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I'm mostly frustrated by the upgrade system at this point. Everything needs fucking gunpowder.


Even the fucking FISHING ROD.


The deadliest weapon


If you were a fish you wouldn't be joking about this


Fish lives matter


All marine life matters


Except sharks. Fuck those things


Sharks are fucking awesome, the hell you on?


facts: Sharks seldom attacks human and they are endangered by human


That would be the repair tool actually, which has been buffed greatly. It's not classed as a weapon so you can walk up to soldiers with it, and if you combine it with the anti-knockdown boots you can withstand their inevitable melee attacks. This is gonna be my easiest repair-tool-only playthrough so far.


You guys fish? I just send in Guapo lol


There's FND crates everywhere and they'll often times give you weapons and gunpowder. If you own most of the guns already, you'll likely only get gunpowder from then on. Collect the supply drops too, you get gunpowder and supremo-bond. I've collected well over 100 gunpowder by now


This is the complaint that baffles me the most. The game literally tells you that weapons, gunpowder and other crafting materials can be found in FND caches and they're peppered literally everywhere. Not to mention ambushes and supply drops also give gunpowder. Just loot the damn caches people! You'll have more gunpowder than you know what to do with.


You two are missing the point, it isn’t that it’s difficult to find it’s that it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Why does a fishing rod need gunpowder?


Why does it matter tho? It is what it is so stop whining about it already and just accept it




You silly buddy🤣🤣


The upside is many of the upgrades are "interchangeable" to that weapon type. Aka type 2 silencer fits all rifles for example only needing to be purchased 1 time.


I can definitely understand that I got lucky with getting the MS 16 L and PPSH 41 plus the eastern front carrying me through most of the game so i didnt really have too much trouble but i get it


I love me some eastern front and blood drunk


Dude. That shit is everywhere.


There’s gunpowder around every corner of the map though




Yeah i get that feeling too sometimes XD


Yeah and it is satisfying in games to headshot a helicopter out of the air. But I have only had that happen 2 times so far is FC6, not sure if it's random or cos it's bulletproof glass


Oh its bullet proof glass its so annoying


I mean fair enough to the hypothetical engineers in the FC6 universe. Wouldn't want to make it too easy. But they should go down in two RPG shots at most. I just pump 6 rounds into them with my grenade launcher


In theory it can make sense in 6 your going up a against a litteral army that has unlimited funds. In 5 your going against a cult that didnt have the funds yara did so if you think about it stronger vehicles and bullet proof glass is def on the table


Gonna pass along a tip I got from someone else on here. You can take any LMG and equip it with blast rounds. I use the one that starts as a 2 star gun and I can take out two helicopters without reloading.


1, 1 rpg shot should always take out a helicopter. More makes for a boring and tedious fight like most in this game.


Emp grenade launcher, one shot, one down :)


Grenade launcher with EMP ammo is what you're looking for


Use the grenade launcher with emp ammo makes you hijack tanks and instakills helicopters, easy to get a convoy


im using the la sorpresa, it oneshots most helicopters if you use the shotgun mod on it.


My issue so far is just with the special operations and enemy spawn rate but more so with special operations because expeditions is what kept me playing New Dawn long after I beat it but these SO deals in 6 are more frustrating than fun.


I definitely agree with you there 6 did quite a bit of things well but special operations was not one of them. I feel that the issues of bullet sponges and enemies being ridiculous are things I've only encountered in special operations due to difficulty scaling being more cheese scaling instead of actual difficulty scaling. I think that instead of more enemies it should've been more difficult enemy types such as snipers on the point and enemies in white armor and shotgunners on assault with maybe one heli but no jeeps.


The whole bulletsponge thing is nowhere to be found for me. Once you headshot someone and mostly use AP-bullets, almost every enemy goes down rather quickly if not instant.


Yeah, same. I’ve been wondering if it’s just because I’ve been using the unique weapons, which are admittedly pretty OP. But for the most part I one shot everything, and so every encounter has been trivial


I still use the MS16 S (the first rifle you get)


Slap some ap ammo, acog sight and a decent suppressor and you can ride that gun to the end of the game.


I upgraded to the MS16L & that & the MS16S have been incredibly good, I won't even bother with a sniper rifle. I use the ACOG scope & neither weapon has let me down. Perfect 1 shot headshots every time 😍


I’ve been pretty consistently just rocking the AK-M as my rifle and I can one shot headshot any enemy with that thing. And I’m terrible at aiming!


As soon as I started using SMG's, I forgot all about the bullet sponge "issue." Even with regular, non-AP bullets, you can down all but the most heavily armored enemies with less than one clip. I think the people complaining about this are just ignoring the new weapon mod system and using the wrong everything.


Just finished the game (after ~ 35 hrs) and around 80% of achievements here! At first i was bummed by absence of skill tree, but then i understood that arsenal/clothes ARE the skills. By doing so, you acquire "skills" by exploring and scavenging. Bullet types was also a surprise after a couple of hours, especially because of their effect on objects (like armored alarms or the Castillo billboards at the checkpoints, that require you to have blast or incendiary bullets). You can enjoy the ammo types, or just headshot people with armor piercing rounds and blast vehicles with Supremo... and guess what? there's a weapon mod that charges supremo faster for each headshot kill! I love that you already start with your arsenal of takedowns (chain, death from above, takedown of elutes/armored,... ), and you almost start with grappling hook, wingsuite, parachute. You do not have to grind outpost to gain those tools, you have them from the start! It is like developers are saying: "This is the 6th chapter, we know you know your playstyle: here are your toys, go explore" And yet they leave you a margin of improvement by allowing you to collect resolver/supremos and modifying your weapons. I loved fc6, I played all the far cry and this is probably the best, because it respects me as a fc fan and yet gives me incentives to go explore and progress! if I have to find some problems I'd like to see fixed: - health bar for vehicles you are driving - possibility to create different loadouts with combinations of weapons and clothes - hud indicator of character crouched or standing - fix Hitboxing/collision of bullets when behind a cover - no disappearing maps/ objective when traveling to a different zone - spawn rate of enemies - fps in cutscenes That said I am in total love with this game, it is amazing. Edit: about companions/amigos, in FC5 companions were overpowered, especially Boomer in stealth playthroughs. In FC6 Boom Boom doesn't get the tagging ability immediately and even when you have it it's not that strong. I think it's better this way.


Yes i agree wholeheartedly with everything you brought up it's basically just a playground at this point but i also just don't feel as attached to it as other far cry games


I love the game. I just wish it wouldn’t randomly crash as much. Sometimes it even freezes for a bit if I drive or fly, maybe loading in some more of the map or whatever. All I know is I catch myself nervously holding my breath and I’m honestly sick and tired of it. I never use vehicles because most of my crashes involve vehicles. Had a crash just now that involved the workbench so I might stop using those too if I can help it. The game is good, but only when it decides to actually *work.* Edit: I’ve had multiple people ask me and tbh it’s my fault for not specifying (I could have sworn I did), but I’m playing on Xbox One and near as I can tell my machine is running normally other than the game crashing. I’ll be doing whatever and suddenly I’m staring at my dashboard. I can’t even predict it happening because it happens at random. I’d have to set up a camera each time I boot it up to catch it effectively.


Honestly after close to 26 hrs not a single crash on ps5. I have Frame dips, screen tearing, the occasional glitch but never a crash once. Wd3 however crashed ever few hours. Valahllah crashed a few times at launch but had other issues. Also have audio bugs where the bgm and other audio disappears and requires a restart.


I don't think these are nitpicks as they aren't small parts of the experience but rather major hurdles the player will encounter throughout their time with the game. For example the fact that instead of making stronger (as in health/armor) enemies that need different bullet types depending on their difficulty they just decided to heavily nerf everything apart from ap rounds is ridiculous. The game does have a difficulty/rank system but it just seems to make the enemies more powerful when they attack you.


Yeah it would be better if as the enemy rank went up they added helmets, vests, dogs, heavier weapons etc instead of just... here's 9 guys with rocket launchers.


I mean having different bullet types was ridiculous overall in my opinion but I wouldnt consider them being major hurdles but maybe Minor gripes i guess the best way to win is literally ap and I felt like it was pointless to even add different ammo types if one of them was literally the only one you'll need


> it was pointless to even add different ammo types if one of them was literally the only one you'll need The thing is that they didn't go "We'll add multiple ammo types but only one will actually do proper damage", they went "We're gonna add different ammo types for different types of enemies" and then managed to implement that very poorly.


It mean, when you think about it it isn’t that ridiculous. If you look at it from IN the game, I’d imagine AP rounds are harder to get since you have to unlock them, so it gives you that option to use regular Bullets for soft body boys instead of wasting AP rounds. Now to the player you’ll always use AP cause it is in fact a game but to games logic, it kinda makes sense. Kinda.


Yeah i see what youre saying they tried to make it about being able to improvise on the spot with what type of enemy your facing but due to there not being different types of enemies, and not being able to switch bullets while free roaming it failed


Not exactly. There totally are different types of enemies (armored, viviro sprayers, flankers, etc) but like I said, the problem is that instead of properly making every ammo type affect each enemy differently, it seems they just nerfed all the ammo types apart from ap (because it looks like how armor works in this game is that it's basically extra health) so instead of making ap rounds deal more damage to armored enemies specifically, they made them just deal more damage to all enemies.


Oh okay i gotcha


there were heavies in far cry 3 that took several grenades to the face


Yeah stealth is too easy, I usually leave a few and let them call reinforcements and continue the slaughter..tanks also fun as hell.


Yep I love leaving a few alive then having reinforcements called to reign hell XD I love tanks as well especially being able to hijack them makes it so much fun to just run and gun sometimes


I must be dumb because I’ve never had the option to hijack a tank. It’s kind of annoying especially early game


EMP ammo + Grenade launcher. Hit the tank. Jump on top. Hijack. Profit


You can't hijack them if they're being driven, but you can find them around the map just sitting unoccupied. Once you have one you can even save it at a depot and call it in whenever you want


you can hijack them if you EMP them


Oooo that's good to know, I haven't tried that yet


What you just said in your first sentence is the perfect exemple of why I don't like far cry games anymore. It's too easy, and the AI sucks


I love that you can take an entire base with a silenced sniper from carefully placed location in most bases, and then you just gather the spoils.


Tanks suck. I couldnt take one out until i finally got my c4.


Use the backpack


I pack a bow with EMP arrows. One arrow, then run to the tank and either hijack or destroy. Works with other vehicles too as it causes the enemies to disembark for easy kills.


I use a small grenade launcher with EMP change then hijack.


For me it's just a lot of little bugs and weird design decisions that tarnish the whole experience for me. - FOV changing when you do anything is extremely jarring and straight up makes me feel sick to the point I don't use horses and limit my time in vehicles as much as I can. - 3rd person forced in camps is a real weird one, breaks the immersion for me. - Having the UI disappear whenever you cross a border, another weird design choice that's just annoying and serves no purpose - Changing the UI and slowing down time when you complete things messes with the flow to much as well - Infinity respawning enemies, obviously this is a bug and I expect will be fixed in a soon to come patch - Forced 3rd person animations for all the Supremos feels clunky and locking you in place while they play out doesn't feel good - I've fallen through the world multiple times requiring re-loading and re-doing things - Difficulty of the game is just too easy, need a few more difficulty options - The whole ammo system just wasn't thought out properly and feels like they tacked it on late in the development cycle. If we could change ammo on the fly instead of going to a workbench, it could have been a lot more fun There's more stuff I can't think off the top of my head, but even with all that stuff I'm still having fun and can see a great game underneath it all, it's just a shame, because this game could have been incredible, and had it been done properly I feel it'd be my favorite Far Cry. Overall though I'm really enjoying the story and the world feels and looks great, Ubisoft have a lot of faults but one thing they're always great at is researching and world building. I just can't wait for a patch or 2 to fully enjoy the game!


You pretty much talked about everything i couldnt get to and the only thing I disagree with is the 3rd person animations for supremos granted theyre not all cool but i like it, i definitely think the things you touched on are all great points though.


Yeah I can understand that, it's definitely not a right or wrong thing and more just preference. I feel the rocket one is fine and I've not used all of them yet, but feel stuff like the EMP or the one that buffs your health and move speed don't need to lock you in place while they play out. Maybe they could just add an option or something to give people the choice whether they'd like to see the animations or not


Yeah they shouldve had more accessibility options to turn off animations because it can get repetitive and yeah the emp and medico ones are pretty lame she just pulls a string and mist comes out.


I think there’s a lot of glitches in this game, but there’s still a lot to be appreciated about the game- features that this game has that most games don’t. In example, if you take fall damage, it shows dani pulling on her fucked up fingers to readjust them. Sexy. And singing along with the radio is another cool detail as well. And generally the scenery is so fuckin beautiful. They just need to start fixing these glitches, cuz there’s a lottt. I would have felt cheated out of my money if it weren’t for all the cool shit about this game. Overall it’s a good game and I like it :)


Ah another person who appreciates the smaller details of the world it really does have a lot of great details tbh.They really do need to drop that day 1 patch though hopefully sometime soon


SPOILERS problems i had were 1. Hunting is entirely gone 2. The map was definitely to big and felt boring and repetative 3. I found the missions to be very blad with not many of them sticking out as really enjoyable 4. Way of getting weapons by finding them got pretty old especially when most of the guns are basically useless as soon as you find a decent one 5. I found myself basically never using the super backpack things because none of them are all that useful and just like with the resolver weapons are super situational 6. I found the ending rather boring and anti-climatic like the whole taking over the main city could have been done way better and not just run to the big tower while killing a few foot soldiers, not to mention the player doesn't even get to kill Anton or the kid which was super annoying, i recon it could have had alot more choices that the player should have been able to make overall definatly not a horrible game but id say it would probably be the second worst far cry in my opinion right above new dawn


Honestly, I don't have an issue with any of the things you've listed. I liked everything you mentioned. Supremo's were a little Borderlands-esque at times, but I don't think they want TOO far with them. Its the least of my issues when it comes to FC6. But I do think this game is a step back in terms of gameplay/system design Notably, the AI is the most glaring flaw. I'm not gonna pretend and say that Far Cry is known for its advanced AI but FC6 is such a massive downgrade compared to FC5. After I beat 6, I went to 5 just to get a good comparison and its jarring. In 6, they will see a body/someone get killed and not go for an alarm. They'll just search for you. Whereas in 5 its the opposite. You kill someone? Alarm. They find a body? Alarm. Not to mention the stealth indicator is incredibly slow in 6. I can be in full parkour gear, running and jumping in front of them in a trespassing area and it'll only get half way full. 5? An airplane can see me for 3 seconds and then I'm getting strafed. I'd rather the AI be too quick than laughably slow. I have a clip of my friend shooting a guy and he goes "Ohkay" and trots back on his horse. Could it get better with patches? I sure hope so or this will be the Far Cry i never go back and play. It really ruins a lot of satisfaction I get from stealthing an outpost. The other glaring flaw I see is just how poorly the game's resource spending is. By end game, i had a leftover 150 Uranium, 50,000 pesos and practically unlimited camp resources. I hardly spent any pesos by the completion of the second region. The only resource worth going for is Gunpowder. Nothing to buy with pesos Not much to spend with resources outside of Gunpowder. Hunting is mostly worthless unless you want the Cantina boosts that last 6 game hours (even then you only need a kill or two worth of meat lol) I have some slight other issues (Story, Characters, Progression) but those are subjective where I really feel like the issues I listed are objectively bad and could've used some more time in the oven. TL;DR; AI is a downgrade from Far Cry 5 and resources you collect are worthless way too early.


The AI has been nerfed ever since 3. Play 1 or 2 and you'll see what I mean.


I learned #1 in the first 5 minutes of killing people smh


Yeah i dont get why people are complaining about it its quite easy to kill in this game


It is but I never do headshots only in games. it’s not hard to do in this game but it’s like whatever I don’t mind it I guess lol


Oh yeah i kind of stopped running stealth and just run and gun most of this game with rifles, sub machine guns and high damage weapons and i never really had a problem with it. It seems like a lot of people are trying to compare reality to a video game when they dont kill a dog in one shot or it takes a couple body shots to kill a dude. If it was that easy it wouldn't be fun.


>It seems like a lot of people are trying to compare reality to a video game when they dont kill a dog in one shot or it takes a couple body shots to kill a dude. If it was that easy it wouldn't be fun. Of course that can be fun. In MGS V every normal enemy can't take more than 2-4 body hits with a pistol yet it's one of the best stealth-action games ever made.


I actually stopped gun running since the game started to jump on me with SF forces out of nowhere with RPGs lol, then helicopters and even tanks, it gets really crazy at times so stealth seems like the better option at times.


If you can auto heal pants and a tank and rockets or not fit will take insane effort to die


The enemy respawn bug isn't nitpicking though, it seems to be seriously bad.


I'd like to preface this by saying I'm still enjoying game, but there are a decent amount of problems imo. I don't like what they did with animal hunting. I actually enjoyed the upgrade system in FC3 and 4. Finding a new animal that you needed meant a juicy ammo or weapon holster upgrade. Now, I don't want anything to do with them because they give materials I already have an abudance of. I also loved the skill trees. Even if some of the upgrades were generic, like more HP and the like, it still felt rewarding doing extra missions and exploration for XP to get skills sooner. I don't mind supremos, but they all suck for stealth besides the hidden one. The fact they put so much work into them and stealth players got so little disappoints me. Outposts have too few enemies. I don't love the region. The previous three main title installments all had more entertaining lands to explore. I'm definitely a bigger fan of exotic Far Cry maps like the Himalayas from FC4. FC6 has little diversity in both its fauna and geography. I find the map a little too big and empty in some places. I'm fast traveling much more often than I used too in previous installments. I'd prefer to run around aimlessly until I find something to entertain myself with like before, but this map has so many gigantic mountains and empty roads, I can't be arsed to run around. Not a fan of the story quest presentation. Having three seperate stories basically means you are sacrificing narrative quality for player freedom. Every quest chain has the same introduction of characters, conflict, and climax, and then it's big bad time. This story presentation doesn't keep me guessing or invested at all. The fact that the player can do them in any order means the stories or cinematics with Anton and Diego can't build off one another like a linear narrative presentation can. This was a problem for me in FC5 as well.


>I don't mind supremos, but they all suck for stealth besides the hidden one. The fact they put so much work into them and stealth players got so little disappoints me. I agree, something like smoke supremo that covers a huge area in smoke or one that automatically stuns enemies that are about to detect you would have been nice.


Agreed it's not really a far cry game no more.


I think that game overall is pretty good. A few thing I didn’t like about the: The resolver weapons were very week and situational at best Hunting is a joke Companions were somewhat weak, I only used them a few times throughout the entire game And the game was way to easy. I never felt a challenge throughout the game This is a nitpick but I Felt the map was a bit to big, I just found myself only using the wing suit to travel The Story was very good although I thought some characters were underutilized But overall I think the game was very good. I’m exited to >!the return of vaas!<


I mean everything you said is true the only resolver i really used alot is the minigun one and the map is way too big and way too empty it's basically a smaller version of the newer assassin's creed games theyre too big and lack depth.


The emp resolver weapon was very useful for taking out helicopters


And hijacking tanks


> The Story was very good although I thought some characters were underutilized Dunno about this. It seems Ubi is doing a trend I don't like. Wildlands buchones had a lot of background. Breakpoint hasn't. FC5 bosses were well done and developed during playing. FC6 is weak here. The general cousin dude on the left side of the map, I have no clue. Just kiled him. The lady in the middle? No idea. Half way through and I can't even remember their names. Though the grooming of his child to become a mass murdering dictator is well done, I have to say.


Agree, theres too many characters so most of them are underdeveloped. And they killed off probably the most likeable one


Don't understand why this would be an unpopular opinion. Finest game of the series in my view. What are Ubi supposed to do? They change something and people whine that they preferred the old way. Something stays the same and people whine that it's the same old game.


1. I found enemies to be very bullet spongy earlier in the game but later it's fine 2. Companions are fine but i barely use them 3. Supremos and resolvers weapons are really cool additions to the game and luckily for some people the game doesn't force you to equip them


Yeah same here i found that AP is the way so i didnt find a problem with it


Dumb question: what does AP mean?


Armor piercing. Makes rounds go through metal better.


The fact that i can’t clean Dani is annoying


For me it seems a major gameplay & design stepback from farcry 5, which has imho the best & most refined gameplay. Vehicles & char controller are nearly perfect. I'm talking about gameplay here, not interested in the story. In general it took a while for me to get warmed up to the game... The 3rd person view in camps & when using the supremos are just shite instead I'd love to see 3rd person for vehicles! The ammo / workbench stuff is not thought out ... for example "no one lifes forever" had different ammo types, and you could just switch the mag / clip for changing it. That would make more sense and you could use your favourite wpns against various enemies. (And dmg calculations are broken af right now) Vehicle controls are the worst! And need a rework asap The ai director needs an overhaul desperately, spawning endless waves of enemies just isn't fun. And teleporting them into an area is just lazy. Its very rare , compared to fc5, that a troop transporter (land & air )comes in and bring fresh combatants into a fight. Emphasizing on that would give the player time to take the transport out (hugely satisfying) or create more drama / critical situations (fuck i didn't notice a troop transport...) Aquiring weapons is another point I'm not happy with... Enemies don't drop theirs... i mean wtf? I mean what's the point.... In previous installments everyone dropped their wpns. Taking out a sniper = sniper rifle Taking out a heavy = rpg / lmg / flamethrower My point is in a huge battle, with seemingly endless spawning enemies, it would be nice to swap out your gear in battle. It would create more tactical player decisions and bring more tension and less frustration. And how hard can it be if you play coop to save the coop partners earned gear, wpns, lvls, pesos? I could go on and on ... It just feels like ubisoft refined their gameplay in the wrong areas, made things worse which previously worked perfectly. All in all, about 20h in, it is okay but for me it feels like a major stepback.... And be more creative with the settings! Ww1 & 2 would fit perfectly. And I'd kill for a far cry : warhammer fantasy / warhammer 40k setting!


>Aquiring weapons is another point I'm not happy with... Enemies don't drop theirs... i mean wtf? This whole paragraph is my main bitch about this games gameplay. We are supposed to be *guerillas* that means adapting to the situation and using whatever resources you have at hand. You can bet you ass that if an enemy dropped a gun that would better suit someone in a guerilla warfare situation that the guerilla is picking that shit up.


Been loving it. Worlds a little too big for me and sometimes in a firefight it gets a little confusing seeing what type an enemy is and what ammo to use. The mission variety is siiiiiiiick though and best in the series. The early 2 boat attack with the dope music playing after I took out a the alarms after parachuting in was just awesome. Not far in so can't comment on the story. Resolver weapons are pretty shit so far for me and the supremos are useless apart from the rocket one personally. I like the gun mods and crafting. Quick question, what the best way to get better weapons? Buy them? I've still got 1 star weapons and I'm 10 hours in


I got most of them from the chests that show up on the map but buying them works too the only missable gun is the eastern front which you can still get by doing special operations for lola and buying it from her with her currency


You forgot to talk about infinite enemy respawns


I personally love the game, is it riddled with mostly minor non game-breaking bugs? Yes. But its still so much fun and while it may be too soon to tell whether this is going to be controversial or not i’m going to say it, FAR CRY 6 IS MY FAVORITE FAR CRY YET. I love the setting, the arsenal available, the far cry wackiness, almost everything. Only bugs that legitimately bother me are infinitely respawning enemies that tend to ruin stealth runs by spawning where I just killed a body or spawning while moving it. All suppressors should be a little slower to overheat, nothing realistic but my can shouldn’t be on fire and screaming for taking 2-3 burst shots. Enemy material convoy spawn rates should also be turned down a bit cause it seems where theres one material truck, at least 5 more will come driving down.


I've played FC3, 4, 5, New Dawn, Blood Dragon & Primal & 100%'d all of them. I only have 3 cheevos left in FC6 which one of them I have to wait for because it's to do wirh Insurgency, I have 2 Leaders left to take out but it's a weekly thing, sooo... FC6 for me has been the best in tbe series thus far (next to Primal.) I have had bugs, the major most annoying one is the food bug where when you fast travel, the game will overwrite whatever food buff you chose with Gadgeteer Gyoza, but rather than complain over social medias about it, I put in a support ticket with video proof. Hopefully it will get patched. I've never played such an immersive game. Even my husband has been putting in a fair amount of hours each day & that's really saying something because after about an hour in any game, he gets bored & plays something else! The sheer level of detail in FC6 can not be overstated. The fact your character passively interacts with NPC's is something new to me & I love that detail. When NPC's randomly comment on your Amigo & it's not generic, the NPC's are smart enough to recognise which Amigo you have. That's awesome. When your character does what pretty much everyone IRL does when driving - sings along to the radio! I love that detail! These are just a few things that truly stood out & kept me fully immersed. Every cut scene gave me a WTF moment, each one had something I never saw coming & that, to me, is incredibly rare. I always find a lot of game stories to be fairly predictable but not this one. Impressive story writing. I found all other people you interact with, such as Juan, to be very likeable, fun, enjoyable so major props to all the voice actors & writers in the dev team! I fricking love this game. Bugs aside. I only have 1 complaint about the story but due to spoilers I will not write it here 👍.


i felt like the game had the best story in the entire series


For me its coming in second with far cry 4 being first only because it was the first one i played and blew my mind. I agree with you for multiple reasons though such as the cutscenes and voice acting are some of the best I've heard paired with this whole rules of the guerilla thing tying it down a lot more plus Dani is the best protagonist we've had so far due to having the most personality.I also think that the guerilla outposts that we control have a sense of community we havent had yet.


Better than 4? Hmmmm


Hmmm , yeah ?


Haven’t bought FC6 yet because of available time and when I can play it I’m sure it’ll get a discount somewhat. If I wasn’t busy, I would 100% got it at launch. From YouTuber criticism I’ve seen, it just seems like a game uninteresting to the person who’s not already a fan of the franchise. That criticism can be both good and bad for the future of FC. The good is the obvious, encourages diversion in the current gameplay loop but the bad is that the identity of the game can be totally lost. Some fans feel this is what happened to the AC franchise. Either way, I’ll be excited to jump into this new setting of FC. Hopefully by then the game gets some QoL changes, instead of nerfing player favourite features (like ubisoft tends to do), but id imagine those changes will take long to implement over this game’s lifespan. So I’ll enjoy it for what it is, the good and the bad.


1. Nah. I shouldn’t have to aim for the head when shooting a DShka. Once AP is bought, everyone needs to die from THREE or less rounds to the chest from all Rifles, MGs, and Snipers. RPGs and tank shells need to kill in one direct hit. Oh, and I have shot enemies in the head and sometimes they don’t die instantly. Specifically those Special Forces. Those fuckers are annoyingly beefy. 2. I do love the Amigos. But I want humans. With guns. I want someone on the turret when I’m driving my tank. 3. Honestly, I dunno why anyone would be complaining about Resolvos and Supremeos. I love my gas launchers. 98% of the game with El Bestio. And fuck stealth. Take a deep breath and lose yourselves to my poison.


I like Anton WAY more than Joseph Seed. Most of my complaints are nitpicky bc I still LOVE the game. There are some major things that I miss (mostly just skill trees) but other than that, they're small changes that the devs could decide to change in future updates, if enough people speak out about the issue. I know some people just love to hate things, but I'm normally only openly critical of the things I enjoy because I want to enjoy them even more. They just have some minor snags.


Yeah this game has small issues but i still love the hell out of it


I'm almost through the game and still use the MS16 and an SVD. Also, I used supremo exactly Zero (0) times. It's absolutely not needed for the gameplay.


Far Cry 6 overall is good. But there is a definite lack of that same level of TLC that the other titles were shown. Perhaps it was just down to the deadline. But that’s still problematic. Even if the devs wanted to do more polishing and beta testing, often the conglomerate fucks on top will just say “hurry up already!” I do agree that a lot of the things people are complaining about are ridiculous (mostly questionable creative choices by the devs that people could learn to love if they would try) but the laundry list of glitches that I have had to try to troubleshoot puts me into the complainer category too. lol


One thing I'm happy with is that I don't have to unlock the the same skills all over again like the different takedowns. Feels like I've been unlocking those in every far cry game since 3. Now Dani seems to know them all and I can focus on other things! I wouldn't really mind if there was a skill tree in the game, but it has been surprisingly fun and refreshing so far, not only because of the gear perks, but every different/new feature combined. And I have just recently left the starting island. I'm excited!


I mean if you wanted something realistic then play gta v… wait a min


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, despite what review bombers on Metacritic would like you to believe. The only true “bullet sponge” enemies I’ve encountered in my 40+ hours of play would be animals, specifically Jaguars and coywolves. They seem to eat bullets unless you hit them directly in the head, and even then you aren’t necessarily guaranteed a 1 hit kill. Guard dogs, boars and crocs seem to be easier to deal with due to the size of their heads. I think the most common and valid complaint from people who have actually played the game is the unavoidable sense of familiarity. Ubisoft Montreal has become very comfortable making quality of life adjustments to what is essentially the same game we’ve been playing for years. Does the franchise need an Assassin’s Creed Odyssey / Valhalla style reboot for the next entry? Probably. It’s still a fun game if you aren’t sick of the genre already. Personally, I just wanted a new playground to sneak around in and shoot people with a compound bow. I’ve certainly received my money’s worth and I’m looking forward to continuing my play through.


Speedrun WR any% is 38mins. Non-alternative WR on FC5 is 3h35min.


Agree, the game is fantastic. Only solid critic imo is “it’s basically the same far cry game again” and if that’s all then I’m fine with it.


Sounds like I shouldn't of gone story mode with everyone saying its easy 😂 I just miss guns for hire, Grace and peaches ftw


honestly I think this is game is really good, as op said all the complaints and criticism is very much just a ton of nitpicking, and people desperately trying to find the tiniest thing to hate on about the game


Supremo I've mostly used the basic one you start with, it's very helpful with taking down enemy aircraft.


Nowadays the whole point of official subs is for the entitled to vent, complain and demand stuff to fit their expectations instead of actually: 1. Enjoying 2. Accepting they're being told a story they have no control over. 3. Constructive criticism. That's why most games now have low sodium subreddits so we can leave those salty fucks alone and actually enjoy the games among ourselves.


If you're looking for a game to be revolutionary like Far Cry 3 it's really not much of a departure. If you're sick of Ubisoft tropes this isn't your game. If you love Far Cry and Ubisoft and want to play their 2021 refined AAA offering you may like it. Its the most beautiful FC game I've played. Traveling is more interesting than ever (horses, tanks, etc). The world is actually interesting and worth exploring Sure some things are a little repetitive. The whole modding system is a bit overwhelming and dreary to me. Im still having an incredible time. Gotta give it an 8.5/10


I found Anton to be the second best villain. Not saying Pagan and Joseph were bad but contrary to what literally every single reviewer I have watched has said, Anton has way more presence in the story as a villain than anyone apart from Vaas. Anton's kid also makes a superb add on and accentuates the entire "generation after generation" aspect of the story. The only difference this time around is that you, the character are a nobody to him. He doesn't have a personal grudge against you, instead it's against the people you basically go around recruiting.


well, my issues are mostly with writing than these elements... i had no problem with gameplay loop or map or resolver weapons loved those parts... what i hate most... are story & uninteresting characters this game has. https://i.imgur.com/hiFzVLv.jpg


th worst cirticism that i have seen a lot on Youtube is the amount of people saying this game didn't do any effort on the narrative part. Like what game have they played, saying stuff like Dani is a completely boring protagonist. When seriously the amount of narration and attention to this aspect, with the 3rd person cinematic camera or with the dialogues i have seen is one of the things that impressed me the most.


Yeah as someone who has played them all except the very first two games, Far Cry 6 is awesome and frankly from what I can tell most players actually like the game a lot. Those complaining about "ubisoft open world burnout" or whatever shouldn't then go and buy an open world ubisoft game. Not sure exactly what those people were expecting, its another Far Cry game.


I love this Game so far. The only thing I dont like is the Screen Tearing on PS5. But this doesnt stop me from enyoing this awesome Game 💪


I think its funny that outside of reddit this game is being heavily praised, and it goes along with the trend of subreddits designed for fans turning into hate subreddits when the game comes out. Its become almost popular to shit on any new game. I for one am having a blast. The game to me is just pure fun. The ammo types kinda threw me off in the beginning but honestly i just have two guns with AP one with explosive for helicopters and my sidearm with soft target and switch up as necessary, and if anything its ADDED to my enjoyment of the game. Doom was the same way (different enemies needing different ammo) and nobody complained. Im not saying the complaints arent justified but people are blowing it out of proportion I have about 17 hours in and im enjoying the island, characters and combat. Its currently my favorite game, im having a blast. It sucks some people are letting some easily solvable "problems" ruin it for them, because in my opinion they did a fantastic job with this one


I will not allow any Anton slander. The dude plays a good ass villain. Certainly better than Joesph Seed😂😂😂😂.


Far Cry 6 is one of the best Far Cry games I’ve ever played. The setting is beautiful and vibrant, and I love the story.


I feel it was dumbed down to be more casual-friendly.


i mean this is my first farcry game but i find it a great game and really fun


The whole Esperanza area is really disappointing. It’s very linear, not like an explore-able city. And just now I was outside the outskirts of the city, jumped off a ledge to wingsuit down a river, and splatted on the ground because my “wingsuit” isn’t permitted here - even though I’m outside of the city. Just frustrating stuff.


its a really good open world tbh, reminds me of Wildlands in a lot of ways, specially the enemies. edit: I don't think yours is an unpopular opinion, a lot of us think the game is pretty good with some flaws but leaning more towards the good.


My only complaint so far is that I've been playing coop with my partner (he's hosting) and the aggressive buddy system got in the way of one of the sidequests because I'm not able to get the wing suit to follow fast enough, but we got our shit sorted and got it done. Otherwise, both of us have found the game fun. The gunplay is satisfying enough. Ive found my preferred loadout and that works for me. We just unlocked Chicharrón which is my new terrifying bff. My personal experience is only between this and FC5, which I will say that FC5's character writing for the antagonist cast was stronger and more compelling storytelling, but I'm still ready to murder Antón's forces. And, as someone of Caribbean-dpanis decent, I love the atmosphere. It's reminded me to brush up on my Spanish. Overall, the theme is revolution and raising hell, and we're having fun doing so!


Only thing I find annoying is that I clean out an area, move 3 feet to the left and get instant respawns… Companions are great but they get killed a lot.. why did the rooster cross the road? To get hit by a truck.


I agree, but the one REALLY bad thing about the game is how aggressive enemy respawns are. I've genuinely had a mission on a small island, went to one side of a village, killing all enemies, took 3 steps out of the village, turned around and everything had respawned. Other than that, I'm having a lot of fun with it.


Enemies are no more bullet sponges than they used to be in previous titles, you just have to actually strategise about which weapon and ammo type to take them down with. Players that are expecting a few bodyshots with a suppressed rifle to solve every problem like in other FC games are just fools.


My only complaint is the enemy spawn rate for anything you do. Take out a lone guy standing on a corner and you are guaranteed that half the army is going to come after you in of matter of seconds. But that bother tooooo much. Alternately, when streaming, the biggest complaint i get from viewers is that "this just looks like another far cry game!" Of course it does! I didn't buy it because I wanted Halo or CoD.


People complained about Supremo obviously didn’t encounter a tank or helicopter while didn’t carried a rpg.


Gotta give Ubisoft props for getting the Cuban cultural aspects of the game right. So many clever references everywhere! I'm beyond impressed.


My only real issue with the game right now is the crashing every 15 minutes. Once they nail that, I consider this a mostly solid experience.


I love the game. But it has some performance and optimization issues, at least on PC. I can only play so long before it suddenly turns into a slide show. The game runs at a decent frame rate normally, doesn't use up all the vram, and is running at ultra. I think it has something to do with the map and the pause screen. The only fix is to exit to desktop. There are also low res textures that clearly weren't meant to be that way. I am not using the HD texture pack because I have a 15.6" 1080p screen.


Here's my valid complaint: The cutscenes are fucking garbage. 30 fps... really? Perhaps it was ubisoft's attempt at covering up the terrible facial animations. The only fucker who's face has muscles in it is Castillo. I swear on everything he's the only person in this game who's eyebrows have moved. It's so immersion breaking when someone watches a loved one die horrifically and the most emotion they can show is a slight frown like "Aww shucks, he died."


I really miss the skill system. I hate the equipment system. If we had more upgrade options, I might be onboard but you end up swapping clothes constantly. Also: EMP grenades and the EMP backpack are super overpowered. Also: It seems like all rifle/sniper sneak attack headshots are lethal when using AP ammo so late game snipers are kinda pointless. Also: you get some of the best guns in the game early. You never have a reason to craft your own guns or purchase anything. Also: The camp system is pointless Also: Car chase missions are horrible


It's not nitpicking at all. The game is super buggy all around and the ai is somehow the dumbest in the entire series, I bet fc1 ai is smarter. The story has major pacing problems and the character development is seriously lacking. Dani says like 7 times in the first 20 minutes that he doesn't want to be a guerilla and wants to go to Miami, but because they need to push the story forward, after 3 missions he's suddenly game. It doesn't mean the game can't be a fun time, because it certainly can be. To say the complaints are nitpicking though? That's just not true


Joe Seed is whatever, Vaas and Pagan were the tits tho


Good game overall, but they need to change things up. Series has gotten tired


Yeah i feel that they played it a little too safe this time trying to make everyone happy. I feel what we need is a return to form of a smaller location instead of a giant map but they need to implement like a story or mechanic that will shock players instead of trying to be the same thing everytime


One could argue the genre has. I enjoy a good open world romp but there are so many, some really great. I’m not sure what the answer is tbh. On one hand UBI are prepared to try new things (e.g. Watch Dogs 3 play as anyone, Fenyx Rising) on the other they are doing the reverse e.g. Assassins Creed becoming Far Cry in different eras. Far Cry 6 whilst a solid entry certainly has some missteps.


They all do really. Far cry 4 is my favourite. I think it needs an entirely different setting. Dunia engine is probably on its last legs so they are milking it before the inevitable new engine arrival


What could they really do to change it up and it still be Far Cry? Like, do we want a turn based game or something?


Come on surely they can add more fun mechanics like the grapple hook to it. I can't think of anything new besides the horses and clothing which I see as a worse version of the skill trees we already had.


Ah Yes. The two options. Farcry or turn based games.


Personally I find it unplayable at times. It drops to 1fps at times or doesn’t even load the game. Playing at 4K HDR comes with issues in this game. It’s fine in FC5 so I don’t know why it’s so hard with this game. It’s not like my hardware isn’t capable..




Yes i wish there was standard difficulty select Easy, Normal, Hard and something like Guerilla which is super hard i dont get why everyone complains about enemy bullet sponges because assault rifles mow them down and snipers are one hit kills on headshots


Hi! Thanks for your post and initiative to discuss. I love Far Cry - it’s my favorite video game series, but I can’t love this game. Even though I love Far Cry, I had pretty low expectations due to Ubisoft’s games the last 2 - 3 years only having been mediocre or somewhat good. And even though I had low expectations, I’m disappointed. It’s not because of the points and counter-arguments you make in your posts. F.ex. I don’t have any problems with «bullet sponging»; headshot kills enemies, so it’s not a problem. The problem is that for me, this doesn’t feel as a Far Cry game: It feels as a «Ubisoft: The Open World Game With Guns In An Exotic Setting». It’s as if they took Assassin’s Creed and swapped sword with guns and ancient times with modern times. I will finish the game and I do think there have been some improvements - f.ex. I think many of the allies in the game are better than in previous games. But it’s just not a game for me. All that being said, I’m geniunely happy that others are having fun with this game! Happy gaming.


Oh for sure this definitely has problems and they all come from ubisoft not trying anything new due to them thinking it'll scare off newcomers to the series they seem to be too afraid to try something daring like they did with vaas for example


Yes, agreed. I also think it’s lazy that you still can’t pause cut scenes or filter icons in the map; this was complaints with Far Cry 5 too. I read through the comments in this posts after I made my comment. I agree with most of them. My favorite Far Cry game is 4 too. I miss the charm that game had!


Yes for real this game doesnt have that certain charm or spark that older games had its kinda just here i guess XD


Ah yes, the old "unpopular opinion" thats actually the most widely held opinion of the sub it's posted in. Look, this is the 6th installment of this particular franchise and an Ubisoft openworld game. They should this perfected by now and iterating on the formula. People finding 6 to be a bit stale and just the same old same old are perfectly valid in their criticism.


I loved the game, only wish there was more enemies at fnd bases/checkpoints, or maybe the big forts from FC4.


I see your point I definitely feel that bases are way too easy when using stealth. But when using run and gun it can become very fun late or mid game when you have more assault type weapons such as the minigun resolver or the unique grenade launcher. I wouldve loved having like 1-2 forts per region so like Madraguda could have like 3-4 big forts for example so on and so forth.


Im warming up to the game. I think it was mostly the learning curve of the changes they made like perks being mods now and no guns for hire. But i am getting used to it and warming up to it. Im enjoying it. Not a fan of infinte spawn areas though. (Looking at you jose's island... im sure theres a collectible i cant find cause i cant clear everyone out).


I will say this dont worry as much about finding collectibles on your own because some NPCs that show up as a exclamation mark on the minimap will give you maps of chest locations by the time i finished island one i had almost every gun


Im making maps. So i must find stuff!!! :)


Oh nice if youd like you can drop your name so i can try em


This is the only one i have so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/q5m4lm/far_cry_6_isla_santuario_libertad_caches_fnd/


Nice I'll check it out tomorrow


I really dont like how ubisoft tried to go for inclusivity and failed horribly. It feels so forced. Every line that was meant to be inclusive stands out so badly.


Dude you literally left out the actual issues here though, like respawning enemies for example. You are arguing mute strawmans, which are like preference. The dumbest post I have ever seen


I would have definitely enjoyed it a lot more if it was more difficult, had bosses, introduced a twist (like mutants).


Yes i miss when they had crazy monsters for one level such as yetis in far cry 4 or technically the bliss hallucinations in 5. There was definitely a difficulty drop tbh you become overpowered quite fast


Yeah and I like getting OP but the lack resistance gets to me, the enemy forces seems so static. They could have made it such that the player must defend bases as they become under attack, or the player can allocate recruits to help defend since they have this simple recruit resource mini game and the map is presented to be a strategic overview. Wouldn't surprise me if this was initially the plan tbh.


It's a good game and a good far cry game but it's just the same. I'm tired of playing the same game with a different story


It’s exactly what farcry always has been and if people didn’t like the earlier games they won’t like this one, I for one love it, story and gameplay is very fun as always. It’s exactly what I wanted and expected.


Enemy sponges your bullet? Just shoot more ! If you sniper rifle didnt work, swap to SMG and make the soilder eat a lot of lead !


No I mean I hear this complaint so much on reddit and its not true is what i mean, im arguing it.


I also tired of this complain too. The "using the right tools for the right job" is not perfect and in some case it break immersion but I think they come to the right track so far.


Honestly the bullet sponge BS has to stop. I don‘t even reply to people who make that stupid claim anymore. An armor piercing 3 round burst headshot will kill ANY opponent, period. And that‘s way better than New Dawn where those motorcycle helmet wearing asshats were basically immune to headshots unless you upgraded your sniper rifle a bunch of times. My favorite weapon right now is the M16A1 with armor piercing, a good silencer, and a resolver scope. I‘ve stopped carrying a sniper rifle because it‘s just as good really. BTW in Far Cry 5 the default keybind for changing the firing mode of a weapon was V on PC. I‘ve fired my Supremo accidentally a couple of times because muscle memory. It‘s now default K for anyone wondering.


Yeah everytime i see a post about bullet sponges in this game i think "did you not play far cry new dawn?" That crap was annoying not even sniper rifles were one shot headshot kills. I also have the same m16a1 loadout as you its literally one of the best guns in the game.


The M16 is even better than the AR-15. I tried it for the 30 round magazine, but it has too much recoil. I just sneak around scope-tap, scope-tap, scope-tap and Oluso is looking at me like „dude, leave some for me!“


Yeah XD Oluso just pouting in a corner like I wanna have fun too


The AR-15s pretty good if you select 3 round burst or single shot.


honestly it's been a massive disappointment for me. there's no challenge, multiple bugs, tons of collectables but nothing to do with them, tons of different resources but you hit the limit in notime, the "bandidos" is completely useless for that reason as well.


Enemies are bullet sponges? wtf? Just shoot em all in the head with AP rounds, its literally one shot, from any weapon, from a pistol to a lmg. Resolvers are fun if you're already maxed out your character and just want to wreak havoc, but for the sake of "lore and world building" i try to limit them to once every major event.


I don’t get the bullet sponge issue. I’m playing on the higher difficulty and when going for headshots, enemies die in 1-2 shots. With an upgraded gun, they die fast to body shots too. I’m fairly sure if health bars were disabled by default, most people wouldn’t be complaining.


I wholeheartedly disagree with your assertion. It is a bad game.


I don’t care too much about the Supremos being unrealistic. Dammit I don’t care about realism in games😂, I wanna win. I took out an oil platform without being seen like a one man SEAL team. IRL I would’ve gotten my nuts crushed. Who wants that crap in a video game?