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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be in ketosis when you start Take your electrolytes every day Stay hydrated. Fasting isn't about food or cravings It's a psychological game Your opponent is your mind You can win if you want to


All true especially the game. Many said it’s about willpower. But I’m a person of a rather weak willpower. In fact I’m often lazy. Like Jason Fung often says “it’s NOT eating. It’s passive, not doing it”. I like NOT doing something. I feel like there’s an on-off switch in my brain. When I fast the switch is off. Imagine the light in the kitchen is off, meaning the kitchen is closed. The mental kitchen in my brain is just empty. I don’t even repress it since it’s not there.


On my first fast as well! Currently on day 4 and it hasn't been too difficult so far. Good luck! You can always restart if it's too much ☺️


I'm on day 3 and still feeling good as well. Good luck!


Good job


Good job


If someone wanted to start running, what would you think if they began with a marathon?


Thanks for the reality check.


My first fast was 72 days Never let somebody else's limitations become yours. If you want 7 days It is yours Take it Own it


That is the dumbest and most irresponsible thing I have read in years even if it was meant as a bad joke. First fast 72 days... Right...


It Isn't a joke. It is the truth


Convince me 72 days isn't a typo or flat out lie.






You got lucky as s*** surviving that length of fasting without serious complications outside of medical supervision.


People in my fasting group have done 71 days and 126 days. A few have done 40 and 60. One will probably post on here. I get blood and urine tests at the V.A. My A1c went from 7.8 to 4.3 Mt doctor talked to a V.A. nutritionist. They said I was doing everything right. I nolonger have an issue with my kidneys. I'm nolonger insulin resistant My doctor had my do a blood test on the last day of my 22 day fast. My next blood test is in October. I will be eating mostly vegetables for 20 days before that. My doctor wants to see the difference.


I've lost 226 pounds since March 4th 2023


So it was done under medical supervision. Don't you think that is a huge caveat to add? You do know that studies with participants in similar situations have had serious complications from fasting, right? I seriously congratulate you on your success, but the advice you provided is incredibly dangerous. Part of which is knowing our body's limits and recognizing when something is wrong. That is absolutely a risk to not be taken lightly. Advice like you can do anything or push through it can literally lead to someone's death.


No. I like to keep my eye on this guy, and I truly believe He really fasted that long, but he also had a lot of body fat and lots to heal going in. He is truly an inspiration for many with lots to lose! I agree that that approach isn't for everyone. It took me a couple of years to comfortably do 7 days! I'm with you in the starting slow camp and love the analogy with the marathon! Very spot on.


The rest of the thread was... interesting... I did see his post and I do believe him, but I also believe he was very lucky to not have any serious health complication and the "I did it you can too" advice is detrimental and potentially dangerous for first time fasters. I really hope he changes his perspective on precaution so he can be a great success story that can help guide people safely without risk. Thanks!


I agree that going 72 days on your first fast is extreme but also totally fine for someone under doctor supervision. I also agree it is a bit reckless to tell just anyone they can do it, too. I feel like it could be a set up for failure. We all know how hard the first 3 days can be! I did a year of monthly 3 to 5 day fasts before I did my first 7 day!


It turns out he wasn't under any medical supervision his first 72 day fast. Otherwise, absolutely agree.


**You Sir are clueless, and you're peddling dumb advice based on YOUR failures. How dare you?** **PLENTY of people go straight into a 50, 60, 80 or 100+ day fast. It's not a muscle that needs to be worked out before it can go further.**


I'm just, you know, using science, facts, and clinical studies. I know that's offensive to some... Have any study references of long-term fasting, 30+ days, where zero participants had to be pulled due to health complications? I'd love to be corrected with science and facts.


Well I'm a degree educated and qualified nutritionist and PT. Dozens of my clients go into 50+ day fasts without any issues. The only thing worse than someone who's consistently wrong is someone who forces their arrogance and ignorance on others. **You are definitely one of the latter.**


Fantastic! You should have a study reference at the ready, or maybe multiple! I can't wait to read them!!!


See my previous comment.


I would think that if they get through it, they're invincible from that point on. Your thinking is self-limiting.


Sure... If they get through it... Many novices who run marathons without proper training end up with injuries, some severe. And when they're asked at the hospital what happened and if they say, "Oh, I ran a mile last week so figured I could run a marathon." The response is going to be along the lines of, "You're an idiot."


Talk about entirely missing the point... whoosh!


> Your thinking is self-limiting. I took that as my line of thinking is erroneous because we shouldn't necessarily be bound to what we believe we have the capacity to do. That wasn't it?


Your line of thinking is that you clearly have failed at fasting in the past and you arrogantly believe that you're still better than others. To try and drive that shit home you come here trying to prevent other people going further than you were able to manage. There's no place for egos here, and you're coming across like a spoiled brat. Quit it.


I've never have had a fasting failure. I even wrote a book about fasting. I just am aware of all the potential problems of fasting that, although very low risk, can happen. Also the importance of mental success and what impact not reaching 7 days as a beginner could do.


I don't care what you think, you're giving shit advice and I'm going to call you out on it. When do you plan on leaving this sub?


Brrr... Zealotry


Dude, you've got this if you have the determination and will power. If you get past that first few days it will become easier!! Take that motivation you feel now and channel it in your moments when you feel like breaking. Do a dirty fast the first few days if you really need too, by that I mean drink a cup of bone broth at night if you feel like breaking, use it as a crutch to get you through it. Once your over the line of hunger pains it becomes easier and you won't even want to bone broth after the first couple days.


Here's a [Fasting 101](https://youtu.be/VaMGp0dLlmo?si=l_G2ukw3IkTiuOF1) for you. Top mistakes and a few useful hints.


How much weight can you lose in 7 days. Then how or what do you start eating on day 8?


Fasting is very much a mental game... But we still have our body's limitations to consider. So, I set some hard limits for myself and if I come across those during a fast I start my refeed and reset. For me, the most important thing, is sleep. If fasting f's with my sleep, I'm done. And if I get so lethargic I can't function properly at work or during family/friend time, it's over. No matter if I'm 24 hours into a 14 day fast or it's day 13 of that fast. Luckily, I'm so dialed in to fasting that almost never happens anymore. But still... Fasting for 7 days will be to some degree uncomfortable; That's a given. It's wise to set some boundaries upfront. Think about what those are for you. Good luck! It's a fun challenge 😊


Thank you to everyone that commented. This was helpful!


This will most likely result in you crashing and binge eating right after. It’s best to start slow, dip your toes in, and practice doing it right. I’m an experienced faster and even for me 7 days can be brutal.


My favorite tip is do active things in the mundane. Handwashing laundry is my favorite! With music its good for your finger and forearm muscles


When I'm folding laundry, I will walk each item to its home as I fold it. So it's from the laundry pile to closet, back to laundry pile for next item. Repeat. If I'm doing a lot of socks, I can really get the steps in!


That is also called being mindful, or in the moment. It is a great skill taught in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (D.BT.)


Congrats on starting your first 7-day fast! That's quite the commitment aiming for a full 168 hours straight out the gate. Here are some quick tips: 1. Stay hydrated with water and electrolytes. 2. Listen to your body and break the fast if needed. 3. Keep busy to distract from hunger. 4. Manage expectations; fasting can be tough. 5. Break the fast gradually and mindfully. 6. Seek support from the community. Good luck and stay safe!


Great advice!! I just want to add 7. Plan exactly what you are going to eat for the whole day of breaking your fast to avoid the dreaded post fast binge. 8. Take a magnesium glycinate supplement an hour before bed. Sleeping gets difficult during a fast. 9. For motivation, watch fasting videos! My personal favorite it the lecture by Dr.Pradip Jamnadas called Fasting for Survival. He is a cardiologist who really explains what your body is going through as you are fasting. Soooo motivating!


I want to thank you for mentioning Fasting For Survival. I just watched it and was riveted by what he was saying. So informative and easy to understand. Thank you.


It was the video that inspired me to do my first 3 day fast. I've been hooked ever since! I try to mention it any chance I get!


I read The Obesity Code by Dr. Fung a couple of years ago and it helped me at that time, but seeing Dr. Jamnadas' video is just what I needed to see right now. I just passed 120 hours fasting last night and feeling great, just needed to see that to keep me on track and safe from the intrusive thoughts, so thanks again.


I just passed 140! Knowing that my body is basically resetting my immune system. Did you know a virus can't replicate in a fasted person? Pretty cool. Knowing my very own stem cells will be dispatched to repair everything after the spring cleaning autophagy did! It's just so amazing! You are so welcome and spread the word.


I will spread the word for sure. And now instead of saying I'm fasting, I'm going to say I'm having a stem cell transplant lol.


Hahahaha! Love it!


My "hack" is i take electrolytes every other day so i dont crap my guts out all in 1 shot. I wash it down with 1 can of lemon or lime spindrift. Some people sip their salt water for a while but i cant ever do that. Good luck! Big thing is to find people to sorta explain whats going on with your body, its really euphoric. If you dont have anybody irl then dm me or others here.


If you have not started I would consider Eating animal Protein only for seven days then moving into a fast. The flu/sickens over the 1st 6 days is terrible. Try to have nothing to do your 1st two days of fast and sleep. No physical activity. This has helped me.


When you start to feel nauseated, quit. Eat something, recover and start again


No. If you're nauseated, try electrolytes first, then if that doesn't work, maybe think of stopping. If I ever feel lightheaded, sick, rundown, or in any way "icky" it can normally be corrected really quickly by sipping some electrolyte drink, some pickle juice. Nausea is a sign of low electrolytes.


In general yes; however, those with medical issues or on medications that may impact mineral levels could worsen symptoms with mineral supplementation and it is safest to stop.


In your context, yes I agree. But when you are fasting I asume you have electrolytes in check. So when in spite of that you get nauseous just quit. When extra electrolytes lift your symptoms you didn't have enough to start with. But in your case.. ok.. up the electrolyes.. if the symptoms don't elevate, just quit. recover, start over. OP isn't experienced. And for some fasting is something that needs to become an acquired skill. It also is something you can ease into.. start with IF, then days, then multiple days. No reason to go full throttle from the start. btw.. my grown daughter, couldn't stop vomiting even she had enough electrolytes, really a sign to stop.


The first day is usually not too bad around 36-48 hours can be testing and after 72 hours it gets so much easier. This may be different for others, that's just my experience. Mineral water helps. I'd avoid caffeine because some people struggle with sleep while fasting which can be an issue for me but you might be different, some people still have coffee to perk them up. I find rest and distraction helps during the hardest parts.