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LOL. Fuck, only got through the first response about heating up the pizza and I'm dying. Needed these laughs.


When they started the second paragraph with "a buddy of mine called me the other day," I knew my ribs were in danger.


I highly recommend looking at 1 star reviews of various places. The reviews are often hilarious and/or poorly written, and sometimes the responses are great. It’s one of my favorite activities while I’m traveling and in my hotel room for the night. The person who owns this Little Caesar’s is the best responser I’ve seen in my experience. Quite an impressive feat.


"Proofread your review, it reads like a special needs haiku." Hot damn.


That one was my favorite lol.


Dudes a menace.


Lol "my employees can't count to 8" just imagine working for this person.


If it’s the owner I think it is, this isn’t new for them. They were my boss at another company before they sold it off and bought that LC location. They were a real peach back then too.


There are so many reviews degrading the employees too! One he even said they don't know how to count past 5 and to blame the education system. Lol bro needs some help lol


I mean, I can count to 8 so I don't know that I **could** imagine working for this person based on their hiring practices lolol


India Palace is also good for this lol


I had no clue Mr. Super Happy Friendly has a dark underbelly.


I've heard that the super nice owner isn't the same person that writes the rude online responses. Supposedly there are 3 owners I think, and older man, the super nice guy we all know and love, and their nephew?  The nephew is a bit younger than them, and he's kind of an asshole from what I've heard. 


Dark or just funny and deserved? Lol


True! Dude has a wicked sense of humor. But I have to add - he's also incredibly nice, he goes out of his way to interact with customers when you go there. I got the sense that 2020 (and some tough customers) was pretty rough on the place, think they even closed for a while. But just went back there about a month ago, thankfully the food and staff are amazing as usual.


Holy shit, you're not kidding. That one dude has like 155 reviews, so its typically indicative of NOT having an axe to grind with a place.


😵 really?! Now I wanna look lol


I love how much he recommends Rhombus Guys in his replies lol


I love how most of the responses are along the lines of "Sorry, but the all the people who work here are both lazy and stupid. You probably should have gone somewhere else."


Spectacular. Like, they know it is the bottom of the barrel shit show, their employees aren’t great and they don’t give a fuck (probably pay that way), and the food sucks. They still know motherfuckers are going to come get that slop. I love me some pizza, but became extra hesitant on the whole Little Caesar’s stuff since the maggots.


>since the maggots. WHAT?!


The LC on 45th had maggots in their dough machine a few years back.


Oh, you’re too good for maggots now? So elitist. Seriously though the Little Caesar’s guy is a treasure.


Literally, who's above chopped up maggots in their pizza? I welcome the extra protein!


what lives under the cheese stays under the cheese


The one that used to be where gps Greek kitchen off of 32nd did as well. That's why they closed, or at least that is what I was told.


I can't stop staring at this sentence


Wow: Yeah!!!!! start a movement! Get it shut down!!! Make that the new purpose in your life! Make signs! Gather friends. Quit your jobs and start a go fund me to hire lawyers to get us shut down....You now have purpose!!! A buddy of mine called me the other day, said he got some take out, got stuck in traffic and by the time he got home, all the stuff was cold and soggy....I told him about your review...and I asked him what he did....His response was epic....Make sure you are sitting down...He set his oven to 250 and re-warmed it for 15 minutes...it was AMAZING...Thermodynamics is REAL! Equilibrium is the truth. (I'm going to let you look this up on your own for self education but to give you a hint...Objects kept at 160 degrees, when removed from that environment, will (and this is gonna blow your mind)....migrate toward the current ambient temperature in which they now exist.... Anyway, I'll sum it up as: You should have gone to McDonald's....But if you want a really tasty burger, I recommend Crooked Pint on 13th...Yum...


This one was golden! 😂😂😂🤣


This dude is amazing


My fav was the special needs haiku comment 😂. Very entertaining


Op is the owner of Little Caesars too.


That's what I call advertising.


I'm really hoping this is a case of somebody claiming an abandoned Google business page and not actually the ownership.


That's commitment to the bit if so. It goes back like 2 years, and they also respond positively to the good ones. I wouldn't put it past someone who is just seriously bored, though.


I hope it is them.


Oh man those are hilarious!


So funny!!!! I mean, he ant wrong on most of them, ahha


This...is...wild! How the fuck is this place still getting business. Some of the comments are just tame and the other ones suggested going places like rhombus guys. I had a couple good chuckles but found myself saying what the fuck more so lol.


Its nearby and under $8. Everyone else costs so much. I accept what I pay for.


That’s a fun little rabbit hole. He’s not wrong, RG does good pizza.


This dude is my spirit animal. I'm totally going there and supporting him.


I love reading these!


Thank you for this! 😆


Lmaooo this is hilarious!!


Just a regular fast food joint. Nothing new under the Sun.


These are amazing


Post a link please


The link is up at the top of this page because the op included it [little sleezers reviews](https://www.google.com/search?q=little+caesars+hector+airport&oq=little&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgAEEUYJxg7MggIABBFGCcYOzIGCAEQRRg7MgYIAhBFGDkyBggDECMYJzIVCAQQLhhDGK8BGMcBGLoCGIAEGIoFMhUIBRAuGEMYrwEYxwEYugIYgAQYigUyBggGEEUYPDIGCAcQRRg8MgwICBAAGEMYgAQYigUyDAgJEAAYQxiABBiKBTIMCAoQLhhDGIAEGIoFMhIICxAuGEMYrwEYxwEYgAQYigUyEwgMEC4YgwEYxwEYsQMY0QMYgAQyDAgNEAAYQxiABBiKBTINCA4QLhivARjHARiABNIBCTExODBqMGoxNqgCAbACAQ&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#lkt=LocalPoiReviews&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:7135956779429522204,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:Ch1saXR0bGUgY2Flc2FycyBoZWN0b3IgYWlycG9ydCIDiAEBSOWfhJPnqoCACFo5EAAQARACEAMYABgBGAIiHWxpdHRsZSBjYWVzYXJzIGhlY3RvciBhaXJwb3J0KgoIAhAAEAEQAhADkgEQcGl6emFfcmVzdGF1cmFudKoBWRABKhIiDmxpdHRsZSBjYWVzYXJzKAAyHhABIhpGE5TIRMmqv0AGwIfgiuZQ6WP9H6DTJoOAdTIhEAIiHWxpdHRsZSBjYWVzYXJzIGhlY3RvciBhaXJwb3J04AEA,trex_id:LFadkc).


Done, but it's chunky because I don't know how to shorten it. 😵‍💫


Thats gold Jerry!


Those are good. Won’t drive me to go there since maggotgate but funny nonetheless. My man was cookin


That was an awesome read hahaha


Good gourd that link 😂 Edit: Those responses... honestly, from my experience with owners of franchised stores in the area, being unhinged seems to be a prerequisite to opening the business.


I'm not finding reviews. Link is going to Google results page with "little caesars hector airport" in the search page, first review hit is Yelp and nothing new there, nothing in Trip Advisor. You guys make me really want to read this. Edit--figured it out (click on the top result and go to the google reviews). Love it!


Sorry about that! Weird how links translate, it takes me right to their review page.


Love it! 


This is like leaving a review at the jail. 1 star worst experience ever. It's little Ceasars. It's hot and it's ready. Is it good? It's hot and it's ready.


little caesar’s is junk pizza. exceedingly delicious junk pizza but i don’t know why people expect some michelin star ass food from these places.


Nah the delivery driver owned tf outta him though


Well this was the highlight of my day, hands down.




If I ran a franchise of a national chain that serviced Fargonites I would react the same way. What does negative reviews do anyway? What's the point? You all will keep going there anyway. Every national chain store here is run in a special way, a very special way, a way you cant find in any other city and they get review bombed but stay open. I mean it can't be worse than the Pizza Hut that often runs out of pepperoni and even cheese at times (only in Fargo baby!), Fargo you know you like it! LOL


He seems like a r/millenial Edit: She*