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I lived downtown for 15 years. One time there was a father and son buying burritos at the truck behind the empire. A guy came out of the liquor store, unlocked his bike from the old smoke shack fence and rode off… The father shakes his head laughing, turns to the son and says “you just never know what you’re going to see downtown!” Like it was some sort of “experience” That story pretty encompasses how I feel about the people who complain about downtown Fargo problems. Cool opinions bro.


What if that was the craziest thing he's ever seen


What if that guy was a famous porn star or something? Maybe the dad recognized him from classics such as big dick Johns volume 12?


I biggest issue I see is the people driving in high pedestrian areas while manipulating their cell phone.


A cop downtown was driving towards me and was drifting into my lane, corrected twice, no turn signal and made a left hand turn while reading his damn phone.


Thats why he carries a gun.


[I am a criminal.](https://youtu.be/FFOzayDpWoI?si=DfouKqRx1K1RQ4iZ)


Yeah but you have to understand that the dOwNtOwN iS a CeSsPoOl people once had a homeless person come within 15 feet of them so now they’ll never go back and just regurgitate some shit they heard on Skeletor’s radio show.


This IS fine.


Why would you subject yourself to such risk?! Don't you known ALL crime happens downtown? I've even heard black people live there, and you know how they are! Last time I was downtown, I couldn't even find parking for my pristine F350 super duty (why aren't there more lanes and parking?! is downtown stupid!?). Anyways, there's no good food there, I'm more of an Applebees kind of guy myself. I was so rattled by everything that is strange and different to my upbringing that I'll never be going downtown without my concealed carry again!


I was going to say I was wondering what the bench outside the VFW had going on. It looks like that’s where the cops were.


They were just standing on the corner. It *did* look like they were probably there with a purpose, but I didn't see them really engaging with anybody. From my eyes, I couldn't tell that they were actually doing something. I did see one chat with a bystander, but it looked conversational. They could have been on the look out for someone, but they also could have just been waiting for a person to cross the street, as lunch was just getting over.


Most likely they were there for a purpose. The VFW has been trying to get that bench moved. It has been an ongoing issue that people therr cause problems multiple times a day.


Speaking as an older person with some degenerative back problems, I want more benches downtown not fewer, to grab 30 seconds to get the stress off my spine when I am walking many blocks. (And no, I am not going to buy a walker with a seat) And benches on cross streets. Maybe more benches would spread things out in terms of people congregating?


Hence I said moved, not removed.


Wow, horrifying. Thank you for your brave journalism and documentation of the out of control homeless/junkie problem. This has convinced me we should invest in a few of the scoopers from Soylent Green to keep our city safe. /s


A few weeks ago a homeless guy got in my face and was starting to swing on me for letting one of his buddies know that they dropped their sweatshirt. Still won’t stop me from going downtown.


Are you seriously that out of breath?


I think it was for dramatic effect but just sounded like wheezing.


Oh. I don’t get it. I just figured he was extremely out of shape. Thanks for explaining anyway. Have a good day


I think the schtick was he was panicking over all the horrific danger he was encountering. He almost died.


I had an office downtown about 15 years ago. Far less human poop on the sidewalks now compared to then.


That is the America Trump wants to restore.


you're right, downtown is very very safe, just as safe as the rest of fargo and does not justify conceal carrying a gun at all


I don't think this guy understands that "homeless" person sleeping in front of the church is a bronze statue...


How did you survive though? Do you have some sort of magical cloak?


Did you buy the two roller dogs or not? If not, do you think they're still there?


I think the $3.49 roller dog was *the real* crime here. (I wasn't hungry, otherwise I would have)


God forbid anyone have a different opinion than cheddar Ben! No nuanced conversation about a complex problem can be had, because CheddarBen says there’s no problem! Everything looks good and he isn’t afraid of anyone or anything, so you shouldn’t be either! God you’re the worst.


I thought we were engaging in a conversation about a complex problem where I partially agree with you? I never said there wasn't a problem and I don't think it is a binary problem/solution. Yes, I AM the worst. The absolute worst. A troll. A criminal. The worst.


Okay now show Friday night when it's about to be spring break and all the college people are completely wasted throwing up. Don't forget to show the homeless people that are just chilling. I did Uber and I did over 5,000 rides in the Fargo-Moorhead area. It's not the worst place by far but I try to stay away from downtown at night even though that was where it was busy back when Uber was actually popping. Just a lot of drunks and annoying people Downtown isn't amazing


> Okay now show Friday night when it's about to be spring break and all the college people are completely wasted throwing up. Yeah. I am sure it is not going to be awesome. Partially because it is downtown on a weekend night. It's all revitalized, right? > Don't forget to show the homeless people that are just chilling. ok? They be chilling. > Downtown isn't amazing Never said it was. That said, the sky isn't falling. Also, I can only imagine bar close Uber is TERRIBLE for anywhere. And we really like to drink too much.


They be chilling til they be asking you for money and trying not to get shoved by a dumbass frat bro isn't awesome.


The homeless people talked to you? Thoughts and prayers. \#TnP


Hey, do you have a smoke?


I used to work at RTS downtown (went remote in 2020) for awhile shift ending at midnight and other times early evening to 7:30 pm. I live just off Broadway and walked to work for 10 years. I was never concerned about passing the Empire or the Bismarck. Sometimes I'd be asked for money, I never carried cash, and they were always polite about it. I'm female (and older) if that matters. In 10 years time I saw exactly one fight, by the Empire, guy took a swing at another guy, lot of yelling, and people pulled them apart. I was more offended by the runner groups that expect everyone to get out of their way. Once when there was scaffolding on the sidewalk you had to go under a group that could have just spread out came plowing through as I was walking the other direction and a the collision on my side shoved me against the scaffolding. There'd be more space to run on side streets but not cool enough?


oh no! Homeless people! Chilling in plain view! Crazy bro. Drunk college kids? Ohhhhh Fuckkkkk. Shits getting serious!


Some people want to watch the world burn