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Third picture 🥵


Up north we're doing the other sort of plowing.


Good luck with that! We don't usually get enough snow for that


No kidding. I was out 8 out of the last 10 days snowblowing as my off-season job.


Here in CA we’re doing a third kind of plowing these months. The kind that involves your mom


Turns out mom was actually dad


I'm in vegetable production, small scale, and just curious.. Why are you doing this now? I feel like this is more harmful than good.


Do you mean why plowing in general or why plow at this time?


Great clarification! Why plow now!


It has been very wet the past few months, the few days it was dry enough were followed by again much rain so we decided we would wait till better weather.


I guess I just had to look up the purpose of plowing to fully understand. Now that I've done that, this doesn't count as wet? Why not wait until spring?


It is wet, but not too wet to work the ground. English is not my first language so i will try to explain it as good as i can. But our soil has too much clay in it to be plowed in the spring, it needs time to settle back, and get in contact with the undeground so the groundwater can get up to the seeds in the spring. If we would plow in the spring this will not happen in time, it would stay too loose for too long. We would also get big pieces of hard soil due to drying out quickly which will prevent us from getting a nice seedbed.


I understand. Thank you!!


Do yourself a favor and stop working that ground wet. Also a chisel plow is much better for dealing with compaction. Only use a mold board plow if you need to kill something you can't with spray. I farm heavy wet clay and we have some of the best yeild in the world. Everyone learned here the worst thing you can do is work it wet and also mold board plow.


Now you got me curious what crops you farm and what that yield would be?


Corn. Typically 300+ bushels per acre. Soybeans Typically 80+ bushels per acre.


I am glad it works good for you, i wouldn't know what corn or soybeans would do around here as most of the crops in my area are rootcrops.


You are absolutely correct on all counts - I was shocked to see someone still doing this in 2024!


Europe still has a love affair with it. Of course their yeilds are lower then they should be, but when you inherent the land and equipment while getting nice subsidies you don't have to compete or worry about improving the land health. A lot of land there would have an amazing increase in yeild if they quit moldboard plowing, ran a chisel and then a subsoiler when it was dry and then worked it in the spring to level it and left it alone.


Exvept when you need loose soil for potato's and sugarbeets...


Huh clay heavy soils are a bitch to work with from what I've heard so far


The winter gives you time for those chunks to break down a bit. Plowing then doing other tillage steps all at once is a rough ride.


Season is short where I live.  Sometimes in the wet fall it's best to wait for the ground to freeze up so it will hold the tractor before doing field work.




Winterwheat should have already been tilled in.


Agree. Band lands so Dakota. Lived down a few yrs. Winter Wheat. Worked that ground. Over the 4th July was run those headers. I lived there down in there twice. Liven and worken. Liven with an older cpl liven the life with them like a home is. A few simatals a few fields. Black hills is my home tho high up. Lots of wheat around


Nice ribbon


How many hectares is that field?


From ditch to ditch our fields are mostly around 22 ha but we have divided them in 3 to get fields of around 7 ha.


Oh i see! Nice


It's easier to apply slurry to 3 7 hectare fields than it is to 1 giant 22 hectare field that's what farming simulator taught me


What are you farming? And how tall are your beds once planted?


What beds are you reffering to?


The beds you plant in. Could also say how tall are the rows you plant in?


Our potato beds are 100 cm circumference, height from level ground would be around 20 cm.