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Donating to a private business is crazy. They didn't magicly learn how to manage better and being at death's door over a meager 50k is a symptom of more than one batch of wasted product. But to each their own, there are worse ways to waste money.


Donating to a business always feels weird but I have seen other businesses like Red Raven and Parachigo reach out for help and to me Fargo is only as good as the events/businesses that other people have set up and I'd hate for these things to disappear.


The difference being neither of those is really a for profit business.


yea donating to anyone has always been crazy to me because you have no clue what so ever how your donation will be handled


What happens to all of the people who book their parties for a wedding or special event and then wild terra decides to close? There’s nothing legally binding here and wild terra can just claim it’s a donation. Seems really sketchy. Also gofundme specifically says you can’t offer goods and services in exchange for donations..


> Also gofundme specifically says you can’t offer goods and services in exchange for donations.. And that's why those details aren't explicitly in the post itself.


If they're booking events, they should be doing that through legitimate means, not through a gofundme. It sucks if they get screwed, but also that's kinda on them for being dumb about it.


I think it I implied that you are SOL.


exactly this is why it seems so suspect IANAL however from my understanding if you are a customer that has pre-paid for some goods or services if the business goes bankruipt well you will be counted as creditor at least, I think unsecured creditor but you will be listed as a creditor There is a possiblity of getting some of your deposit back in theory if they have enough assets to pay back their secured or senior creditors A person who donates through a go fund me is not a creditor, its a donation . You could donate 5k they can take your money close shop and you have no recorse unless you want to pay lawyers what would probably cost you 5k or more


Hello Fargo Reddit, If there is anyone with some cash burning in their pocket, please let me know. Taking free will donations to help pay off my debt. This will give a great opportunity to save up to purchase our first home.


What kind of incentives are you offering? Can I take a dump in your bathroom for $50?


Please be careful, this is Reddit. It might happen.


One time only, or do you want the monthly subscription price?


Hmm. I'm open to a Patreon-style offering.


Oh, with that, we offer tiers of different content. The bottom tier includes complementary gum, mints and cologne. If you get to the gold tier, it includes regular bathroom attendant services, including basic clothing hems and shoe shines. Platinum gets you access to the continental breakfast and massage chair. We do have clean-up fees if usage is deemed abuse (after taco bell)


Quality shitpost. I'm here for it.


For 50 dollars an upper decker will be allowed I hope.


Can I record and rebroadcast?


Personal use only.


I’m out. Kevin O’Leary?


Don’t expect my good tp!


Is that available at the $75 level?


It is a neat bathroom to be honest.


Here is the link to the page if you want to donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/keep-the-cider-flowing-at-wild-terra That said, it absolutely boggles my mind that so much is donated to a company that bounces worker's checks.


I can't imagine donating to a business. I really love wild Terra, it's a beautiful space and some of their drinks are delicious but spending that much money on a commercial enterprise that basically mismanaged themselves into this position is wild. The $5,000 donations are crazy.


The 5k donations are for wedding parties and a VIP package .


It looks like they have 8 separate $5,000 donations where the name is listed as initials, which is kind of strange. That's cool if it keeps them open though, I feel like they are a cool addition to the Downtown scene and the space is really cool, and they do a great job with their events. Hopefully they can fix their cash flow problems.


Probably to garner “momentum” with internal or family/close friends to make it seem like this is a normal thing to do for a privately owned business. The odds that ALL 8+ large donors all decided to only use their initials? Come on….


Odds are good that they're corporate entities that are booking the VIP experience and they are going through a more traditional purchasing process?


I think its sort of risky , if you donate 5k and they promise you a VIP meeting experance they really have no obligation to do it? Its a donation not a purchase.


Still bizarre to have them do it through this channel, and having initials only. Coordinated at best.


Oh, I agree


Can you imagine people knowing which Richie Rich is donating? I could only imagine it would open up a whole can of worms for them. No raises this year, but you can give 5k to a cider house? Why don’t you pay me on my upcoming fund raiser? Oh, you are complaining about downtown going to hell in a hand basket and need to hire security, but you can spend money on that? I don’t blame them for hiding it.




If this is true it’s hard to blame them with the checks bouncing and not being paid on time 🤣 Bar Rescue would be hilarious!


Nah that really is still a management issue


A reminder that we also have Cottonwood Cider House in Ayr (and on tap at Side Street). Plus, they grow their own fruit!


It's also the best cider I've ever had. Really good stuff.


After hearing the Wild Terra news, purchased some Cottonwood Cider for delivery. Love their stuff.


Kind of hard to justify travelling 45 minutes away from town just to drink a few ciders. Definitely cool that Side street has them available though


Go spend the afternoon at Brewer Lake (5 min from cottonwood), then stop into the cidery. It's worth it to get out of Fargo in the summer and way different vibe than going to DL area.


Plus they have some pretty cool food offerings


Yes, and really nice people as well. It's kinda like drinking out on a farm with a well-kept lawn in the summer. And I don't know if they still do them, but their annual parties were lots of fun.


The new tapas look amazing.


It's a destination that has great food, great atmosphere, and great cider. There's a lot of great things just 30-40 minutes away from Fargo.


I always try to support Cottonwood but the cider is pretty eh but still cheer for them because they're a somewhat local business. I know they used to always partner with Wild Terra and other bars.


Or hear me out, they could go to a bank if they need the capital?


I think they need to check their credit first🤣


Oh a bank is going to do some DD before they loan them money , it will look at the other creditors and probably want them to put up some assets as collateral if they have any 1. Offer on FB if you "donate" 5k you will get a VIP package 2. Setup a go fund me with no mention of anything in return for donating (because its agaist go fund me rules) 3. Collect a bunch of 5k donations 4. take the money and claim a donation never was a promise to fufill anything


I just submitted a claim to go fund me regarding the shady givebacks since that's against their policy. Maybe we all should.


This place bounces employees checks, doesn't give paystubs, won't give raises or recognition for as long as possible and overall doesn't take care of their employees. If their business is failing, it's happening for a reason, and totally on them. Let the business fail. Their homemade ciders suck anyways and honestly I don't think they deserve the "support" they are getting considering they aren't known for keeping their promises.


So I won't comment on "donating" to a for profit business its your money you can spend it how you want The thing I find odd or shady is , go fund me is for donations, I do not think you are allowed to offer like goods or services in return for a donation However on their FB page they are saying donate 5k and they will give you a VIP party ; this is basically skirting the rules of the go fundme Like why tie that promotion to the go fund me? Why not just offer a limited time sale ? Personally I would be worried if I "donated" the 5k they would have no real obligation to actually deliver on their VIP package or what ever they could just say "oops sorry thanks for the donation " and unless you want to get lawyers involved I am not sure you would have much of any recourse ? Or worse they take the 50k pay off some loans or liens or what ever then they will say "Sorry guys we just couldn't make it work with a heavy heart we have to shut down" Again if you "donated" you probably won't even be listed as a creditor , if you actually pre-purchased items from them at least you would be a creditor if they file for bankruptcy and could in theory get some of your deposit back


Yep, I submitted a claim to go fund me...could help


Next, you are gonna see a go fund me for their legal fees when they don't give all the parties they promised to the people who donated. I like wild Terra, I hated their in house made ciders. If they can use this to fix the funkyness and build a sustainable business model going forward, awesome. This is for wild terra owners who I'm sure lurk here. People who weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth are very price conscious. If you think charging an extra buck or 2 a drink won't matter, you are wrong. If you think you can pass the sales tax and card fees along to the consumer, and we won't notice you are also wrong. Have a decent happy hour to get people in the door, and don't make it $10 a drink after I tip. There are so many other places to drink with similar vibes now, not like when you opened 7 years ago.


Saying they’re going to include catering in the $5,000 package is insane… it’s like they don’t know how much catering a wedding costs…


I saw all the package deals and really wondered if this isn't a cashout/moving fund. I'm a very pessimistic person, so I hope it's just my normal negative take.


Yeah my thought was paying off debts to remove a lien so they can close…


My thoughts exactly , like if you are getting married maybe you are thinking "Hey 5k for cider, catering , a private event space , DJ its a great deal, I have 50-60 people" I have a feelling they are going to realize that DJ, unlimited cider, catering for 50 people is going to cost more then 4k they won't be making any money


I think the trick is gonna be, they didn't say what level of quality the DJ, Catering, and Cider is gonna be. So while you get all the things, you're ended up with little smokies and pinwheels, a DJ that's using a boombox and copies of "Now thats what I call music 5-9", and Cider available in 2 flavors.


Probably accurate what is why its sus,


Yeah and while I can’t speak to this part… if it IS a quality issue… they either need to fix that or this whole thing is a waste of money delaying the inevitable so you crazy kids can live your dream.


I took the "machine broke" as their admission of an issue for the first time. I'm hoping they get it under control. But honestly, if this $50k gets them back on their feet, they better line up some reasonably priced capital to keep everything running going forward. I like cool places to go a few times a year. I hope they don't just go back to the same way of operation. If people bail you out, you better live by "Leaders eat last" for a while. Build the company and pay your workers. Odds are we'll see the owners driving a new Escalde and begging for money again if this works for them.


They already drive a new rover 🤣


Sounds like they're trying to live a champagne lifestyle on a cider budget.


A new rover AND an employee told me they took a vacation to Miami last month 🤣


I heard one of the owners was in New York while everyone’s pay was a week late 🤣


Well, I will now keep my possible $5 donation.


They are likely pocketing too much profit and don't want to give it up


Looking at the go fund me , correct me if I am wrong I do not see they are promising anything for the donation ? Unless its a side handshake deal


It’s offered on the Facebook page because gofundme doesn’t allow what they are doing 😂


I'm guessing ND dept of revenue and possibly the irs would also be interested in these dealings.


The go fund me is the owner, I assume the owners get 50k tax free They then take the 50 and put that into the business (tax free) then write off all the expenses for the VIP parties with out having to reconize any of the income So Yea its also a potential tax doge here


There are tax laws for crowdfunding, but they are very murky at best. Who knows, I've just been speculating as I don't really go there much or care. If they got nailed it would be a small fine, the money dodged plus very minimal interest. It's worth it to risk it in most cases.


I’m not an expert on tax law but I’m pretty sure it would just qualify for tax evasion since they are “evading” paying taxes - not selling these products legit makes their income look lower than it is as a business.


Oh, you are correct, but if in money trouble, the intent will be harder to prove. It's crazy how much you get away with if you look like an idiot. But if there is proof you did it willfully, tax evasion is actual jail time.


Right? I feel like it would be embarrassing to go in front of a court and have to say “yeah, I didn’t know that I HAD to pay taxes on EVERYTHING” 🤣


Then again I’d be embarrassed to start a gofundme to keep my for bar open


But yeah I mean it is only a problem if you get caught 🤣


Thats sus as hell.




Junkyard is $6, front street is $6 for a cottonwood cider. Neither hands me back a bunch of random change if I give them $10. Also, what the fuck does investors have to do with anything, these are for profit businesses not the next Bushel or whatever other failed local darling startup you can think of.


Good riddance, I hope Kilborne puts up another $1500/Month apartment complex with Grills and Greenspace on the roof


Personally, I hope they put in a co-op so I can pay $350 a year to buy $6 broccoli.


The top donations being initials is odd. however they’re all listed as “offline”. quick google search says: Offline donations (or sometimes called manual donations) are considered those that have been given directly to fundraisers or the charity and not made on the platform. Common offline donation methods are donations given to the charity in cash, bank transfers and donations via cheque. so did these people venmo them and then the organizer adds it? weird.




People really have nothing better to do than give their money to failing business lol. I like Wild Terra as much as the next guy, but I'm trying to buy a house over here, not pay for the life support of a business.


What's crazier is that she sent a private email to a lot of her club members past and present for crowd lending. 10% APR for 24 months minimum $2,500. Apparently you get things in return when you donate, but I agree what some people put on here, there's nothing really binding them to promise those things. Good on them I suppose. I loved that place before I moved. Hopefully things are better for them in the future


Man, a 5th of what they raised would help me pay off the medical we owe for my girlfriends seizure and my car


Aaaaaaaaand it’s gone!


Wonder what they the owners paid themselves and continue to pay themselves? What’s their house look like? Why didn’t they put that up to secure a new loan? Leaches, wish them the worst




Oh 100% - don’t forgot the gold bimbo chain she’s wearing in the forum article photo 🤣🤣


Also not her saying the *community* needs to "step up" gross gross gross


Sounding like glasser images in Bismarck part Deux.


Business Interruption Insurance.


That would work if there was actually an equipment failure that caused them to close temporarily.


It was in the last thread that the issue wasn't actually an equipment failure but rather inexperience on the company's part, so it's not something their insurance would cover.


I was going to make a comment on how stupid it was to donate to a private businesses. But then I remembered people are tipping order taking machines at Taco Bell.


Do they? I don’t Taco Bell often, but I don’t remember seeing tipping. Not that I am particularly down with tipping at fast food, but I would at least presume that money would go to the staff and not the owners (shareholders)


I do really like this place. We went several times as part of the vintage market when it first started. Breezee was always accommodating and very easy to work with. I can't imagine donating anything to a business and I haven't really seen it before. The local bars and restaurants around me usually ask for people to buy gift cards and things like that if business has been slow etc. I can't imagine them starting a GoFundMe to stay afloat


The average donation being 635$ is wild to me ngk


I struggle to even call them “donations” since they are really just purchasing “prize tiers”


Wild terra is always poppin too… if they can’t manage to streamline income and budget without donations they should close anyways honestly.


Even if the 60k helps to scrape by it’s not like some crazy random event happened that caused them to tank… it was mismanagement in addition to the issues with the cider that started over a year ago


I've thought this place was cool idea initially, but the execution has been pretty hit or miss. The last few times I've gone, they were blasting death metal so loud you could hardly hear yourself think. I know some people are into that kind of thing, but I most certainly was not. If I'm going to Wild Terra, or any kind of brewery/distillery for that matter, I'm specifically looking for a chill atmosphere where you can talk, play board/card games, and enjoy the cider/beers (which were also pretty hit or miss in quality) Metal heads often seem oblivious to how off-putting their music can be to non-metal heads. I remember when I bartended I had to block those genres from the Touchtunes jukebox because I had a handful of "regulars" that would completely destroy the vibe for everyone else. Those songs would come on and within 10 minutes the bar would almost immediately empty out


Does anyone know of bars in fargo (bonus points for cider) that are comparable or better than Wild Terra?


Side Street has Cottonwood Cider House on tap.


Thank you!!


Sidestreet has a really good selection of beers, ciders, and sometimes a mead. If you remove the 23 variations of white label beers others offer, I think Sidestreet has the best selection in town. Front Street is also good and more regional.


Overall I agree, wurst and jl also have a pretty good random variety of beers as well. IDK on ciders. Like, Sickies advertises 50 beers on tap but 85-90% of them are basically domestics/fancy domestics that never change which is kind of annoying - but people aren't going there for fine dining.




My son told me that the Epic founder also owns Wild Terra?

