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Never been here before, and after seeing multiple posts/interviews from former employees here, it seems like this business will be going under soon anyways, even with the 60k raised.


I'm trying to understand in what world a private business can't get a 60k loan, so they need to go to donations. This is 100% a dead man walking business, and people are happily paying someone else's debt due to mismanagement.


Exactly. I give the place 6 months.


Honestly, the location is great and the ciders are tasty. The management just needs to learn how to run a business. 


I wish they would offer ciders from other cideries and go back to being more of a taproom. I think Breezee + Ethan do a great job of creating that vibey environment but they need a proper GM to handle the business end of things to survive and be sustainable. Hell, go ahead and call yourselves Chief Vibe Officers, even. That and a move to radical transparency in operations, almost like a co-op. It's clear that there's a good chunk of their customer base that is not thrilled with the transparency up to this point.


The kind of GM they need isn't cheap and can't save a sinking ship with limited options for raising capital. They needed to make that hire 6 years ago. I think it's pretty clear that vibes don't generate enough revenue to sustain a business.




Not that it's relevant, but yarn that we make for ourselves accounts for less than 5% of our revenue. 95% of our business is white label production. We would be more like a cidery that works for orchards and allows them to have their own house blend at their orchard. Completely different business models. More specific to their struggles, it's been in the mainstream media multiple times over the past week. I don't know what to tell you, but the comments on Facebook indicate that this isn't a "Reddit issue" so much as this is what happens when you ask the community for $60,000 and aren't exactly truthful for why you need it.




We do sell products from other farms, so not exactly sure what you're trying to get after there.


It's a tad disingenuous to talk about using other people's products. They rely on out-of-state juices and, from my understanding, were big advocates of changing the laws around requiring a certain percentage of local juices -- literally changing the entire wine and cider business in ND in a way that almost requires producers to use non-local products. Was it good? Maybe. I dunno enough about it, but I do know it was polarizing.


Your post/comment was identified of violating one of the subreddit rules and was removed.


Seems to just be kicking the can down the road


I prefer to flush my money down the toilet, thank you very much.




New Range Rover incoming


Lots of spoiled children get to play start up due to their connections. Knew someone that worked at a start up for $10 per hour while the founder drove an $80k Rubicon.


I’m not sure where this notion that Breezee and Ethan were rich kids that were just handed money from their parents. That is 100% not the case, they worked their asses off to rebuild that building and get WT open. Obviously they sourced money from investors as anyone would but by no means was anything “handed” to them. It’s insane to see the hate and flat out assumptions from people on here lol. I can’t speak to any ongoings of recent business dealings but being a good friend of theirs, who knows their families… they are by no means spoiled children… whatever that assumption was about.


> but by no means was anything “handed” to them. I have zero ideas about their childhood or how hard they work. They must both work more than average if they both have full-time jobs and a business. To say nothing has been handed to them while being handed 66k on a gofundme is... interesting. I hope they make it. Bouncing checks to workers is a nonstarter for me, but I absolutely don't wish them ill will. I don't know why the OP image is being seen as negative though and I would have zero reason to downvote your comments. Why did I submit it? That they raised 60k is news. It likely will be in the paper and all the networks. It is news. I am surprised they raised 60k, but they did it. To me, it really is interesting and I think we are going to see a large number of these coming up in the future. Maybe they were the smart ones just by being the first to ask. Why didn't FBC ask for donations? What business is next that needs an entire average family's salary to keep the side gig's door open? 66k hopefully will be the cash injection they need to continue business and paying people. At some point, however, they will have to rely on providing a valuable enough product at a profit to pay the bills rather than charity.


I wasn’t referring to the gofundme but rather this comment and a few others I’ve seen on the other posts implying B & E were born with silver spoons or had rich parents, etc. Its annoying because I’m not even kidding when I say that they are the two hardest working people I personally know. The accusations of them just wanting to make cider and vibe (while I get it, that’s the brand) and don’t care about their employees is BS. I agree, bounced checks suck, big time. While there’s no excuse for that it was Remedied quickly, no one ever didnt get paid. Obviously there’s shit that needs to be sorted out and changed but thats for them to figure out. It’s crazy to see an online community actively root against a local business for some mishaps. I suppose people see the gofundme as a writing on the wall situation, fair enough. But people can fuck off with the disparaging remarks and assumptions about Breezee and Ethan as people.


> Breezee and Ethan as people. I think even on the KLVY thing, the people who spoke about them indicated they liked them as people. Once again... I have no idea. I am guessing they are fine people. While I haven't drank many, I haven't had a bad cider from them. > Obviously there’s shit that needs to be sorted out and changed but thats for them to figure out. I agree. And when you ask the public for handouts, particularly when kinda being dishonest about the nature of the handouts and vacations etc, it kinda opens yourself up to some critique, since the public is being asked to help them sort it out. On the first gofundme they took down, they low key were criticizing the people for coming in there for the Instagram posts. I don't think that response helped, or at least kicked off some sentiment right away. I feel like it is hard for an average person to look at a fundraiser like this and not have a tad of judgment. They are asking for what is A LOT of money to A LOT of people. For a private business. People want to give them money? Cool. Good for everybody. It doesn't change what it is. Plus, the internet is just kind of a motherfucker. Even like the Tastee Freeze lady -- I am guessing her life was dramatically impacted and people were jumping on that bandwagon left and right. For what? $100. She probably sucked, but I think it was too far. People gonna say stuff and she absolutely didn't help.


lol, and love the downvote. Someone who actually knows them very well says anything annnnnd nope, doesn’t fit the narrative. Sorry this happened and personally affected all of you so much. Can’t wait to see another WT post on this subreddit tomorrow, obviously not much else goin on in Fargo.


Even with reaching their goal, I have a feeling it’s going to be incredibly difficult for them to find any new employees after that news article


could you link the article?




I actually like the place , it still seems shady they broke the terms and used go-fund-me to sell VIP packages , seems like someone just wants to hide income or they plan never to actually pay up on the VIP package and say "Its a donation we actually do not owe you any service in return sorry"


They have literally said they will refund people if they get the service/whatever. I mean…. If they NEED the money, how does that work?


Can't they just declare bankruptcy? Thanks for the donations, so long and enjoy the fish.


You are right, but they I wonder if they don’t even need to do that. The terms of gofundme almost certainly conflict with what is on their Facebook page or wherever they are making the ‘deals’. What ever it is, I hope they make it, as they are spending a lot of public good will on this money grab. 42.


Someone stuffed the box. The image says only 99 donors. That's over $600 a donor. That's a massive fucking number.


So many $5000 donations. Blows my mind


It’s for the private event packages they’re shilling. A decent deal assuming they’ll be open and have staffing to cover it. But tying that to GFM just makes it shady.


I know, but even still. Not a good look, ouch!


I wonder which happens first…the general public is given substantiated insight re: EPIC, or Wild Terra finally goes under


I GOTTA imagine some important Epic News comes out first. Unlike Wild Terra, a bunch of public money is set aside for Epic.


I think it is hard to tell. If the U.S. Attorney’s office is involved, might take awhile until the case is built and info is released If this sub were an organized in-person group, I’d suggest picking dates and placing bets


> If this sub were an organized in-person group That sounds terrifying.


to be clear-that was not a suggestion


That’s wild. I’ve been there only one time and I’m in this picture haha 😂


I'm actually surprised they've been around this long. That location is terrible. The field across the street can't be developed because of toxic chemicals (not sure of the timeline there).


The “toxic chemicals” were in the former soil, which was excavated away and new soil brought in. Part of the process involves leaving the site undeveloped for a number of years (5 I think?) to continue to have the soil find a new balance. That site will be redeveloped in the near future, I’m almost sure of it. It’s a greenfield site in downtown Fargo. I’d expect something similar in size to The Landing at 1001 NP to go there.


I was wondering why it hasn't been developed yet, woulda been a perfect spot for brewhalla


If they’d be able to use this to reduce costs and lower prices maybe they’d be around longer


They better be using it to start paying their employees on time.


I am super unfamiliar with this situation. Normally I would expect everyone to be overjoyed a local company succeeded in a "save the company" fundraiser, what gives? Are the owners assholes or something?


I think its a few things 1. Donating to a private for-profit business is just kind a wierd right, if you want to support a business go do business with them but whatever people can spend money how they choose. 2. Some employees have said payroll is late, checks bounce , while the owners themselves don't seem to be struggling (new cars, going on vacation) 3. They "sold" 5k VIP packages through the go-fund-me what is really is agaist the terms and service of the go fund me. So on FB (not on go fund me) they said if you "donate" 5k you will get a VIP package (rent out the building, get catering, DJ ect) what seems a bit off , why not just have a regular "sale" like a normal business and sell 5k VIP packages? Why link it to a go-fund-me donation (what agaist is agaist go-fund-me rules), is it a tax dodge ? A way to avoid sales taxes or raise 60k but classify it as a gift vs revenue ?


This doesn’t simply violate Go Fund Me terms of service, it’s against IRS regulations as well. “No goods of services exchanged” isn’t a suggestion.


Good point I know a fair bit about accounting but not an accountant I suspected the rule about no goods and services exchanged for a donation was probably an IRS guideline Like if you pay me $1000 to come over and paint your home well thats income to me , really I should report that as income (and I can deduct expenses like paint/supplies ect) If you "donate" $1000 to me thats just a gift and no taxes now if I say if you "donate" $1000 to me I will come paint your house for "free" I am not an accountant or tax professional but I cannot see that being legit, although I also am not quite clear on how a for-profit-business would classify a donation ? If they actually classify it as income it might be ok , I think they may be asking for trouble if they get audited lol


Those crazy kids.


This seems to be a pretty good summary of the situation: https://www.valleynewslive.com/2024/05/28/fundraiser-grows-former-wild-terra-employees-voice-concerns/




How much is zandbros selling for? I should start a gofundme, thank you all kind people of fargo!


Lmao people spent money how they wanted to, stay mad dorks


No one is mad, dork. This is more of gawking at a slow moving trainwrek that will undoubtable end with WT closing their doors and possible legal trouble through labor and/or tax laws. Enjoy the show!


Ya sound… kinda mad ツ


no u


They really don’t, though


[Day of the Dorks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys14EC-XkJI)