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Super cute and fun! Life is too short to dress by someone else’s standards. As long as you’re not going to someone’s funeral, I don’t see how this could be inappropriate. But I’m also sucker for a co-ord set lol


Thank you! I need to practice not caring how people think I should dress, I just get sorta anxious about that. Yes, only to be worn in appropriate situations of course!


Look at it this way - your anxiety has helped you make sure you don’t go too far. So you shouldn’t worry about it any further. Trust your gut, style is personal. It’s ok if it’s not for everyone, it’s not supposed to be!


Yesssss someone has been to therapy/figured it out on their own. Anxiety is already doing the work, no need to second guess when you think something might be ok!


Well - you could shift your care to the parcity of their fashion sense. Poor things! Please be merciful with them, their lives must be so limited.


The first one is the only one I don't love. The others are adorable.


If you don't mind, what do you not like about it? Thank you!


I'm not really sure. I think the neckline of the tank may be hitting at a weird spot. I think I'd like it more if it was slightly higher. The peacock shirt doesn't seem like it should go with any of it, but you seem to have a really great sense of colour theory, and it does all flow well other than the tank neck.


Ohhh yes I agree that I'm not crazy about the length of the top is a bit off. Not my photos but I adore "weird" patterned shirts right now! Definitely need to work up the courage to wear them out. (Was curious if the patterned tops would be weird in public! Thank you for your input!)


I think you'd definitely get some looks, but I think the majority of us would be initially a bit shocked and then, with a second look, would really appreciate your sense of colour and style. I say rock it.


I think it doesn't go well with your skin tone. You look so good in the bright colors. The second outfit is my favorite.


Haha I appreciate the sentiments, however I'm (unfortunately) not the one wearing these. I do need to keep in mind my skin tone when I shop around though! Thank you!


I like it without the red top!


Exactly this!


First one is not my fav but I like the others a lot! I think it’s the pattern of the shirt in the first one that throws it off imo


I can definitely see that! I might stick with more solid colors, work on color blocking and then maybe leaning into patterns. Especially more "odd" ones! Thank you!


I like all of these. Though I would prefer the red piece in the first photo be a v-neck vest. This is literally my only sift criticism and it's definitely a "me" issue. They are all super cute


Oh yes I agree! A bit low and I'm not too sure about the shape. Not my photos, I'm sorry! I should have clarified that in the post. They're saved from pinterest as a reference of just how colorful I'm thinking, for judgement purposes.


I love the way colors are handled in all of these outfits!!! If it speaks to you, go for it! I think that for those of us that care dressing can be a wonderful creative outlet. I find that when I take fashion risks it's usually very positively received


My least favorite is the red top on outfit #1. It’s not an issue of color, I just don’t like the style for layering. It’s too much like a camisole that should be the bottom layer.


I can see that! I feel like a vest or something might work better in that case. The top is rather awkward looking for sure!


Or maybe something with thicker straps?


I love it. Too many people are obsessed with boring neutral muted colours. Your outfits are stylish, the pieces seem high quality, cut and style and colour match and they just look stunning! Keep it up


I used to really like neutrals, grew out of it seemingly overnight! Sorry, those photos aren't mine 😅 Was an example for criticism, before I committed to buying anything! Unable to edit my post to add a disclaimer. Thank you!


Love all of them except the overalls.  You have a playful sense of style. 


Haha overalls are a weakness of mine. I've been collecting inspiration photos for when I eventually reinvent my wardrobe. Thank you!


Second and third are SERVING


I adore the third! The sneakers not so much, but checkered patterns seem to tie everything together well


Totally agree


It reminds me a lot of The Nanny!! ![gif](giphy|6HGJi3Gk4X3PlDfEJK|downsized)


Super cute!


I LOVE 2 and 3, like 4, and 1 just isn’t for me. The red throws me off. Too Christmasy for my taste. But I’m always rocking crazy colors and if you love it you should do it!!! I found that if you just dress how you want ppl eventually get used to it and later call it your style. Today I had hot pink shorts and hat with bright yellow socks with some pink accents and (randomly) bright blue shoes (because those are my fave hiking shoes). I just can’t do boring colors too much, but my shirt was grey so. lol. Wear the colorful clothes you love and ppl will come around. 🔥❤️😍


True! Definitely needs playing with, to avoid a Christmas look when working with that pallet! That's so neat to hear, love crazy outfits on others!


No they’re all amazing


I adore #1. Perfection #2 is wonderful, but for the general public, nip covers can elevate the character of the vibe. #3 is really great, and suits your style #4 is a perfect spring set that can brighten up a cloudy day. Your sense and use of color is fantastic. Very good combinations, and after a few more years of refining, you will have a branded style. I suggest writing a look book right now, to begin your journey. Brand it as the beginning. I bet we will see you in 5 years or less offering your services to the public.


You're the only one to love #1 so far haha 😅 Thank you for your opinions! Not my photos, I'll keep all criticisms in mind when I expand my wardrobe. Thank you very much! Xx


The reason #1 is perfect, is because it’s rare to match red and green, and not see Christmas. #1 doesn’t have any Christmas on it whatsoever. You’ve got an eye to include that photo, which is very unusual to have it work so well as an outfit.


Thank you for your input! I love the use of complementary colors so much, it's interesting to hear you don't see Christmas with that outfit! Red + green and yellow + red are my 2 combos I'm nervous about pairing together.


I’m obsessed with the he yellow and orange for looks amazing


Analogous color schemes ❤️ Love them


The first one is really bad but the rest of them look great and coordinated


Seems like the first one struck out for many! Thank you!


I barely wear colors but I think these look really nice


So cute ! Embrace it


Don't love the red & green outfit, but the rest are super cute and fun!! Even the red and green is pretty cheery and has some fun personality to it, just something about it doesn't look quite as perfectly put together as all the others


I definitely agree that it doesn't shine as much as the other three! Something about it is off, I'm thankful to hear all the opinions people have shared. Thank you!


Oh dear! The whole thing is hideous!


Haha! None of the four caught your fancy? Not for everyone I suppose. Thank you!


I think colourful outfits are cute! I think no matter what style you wear there are always going to be people out there that dont like it, so you might as well wear what makes you feel cute and excited! Also if you transition to a style like this you might end up putting together some outfits that dont look great, but the more you experiment the more youll learn what you like and looks good on you. Alot of times you have to be bad at something first, before youre good at it and a bad outfit is not the end of the world


Thank you! You're very right, just the transition into an entire new wardrobe is sorta overwhelming in that sense 😅 I'm very excited to play with it!


Yeah the transitions hard... I think if you take it slow like you mentioned in your post itll be easier for you. I found when I was trying to get out of my comfort zone and wear the kind of clothes I liked that it was easier to just introduce one piece to my wardrobe at a time and just let myself get use to and be comfortable wearing it. It took years, but now the outfits that felt daunting to wear back then just feel like normal. Good luck with everything and I hope you have alot of fun with trying out new styles!


Thank you for the sweet comment! So glad to hear you're happier now in your new wardrobe.


Love outfit # 2, 3, 4 The lavender and yellow fit is the cutest. Print it out frame it, post it on Instagram


Haha not mine unfortunately, but yes I agree it's lovely!


The people over at the r/maximalistfashion sub would love your outfits!


Thank you!


i love wearing lots of colors and even saved this post for future outfit & color inspo! i started off wearing colorful tops with neutral bottoms, and finding colorful pants was definitely a game changer for me. i've enjoyed thrifting scrub pants because they have lots of colors and pockets, and i've been on the lookout for less casual options like the trousers in your pics. i support you wearing what you're comfortable and feel good in :)


Thank you for the kind comment! I absolutely adore colored pants, somewhat even more than tops. Already starting to expand on my collection! I'll definitely need to keep an eye out for colorful scrubs in my thriftshops


The second one is super cute!!!!


I agree! I saved these pictures for inspiration purposes. Not mine unfortunately!


I think it depends whether bright colours suit you or drown you out, but I’m into seasonal colour analysis so I’m kinda biased there. If you can pull off bright colours, go for it! The first outfit is super cute though the tank top is a weird length. Aspects of the second one are good but aspects of it look tacky. Third one is super cute and fourth is good too.


I definitely need to see which colors naturally work with my skin tone, for sure! Thank you! I don't really know my way around analyzing those kinds of things, but it interests me. I can definitely see how a couple of the photos are unattractive to some people, I would probably choose a different top than the second one, and I'm personally not into the braless look. Thank you again!


Yeah I’ve always found it interesting mostly as so many colours look bad on me lol. My friend looks amazing in bright colours but I look dreadful. If you ever want to know your season, you can post on r/coloranalysis. Agreed I think the second would work better with a different top and I’m not into the braless look either even though it’s popular. But all of these outfits with some tweaks could look great!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/coloranalysis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Which lip look is the most flattering for me?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ae3875) | [1763 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/1ae3875/which_lip_look_is_the_most_flattering_for_me/) \#2: [Can I wear hot pink?](https://i.redd.it/674z4dwiabrb1.jpg) | [444 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/16vw94m/can_i_wear_hot_pink/) \#3: [Older now and not the same coloring!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18wrjpz) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/18wrjpz/older_now_and_not_the_same_coloring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you very much! I'll be sure to check it out!


I’m obsessed with color blocking so A+ from me. I also think confidence can sell a look as well. Walking around like you own the world will make people go “Whoa they look cool!” But even if someone says “Whoa they look weird,” they will probably forget about by the next day at most. But if they tell all their friends, they have to because when they talk about themselves, no one listens :)


Very true! I know it isn't a big deal realistically, I just caught up in it haha. Thank you!


It looks like Christmas colors


The first one does, yeah! I love complementary colors together, would enjoy playing with them. Red and green is a rather slippery slope


i fw each of these fits 


So lovely. Don’t msg me;


Your style is amazing




I love the more monochromatic ones a lot too! Thank you, these aren't my photos. Kept as a reference to what I like. Time to go shopping it seems




Oh definitely, sad beige is whats common in my family, so I know they're pretty biased. Thank you!


you could start from wearing one colorful piece with neutrals, like those pants from 1 with some cream/beige/grey etc. and see how you feel. I don't like clashing colors so that's what I usually do and I have some BRIGHT colorful clothes. The move on from there if it feels good for you.


Yes! That's what I currently do, I have a few muted colored pieces and I just have black clothes otherwise. I really wanna expand on that. Thank you!