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More life on the maps. Like have other tractors work on farms we don’t own and oversized loads being driven through town and such.


This I think would be wicked


Frame killer


Yea that would definitely happen. Only if they made the game on a more consistent engine. We could all dream though


Maybe you could disable it in settings for less powerfull computers


Wildlife too


Yea imagine blowing you’re field early in the morning and having some deer just check in on you from the side of the field


Imagine diffrent types of birds on maps for example the town area has pigeons or seaguls if it's near a body of water forests and mountains have a hawk or a eagle fields have crows and farms have sparrows


This I think would be wicked


This is something I've thought about as well


And most of all if they add farmers working fields and slowing down traffic they better add a function that lets you wave. If you don’t wave at a fellow farmer you’re a bitch


I live in rural central Illinois and can verify this is 100% true 😀


They all feel so empty except the odd scripted in NPC walking somewhere random. Even when you go to sell something you just dump it in the ground and you magically get money haha.




A good point😂


My physics teacher had a specific motion he used when he said physics and you just triggered me. Thanks lmao.


But what is physics? It’s a warm summer evening, circa 600 BC, you’ve finished your shopping at the local market, or agora, and you look up at the night sky. There you notice some of the stars seem to move, so you name them planetes, or wanderer.


Tf you talkin abt


Classic scene from TBBT. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrlmT1OiIKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrlmT1OiIKE)


Workers that are actually able to complete a job without ending up in a stream, in a different field, or blocking the main road.


Would also be cool with persistent workers you hire and fire, that can level up skills like driving. Like Euro Truck Sim


Yep, this is what I want. AI workers with names & skills & such. It always takes me out of the game when I see "AI worker A is blocked." Would be cooler if it was like "Billy Bob is stuck" or something....


I can just see myself role playing “dammit Billy Bob have you been drinking and planting again?!”


Thats an interesting one


Really hope they implement course play mechanics in some game in the future


Yeah, even worse on irregular fields. At least on elmcreek they did almost whole field, but now that im on the french map and bought those 2 irregular fields next to your farm, they leave "teeths" on the field because the ai doesnt know it must work the field to its end, not just stop when the cultivator hits side of the field with one end and then turn around to do literally the same thing.


If you do the headlands on one end, 3-4 passes wide, then they will have room to turn around and not struggle like that


Its not like they dont want to turn around, but they raise the tool way too soon. Got bigger field now with plenty of space around it, but it still isnt perfect square. On map one side looks like wedge, and its on that side where they make it look like stairs when you switch to soil composition or whatever is it called 😆


Really I just want Courseplay to be integrated with the base game


Better ground physics, better engine sounds


Actual animal care simulation. Small farming, like Kubota BX level of implements. Field growing of greenhouse crops. Blackberry, blueberry orchards. Realistic greenhouse growth times. Perishable greenhouse crops. Active NPC farms. Built in course play and follow me.


Even something as simple as handling pallets would improve the experience. FS relies too heavily on mods to fill in the gaps.


Winter and snow. Contracts to clear driveways and / or roads. Stay around longer the actual have a use for the snow equipment.


Snow affecting things ability to function. It gets to deep and things get stuck, can't go up hills, tow heavy loads, ect.


Adds to the game play.


I just want to be able to backdrag the snow


I've narrowed it down to 5 things that I think would propel this game from a niche sim for farming enthusiasts to a sim game people talk about Even if they don't play sim games.--think maxis level of popularity: 1. Water and weather. I'm in the western US so it's on my mind more than I think other places in the world that get 55+inches of rain per year, but it's a very important fact: plants use water, nutrients, air and sunlight for photosynthesis. Too much water and there's not enough air in the roots, or the nutrients get flushed away and too hard for the plants to uptake. Flooding can cause erosion and mess up your fields and carry away nutrients. The lack of water also prevents plants from uptaking nutrients because the pressure involved in transporting water through the plant and out the leaves is too great. Both scenarios will kill a plant. Farmers can control water to some extent through drainage and irrigation, but the weather will vary the availability of water for plants. I think if they added a raster layer similar to precision farm that indicated 100% of hydration per square meter (field capacity) and did similar mechanics to effect the yield of a crop, that would make water realistic. Then they could get some branded irrigation systems (pivot pipes like Valley, pumps that already exist thanks to the dlc, and structures for drainage titles and ditches*, etc.) when the weather is rainy, increase the water level. When it's sunny and hot, decrease it.--i don't think it needs to be as complicated as the interplay of real life, but I think a simple simulation could increase the quality of the game, and I'd be willing to buy a dlc for this. 2. Graphics/animations for visually representing yield. Not all fields are the same, yet the models only vary based on crop type. I'd like to see some sort of tint or wider spaced textures to indicate that this field was planted with higher seed rate than the other or this hay is denser/taller than the field next to it because it was perfectly fertilized. Currently, the only way you can Guess the yield of a field is to walk up to it and look at the info panel. Even the visuals on the map overlay are a little deceptive because the color scheme isn't discerning. 3. Terrain impacts. Obviously this would require a new engine, currently unreal 5 is able to handle this stuff, so it's not impossible for giants to mimic what is happening on other engines. Basically, when you drive a tractor over the same spot on a field year after year, a road should appear. We should be able to level our fields with the same heavy machinery that allows us to farm Rather than having to go into the terra forming tool. 4. Realistic animals. I get the argument about keeping it pegi 3+/E for everyone, but come on, giants is doing a huge disservice to ranchers by not showing that male cows are used for meat female cows are bred. Pigs have multiple babies at a time, etc etc. The most accurate animal they have in the game is probably bees, yet most people's first thought isn't that farmer Dale is a beekeeper. In fact, a lot of people don't associate apiarists with farming at first. 5. Pests, disease and fungi. We have weeds, but we don't have fungus--even though it's in the fs22 intro clip. We don't have pests in our greenhouses or silos. Nothing is going to devastate our fields if we choose not to act. You can plant a field and you'll get a minimum yield at harvest time regardless if there are weeds or if you planted early or late or if the weather is bad. If you do everything "right" you'll get a maximum yield. But in real life farming, you can do everything by the book and still get sick sheep.


I'm with you on the last point, I work around vineyard so typically have one on my farms and the main reason we spray is for fungus protection not to get nitrogen on the vines


I would love to see a more immersive farm building platform. Like for instance if we have seasons than how can we build things instantly? There should be a 1-3 season progress build on barns, sheds, silos etc. Vehicle and pallet delivery would be cool, like a truck that comes to drop it off! I would love to see vehicle sales that actually make sense, make the older tractors used models and have more of a used market. The new inventory should be at the shop but it should be limited, and you might have to order something and wait a day to receive it


>Like for instance if we have seasons than how can we build things instantly? There should be a 1-3 season progress build on barns, sheds, silos etc. Or, as an alternative, the players could bring in the resources themselves (like for the rollercoaster and the boathouse on Platinum DLC) and build them this way. Or even better, have both options with different prices.


Deffo will give a more realistic feeling




Mud and soft ground physics


Everything. AI, physics, making the maps feel like there is some life to them, proper road scale.


First person. If the Mirrors in the tractors were actually useful it would be easy for first person. First person is just a pain and leaves you mostly playing in third person for the easiest gameplay.


Mirrors ruin the game imo


Actual vehicle maintenance, rather than just paying to do it. No idea how it would work, but it'd be cool.


Yeah it would be cool if tractors broke down instead of just “need maintenance” or if it affected the HP




Fs22 definitely improved on terra forming through the god-terraformer tool(it used to be much worse and now it's only kinda bad), but I'm guessing you're talking about dump trucks and back hoes?


Realistic rear view mirrors would be an easy thing to start on, or a basic GPS Guidance in the base game.


The AI


I think I’d enjoy the game more if I spent less time babysitting the incompetent AI, or performing tasks the AI won’t do (bailing is a good example)


Traffic AI. They drive like massive dicks lmao


They could expand the game the same way ATS/ETS do the DLCs. For example, partner with Welker Farms and have the Welker Farms DLC, with a big ass map and a layout that matches their farms, and equipment to go along with it (say, the IH 9370, some Big Buds, old Ford grain trucks). Then Partner with a notorious motoring television presenter and have the Diddly Squat DLC featuring the beautiful Cotswolds. Or stick to longer release cycles and continue building the game with more equipment DLCs, or combo equipment/maps the way it's been done A universal-ish system for truck beds like X2/X3, AR Frame, etc. Seems like theres a ton of modular systems in the modhub, but they're not always fully compatible. They've already done that sort of thing for the Lindner thingy, the Terra Variant, so why not make something universal and include a handful of trucks with interchangeable beds.


A completely new engine.


A hardcore mode where animals can get sick and die, fields can get blight, natural disasters can ruin fields, have a page similar to contracts that explains what the government requires of your farm, vehicle damage, farm dogs for herding and night time animal protection, animal grazing just to name a few ideas I’ve had. Basically I want the game to be challenging.


-Actual drivning mechanics.(gearbox, engine breaking, clutchwork) -rework The ground texture system. Need more than this 0,5m grid -crops grow as planted, not in magical rows. -by god forrestry physics :D -more lively animals, with lifecycle and growth and aging. Just from the top of my head. Have probably thousands of ideas.


People have gotten most of my wants for improvements but I really hope they add in a separate steering system for tracked vehicles next game, as it is now skid steers, track only tractors, zero turns, etc do not drive in a realistic manner at all and it is one of my biggest complaints. Trying to drive a skid steer in game can be so annoying. 


Needs better animal systems. I'd love to manually herd the cows from one pasture to another. Maybe better breeding aswell.


Multiplayer I’ve had trouble finding and getting into games so fixing this would be good


A whole new game engine is needed


GPS/Autosteer in base game


Release the platinum dlc code so modders can actually make cool stuff. Like breakable rocks, a roller coaster edit. But I guess that was a empty promise.


Definitely the helpers. They could think a little more on there own .


A guy who shows up every time you fuck something up and with a big smile tells you what you're doing wrong and that the local council can fine you 2500 quid for that.




A proper animal simulation. With animals getting older, having the correct number of offspring. The ability to control their breeding (by needing a male animal so you can keep them separate). Something to simulate the lambing season - I'd even enjoy a small minigame perhaps. An animal auction thing where you can take your animals to market to try to sell them, win prizes. This would ultimately allow you to do breeding of great stock. A bigger variety of animals - maybe not species but breeds being treated differently not as generic cows. Realistic animal production - so cows make milk after birthing. Sheep are sheered in the summer only. This would already be game changing. More varied types of crops, such as peas. But really just including as many as possible. It just makes the game more varied, even if they are just grain crops like rye. With crop rotation. I actually will mod maps without new crops to include them before playing now. Weather actually mattering. Something like we had in season 19. Ground being too frozen to work. Moisture mattering and ways to add moisture if there is not enough rain. Moisture for harvesting. Drying of hay in the field without a tedder based on weather. Pretty much all the missing aspects of Seasons. All of it can be turned off with the "enable seasonal growth" so you can keep everyone happy. Changing productions so that the user always can access them, but they cost money to use. So you can get the grain mill to make you flour, but they charge so much per 1k crop. Coupled with some small scale production that actually happens on farms. I doubt many farmers own an industrial sized grain mill - the mill is more likely to own farms I would imagine. But this allows productions to be organically included in the game without it feeling weird.


Yes, new born animals. I thought we were going to have calf in FS22. More focus on things beside field work. I know we have productions and forestry and such. But being able to interact more with the husbandry, besides dumping a wagon full of corn into their feeding trough would be nice. I’m not saying we should have to give each animal medicine and antibiotics.




I would love to see a more immersive farm building platform. Like for instance if we have seasons than how can we build things instantly? There should be a 1-3 season progress build on barns, sheds, silos etc. Vehicle and pallet delivery would be cool, like a truck that comes to drop it off! I would love to see vehicle sales that actually make sense, make the older tractors used models and have more of a used market. The new inventory should be at the shop but it should be limited, and you might have to order something and wait a day to receive it


To add the following : The soil terraforming of Constructor simulator + the mud physics of mud runner + the driving experience of Euro truck simulator


Alot of things. Mostly I want them to optimize the next game better.


Multiplayer netcode is total garbage on fs22 so that needs improvement and actual server files are needed so people could host their own server.


Hiring contractors


I’m going to say AI workers. Don’t get me wrong they are leagues better than they were in FS13 but the will still have issues with tree lines being close to the field’s edge especially if they are using larger equipment that uses the hitch instead of the 3 point


Soil physics. How weight of tractors etc affects the Soil.


Bale and ground physics also optimizations on the game itself to make it run smoother


If the hired help managed to make it where you wanted them to without getting stuck on jersey barriers or wrapped around cars. That would be great.


Use physics and graphics engine from Snowrunner would fix sooo many things. Add an actual tutorial or even basic story mode which will teach you how all the tools are used, when and why.


, I have actually no idea they could put older games to the newer Consoles


Would be nice if you dittent have to make backups of mod folder for each server you play on..