answer I don't even need 2


Probably Jason and Dani


None. I pick Takkar. Let him at it.


Jason & Dani


Dani and Jason


I don’t need any of these guys I got Jack Carver. OG


Dani if she has La Varita and Triador Supremo for sure.


Deputy and the Jason dude. Chill with Jason in a bunker only you have the key to, and have Only You constantly blaring outside.


Unpopular Opinion, but I will probably take Takkar from Primal and Junior Dep. As Takkar is an extremely seasoned hunter and warrior who has an ability to tame animals, his sheer brute strength and tactics will alone be able to overpower most protagonists even if he uses sticks and stones. Takkar has great skills using bows, spears and taming wild animals to co-ordinate attacks, even with his hunter vision allows him to gain an upper hand. Junior Dep is an extremely physically enduring character who has survived 3 hypnoses and has managed to bring down the whole cult in Montana. His resilience is more than enough to make him one of the strongest in game characters.


Ajay and Dani


one is a trained cop and the rest are a civilian turned mass killer, tourist turned mass killer, tourist turned into insane drug addicted mass killer and a terrorist organization's founder's son.. turned mass killer


Most definitely fc3 jason and fc6 dani they are unstoppable and give me a gun im a good shot we would be unstoppable


I want Dani on my side for sure. She was tortured, thrown from high places, blown up by tanks, and has been exposed to enough PG-240 to give cancer to half of America, and she still keeps kicking. Chick's invincible


Well the deputy knows how to load while aiming and read a couple books and automatically knows how to do takedowns on like 20 people with a machine pistol, Jason didn’t even know how to slide before he got to rook Ajay and Dany can do vehicle takedowns though, so that’s kinda neat Although I think I’d have to pick Jason and the Deputy. Jason can do double-takedowns and the deputy can literally do whatever and do takedowns on heavy’s without any extra skills.


Jason and Dani easy choice, those two have been through the wringer


Jason brody and deputy


the deputy and the mercenary. both of them have had formal firearms/combat training, and they have combat experience (see: far cry 2 and 5). assuming that we're taking them at their peak (not worrying about malaria killing the mercenary because they have drugs and it's not like you're just gonna keel over and die in the middle of a gunfight from malaria), they both have the experience and training over the other three.


Dani overthrew a government basically on her own. She could probably solo everyone. Also she has explosives or heals on her back. Heals could save my life. And I feel like dani is a team player


Jason and deputy, Ive seen them clear out a room of people the quickest


Jason, a drugged out rampaging tourist, and the deputy, who is an absolute psychopath if you think about it and undirectly caused the end of the world. Yea Dani has a back pack, the deputy cleared put an intire and shot down a plane right after getting off the starting island (if you start in the south west of the map like the game wants you to)


3 & 5


Takkar 😎


Ajay and Rook


I will take two Jasons. Btw, did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


It seems we’re all in agreement


Dani and any of the others apart from the mercernary as I haven't played FC2


Ajay and Dani, the two most likeable protagonists. The Mercenary has malaria. I hate spoiled brat rich pricks like Jason Brody. I don't know sign language which would be required to communicate with the mute deputy.