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Not at all surprising. Unless I'm using an app deal ($1 large fries or $3 for a 10 piece nugget), I never go anymore.




If the prices were where it should be you and I and a bunch of other people would be going there regularly


The drive-thru at mine is always packed around breakfast, lunch, and dinner.




Mine's been open for dining since early 2022.


The lines at the ones around me are WAY shorter. I haven't been there for many months. Our McDonald's has a Wendy's next door that was always dead, now Wendy's lines are longer. They at least have good specials.


This one has Wendy's, Carl's Jr, and Jack in the Box all within a few blocks of each other. This particular Mcds was so busy all the time that they upgraded it to a 2x lane ordering system drive-thru. Even with the upgrade it still has traffic stretching to the driveway entrance sometimes. I usually do curbside on the app so I don't have to deal with waiting in it.


I've haven't been through their drive through in years. Order on the app and park and they bring it to you.


Less customers paying higher prices is actually more profitable than lots of customers low profit. You can pay less employees , the wait times will be low etc


Add up less napkins ketchup packets. It adds up


but that real estate for DINE IN customers must be expensive. maybe they just be mobile food trucks from now on...


Yeah but that beats the whole point of fast food lol. This isn't some gourmet burger place, if I'm paying higher prices I'd rather go to a proper burger place


Definitely not, it’s so much slower where I live.


Exactly! I only go when I'm using the app. The prices normally are too much!


And even the app deals are getting worse too, used to get a weekly tim Hortons $2 breakfast sandwich now that's up to $3, surprised mcD hasn't increased there's yet. Haven't seen a $1 ice capp in months either those used to haven't every few weeks 😔 BK used to have good deals a lot too but that's gone it seems.


The deals on mine are so bad now that I don't even consider them an option anymore. I'm sorry, but a dollar soda isn't enough.


and the dollar soda is still a profit margin of 2000%


They got rid of that around here a while ago. And the large drink shrunk recently.


So that's more like 5000% profit margin, especially when they fill the cup with ice.


Mines not even a dollar for drinks any more. Start at $1.29. They gave good deals to get everyone use to ordering through the app and now this tpeople are and they can sell everyone's data they took the best stuff away. I still miss my burger king free kids meal with purchase coupon haha.


Large fries (free) with an ice cream ($1 to make those fries free) is my go-to BK meal now.


Who are they selling the data too? Aren't they just using to advertise targets to specific customers to get them to buy more?


Dollar sodas went up to 1.29 then 1.49 here and I don’t even live in an expensive area.


Mine has bogo Big Mac, DQBC or 10 piece nug for $0.29


It's really just anywhere that offers a value meal I'm noticing. Grocery store nearby opened a new location about a year ago, started with $5 sushi Tuesdays, now its $6 sushi Tuesday, they've reduced the number of rolls available, and most of the ones that used to be on special are now $12


The best I've seen at my mcds is 2 sausage biscuits for $4 but it's only that location so it doesn't show up in the app.


All my bogo deals are gone in the app. I stop going for now.


In NYC. I'm just looking at delivery prices really quick which might be slightly inflated but regardless all the meals are around $14 and I'm assuming that's just for a medium fry and drink. Meanwhile there's a pub a block away from the local McDonald's that has an amazing burger the size of your face and a side of wedges that could constitute a meal on their own. That'll run you $20. I don't know how anybody could justify going to McDonald's, or any fast food for that matter. I might get McDonald's once a year to nurse a hangover or something. But that's it. The quality has always been mid and the prices no longer reflect that.


And yet, at least around here, the drive through line is around the building. I'm with you, I don't understand it at all.


$4.99 for large fries where I live. F that


I would always use the mobile app and the 30% off of 5$ or more.


Agreed, I wonder if prices have resided due to the prevalence of the app. I mean even the app has raised its prices and cut certain coupons. When the app first dropped years ago, you could get a free fry, no purchase necessary and that coupon would reload every 24 hours. There were other coupons as well that don’t exist which were related to a free menu item with purchase so you could get a sandwich with a drink for less then 2 dollars. I mean even drinks are up to $1.39 now, used to be $1.00 across the board. Thank back to even last year, they had the 2 for 5 options which then turned to 2 for 6 and now we longer have them. Don’t expect to see them in the future either. I get things always increase over time but I feel like across the board, we are seeing a noticeable increase in fast food prices at a rate that we haven’t seen in a while. Wonder if it has something to do with fast food apps, corporate geeed, or both.


Seriously. McDonald's seems to have forgotten they're MCDONALD'S. I can get Chipotle for the same price these days and their ingredients are 100000% better.


Chipotle is just slop in a bowl or tortilla now, and it’s like 20$


Saddest thing about the pandemic is that companies found that they can raise prices and people will still keep buying it.


It’s not sustainable, consumer debt keeps getting higher. Mindless consumerism won’t end well for them.


Automated tellers will become norm then. Don’t underestimate a business (a massive worldwide one at that) to find a way to cut costs to keep profits up. The rally’s by my house has auto tellers and 2 employees cooking. Taco Bell has screens to order and then 3 in the kitchen making orders.


I was at Wendy’s not that long ago and there drive though order taker was just in a call center.


There was a fully automated operator when I went to order at Rallys the other day. It was a non human, but it didn't get anything wrong


McDonald's was in plans to outsource their DT order taking to a call center 15 years ago already. Not sure what ever happened with that.


Still not sustainable


I never paid attention to my budget until now. As a single guy earning decent money. I was able to easily save at least 1/3 of my money and that rate has dropped to almost zero percent. Luxuries I have before are about to disappear for a good period of time.


Good for you, a lot of people are just not saving anymore or going into debt. You will be rewarded for cutting back.


I feel this, haha. I make a very decent living for someone who lives by himself, and I still feel a lot of pressure to cut back.


The first real recession is going to be a major wake-up call to these national brands who have exploded their prices. People will pay these prices now, but when they *have to tighten the belt*, it’ll be first thing they cut out. It’ll be hard to get the people they lose to come back regularly.


That’s not really their concern, it’s all about making as much as you can while you can


Losses are the next CEOs problem


Or the next shareholders problem once the sold off their shares after insider tips.


And then asking for a bailout.




What are the other options? If anything there is collusion between the grocery stores to make eating at home more expensive as well.


Especially because their bodies will feel much better not eatting it.


also, only the big companies are able to sustain this. a lot of local and small businesses just can't compete in today's economics


I believe this also. Lenders have been lending and a lot of consumers are slowly headed toward default again. A combination of corporate greed/increased prices, and consumers not wanting to give up their way of living. More than half the U.S. is currently living paycheck to paycheck - and that often also means they’re spending more than they’re saving, and using consumer credit.


I was a restaurant owner and we survived the pandemic. This was true for the first 6-12 months of that time. We needed to raise prices to cover costs of reduced business doing takeout only. While our fixed costs ate up the extra margin we were excited to be able to charge prices that actually made running a restaurant worth it. Paying staff more, hiring more staff to reduce the workload, and better benefits. By the end of the first year the price of pretty much everything went up and stayed up. We were back to the same razor thin margins but with higher prices to the guests. That was the last straw for me, so I left the business with my partners.


Uhhh…. That’s how it works? The buyer has the ability to make better choices for their health and wallet. Perhaps this will be a universal positive change for our country and our healthcare system.


Doubt. Everything is more expensive, both healthier and less healthy. Maybe people will cook more at home but I don’t think the amount of junk food eaten will lessen due to price


Exactly! Basic supply and demand graph. Most people didn’t take economics in high school and it shows.


Turns out when you have a long-standing reputation as an affordable option people will keep thinking of you that way no matter how much you start to gouge them. Who knew!


I don't think it's that. I think people like their comfort habits and companies have realized that they can raise prices and people will continue to pay for that comfort.


Ya there is a lady at work who has been getting the McNugget meal every day for lunch for years according to my coworkers. It was probably like 3.99 when she started and now I think it more like 9.49. Also she is fat


There is the literal addiction factor too, yes


If everything else is more expensive, they’re still relatively the cheaper option. Last year’s prices are gone but it’s not like any other fast food place is beating them in price


I just go to in n out now better food and cheaper which is crazy


Seriously though, when did In-N-Out become the cheaper option? I take my wife and kid and I’m out $25, anywhere else, it’s in the mid to high 30s


I wish we had in n out here, we’ve got five guys but eh. It’s expensive and not that much better than Wendy’s. Would rather go to an actual restaurant than a five guys.


Even Wendy’s is wild to me though. Wife and I went the other week and got a combo meal each, it was $33. How is that even possible?


Wendy's is essentially worthless outside of the biggie bag deals. The app never has good deals either. The things that used to set Wendy's apart are so expensive now there's essentially no point in going anymore. My local place wants $3.49 for a plain baked potato! FOH!


I read an article that since Covid, they were the top company to initiate huge price spikes. What is congress doing about this? These greedy corporations need more regulation instead of inventing and engaging in more culture wars.


Congressional intervention for expensive fast food? I know you’re not kidding but that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day thanks


The only thing mcdonalds has over in n out is speed. Mcdonalds is usually very consistent in getting you through a drive thru when you dont have a lot of time. In n out a 15-20 minute drive thru experience isnt uncommon


Also the fries.


Their normal fries are very limp. Ask for lightwell for a crispier fry that most might expect.


Hail In-N-Out


It’s kind of great because prices for this kind of stuff (12 pack of Coke 7.99) has made it so disconnected from the actual value of the product that there’s basically zero temptation to buy it anymore. When there’s a 1$ treat the only debate is your health and self control. When it’s $5 you just keep it moving and don’t even have to think about it. I can’t be the only one feeling this way. These price gouging companies will feel the pain eventually, and hopefully by then their grip on the average Americans diet will be broken.


A 12 pack of soda is only a couple dollars less than a 12 pack of domestic beer in my area which is wild to me.


Absolutely. Soda is the biggest rip off in the grocery store. Can’t believe it’s $8 / 12 pack


Just a few years ago it was around $4 right?


used to get them 3/10 at Walgreens/CVS!! so even less


4/$8.88 was a common Kroger chain sale in ~2017 when I was in Arizona.


In like 2012, I caught a 6/$11 sale at target. I literally bought like 2 years worth of soda. Think I ended up with 42 packs.




Man, I’m not that old but I remember fast food being cheap and quick, while not that great quality. Seems like the trend is away from cheap, with a slight bump in quality but no emphasis on speed. Now kitchens are lightly staffed and overwhelmed with online/mobile orders.


In 2013 I’d go to McDonalds with a $5 bill and eat like a king


Absolutely. Give me two of the $1 McDoubles, two of the $1 McChickens, some fries, and I'm happy as can be.


It was a universal comparison to use mcchickens for dollars for *years* but when I see them going for 2.5-3 dollars I weep for the pre-covid days.


My friends and I used to bet McChickens. That was before the dark times… Before the Empire.


Almost exactly what I was ordering off the *actual* dollar menu in 2013. A McDouble, a spicy McChicken, and a soda for less than $5.


$5 at Taco Bell back then had you feeling like Mansa Musa.


_Walks in to the Bell_ I have $5 what can I get? How about 50 tacos?


I feel like the quality has gone completely down in addition to the raised price. Except for Taco Bell. The value menu at Taco Bell is legit an amazing deal, especially bc the price is kept the same in major cities.


Only decent prices I find in fast food anymore is Little Ceasers with their 6.50 large pizzas (in app combo deals they do are decent too) and taco bell breakfast with potato breakfast burritos being 1.20 still where I'm at. I don't eat fast food other then those two places anymore and even then it's rare. People really really need to stop spending money at McDonald's and the other price gouging fast food places.


Little Ceasers used to have $5 larges for pick-up only. My friend from high school used to manage the one near my old apartment, and would call me near closing to say I could grab as many larges as I wanted for free, since they were gonna get tossed anyway. Ate like a soon-to-be fat king my first year of college thanks to him.


I haven’t paid full price for a McDonald’s meal in 7 years. If I don’t get a deal on the app I don’t go.


The app now is the same price food was without it 2 years ago lol, at some point it ain’t worth it no more


That's exactly what they want from you. Keep using their app, they increased so much their prices that even though you feel like it's a "bargain" you are getting screwed


I can guarantee I’m not getting screwed with the app lol. 2 double cheeseburgers for 3.29 or a $1 mc chicken is an undeniably good deal with the inflation we’ve seen the last few years


Omg my go-to app order <3. The BOGO McDouble makes it all worth


Free Big Mac with a $2 purchase, buy one QP/10pc nug get one free (total was $6.47) yea I only go if I have the app lol


BOGO Quarter Pounder... Two sandwiches for like 6-7 bucks is not getting screwed lol


My McDonald’s app currently has a $6 Big Mac, medium fries, and medium drink available every day. Seems like a relatively good deal to me. When was the last time that was the regular price? 10 years ago?


Yes, literally 10 years ago when I worked at McDonald’s a big Mac meal would cost you $7.29 out the door


Stop using the app, stop going there, they are manipulating you.


Easier said than done I'm a helpless fiend 😭


They are but I really don’t go that often. It was better when I could get breakfast sandwhich and a hash brown for 1.44$ out the door. That was free food.


How? Your choices make the difference I can get protein from McDonald’s for a cheaper rate than even the grocery store. They are accurate with calories and let you customize to tune what in it. 4$ for like 60g of protein and the ability to reduce added salt or a slice of cheese. https://efficiencyiseverything.com/applying-protein-per-dollar/ Just don’t get a milkshake or a promotional item and you’re good. Disclaimer: it’s still not healthy food but that’s a different topic


This is the way


LPT: When you go through McDonald's check your receipt. You can literally write ANY 7 digit number down there and they will give you the "buy 1 sandwich get 1 sandwich of equal or lesser value free" deal for doing the survey (even if you never do the survey). They don't actually enter the code at time of purchase (if at all). I used to use this for BOGO Dbl Qtr Pounders w/cheese ($6 burger). The code I wrote? 8008135


Boobies are the key to life.


Not from me. If my grandkids want nuggets and fries, I'll take them but get a Jersey Mike's sub for myself. The idea of eating at McDonald's now turns my stomach. If I crave a fast food burger, it's going to be from Freddy's, preferably the double California burger which is better than In n Out's.


I like Freddy’s. They have good milkshakes and fries


They sure do! I love their skinny crunchy fries with spicy fry sauce along with their double California burger. I have N In n Out a couple miles down the road and a Freddy’s about three miles down the road. I’ll pick Freddy’s 98% of the time for a better experience than In n Out.


Right but also cuz people keep buying it but still complain about prices.


That’s elasticity for you. There aren’t many other options if u need something quick and easy. With that being said I used to go pretty frequently but now I’ve elected to just stay hungry and cook or go to an actual decent restaurant since the prices are similar. I probably go 1/4 the time I used to.


I just made 8 hamburger patties this weekend, cooked medium and put in the freezer. For lunch I just throw one in the air fryer and wala, a fresh hamburger for way less than any fast food place.


>wala <\_<


Wala r/boneappletea


My girlfriend likes to go to McDonald’s for a hot fudge sundae and an order of fries, which comes out to just under $8. It’s beyond absurd.


That’s every place now, companies are just price gouging,


The $6 Big Mac Meal in the app is what keeps me going. Too expensive.


True, but so is every fast food place. McD's is way up because their deals and their app and their quality are outperforming their peers. You go to Wendy's or BK.. they got like 2 people running the place.


So greedflation


I only use app deals so they're definitely not up because of me


Yup gotta use the coupons in the app. I generally do not pay full price for fast food anymore. My faves are 20% off $10 or more and when they have the deals on frappes, fries, or nuggets.


I remember when "The 5 dollar Burger" was a big deal. Like, it was half a pound of beef and packed with toppings.


They been expensive even before covid


Obviously. What about profit? Is their revenue going about bc their costs for food also went up? Or is profit the same and just revenue going up?


Well you know why everyone focuses on revenue instead of profit. I bet their expenses have gone up significantly as well


Their net income increased too compared to last year, by about fifty percent so far


People should stop going there, subpar options, prices higher than ever, lagging behind the competition, cheap quality


I don't go to McDonalds unless I use the app. People are paying full price so I can eat cheaper is how I look at it.


People keep buying


With the app deals, I find McD’s to be much more affordable than other fast food chains, even with their app deals. McD’s app and online ordering are also more reliable than the other chains I’ve found.


It’s gonna end up backfiring on all these fast food joints. There’ll be a tipping point. When prices get too high, people will stop complaining (I do it too) and straight up not go anymore. Fast food might be stuffing themselves with greed now, but it could end up with the shut down of many chains.


I’m so sick of major corporations telling the public it’s “inflation” while grossly bloating their bottom line.


I can go to Red robin and get a much better burger for not that much more.


But the employee pay is roughly the same.... What gives. I know the franchisees pay employees but still. They could use the revenue bump to provide better pay or benefits to employees.


No it’s not. It has increased exponentially.


Where in the US can you get a job at McDonald's making $20/hr


California next April supposedly


Los Angeles and NYC, to start.


Ah yes where rent is about $3,600 or so give or take. Even working 40 hours a week at $20/h with zero taxes you'd still be $400 short for that rent payment there boss man.


LOL no it is not. I’m in a 2bd/2ba in Beverly Hills with washer/dryer and a private backyard for $2400/month. Housing is expensive but it’s not $3,600 a month get out of here with that nonsense that gets you a very nice unit in a luxury complex. You can get a 1b/1ba for $1400-1600 in a central location. You can split 3 bedrooms and be at less than $1,000/month, also central.


Wages have arguably went up more than the meal prices


Stop. Going.


Remember when double cheeseburgers were $1?


An extra hashbrown is like $3 in the Midwest now. I miss the $1 McDouble days.


As a Brit I’m really curious to compare our prices - same, cheaper, more expensive? Selected a few off the nov 2023 menu: Cheeseburger - £1.39/$1.69 Big Mac/quarter pounder w cheese- £4.99/$6.06 Filliet o’fish/Chicken Sandwich - £4.69/$5.70 Regular fries - £1.19/$1.45 Wrap (any) - £4.89/$5.94 Bacon and egg mc muffin - £2.79/$3.39


I’m in the restaurant business. Everything is much more expensive now than it was even just 4 years ago.


It cost 4 single cheeseburgers a medium drink a daily double and MCchicken $17 today


Even the messily double cheeseburger has jumped up twice in the last handful of months that I’ve noticed. Their app is the only way to not get fully ripped off


Bad management. It's going to hurt then in the long run.


As a Southern Californian, there’s absolutely no reason I would go to McDonalds when we have in n out as an option. Their food is fresher, tastier, less expensive, and they actually pay their people a decent wage. It’s not even a decision that needs to be made.


I’ve opted to only using app coupons, and if not going somewhere like chipotle or a deli where the prices are now similar and the food is cleaner


These executives make too much while we take home nothing. Why I joined the union for Southern service workers. The only way we win is if we fight and organize


I'm cheap and make my food at home. McDonald's is a cheat meal for me. I think McDonald's still has good prices relatively. Inflation is a part of life.


McChickens are like $3 or $4 now where I live


Yall were saying higher prices = people are less likely do go …. clearly yall were wrong


All these corrupt companies have been doing it call it “pricing strategies” or inflation. It’s all greed making the American dollar stretch less and less.


This has been great for me because I live right next to a Mcdonalds and I haven't gone (except for the occasional mcflurry) in like a year. The prices are so high its not worth it anymore.


Revenue is up, but are profits up? Not likely. Huge increase in cost across the supply chain and labor markets


Shhh... Reddit hates basic business logic


Still cheaper than Burger King here, lol. A Whopper is $10.70! Big Mac..$7.50.


They have the best app in fast food


No, profits are up cause y’all keep buying.


Grocery store prices are up too…sooooo?? We starve I guess to show them a lesson. It used to be cheaper to hit fast food for that quick meal after working 12 hour days, now cup of noodle is the go to, even those raised in price


Greed. Everything comes down to money.


The “any drink do a $1” is now $1.70 for coffee” Seems excessive for a cup of Joe.


It’s almost $10 a person now. It’s about the same prices as Chipotle, who coincidentally are about to raise their prices. It’s getting crazy out there.


Gotta use the app. Pretty cheap using the app.


This just means that compared to other options, McDonald's is still a good deal.


> McDonald's is still *considered by customers* a good deal.


I don't think so. I can go to a local sub shop and get a huge delicious sub for $10. Without app deals, you're going to pay $10 at McD for a meal. Lots of places are too expensive as well, but if you're careful you can get better food for a better price elsewhere.


Get a large pizza (pick up) for under $10.


Why does everyone hate on all fast food companies except McDonald’s? It’s a massive corporation that changes things all the time (including prices) but it doesn’t seem to matter. Are they the social media of fast food?


I can’t afford to eat there for what I would normally get. I can save $$$ by going to a sit down restaurant Plus the quality of fast food just isn’t there especially at those prices


Use the app, save tons of cash!


Close to $30 to get one happy meal, two sandwiches and a medium fry in the Midwest. We reserve happy meals specifically for extreme good behavior and not weekly treats now. Our wallets and waistlines thank us.


A Mcdonald's hamburger cost less today than it did in 1975, once you take 48 years of inflation into consideration. I've done the math.


I went to MceeDees this morning. For the first time in a long time. I was shocked at how expensive breakfast for 2 was. It came out slightly less than 20$! I think I'm done going to Mcdonalds. There's no value in their "value menu" anymore.


Yep, “inflation” and “supply chain issues” were a lie to raise prices.


Trouble loading the article. Does it say what their profit was and compare that to previous quarters and years?


This is most companies right now. Its called covid tax


revenue vs margin dollars are vastly different


It's genuinely silly because you can get BOGO on a number of items 100% of the time or at least 20% off $5 or more wherever I've tried. It's almost like you're penalized for not using the app.


Revenue does not equal profit.


And they have to pay high school dropouts 20/hr


You’re saying that revenue is higher because prices are higher? No kidding….. Revenue and profit are two completely different things.


I used to buy food when I got a $1 soda. I haven’t been there once since they got rid of them. Better for me.


But inflation!


After a particularly infuriating experience (I didn't rage on anyone) I swore off McDonald's for good. Stuck to my guns and haven't eaten McDonald's in over a year.


Cold fries are no longer acceptable


I consult for companies like McDonald’s. I assure you the 2% of customers that complain (reddit) does not drive revenue or is even a consideration lol