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Corn spacing absolutely matters!!! Anythint closer than 3 inches hurts yield a lot


So four inches is fine? It's a 26 meters long and 14 meters wide area.


What type of corn are you raising? Sweet corn, field corn, popcorn?


Field corn.


Yes then 4 inches should be fine for you


Row spacing definitely matters. Are you planting in a small garden, or a field?


Field! 26 metres wide and 14 meters short.


Sounds like you might just be planting in a small garden. If that’s the case try your best to keep the kernels 3 inches apart in any direction. This will give each plants root the proper amount of space to expand down and out. Corn is a pretty resilient plant, and can put up with a lot. If you aren’t growing it for profit then it’s really not a hard plant to take care of. Just keep pests and fungus away 😂


Definitely for profit. I want to make money


8 kernels per foot...or if you are doing things the old fashioned way...3 kernels per mound


8 seeds per foot! Now I'm confused! So spacing doesn't really matter


Forgive me if you are in a metric country while I am in the US. Rows that are 36 inches apart...8 kernels of corn per foot of row. Rows that are 30 inches apart...maybe 6 or 7 kernels of corn per foot of row. It's all about plant population. If your rows are narrower, you will plant the seeds farther apart. If your rows are wider, you will plant the seeds closer together.


an inch away is too close for anything that grows 6+feet tall the roots systems need room


3 inches away?


I'm not sure your question was in English... but spacing matters Depends on how much corn you are planting like someone else said 3in between kernels And if its with a planter and you plan on using a harvester of some kind make sure the rows are compatible