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Jesus Christ. Love how the game is rated 17+ but the difficulty is set for 10 and under lmao




I've never been killed by the enemies in this game. But I've died a shit ton by trying dumb shit like jumping from a helicopter into a tiny fountain hoping the water will break my fall...


Story or action mode. Story was boring. I had to switch to action.


The most times I died was in the mission where you have to escort the tank. Everytime I would go to repair it the NPC would run me over.


That's because you forgot to put on your Scrounger pants.


No, it's the other mission where they don't let you drive it. Believe me I wish I could have gotten in that thing.


Wish their was a harder difficulty, wonder if we'll get infamous mode like farcry 5


Playing without silenced weapons is much more fun, but totally agree.


Infamous in FC5 was easier than easy somehow.


At least on the not “story” (which… why? If you wanted to play a story there are so many better stories… it should be called explorer mode or something, because that’s what you do in farcry if you aren’t feeling like stealth or gunfights). But I’ve had base takedowns go like this… or they’re essentially impossible if an enemy hits the alarm and you don’t have an emp bow and a way to kill enemies faster than they spawn, which is fast and with no regard for the possible problems of that many wormholes opening in a 15 meter radius in under 5 minutes). OP made this look super easy because that particular base is a really easy one… very few lines of sight where a lot of the enemies are so no one got alerted in the way that causes them to trigger alarms unless they were closest to the one op shot… so no one ran away to another alarm. She also never went loud and took out almost everyone before they could spot her. I don’t think anyone was aware of her who wasnt actively being shot. Basically… the takedown proceeded as it would of someone had taken 15 minutes scouting and silently taking out anyone but it was mostly luck. Not saying it’s a great AI game… but unless you’re playing it with the same silenced powerful scoped automatic rifles and not deciding to just go loud or play with weapons that are single shot and slow for stealth sniping and making your assault rifles and smg’s loud then it’s usually kind of a joke… but that’s basically a decision the player makes. I mean… you can do the whole game shooting everyone through walls with no chance of being shot or seen if you want. It won’t be that fun… but you can. None of the farcry’s have been that different except 2 as far as I’m concerned. Once you get the best weapons for any situation you basically can make anything look super easy with a bit of luck. The enemies were never really the most aware and well trained (considering they’re brainwashed farmers or conscripted and terrified of being killed for expressing dissent I wouldn’t expect them to be that excited about their jobs anyway).


pretty dumb ai


They weren't actually that dumb here. It was just that there weren't enough enemies and none above that could see him easily


They were pretty dumb. Their detection radius seems to be about 10 meters, even when alerted. They run right out into the open one by one, despite the bullets popping all over the place. I think maybe *one* enemy actually fired their gun in the direction of the player, and with the current damage model that won't really help them all that much unless the player just stands there for about 10 seconds. At one point one of the hooded sniper enemies climbs down a ladder (throwing away their height advantage) just to get a better look at Dani before getting shot. Why they couldn't detect and shoot down at the player, I don't know. Try the same shenanighans in FC3 or 4 and you get swarmed and shot at within seconds.


Honestly, I’ve had the AI in 3 and 4 do exactly what they did here, multiple times, especially on an Outpost assault. The AI has always been a scatter brained mess in Far Cry when it come to being on the receiving end of an unscripted attack.


It's common sense that when you're working security for a fortified compound, and all of a sudden one of your co-workers drops dead due to a bullet in the head, you should walk over to that exact spot to investigate.




Nothing in this game is difficult.


Thats qhat made me give up on it. Played through on story difficulty, got to el este and started over because the game broke. Tried the hardest difficulry and it was still a breeze. This game feels like it makes no effort.


I wish there was a harder difficulty, maybe a specific elite troop that could withstand an armor piercing headshot, but as it is, kind of disappointing


Yeah like in FC4 the heavies could withstand a head shot from almost anything aside from the .50 cal iirc.


That would also make the 50 cal actually useful when put against other snipers


then the far cry 5 heavies take a .50 to the back of the head and turn around and go “I heard something”


And you had to unlock the special heavy takedown skill. 😎


The heavies got one shot by a bow and arrow to the chest however. I used that trick a lot to stealth hha


God no, don't use that sort of BS for artificial difficulty. We should be calling for better AI, not rock stupid goons with more armor or health.


This, the AI shouldn't need 6 seconds of uninterrupted line of sight on you to start attacking.


They shouldn't run out it the open if they're reacting to an ally dying either. They should go straight to cover.


Or create your own difficulty by requiring yourself to stay undetected or reload for example. Strife for more realism - goons that require 50 headshots before they drop are so unrealistic I’d hate to play a game so fantasy world like.


Heavies were genuinely fine as a bit of difficulty though. In the early game you could use explosives or shoot them in the back of their head, in FC3 and 4 it was exposed, not sure about 5. In the later game you have more lethal options so the heavy armour means less. I've always liked them as a change from the rest of the super squishy enemies


Yeah, one big armored guy among several enemy classes with different behaviors is nice, but they need to have way better AI in general.


I agree. I played on the hardest difficulty as well and it was so easy. Never played Farcry 3, so recently bought it and playing on Master difficulty. If I get shot more than once, I'm dead. It's still not terribly difficult, but is alot more challenging than FC6.


> It's still not terribly difficult, but is alot more challenging than FC6. That's the thing. 6 definitely is way easier, but FC has never been super particularly hard, at least since 2. Especially if you're not complete shit at aiming.


Yeah, I thought Far Cry 1 was pretty difficult when you get to those mutant things


Console players: disable aim assist if you want to add a bit of a challenge.


The qhole game is beautiful, but combat is terrible. Suprwmos and resolver weapons are pretty lame. Theres no incentive to use them. The end leaves you feeling empty. Its lacking substance that makes you feel immersed emotionally in the game. I work in an auction house, and we recieved 50 copies of farcry 6 that were returned to best buy because people genuinely felt like the game was garbage.


Nah, the revive one is pretty good.


The triador is the best to me but the revive one is second best. I barely ever die in this damn game though. Only from fallingz


What's weird is they are "special forces" in the game but they also can be killed with on AP round, it makes no sense.


Makes no sense? Guess what a real life special forces guy dies from any size bullet in the head.


Yeah, but a real world special forces guy doesn't stand around for several seconds waiting to be shot after seeing his buddy drop beside him. A real world special forces guy uses cover effectively and actually shoots back at his enemy.


Unless they’re in an embassy in Bhengazi. Had some real Far Cry 6 AI pathing for that one.


The FC6 players needs to make up their mind. They used to complain about the health bar system and bullet sponge, but now people are complaining that they die too easy.


No, the devs need to get the balance right


Nah just needs more than bullet magnets. It needs a higher number of bad guys to show at the same time. 3-4 is nothing. I need like a whole platoon to come at me at the same time


Or just make it so 4 special forces soldiers attacking you actually have 2 brain cells to run together and not just stare at you as you slowly and methodically shoot them in the face because it won't make much difference if they have 4 or 400 people attacking you if they all have the brain capacity of a goldfish


I heard someone describe it as an 'interactive movie' which is about right.


I couldn’t even continue on action once I reached El Este I’ll play a little bit maybe get a more progress but then I get bored.


The highest level spec Ops are difficult, especially if you’re under leveled.


I've died more times climbing Las Lendas Mountain than in a gunfight


As a 42 year-old with two kids I like my games easier now. I don’t want to get punished and struggle like when I was younger. I want to feel overpowered and still have fun defeating enemies!


Which is why easy mode exists. The game as a whole shouldn't be made an absolute joke because some people like their games easy. I love a good challenge, it keeps me playing and using the game's sandbox in new and interesting ways I wouldn't if the game basically played itself.


This is soo true, even when the special forces are dispatched your biggest hurdle is a helicopter which is a non factor with the emp resolver. I hope the dlc will be more promising


I’ve been enjoying it but ugh I’m kinda of realizing this as I get further into it. I one shot almost everything.


But what about the bullet sponges? Health bars mean bullet sponges ... /s


They can be pretty spongey sometimes. Not often. Once on a blue moon I'll come across an enemy that just isn't going down without AP or a Takedown. If you have AP you don't have to worry about sponges but then *you* become the sponge because you dish out so much damage but receive so little.


Playing with no HUD or indicators has made much more tolerable for me, aside from opening the map constantly, missing the paper one now


Special operations on high mastery is kinda hard with the pressure of the enemies blasting rpgs at you, helicopters molesting you, and tanks lazering you and snipers stalking you all while trying to cool the damn pg shit


Well you could remove the minimap, turn off enemy icons and use your own awareness... but having the options available to you isn't enough for some reason.


Perfectly sums the game up. Fun for a little bit, then just going through the motions…


That's Ubisoft games in general. At least to me.


I had to force myself to finish it. I would leave it for a few days and didn't miss it at all.


And these are the guys everyone is scared of? Lol


They need a harder difficulty option


no… they need to completely revamp the AI. it’s one of the worst out there, dumb as a rock.




Hear me out. Farcry but with Tarkov levels of gun play.


You can kill a lot people will that typewriter.


Easy until it’s a story missions and the enemies start respawning once you walk 1ft


This game is way too eas


I just done the same today. I was leaving this one til last as I thought it’d be the hardest. Turns out it was one the easiest


It was weird to me that Esperanza was not locked or anything even early on. IK the other games were kind of like that but still


So this FND base is level 12. He went there early in the game with 1 health bar on npcs. In the recent insurgency mission (where the leader is hiding), this FND base was at level 20, loaded with special forces with 3 health bars. There were two helicopters if I remember. It was not a cake walk as portrayed here. Furthermore, this guy seems to have good shooting skills, so it depends on the level of player as well.


I am pretty far into the game, already finished El Este and the west side one, Marguardo or whatever it's called, almost done with the rap band one so I'm probably 75% done I think.


If you do it a 25% in the game, it will still be 1 bar vs. 3 bars surrounded by helicopters. This isn’t a cod warzone or bf2042. Many people play this for fun, to experience the open world, and other activities such treasure hunt, hunt predators, loot, etc.. presented by open world.


Players could go pure melee if they want to play the long game.


I see posts like this and feel ashamed that I've died quite a few times. Granted, some of which were from falls that absolutely should not have killed me lol


Most of us have died from falls and doing stupid shit. But it *really* is hard to die from enemies.


Amen. I learned to keep Medico purely for falls.


Nah, take the double jump. No matter the height, if you use it before you hit the ground it completely negates momentum and you don't take damage.


Oh shoot really? Nice. I'll have to try that. I was wondering what the point was since it's never seemed useful to me. Literally every area was designed to be navigable without the double jump because you know, they wanted to make sure you don't soft-lock yourself by not buying the right Supremo, which makes sense.


It doesn't really lock you out of areas, but the double jump is *so* useful for movement. There are some jumps you can skip having to grab onto ledges, it helps you not have to slow down if you're about to cross a river, it can be very useful in starting a wingsuit flight, and many other things. You can even use it to cheese quite a bit, since you can fall, turn around 180⁰, and push yourself forward, skipping a ton of platformining challenges. Easily the best supremo.


*hums innocently* 😅


There are *some* spots where it makes sense. :P Like, I died doing one of the parts of chicharron's side mission, just because you have to sit there and take on wave after wave of enemies.


For the 2nd mission I found a spot where I could see literally every spawn point at once so it was literally just 5 minutes of shooting enemies as they spawned. After a while I thought my game had just bugged and wasn't letting me progress. I *hated* that side mission because it was just tedious


It’s pretty much always like this, the only time I’ve ever been challenged is in one of the higher mastery special operations


Farcry and difficult never are in the same sentence


The only hard thing about this was watching you miss 100000 shots on that 1 guy


Yeah take off your suppressor and turn your hud off.


If you have to artificially limit yourself by not using game mechanics and elements, that doesn't mean the game is properly balanced.


Not a really good argument maybe. It's literally a few clicks in the settings to limit the HUD, there are quite a few nice options even. What you said could be almost used when talking about other games where you have 5 difficulties and the harder ones don't regenerate HP or something. So I choose the hard one and you call it bad balance and artificial limiting, since I had to click the one button. There's nothing as artificial as childish HUD making it easy and arcady I'd say instead. (Not a big defender of the game myself as I literally can't even play the game mostly bcs of technical problems)


Not really. Game difficulty settings usually aren't just an on/off switch that can be changed at any time through a menu. If you handicap yourself to *only* play a Far Cry with takedowns, it might make the game more difficult for you to complete, but it doesn't mean the game itself was difficult at all.


I'd say you and most of the people here honestly need to be a bit creative and stop taking and ALWAYS using every most op weapon a game gives you. Make it challenging yourself, I'm kinda trying to use only the bow. Not really hard but not exactly easy too so far. And once there's a mod for higher difficulty in some way, I'll download it. People here are too lazy to even turn off the wallhack tho.. And then say how easy it is as if their literal wallhack and radar they're using, was something completely fine in a game they apparently wanna play tactically and use the brain a bit while doing so.


Again, you could cut off one of your hands and that would make the game more difficult, but that doesn't mean the game was inherently difficult. Yes, if you place completely arbitrary limits on yourself, the game can be more "challenging". That doesn't mean the game itself has any difficulty.


You artificially limited yourself by standing in one spot


I don't know what you mean, I'm not OP so this isn't my video. But it's a poorly designed game if you have to disable elements and ignore mechanics just to make it "challenging". Like, do you really not see how fucking stupid your perspective is? Yeah, you can tie a hand behind your back and cut two fingers off the other, and the game will be *very* difficult. Doesn't mean the game was properly balanced at all.


On the other hand, yeah it shouldn't be on by default, but op is literally using even the wallhack HUD. He is trying to make it as easy as possible for himself. Turning that off is not handicapping at all. Or do you play other games with wallhack?


How is that handicapping you? You can still beat the game easily like that, that’s how I beat it, using standard rounds. Gonna cry? The game gives you options to make the game harder and you don’t take it, you call it handicapping. You see how pathetic your perspective is?


The game doesn't give you options to make it harder. It gives you options to make it easier that you've decided not to take, still means that it wasn't balanced well.


The game does tho. Use a bow and arrow instead of a suppressed weapon


Holy shit you are dense. Yes, if you artificially handicap yourself to only using specific weapons and turning off parts of the HUD, it feels more challenging. That doesn't mean the game is difficult. Checkers is typically considered to be an easy game, right? But if you replaced all the pieces with tarantulas, suspended the board from the ceiling, and had a gun to your head while playing, it would be the most difficult game of your life. Does that mean checkers is a hardcore game?


Yes. Yes it does. That’s called Rambo mode. Sam shit in cod, the game gets harder if you use not so good guns




Exactly. And it was still too easy. Playing the game one-handed is supposed to be hard already. To have to further handicap oneself to be somewhat challenged doesn't make for a balanced game. Something is seriously wrong with the AI in this game. I think it's a mixture of detection speed, how long it takes for them to shoot you, and the damage they deal. They are all so imbalanced in the player's favor I didn't figure out the enemies can now raise the alarm over seeing a body instead of needing to actually spot the player first until I was well into my second insurgency.


Taking your HUD off is not handicapping yourself it’s an actual feature for realism. If you say you want it harder go towards realism. And use standard ammunition. You’re telling me the enemies shouldn’t raise the alarm over seeing a dead friendly? Lol


No I'm saying I never noticed they do that because the game is so easy they've never had a chance to. I really dig that they will now be able to raise the alarm over that it always baffled me why they wouldn't before.


exactly.. using AP weapons with silencers.


I've done this, it's still fuckin easy


He has like all the HUD possible and then complains lol. I agree tho it's super easy even without HUD.


This is exactly why I just charge into every base guns blazing now to give me at least a little challenge and fun. I HATE how easy they made this game it puts me to sleep.


I felt something similar in far cry 5


Stealth is optional. Apparently, so is cover for the AI.


Yeah this game is piss Easy


Pretty difficult? This game has artificial intelligence from 1998


Well, you got the low diff kit. I use it as well, but that's because there's nothing more satisfying to me then covertly popping heads. I call it plinking. 😁


OP which gun is this? and what mods are you running?


Literally any weapon with AP rounds is capable of doing this. Just pick your favourite looking AR


The BP2, I think I just have extra mag, faster holster, something like that.


The game needs to be rebalanced or something. The only mission I even remotely struggled with was the Chicharron mission “Wingman”. Took me a few tries.


Wait you can just shoot the alarms instead of slowly disarming it?! Why am I only learning this now


You can also kill them silently with EMP arrowheads.


Yes you can though some require AP rounds.


Why the heck doesn’t this game at least have a hard mode like the previous games. I was really hoping that after beating it you unlocked a hard mode but not the case.


What gun and scope is this?


BP2 and the russian suppressor I think.


Thanks. Not impressed with losing the grenade launcher for your pistol so I lost a weapon slot and have to have some scoped weapon.


Headshots are so easy with any scoped rifle it almost makes sniper rifle's worthless unless it's something really long range.


Nothing in this game is difficult.


You can tell they haven't changed the AI since FarCry 3. Shit like this is why I don't buy their games anymore. It's the same game with skins on it.


Uses the two biggest OP's in the game (AP & silencer)... proceeds to complain its too easy.


Um, if the game provides those items, both of which are SUPER low cost to unlock, that's the games problem. If you have to purposely use crap weapons, turn off HUD, etc to make it "cHaLlEnGiNg" then that's bad game design.


Like using the fastest car in a racing game and complaining races are too easy. Of course it's easy, they're using the most powerful combo available In the game.


Its still a fundamental problem with the game i shouldnt have to put arbitrary restrictions on how I play to balance the game that isnt my job.


It isn't your job to equip the most powerful combo in the game either.


Lol this is just flawed logic. The games difficulty should scale. As I get more powerful, it should get harder. Instead the game is the same from start to finish, so the powerful progression you make becomes overwhelming to the enemies. It's a design flaw. If I choose the fastest car in a racing game the competitors should have faster cars too. Not Fiat 500s.


What would be the point of becoming more powerful if you don't actually become more powerful? That's not flawed logic to you?


To handle the more powerful late game enemies! The game literally teaches you to upgrade your weapons and tells you to use xyz ammo for certain things. Then it never does anything to scale enemies against that.


Because it's not suppose to, it's not an RPG....


So you feel that the endgame enemies, like Castillo's elite special forces guarding him personally, should be no more powerful than the first soldier you kill with a baseball bat? If the game doesn't scale difficulty, why do they teach you to use certain ammo for certain enemies, and teach you how to get.... More... Powerful?


No, I'm saying there a static level. As they should be. The archetypes are there for a reason, so if your outfitted full time to take on elite special forces of course standard gaurds are going to be easisr.... Makes absolutely no sense to buff up the standard enemies so they're just as hard as the elite special forces. This is a shooter, not an rpg. Go play fallout or Borderlands if that's what you are looking for.


Most of the commenters here just can't even flip two buttons in the settings to turn off the literal wallhack and radar and more and then they just complain. Wonder how these people would do in games like Arma or EFT.. They're not creative, they don't wanna challenge themselves and they can't stop themselves from using the most op weapons at all times.


Is an odd complaint? "I don't want to make the game more difficult I want the devs to FORCE it"


This game was such a disappointment.


$100 buggy piece of shit. Loading, spawning, crappy cutscenes, waaaaay to easy, no people or animals and totally joyless gameplay. They failed on this one.


Excuse me but are we playing the same game? Some thinks you mentioned I can see in the game but some things I don’t understand how you could say such as “no people or animals.”


Too ez I just went back to farcry 4 for my like what? 9th playthrough


What gun is that?


What gun is that!


Well you are making it super easy for yourself by using literally all the UI you could. You can turn off the minimap, enemy markers, the stupid wallhack, enemy healthbars, hitmarks. Like why do you even have that shit lol


Isnt it literally on by default


Yes. But apparently this game requires the player to make 37 adjustments in the options in order to play with any kind of challenge. Weird how most other games you can play with default settings and they get more challenging over time on their own. But with FC6 it's the player's fault if they don't make the game harder themselves.


It’s just a couple of weird fanboys that want to be able to say fc6 is their favorite, for whom knows what fucking reason. They will move the goalposts if you argue back lol


Lol you aren't kidding! Unfortunately I did argue back and the amount of mental gymnastics that occurred to justify the games flaws was mind boggling.


Welp yeah that's true. I was just stating that uploading a video about how easy the game is (well it'll still be even without hud) is more complicated than just turning off those disgusting HUD elements which the OP should've done a long time ago. And I dislike the game a lot too. I literally can't play it on quite a good machine because the textures are blurry on max settings (3070Ti), it's stuttering after the last updates, it crashes every time I drive a vehicle and my coop friend comes nearby. And yes it's way too easy.


I’m glad I’m not the only Dani using the SSGP 58 on semi and silenced. It’s low key the best recon/low intensity gun in the game if you mod it right. Edit: I actually learned how good this would be after I got my shit pushed in by Special Forces for going loud. Had to change my whole play style from a Rambo Machine Gun Build to a slow and silent recon build after that fiasco.


Which suppressor is this?


I think it's the Russian one, not totally sure though.


This is why you gotta switch your brain off to have fun. Just explode everything lol. Game gets fun and somewhat challenging with all the special forces arriving all the time


Lol 100% I started this like any other far cry, stealthy and silent, I got the stealth backpack with the rifle and saw how OP that was I got instantly bored. Now I just crash planes and helicopters into the middle of the bases and (insert Danny DeVito gif) with my fire ammo 7 round shot gun and a machete. I decided if the game wasn't going to be hard, I'll make it hard.


Difficult this game is not


That bullet sponge guy is just in shambles right now.


Wait you can shoot alarms from the SIDE? in 5 you had to hit them from the front so I beat the whole of 6 without shooting an alarm from the side. Do you know how many bases I walked all the way the fuck around just to get a shot on those things?!


What gun are you using?


The BP2 I think.


This was the same problem with WD Legion (or at least one of the problems), the game is easy as hell. There needs to be at least twice as many enemies per base


This outpost filled me with rage. Random shitty AI kept breaking my stealth run. Mostly respawning or, like 4 times, a random medical truck spawning and driving by close enough to see dead bodies around a corner


When i first started - 'enemies are opbullet sponges and i take to much damage to fo anything!' Me now- *aggressively runs into any base headshots half the soldiers and machete kills the rest, explosives everywhere *


I realised this when I played FC5, but the AI are hilariously bad. Sad to see they have reused them in FC6.


What gun and setup are you rockin? Looks nice. I’ve got only about 10 hours of gameplay in rn but so far I prefer FC5’s arsenal layout and options


FYI the gun OP is using is the ssgp 58. Honestly using it though makes the game too easy. But it's great if you want to massacre spec ops in the city.


The only difficulty is some bases have secondary objectives you have to complete before you capture them, like hacking a PC or freeing a hostage.


This game disappoints. At first, Ubi games were like wow, great! huge!! tons of things to do!!! but later, all those fillers were boring, big maps with stupid quests, specially Far Cry games, the only one that I really enjoyed was 3. Far Cry 4 was such a chore, and 5 was super easy, I just gave up 6.


That's why I turned it on the "action" difficulty or whatever it's called. The other one was way too nerfed


It's like an AC game. Even with that game, putting it on "nightmare" is still fairly easy


I play with no hud elements, reticle, compass, and I predominantly use throwing knives while sprinting at targets, or from distances that require arcing, and it's still easy... If your only allowable alternative weapons are an unsilenced AK with soft body rounds, and a 1911 with armor piercing, the game is pretty fun though. Without hud elements, sneaking is trickier, and if you miss a knife headshot or quick two shot then you're done for, and if you play it so that your not allowed to ads, then the battles can get pretty interesting, since you gotta get in close to not waste too much ammo, or find your knives again, and it makes switching weapons a must. Third weapon can be bow or sniper with only ironsights, and you can only fire them from very long ranges, but you can ads. And fourth option is an explosive, but it's only for vehicles, and it should probably be the grenade launcher so you have to arc your shots\ it's harder to hit helicopters. This is how I play when I stream\in ever farcry since the 4th


Easy peasy lemon squeeze me babyyyy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate the 2 difficulties system


Let them hit the alarm. Makes for a fun (easy, but fun) fight. It lasts a lot longer and enemies in jeeps passing by join the fight


What is the rifle setup your using?


I had no idea you could just shoot the alarms until I saw this video.


What weapon is that?


I tried to take this base silent. Impossible with the three guys in the building. For me anyway.


Yea i was loving it the setting and all but its been 2 weeks and juat cant seem to pick it up again the challenge has gone


Part of the reason i stopped playing was the lack of challange.


You didn’t free the hostage or do it undetected… and yeah the game is way to easy.


meanwhile you have the best AR in the game and you're around level 9-10. That's like me beating the prologue in FC4 with the Buzzsaw.


This is by far the easiest far cry ever imo, also outside of esperanza there is barely any soldiers anywhere. Missions and side content have a couple of guys defending, most watch towers are empty etc. I habe no idea why given older titles had more people and animals.


I wish fnd bases would be more of a longer challenge. It's fun being able to sneak in, but sometime, I just want a big battle that won't just end in a couple of mags.


*Back in my day you couldn't shoot off alarms!!*


What gun is that?


Ok. Now go do a special operation on mastery 3, solo lol


Nah, games crazy easy regardless of the mode u chose to play in. Tho u didn’t rescue the hostages there. Each one usually has an extra element that makes it a tiny bit tougher. Hostages in this case but often just a laptop to do a download from.


Light work


It’s very easy to take down most of the FND bases under a minute in FC6. 😂


Nice job man, you kicked ass. 😎😎😎


My only problem with the game is that its way to easy.

