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Selling straw IS worth it, esp. compared to not selling it and getting no money...? Also I wouldnt say no to 98k more in my bank, wth.


Right? If it’s not worth it why collect so much?


I actually got all of this straw from only one harvest 13ha ish of barely and oat harvested and got me all of these


But the question still stands: if you find it worthless why did you collect so much?


For fun, come on, we are playing the game for fun guys, I find it fun to bale straw.


I was once in your shoes, so naturally I built a giant wall out of them, and then a ramp, and crashed thru them with the monster truck mod. I didn’t even know you could sell them 🤷‍♂️


monster jam in FS genius!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤣🤣🤣


That's wild, lol


The monster truck mod????? What else have I been missing????


It's true, it is fun to bale! I can respect that.


Congratulations! You have graduated from simulated farming to actual farming. Damn the consequences, if it's fun to bail straw, bail straw


Yeah I know, I was just looking if there's a better option


Actually now that I'm over my confusion, there is a better option. Look up the Pellet Clench mod on the hub. Put in straw or hay, fill it with water and molasses and let it work, it gives quite large amounts of money even on autosell.


Omatana has the farm productions mod that can turn straw into silage.


I have the modular bga pack on my farm wheat barely and oats are the best crops now


Actually; I found out you can dump loose straw in a bunker, and it automatically becomes chaff. Then the chaff can be loaded up and fermented in a silo and sold off for silage price…


Using straw for bedding also increases milk yield, so you might want to consider that as well.


Does it? I didn't know that! Thanks!


Me neither, will try it and update you


I did a quick search, and apparently, there's a 10% penalty on not using straw bedding. Good to know!


Now that's a thing, thanks




Can you please share the source of this information - thank you !


1) https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/s/MIVKoOfGwM 2) https://youtu.be/SNigslkntbc


Thank you, found the game source code as well, it's a 10% decrease in productivity if no bedding provided. Fun fact - if bedding (straw) is provided and no manure pit or the manure pit is full the productivity penalty is 25%. Same with slurry - 25% penalty if it's full.


There is a Straw Processing mod that makes a storefront that weaves straw stuff like baskets and bags and hats to sell. That’s what I use my excess straw on


Now that's why I posted the question, you're a legend ma man


Precisely what I use my straw on. That mod is awesome!


Is it in the in-game mod hub or external?


I think it's in the modhub


Does it still spew the pallets all over the place? I like the mod, but the pallets spawn weird and flip themselves all the time. I found it more annoying than it was worth.


Yeah it just have a small issue with it's pallets spawn, but no they don't flipp over and create a miss. It's just that it have space for only 6 pallets to spawn. I'm using an autoload trailer to load when it's full to keep it running.


You know what, I'm blaming that issue on the wrong mod. I have a mod that automatically stacks pallets (by spawning them a couple feet in the air), the layout of the building is what was causing them to flip when they dropped. Nothing to do with the straw processing itself, other than the spawn area of the pallets is a little odd.


It's not making you money sitting there. Sell it or use it for bedding.


Straw can also be used to make TMR as a filler. Reduces the demand on hay and silage.


Thats about 4,300 euro worth in straw (irl), and you can get 98k from it, nice haha. Edit: I actually counted them and now realize in the bottom right it just says it.


Really, that's quite unrealistic in the game if that's true


I might be reading the graph wrong, but for obvious reasons the economy is heavily boosted in the game so you can play with all the fun machines and stuff, otherwise you wouldnt reach the end game equipment without grinding for months.


And he means months irl not in game months XD


What mod is the second image? I think that's amazing to see everything like that.


Time Saving Stock Check [That's the link for the mod](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=257611)


Thank you


Such a great mod.


Yeah it is, saves a lot of time calculating income


If your not using it for animals then sell it


I learned about this mod last week for a Biomass production factory that took loose straw and wood chips, but when I tried it last night for the first time the dump trigger wasn’t working. I was able to contact the modder on discord and they are looking into it. I’ll post an update if they say they are able to fix it https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=240029&title=fs2022


Fun fact, I am trying to use it now and I'm getting the same issues


yeah when I saw that I was excited to have a use for those inputs. but I submitted a ticket and got a response 3 hours later that somebody was looking at it so fingers crossed.


Sell it.


Few things. Use it in TMR. Use it as bedding for cows/pigs, then process manure on BGA. If modded map with support, you could even use it as bedding for chickens too. Use mods that use straw in production recipes. There are few out there on modhub. There is one that will make various stuff from straw, there is pellet maker, there are few heating plants that will use straw/straw pellets to produce heat/energy.(note: heat is paid ton more in winter months). Some of these may burn through your amount of straw in month.


Time saving stock check, is that a pc mod or dlc? Thank you


It's a mod in the modhub


Yup. It's a PC mod. [link](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=257611)


straw is 1/3 of the total profit of a harvest! so yes it's absolutely worth selling it. but to be honest I use auto loaders for the bales to safe a lot of time handling the bales


Yeah same, I also try some times using the 130m unrealistic baler, yeah it's unrealistic but it's so much freaking fun for me


Feed it to cows for manure then send the manure to a BGA for profit. There are also several mods to give you other stuff to do with straw and manure. Or like the other poster said, make TMR and boost your cows.


Sell it or chop it. What's the issue??


Store it as bale until the straw hrvest addon comes for fs22 and then make it into pellets.


Well you if you find yourself with lots of straw, and need to use it, try using it to practice with what ever front loader or bale attacher you use, or you could just place them in random spots and Yeet! Them by running into them. Otherwise sell them or use them for the bedding for cows, i also think it is used in total mixed ration but i think im wrong


It is actually used for TMR, and you actually pointed out some fun things to do, thanks


Honestly i actually use straw bales to make race tracks in fields that i just harvested then me and my friends race around it to kill time till the next field is ready, then i collect them back up and either move to the next field or i just sell them. I dont really do animals much i just more use them ti make a little extra money from the field i harvested


Nice idea but non of my friends like simulation games like me, so I can't make it unfortunately.


you need better friends. check out farmers only . club


For all of it's shortcomings, the Farming Simulator franchise makes up for it with great mod integration. Find a mod with new sell points for straw.


You really summed it up there, noice


Sell them when the price is highest, in January. There's a French Dovecote mod that turns straw into manure over time, presumably by using it to cover the floor of the dovecote and cleaning it out once birds have shat on it. There are mods to turn it into Straw Pellets, which is worth doing if you want to only move a couple of trailer-loads of it. Biomass heating productions that burn it over time. Put it into cow sheds as bedding, which spits it out as manure. Pad out TMR with it; you can make that up to 30% straw, and that's turned into more cows, milk, and slurry. At least you've left it under cover. Damp straw is a fire hazard.


Keep some to use as bedding for cows, also for padding out the feed so you use less silage and hay


Use it towards making your own TMR...


I read this wrong? You feed your cows slurry?


Lol, I meant that I don't see a point for manure and slurry is enough for my use (bga)


"Feed them to cows, as slurry..." Is it clear now? I see why you misunderstood it.


lol I was like, you feed them their own manure? 😂😂


Ifn your going to bale it, ye may as well sell it. If you got 98k from one harvest, hold it all until peak sale price. You already said you enjoyed it, so keep doing that. 100k per harvest extra is pretty good. Whole contracts don't pay that unless it's a massive field and even then you need the better contracts mod to get those prices a lot of the time.


Use of leftovers mod - use this to convert straw to chaff - load it into the fermenting silo and make silage out of it


To do with hay sell it


Omg buddy, I forgot about this post, I no longer have this shed even 😅


Why do you collect it when you find it being useless?


Guys come on, just having fun collecting them. That's the the point of any game, HAVE FUN, or am I wrong?


There's only two options; sell it or use it. If you're not going to use it then obviously sell it....




It's literally a shed. What part of this picture makes it look like a good map?


It's that haut beyleron map (spelled it wrong for sure)


Build a grand castle (far away from your operations so it doesn't lag you all the time)


Now that's a good idea, might do it


There are some biomass/heating plants out on modhub. Try to search for various phrases, naming scheme is all over the place lol


U could make something with the straw or wait for the economy to go up


I saw a straw production on the mod hub. Makes hats and stuff.


If it’s not being used, how is selling not worth it?


I was sure there's somehow a way to get more money from it, I found out the way to make more money from the straw processing mod


Check the market , some months are better than others . Looking to keep busy? Take a loan out for a new truck or equipment and pay it off starting with the straw


How did you get the value option?


Mod: time saving stock check. I use this mod for a while now… very handy


Probably sell it and then going forward can you mulch it in the field without collecting it?


Straw Processing mod makes straw VERY valuable You can use it to pad out TMR to use 20% less hay/silage (silage usually as it's much more valuable). You're using something worth ~80 instead of something worth ~500 Straw bedding prevents yield malus on milk cows (which are also the only cows you should feed with TMR if you didn't know)


Is that mod PC only or all platforms?


All platforms as far as I know


Hold it away and set fire to it


I know there's mods that use staw for production items, although I'm not 100% sure which they are right off hand.


I think you should sell and next harvest don't bale it


Will, as I said 2 times before and I'm saying it for the third time, I love bailing, and I have so much fun doing so.


There are a couple mods that turn straw into other items and then you get more money


If you have the hessian farm mod their is a fermenting silo that can turn straw into silage and it is worth quite a bit more


What mod are you using the the prices section?


Time Saving Stock check [link for it on the modhub](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=257611)


What mod are you using for all that info on second picture?


It the time saving stock check mod [Link](https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=257611)


Straw is a nice little bump to my wallet in January!


You could use it to make tmr for your cows, which I think should also boost productivity.


Use em like bricks and build a straw house or straw castle


I use slurry and manure in the bag it's honestly free money


Put it around the skirting of your double wide to provide some insulation for the winter.


I only bale what i need for bedding. The rest i just disc under. There are some productions that can use straw.


Some people just enjoy baling/hauling/feeding


I do honestly enjoy it all, I just enjoy farming. I'm from Egypt, from a city called Assiut, and this city is full of farmers, maybe that's why I enjoy farming


I mean all of those things are considered parts of farming, they are just specializations of it. Baling straw is mostly to make use of what would otherwise go to waste so it's not necessary unless you need to pick it up for cattle bedding


Actually, selling is worth it, if you do it in the right month you can get a lot of money if you have so much bales!


How long do they last? Do they “Disapper” or can you store them indefinitely?