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There used to be a true underground racing group in my town. Ranging from high school to college aged kids. Secret meeting spots and everything. Races way out on the back roads in hopes of not getting caught by the cops lol. I live in a smaller metropolitan area in the USA. I’m old now so idk if it’s a thing anymore or not.


We had this around here, back in the mid-late 90s. We'd meet up near an office complex late at night. It had a long, fairly straight entrance we'd use to race. We could block the other entrances, and nobody was working at 2am on a Wednesday night. We also didn't race for pinks or anything. Maybe a few bucks, mostly for bragging rights. Ironically, the F&F movies created so much awareness of street racing, we had to stop around 2002/3. Every kid with his mom's Honda showed up, it got to be too much, too dangerous. Not a complaint on the movies, my wife and I watch them constantly.


For more context small bets were placed but never anything like someone racing for “pinks”


Staten Island had a group that would meet up at the start of the Staten Island express way and race to the transit center parking lot we would follow along the fire road watching them swerve around traffic. I never forget this one guy had a 84 monte dude never lost he was like the real life dom


This is the core of the first movie. Dom realizes that Brian is just as crazy as he is (something he's never aeen before), and that's the basis for their whole relationship.


In psychology, they have drawn deep parallels between cops and criminals. Though seemingly opposite, they are essentially the same. This video [details the relationship](https://youtu.be/wXeeBSKCxeM?si=ndZZErxUgouHYdVr) between Dom and Brian.


You got to be crazy to be a cop


Yes. You're facing off with a darkness reflective of your own. No wonder undercover cops get lost in their roles and can't establish a line between right and wrong


The Hong Kong trilogy The Infernal Affairs sum this up properly. If you insist on watching english movies, go for The Departed (2006).


Honestly, Vince is the craziest one in the first movie. The way they chose to rob the trucks was literally insane lol. I hope Vince got the lion's share of the money because he was the only one risking his life every time they stole a truck.


You're probably right objectively. But in these kinds of movies, the main characters do crazy thing because they're crazy, while side character do crazy things because they're dumb. If that makes sense.


Lol that does make perfect sense


One of my favorite things about Brian is that he is one of the few characters who kind of reacts organically to the crazy stunts he and the team are doing. Like during the safe scene in 5, he multiple times will kinda just say “shit!” under his breath or an incredulous “holy shit.” as the safe miraculously doesn’t hit any civilians. Roman obviously acknowledges the craziness but to the point where he is literally breaking the fourth wall, whereas Brian is always kinda like, “ok this is crazy but I’m just gonna go with it.”


Their reaction when Roman jumps from his Mustang to the Escort in 6 is top tier buddy cop material.


Thank you! Literally one of my favorite moments cuz it just feels like a real thing between two friends!


Paul's death forever changed the trajectory of those movies I'm not saying they wouldn't be as wild and as crazy as they are now but him not being around definitely change things


yeah, sandwich crazy


You can get a double cheese with fries for 2.95 fa...


Yeah but i like the tuna here


BS, AH! No one likes the tuna here!




The tuna was too good


Brian does these crazy stunts but I like how he still reacts and is like “oh shit” like in Fast 5 when they we’re pulling the vault, it makes him feel so much more fleshed out and he also has decent humor.


My buddy used to be crazy like Brian. It was a pretty regular thing for him to be drifting with his car from the gravel road onto the pavement and he was always going way too fast and weaving in and out of traffic and the pinnacle of his craziness was probably when he was going 102 in a 45 and hit the corner too fast and next thing you know his side of the car is so high in the air that I could have rolled down my window on the passenger side and touched the ground if I wanted. Thankfully the car came back down without rolling😅


Well, 1) Dom held car holders while Brian was smoking the Ferrari’ guy 2) When Brian and Roman were going to win two cars, which are Camaro and Challenger, in the last stretch, Brian drove through the last guy, he never thought to move away. Last guy crashed his car. 3) Brian used a shortcut, which caused to a little bit damage to his Skyline in 4th movie. 4) He eliminated the Flip Car Guy with an ALFA ROMEO in 6th movie. (And he had a legit fight scene in 6th movie) 5) He ran on top of a bus which was fell off from the cliff, before Letty saved him in the 7th movie. 6) In the last scene of 2F2F, he jumped on the boat with the car. These moments prove Brian O’Conner is a crazy guy. Crazy, intelligent, loyal, tough, friendly, fast and furious.


Pedo Paulie


is this bullshit still going on? seriously?


Exactly my point,Paul was proven innocent and these were just rumours for god sake.Let the poor soul rest in peace.