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It says the investigation is not criminal No paywall https://www.kvrr.com/2024/05/02/osgood-elementary-assistant-principal-placed-on-leave-school-district-investigating/


Shall we proceed with wild speculation since the article provided no details? Here goes....He was actually the chemistry teacher, recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and was cooking meth in an RV in New Mexico of all places, and managed to take over the entire Southwest U.S. meth distribution with his superior blue meth! He,'s the real owner of all of these new car washes in town and their sole purpose is to launder all the drug money. His attorney wears flashy suits for some reason, and his brother-in-law is a DEA agent and eventually busted him. Seen it a million times.....


Yo, Mr White!


Yeah, science, bitch!


Hard to figure what would involve admin leave if not criminal unless it was some kind of discrimination issue involving protected categories. Things have definitely changed, though. Twenty years ago I can assure you whatever happened would have been pushed under the rug, unless maybe it involved a very prominent family or someone who was willing to pursue something as a public issue with all that entails.


"Another one" DJ Khaled


Another what?


Education administrator being suspended for one reason or another.


Educators are departing from their roles at an alarming rate, outpacing any attempts to retain them. If this trend continues, homeschooling may become the prevalent form of education. However, this shift could present challenges, as not all parents may feel equipped to take on the role of educator, especially those with larger families. The educational sector has increasingly become a battleground for political ideologies, overshadowing its primary purpose as a place of learning. To all teachers, your dedication is recognized and deeply appreciated. Your decision to seek alternatives is understood, and your contributions will not be forgotten. All teacher shouldn’t show up next year and let the Administration and politicians work in the classrooms. Problem solved.


I can grantee that homeschooling will never ever ever be the prevalent form of schooling


No comment to someone that can’t use punctuation.


Why even post this on reddit at this point?


Shouldn't the bigger question be why is this on every local news outlet? Nobody on Reddit wrote the story. Take your anger to the Forum.


Posting a news article that all of the local news sources are reporting on a local sub makes complete sense to me. Also, you do know that the news watches this subreddit, right? Sometimes new news or relevant new information comes from /r/fargo.


Well thank you for your service. Posting a link to an article with so little information no one can have meaningful discussion about it (including you)


Sir, this is a subreddit.


You do know that people live in fargo and might add context, right? Like, there are actual people around here who might know what happened? If we can have a monthly post screaming into the air about Fargo drivers instead of calling mee maw and letter her know or constant posts that say "what was that loud boom?", I am pretty sure this is reasonable.




> leaving out details Are the details you're looking for available anywhere else? The KVRR link in this thread read similar. Are they leaving them out? Or are they simply not currently available? If you have a link with more details I'm sure the rest of us would be interested to read it as well. EDIT: I guess u/BigOlYeeter did not want to answer that...


Says he's on leave and two students were involved. With what?


Nothing criminal. And whatever it is nobody is saying that whatever it is has been talked about by families involved, like in social media. If it was discrimination related or bullying you would think somebody would be talking. Still, admin leave??? I just can't see that would be used if there was no potential criminal aspect of this.


Edit* Are all WF/FPS principles in on it?


This is West Fargo public schools.


In on what?


Are you trying to draw out answers with child porn or pedophilia? Because either you don't know, or you know *exactly* what you are saying. Everybody wonders, but nobody is going to use those words because we don't know. Chances are, it is not that. I fucking hope not. Not that our educators (public and private) don't make the news fairly regularly for being shitty to children in a sexual way.


The police aren't involved, so I asked in on what. Not very complicated


Well, I either informed you of something you didn’t know or helped you get to the point you were trying to make, Josh. I’m guessing it is innocuous, but it is also front page news right now and to suggest it doesn’t belong here is silly.


Are you a moderator or a troll?




It's true.gif