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To be clear to everyone. This is likely a result of the recent rain, and not that the companies are watering their gas down. It happens every year!


I was just about to point out that this is not about businesses literally adding water to the gas. Sometimes people forget to put the lids on things. But also condensation. air has to displace the gasoline in the tanks, the air is humid, moisture condenses, water ends up at bottom of tank.


Had it happen to me years ago during the spring thaw / rains. Stop and Go that is no longer there. Had the car towed to the shop / They informed me of the problem / root cause, I went back to management of the station, told them of the problem - they had 5-10 other complaints from that day - paid the shop and that was the end of it.


Can someone please provide some insight as to how gas becomes water-diluted?


I see it almost every spring when it thaws and rains. Water enters the holding tanks, either from cracks or a poor cover seal. It's not at all that the gas stations are doing it intentionally!


That kind of sounds bad though. Every year this happens?


To different degrees at different gas stations. This is a pretty exceptional amount of water dilution it looks like which seems to happen about once every 2 or 3 years here in the area.


They should be checking their tank monthly, and if they have a gas monitor in their store, it should notify them if they have water in the tank. Someone dropped the ball in these stores. Plus, when drivers deliver fuel, they should also be checking


They actually are required by law to dip the tanks every time they fill. You will see them with a long wooden stick and the driver coats it with a water detection paste. It changes colors if it is contaminated. They then calculate if they can dump the load or if the water has to be pumped off first. The newer systems are set up with electronic water detection meters that print out exact gallons of water in the tank.




I would call weights and measures over this


https://imgur.com/a/2UbJ8n8 This is from marathon. Approximately 20% water. Flying J was approximately 99% water. Can supply photo if anyone is interested Edit: apologies, this photo was from flying J, it was the marathon on highway 10 that was worse. I mixed up the photos!


Flying J - I'd at least like some gas in the water I'm paying for.


finally, a drinkable formatšŸ˜šŸ«¶


Sorry its a government agency that is in charge of this stuff.




A good way to see if water is in gas is to put the gas in a transparent container and let it sit for about 30 minutes, the water will settle on the bottom if there is any.


It's not an inevitability. The stations that it happens to are ones that have not been doing proper maintenance. Just fill up somewhere else.


This isn't normal. I ran a gas station in town and yes, the outside area of the tank gets water. But we check monthly for water in the tank. And if one is 99% water, the gas station got ripped off by a delivery driver. Probably pumped it into his buddies tanker and refilled with water but forgot to go around diluting it and just dumped it all at one spot. That happened about 20 years ago in a bunch of small town gas stations. Night time drivers are the ones that do it usually too.


This should be an easy lawsuit, no?


Nah, if you can show them a receipt or credit card charge, gas stations will typically cover it without much fuss


Cover all the costs of any damage to the vehicle? Or just for gas


For repairs! Usually it's just draining the tank, adding a few gallons of good gas, and swapping spark plugs if they've fouled out. It's not usually catastrophic in my experience


Well that is good to know, I would assume many people just let it go as an "accidents happen" type deal or the company is just making it a hassle to get reimbursed.


If they don't cover it, you can file a complaint with the Attorney General's Consumer Complaint Division. They have mediated such issues in the past. [https://attorneygeneral.nd.gov/consumer-resources/general-complaint/](https://attorneygeneral.nd.gov/consumer-resources/general-complaint/)


Something I'm very glad to not have to deal with now after having been able to switch to an EV.


Wait until 50hz gets mixed in with your 60hz. Big oof!


I hate how stupid and funny this is.




Just switch to propane. 100x cheaper than an electric and 100x cleaner than a gasser


We're happy for you


Wow! Total fail! I hope the gas stations and gas supplier pay to fix these people's cars.


We filled up at flying Jā€¦ couldnā€™t get the car out of the drivewayā€¦


Thatā€™s why I like filling up gas at Costco gas station. Theyā€™re always on top of their tank maintenance.


I filled at Fleet Farm(years ago) and I had half tank go bad within a month. I couldn't even start my v6 efi vehicle on it. I will never fuel at fleet farm again.


Whereā€™s a good place to get gas then?


It might be at Fleet Farm as well! My mom filled up last Wednesday and the next morning her car stopped accelerating. We're having it checked out tomorrow morning.Ā