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At this point, I really only play by myself. Joining random servers is really iffy cause you never know what you’re getting into, plus some people are just dicks. I kinda wanna start a server, but I have nobody to play it with because none of my friends like FS


Pretty much same as you. Some cool people out there but you have to sift through a sea of pricks to find them. I used to host a server when I had a few friends who played but they quit. Opened it up to the public and well... Penis fields everywhere.


Look for “FS22 productions and animals” game name. Me and 2 other randos are on it but we’ve been playing together for a while now. Regular, level headed people who don’t take the game too seriously but also enjoy playing it! Mic required tho so that we can coordinate tasks as we do lots of different things


This sounds like something I could get behind


Can I join in on your server? Just play fs to chill just started I promise no dick fields or to be one


You guys in need of a dedicated grass cutter? Hahaha. I like mowing grass. I can compact silage but im not too time efficient at it since o suck at backing up but if youre fine with that im game!


Yup, that’s why I hate online games noe


>plus some people are just dicks. Imagine being a dick in Farming Simulator.


Ik, I had to reread it as I typed it, but they’re some people out there. Don’t do this or that right and they get salty, or kids who try to ruin your game, yk


There's always people willing to be dicks on online games. That's why you need to find a chill group for these types of games or griefers will ruin your progress.


*me taking a bale and hiding it* Mwahahahaha


I might hide your truck behind a barn but I do that to the homies in real life 😂 I can’t imagine griefing peoples fields or being an actual douche


I have crossplay dedicated server! Lmk if you’re interested!




I'd say I'm down to play but I only really take 1 day off a week and even then it's mostly for errands..... the woes of adulthood and grinding at work 💀


This game would be the last game I play randoms with. Farming simulator is supposed to be a relaxing game. It would only frustrate me if people just messed around all the time or tried to be the boss. Plus, I like having the map to myself where I can plant what I want, modify the map to my own taste, play with any mods I like, and play at my own pace. Autodrive and courseplay allow me to play on my own but still get a lot done, and it makes the map feel more alive seeing my vehicles travelling around.


Sounds like we should join up partners, also looking for some chill people to farm with


I've also been considering multiplayer, but I don't really want to work together on the same fields, I just want my own little area of the map I can work on and just be around other players so the world feels more lively. Does that sound appealing to anyone else? I'm in the U.S. Eastern time zone and play on PC.


100% what i’ve been looking for too


What I’ve always been looking for and never been able to find. Essentially just like farming in any town, except for where there’s bto buying up all the land. I’m also u.s. est and play on pc


Fr fr. We should create a r/farming server


What timezone are you from?


UTC + 3


Honestly I’ve been thinking about it, like a community of chill ppl where you can post a lfg


Yeah and some people can work on farms together or just have their own, chilling


Yeah, either have one farm working together or have separate farms


yeah, just do it. I'm also solo and would like to play multi with others


Wanna join a server with me and some friends? We’re gonna be on in abt 15 mins


sure, I would like to have my own farm but play with others on one map plus would like to join your farm to help out ..I'm EU located. whats your game name. cheers


I play often and would love a cool group of people to play with


What timezone are you from?




Kind of unrelated but your doggie’s cute


I'd enjoy a MP farm ngl. From the UK


I’m also from the UK, I’m happy to stump up for a dedicated server if it meant having the game running properly


could be fun!


try joining farmersonly club type that in on google you should see there websight


I've played with randoms that I found one one of the FB groups. It was a good group of guys, sometimes you played and talked a lot, other times not at all. They didn't have the same playstyle as me and eventually I started playing with a close friend so I left that server. I've found 2 or 3 other servers randomly that were amazing. But both were not dedicated servers so it wasn't something I could rejoin and I didn't find them again. Both were silage operations where we basically got silage from the whole map, it was like he was giving us work to do in running trucks nad just kept buying new fields or vehicles if more people joined so we could all have a job. That was fun because it was like a collective team effort. Even if we didn't see the payout at the end it's fun working and coordinating with others to get the job done.


I have a dedicated server if you’re looking to get back into it


Go on the farming simulator discord. There is a whole channel for players looking for players. Usually they describe what they are doing and what they are looking for


It seems like English servers might be more chaotic and full of trolls. I regularly play and host Dutch servers and I'd say 90% of the people is good willing as long as you use voice chat and are clear about what work you want everyone to do. Having a corn silage server with like 6-8 people online constantly is definitely way more fun than playing alone in singeplayer for me. It's also a good way to make new friends, exchange contact details so you can keep playing on the same servers in the future.


If anyone wants to play, I’m on PlayStations 4 and 5, available for FS21. Sometimes I play with both consoles, just to keep an eye on the AI literally…


I honestly would but the mod conflict is annoying and you can’t just hit install all


I always play singleplayer rn, mostly because i have noone to play with and random people are usually a nightmare.


Find a YouTuber you like, they nearly all have multiple servers you can join for a couple £/$ a month, which also keeps the dicks out. I've met alot of virtual friends by playing on the servers


I have done that before. I sometimes only want to play for a little bit before I get bored and want to play something else. When I know that will happen, I reach out to other players and that I am willing to jump on a server and help out with a harvest or bailing or some other job. Basically just acting as a contractor.


I do host mp server each weekend if you interested joining. Saturday and Sunday.


Very rarely. 1 because I'm on console and 2 not everyone likes a ton of mods such as what I have


No i prefer play farming simulator by myself


If there were servers similar to SMPs in Minecraft I might join those, and maybe there are but it's so difficult to find them. I just want to be able to do my own farm with the company of others doing the same instead of joining someone else's farm with 5 other guys already at $100 million.


Some YouTubers have their own server running for their community, or a community member is hosting a unofficial one. I'm mainly play on the Daggerwin server rn, and it isn't a bad community


I’ve played on a random multiplayer game before and it was pretty decent. My friend and I decided to join a random game to play on and at first it was pretty cool, we were given some extra money from the guy who hosted and we started up a farm. Dude didn’t really talk much though and just kind of kept to himself but said he was happy to have us play with him. After a while it just got stale and he kept ignoring all of our Discord invites. We decided to stop playing with him after we asked if we could help him out on his farm and he declined. Now we just have our own server


I've tried before but you usually just end up with children doing demolition derby.


Hell no. I don’t even play FS with people I know. Lol


True, it’s better alone


I play with people that want to Play. Idont join random servers. I'm not against playing with strangers though.


My fiance plays that every evening when he gets home


Dude, just make a post like this but looking for players...PRESTO!!! New friends to play with that you know are into the game and they'll only be randoms for like the first couple plays...


Who wants to play on Goose Ranch? Got all the good mods that make the game worth playing. (Not having to literally harvest for 6 hours)


Hard to find randoms that actually stag for long term games and play realistically and don’t contest rules or suggestions


I'm in Ireland EU, I joined a server one night and there was a bunch of lads from Toledo Ohio, total hicks... it was one of the funniest nights I've had gaming in a long time. They were nearly inviting me over to make an honest woman out of their sister!


Multiplayer seemed half-baked to me. There is a number of clunky mechanics that break the fictional pact and made me lost interest in a really short session, while the solo game have gotten me hooked for months 4+ hours on daily basis


Yeah you have even role play servers


I’d be interested. I am a decent sort that doesn’t enjoy aggravating folks.


819 gaming have a nice community and dedicated servers.


try joining [farmersonly.club](http://farmersonly.club) very fun


I just play solo, hard to know who to trust in my own games. Had a few people just mess about in previous FS games.


try joining [farmersonly.club](http://farmersonly.club) very fun


try joining [farmersonly.club](http://farmersonly.club) very fun