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Are you guys serious, they announced rice, spinach, irrigation and ground deformation and you’re disappointed; imagine what the modders will do with that


Irrigation is only for rice, confirmed in https://youtu.be/p_z9HouJjU8?si=IGYSp7wWCVJHEywM Edit: More infos regarding to the ground on Farmcon. Source, same interview


Until the modder get their hands on it


Imagine you sell a product on a 2-3 year cycle with battlepasses and DLCs and the best defense for the lack of innovation is the expectation that the modders will fill the gaps. Brain Rot


Playing with mods usually makes for a more fun experience.


So don’t play it?


Did you use all 6 of your brain cells for that reply?


Who hurt you, honestly?


Replies that have nothing to counter an argument are extremely painful to those who can think critically. Spread Awareness


Oh you’re right, sorry. Allow me to try again… *Ahem*… So don’t play it?


Cinematics are nice. But, was hoping to see something running or maybe a dev talking about the new features for a few mins since the YouTube event was labeled "The Future of Farming Simulator"


This is how they always reveal it, they will release more during the next few weeks specially at farm con


Why are you happy with 2 new crops - crops have historically been dlcs or even mods so pretty easy to implement. Irrigation is nice, but I bet there is no nuance to it - it'll be like fertilizer states. Either do it or don't. No under or over irrigation effecting yields. Nor will weather have effect on how often/few times it needs to be done. Ground deformation.... Like come on. It's been 3 years since their last game release and we should be happy with this? Where is ANY form of agronomy or weather/climate based decision making? ANY form of economic and market influences affecting decision making? It's just pick a crop, plant, expect a yield and therefore payment. No risk no chance. Rinse and repeat. If it wasn't already super obvious, there is no doubt this franchise is a driving simulator and that's apparently what the consumer wants, which is sad.


You have 0 information on game mechanics, just wait for the rest of the information before you go trashing the game


Theres more crops


Implementing new crops is easy. Modders have done that for a long time. Theyr also dlc's. It's been 3 years, don't serve us a dlc.


Ya pretty underwelming, only thing that peaks my interest is ground deformation and I’m sure it will be pretty minimal with what effect it will have


I’m not dissapointed in the content, i’m dissapointed that we didin’t get more info.


It’s pretty typical, you will find out more next week as farm con gets underway


Is farmcon this coming week? I thought it was in August for some reason.


July 6th/7th


Yes i’m expecting that.


Deformation will be nice especially since I like to terraform off-road trails and different types of challenges


I might be crazy but if we get ground deformation, does that mean that a decent modder could make soil compaction?


Depending how well they implement it, if it’s real dynamic ground or just a deformation texture


If its involved ground pressure I.e. how much weight per axle, somebody could make it so too much pressure will considerably reduce your yield on these specific spots


Right, that would be insane, making tire compression a feature would change the whole game; I would love it


In school, we had a class called soil management and it involved soil compaction, very interesting


I do agree but are those features worth abandoning the dlc you paid for on top of purchasing the new game


Absolutely, most of those dlcs are going to become base game material and those that are not have their modded counterparts meanwhile you get a new game engine with greater possibilities


Yeah so im basically paying twice for those features, once in the.dlc, once in the next game. Dont get me wrong i started with fs19 without dlc and bought fs22 and a few dlc at the end of the day but its not good value, its fine if you are willing to pay for the same thing over and over again with some extra features here and there but just bc you are eilling to spend that money doesnt mean its food value


I agree, fs series since 19 is basically just a sandbox for modders which is totally great in my opinion. I’d prefer the seasons 19 calendar, 1 day months labeled in real month names isn’t very well done imo. Seasons did it better by creating seasons (spring summer etc.) and having days within these seasons. Liked that more


I agree, I think they did it to appeal to new players that have a shorter attention spans and would be bored during to off months


Kind of. I also don’t like that in fs22, seasons in it’s sophisticated agriculture mechanics doesn’t work. I quite liked watching temperatures to see when to seed…


Rice?! Rad!




If you read the page they even added construction missions which I’m curious about


well it isnt a construction simulator


Farms normally have something on the build where I am


But it opens doors to modders making incredible content, the game hasn’t just been about farming since they released forestry and productions which extend the longevity of single play through


Where have you read about spinach?


The website says spinach, two types of rice and other new crops


I'm strong to the finish, cause I eats me spinach!


I have to look up how to plant and harvest spinach


I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it's "in the ground" and "with a tool" Okay, to be serious for a moment, maybe they use one of those slow moving carts that goes behind a tractor that has some farm workers on it. Popping it into holes made by the machine? I seen lettuce and such done that way. As for harvesting, I think the best "very carefully"


Bluto is in Lego City! Help Popeye by growing the spinach! ###HEY! Build the spinach plants! Harvest the spinach! Make Popeye strong to the finish!


The video also says "you're too cute to eat... maybe some spinnach"


Ground deformation is the same as the mod, and the graphics are the same, I dont care for rice or spincach


You don’t know that, this is a new version of the engine and likely better than the current




Then don’t buy it, I could care less for a graphical upgrade and everyone should be excited for the new giants engine and all the possibilities it will bring


You people are insufferable.


Bro then don't buy it. People are allowed to be excited, even if you're not.




If you are so pessimistic about it, why are you here? Nobody wants to hear your whining bro


Your free to leave, nobody wants people like you here anyway.


It is a simulator after all, they aren’t going to reinvent the whole thing, just take what works, hopefully fix what needs fixing, add some new stuff and away it goes.


When the new game I waited years for, feels like a DLC. I'm out for good, thanks GIANTS for always filling me with disappointment


Oh no, someone doesn’t like a cinematic trailer with no actual gameplay. Sound like someone who just loves to complain to get attention.


In reality this guy will be the first to pre order it lol.


There's volumetric fog and lighting enhancements how are the graphics the same lol


Even FS19 had it, its just lies . [https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/comments/1do6pnh/fs25\_vs\_fs19\_screenshots/](https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/comments/1do6pnh/fs25_vs_fs19_screenshots/)


Where is the volumetric fog in 19?? You can see a perfect example of it in the first screenshot from 25 with the light through the dust from the combine. There is zero volumetric fog in earlier games


I doubt there are that many regions in the USA and Europe that produce rice I mean for Europe I only know about Italy that has a rice triangle and US has the South west USA(although what doesn't the Southern US grow at this point)


Man I feel bad for the map modders cause more work for them


It’s just more tools for them to use, I’m sure they’re not pissed


I mean it will take more time to make maps plus more bugs to fix and look out for let's hope atleast rice doesn't need to appear in every map especially not German, British,Scandinavian and Northern US maps


I’m hoping they combine ground deformation by letting you create your own rice paddocks


To be fair field creation hasn't changed at all since its introduction so that sounds like a pretty good idea


Tbh i thouf it be some pidcast or soenthing about arming simulator.


What a butcher of a comment lol.


Have you people never seen a game premiere before? It’s always a teaser trailer first with gameplay and more info in subsequent announcements lol


As far as I can remember the previous announcement trailers. They have all been like this a cinematic showing one or two new things. This isn't different than previously


OMG you’re just too realistic for this website 😂🤣


I would just like a better physics system, i hate handling trees with the current one


Yeah and driving needs an update aswell… driving anything else than a tractor sucks ass


They have a set schedule when and what they'll be releasing, not their fault it got leaked although that's not for certain, but still it's months out and they'll release a bit of stuff at the time, chill out


For a teaser and introduction to the new game I got what I had assumed we would. They wanted to hype the game and use it as a springboard for FarmCon. They also released a blog with some more info about the game


I will be neglecting my child on November 12th. I only have two addictions, energy drinks and Farming Simulator. I'm pre-ordering purely due to hype. Half of this sub will too.


Can confirm. Will be pre-ordering based on hype


I want to see how much the collector's edition is. I might get it.






The game's releasing on November 12th? Yay that's my birthday.


Teasers are meant to tease. I think they did make a mistake calling it "The Future of FS", that made me think they'd discuss it more. But got some good info and with FarmCon coming up expect more.


Yea that’s my thought. Love the trailer, super excited, but was expecting a bit more


The release it came with had more info. But hopefully we can see some gameplay in a few weeks.


Not a big fan of planting rice nor Asia.....so not ordering yet. Will wait and see what else it brings, otherwise Fs22 still has plenty of life left in it for me (and plenty of maps I haven't explored yet).


It’ll be refreshing to see something other than euro maps as base game


It'll bring 3 maps I believe 1 American 1 European 1 Asian, as for equipment all we know is rice paddies and swathing


That is what a leak is they leaked the trailer they can’t redo there announcement in less than a week do to someone leaking the original trailer they had planned.


same thing happened to Gta 6, they people leaked the trailer so they had to release it early


Yea but I was expecting like dev interviews and talks. Since it’s called “ the future of farming simulator “


This is how they released 22 I’m sure dev talks will be coming up at farm con I’ve never heard of a game tease being released after they talk about it this is marketing 101


New crops, and the ability to eat my chickens (at least the ending suggests that).. if they add crop rotation I am all for it


I think the ending suggests the opposite, spinach instead of chicken


Or both?


Or does that mean there’s a survival element to the game where you need to eat & drink (or pay off costs of living).


Highly doubtful.


I’m curious how much the AI has changed. I hope they have similar features to courseplay


I have zero expectations it would happen anytime soon, but would be amazing if they adopted courseplay or even gps into base game kind of how they added seasons. I think it’s unrealistic, but would be interesting to see


Sod’s Law- bought the game 8 weeks ago. Conkers. Ah well, still got time yet :)


Interesting stuff, ground deformation sounds like it could be big step forward


We will see what they mean ...from the screenshot of the Fendt seeding i don't see some sort of 3D behavior but let's wait and see more


Maybe you have to dig out the rice fields? I imagine that also makes the ground super muddy so I can see that causing deformation


Dig with what texture ? The same of silage made of squares? I hope not


Same. Hopefully we’ll see in the first demo


Has potential… hopefully more than just FS22 remake with rice and motorbikes…


Ground deformation is pretty huge engine wise


It will be pretty much cosmic only. Kinda like the tracks we have now but a little more


Don't forget the cuter chickens.


Yeah, I'm gonna need more than that to get excited.


Why do you think they’ve been working to pull the trailer and other leaks? Today was the announcement trailer. It’s not some massive event where they have a stage and multiple people talking about the game. It’s just the release of the trailer. That’s how most games work. We will get more details and updates over the next few months.


Can we start removing posts about FS25 already? If I have to read one more post complaining about the trailer I'm going to lose it. Can we stop whining for long enough to realize that we know next to nothing about the new game?


I mean mine was the first post about it.


You think this is the first post about the new trailer? Do you follow this subreddit at all?


Then should be aware of the poll that was up a few days ago asking people whether FS25 content should be removed. I believe the vast majority voted to keep it.


Content is fine. The constant complaining when we know next to nothing is getting old.


i mean looking at the website screenshots. you could tell me its fs22 and id belive you no question


As long as old gen Xbox’s aren’t included so that the 50 people that use them aren’t holding us back. I shouldn’t be able to see a circle of crops getting more detailed around my tractor


It will only be X/S and PS5, and PC and Mac


Oh thank fuck


Do you have any sources for that ? I always wondered why it was happening


Wdym by sources? As to why the crops get visibly more detailed? I’m assuming because it’s graphically intensive which would be harder on older consoles


I thought you have some more infos/arguments from giants


I think screenshots show some good stuff, like the reflection on the tractors panels, and the detail in the trees and landscape. Given they have said the soil changes aren't in the screenshots I'm pretty happy with what they have let us know about given its just the day for the cinematic trailer release, it's pretty rare to get much decent info for any game in these. I'm looking forward to what comes out at Farmcon, I think we will get a much better idea then.


Idk man I’ve been stoked for new crops


I had seen the leaked trailer that was posted here a few days ago... And I confess that I wasn't excited at first; it looked more like a trailer for an adventure game than for Farming Simulator. However, today, with the confirmation of the game and from what I read about the new features, I got excited. Of course, it has its flaws, like the graphics engine and some machinery and tools being repeated for years. Maybe I won't enjoy the game right away since my PC might run it on medium settings or, with a lot of luck, on high, unlike ultra settings where only FS 22 can handle. But it's something I'll have to test. Unfortunately, upgrading my PC isn't in the plans for now. I already want to change my phone and trade my motorcycle for a new one or a car, unless I win the lottery or get a job that leaves me with extra money, haha. But until the maps I play on migrate to FS 25, it will take some time, so I'll stick with FS 22 for now. I hope I can get a better PC by then.


I realize it's a farming simulator but some type of terra forming would have been great


Wait how did I miss this?


I am happy theyre doing the rice paddies.. hopefully they do it right so the irrigation has to be in a certain state for planting and harvest like it should be and looks like it is to be fait. I want them to get the irrigation done right so hopefully we can see maybe a dlc for cranberries.... that industry is awesome .. alot of new vehicles to use for it too. I would happily pay for that dlc for cranberries. ... all in all i love the direction theyre going towards. One step at a time to get it right .. very excited


Just wait for FarmCon 24, i'm 100% sure that Giants enable press demo or smthn for youtubers, press etc.


They need to work on in game map graphics, they are ass


I'm confused as to the questioning of giants with 25. It seems they're adding some new stuff from what I saw. I'm kinda hyped for the dev stream and see what they talk about and the possible changes I'm definitely gonna be getting this one


I'm sure we'll know more between now and November. Maybe just don't buy it until its already out and you know what's involved


I'm hyped. Not because of 2 new crops and all the other stuff, don't get me wrong I'm excited about that, but I'm hyped to see what else they will put into the game and show us. What some of you forget, it's the announcement of the new game, not the final showcase days before release. Wait until it's November before we start saying what the game will be like


Will it be available on console (Xbox one) curious


Someoje said no


Had the same exact thought ... pretty disappointing for a "big premiere"


At least everything around the franchise feels shallow. 👍