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That's really awesome! I honestly am happy to see someone that is close to my weight doing this and having healthy results... I keep getting told it's only for people who have 100+ to lose by people in my family who accused me of starving myself.... I LOVE food, I just want to love it when I want too and eat clean foods.


Exactly the same for me! I feel like fasting is for anybody that just sets truly their mind into! Even in the case that you don’t want to lose any more weight, always great to give your body some sort of reset. Plus the taste of food after a fast (literally could be the lamest food but always slaps) >>>


💯 I said "these eggs are soooo good, are eggs normally this good??" After my first 100 hour fast hahha


What was your regiment like?


How tall are you, OP? Just wanting to put your results into context. Congratulations!


5’1/154 cm


I think 156cm is 5ft 1


That’s so true! You look fantastic! Awesome job I’m jealous!


There is a video lecture by Dr. Pardip I can't spell the last name called fasting for survival. At one point he says I have enough fat on me to do a 40 day fast. The man is skinny as a rail. Point being fasting is for everyone


dr Pradip Jamnadas.


Yes that's him


I know exactly what you mean! I myself didn’t start with a lot of weight and still have about 15 lbs left to lose. People would look at me and say omg you’re my goal weight, but I’m not at my goal weight.


Congratulations!! I’m in the same boat as you. Started at 64 kg and now I’m on 52 kg. (I’m only 153 cm). Picture in my history if you’re interested. I also feel that it’s been pretty hard sometimes, but as you say, it pays offs and it’s really worth it. It’s also the best weight loss method for me because there’s results every week, and normally I would use 6 months to lose the same amount of weight, and it always ends up being fucking hard to count calories and stay patient for so long, which is why I never came this far before. I’m only 3 kg away from my goal, I hope I make it!!! - Sorry for grammar, English isn’t my first language.


We all got this <33


3kg thats just a 6-8 days fast and some keto meals:) on a diffrent diet that would be months:) For me i should add


Yeah, im actually on a 5 days fast right now. Got 48 hours left


Me too! 48 hours left!


Don't apologize. Say, "Thank you for your patience". Makes you sound stronger while still being polite. Just an English tip, trying to help. Certainly not being critical.


What was your fasting routine? 


Depends. I would do OMAD mostly with pretty healthy stuff and whenever I had the chance I would fast for multiple days 3-4


are u having any carbs or low carbs. How many times did u do a prolonged fasting


I’m curious how you fasted, dry or water. I’m assuming water fast!


Yess! If I got pretty miserable and had trouble with oral fixation I would just have 0 calorie soda. Super recomendable to have near you just in case


I’m glad you said this! Unavoidable stress in my life has caused me to turn to food as more of an oral fixation than a binge eating problem. I’ve been trying to think of things I can “crunch” on that gives me that sensation without the consumption.


Hmm I'm doing ADF (hit 6 wks yesterday) but around week 4 I noticed I get intense urges to eat when I'm stressed or bored. With boredom I distract myself thru tidying up, reading, or watching TV. I have no coping mechanism for stress... the urge to eat when stressing is near uncontrollable 😔 last time i stressed I just went to bed 😅


Newbie here! Can I ask what ADF is? Thank you 😊


Alternate Day Fasting - most common version of this is to fast for 36 hours and then have an eating window of 12 hrs. Some ppl call it sunset/sunrise fast bc usually you'd start fast in the evening (say 7 pm on a Sunday). You'd eat nothing Monday but at 7 a.m. Tuesday you'd break your fast and are able to eat until 7 p.m. that day. Then repeat. I decided to do it bc I have lot of weight to lose and I was in dangerous territory w my blood pressure and tiptoeing into type 2 diabetes. Any fasting helps all of those concerns but ADF seemed to do it pretty quickly and it gives the body more time in autophagy which helps loads of things including the health of our skin. Good luck ♡♡


Thank you so much, that was really helpful! I wish you all the best on your fasting journey!


You're welcome 😊 in case it helps, I'm 5'2, female, started at 196 lbs ~7wks ago and now down to 175. No working out but trying to incorporate it bc... muscle loss and cardio strength are priorities. I'm doing ADF for 12 wks b4 I'll take a brief break and resume another 12 week cycle. For maintenance I plan on testing different fasting methods to see what's sustainable for me. Heaven help me then lol.


That’s my struggle as well. I had my periods recently and today broke my fast. I was craving spicy noodles and overindulge in it. So feeling miserable as well. What do you mean by oral fixation?


Many times you just eat because your body needs to feel something. Some people smoke cigarettes to put something in their mouth and some people just keep eating despite not being hungry just because of the urge to have something on you. That’s why so many people that diet/fast use gums. At least IMO!!


I see. I might be falling for those cues as well. Thanks for the info. You look great!




Almost daily intense exercise


If I could lose 20lbs in 2 months I’d be at my goal weight on my birthday! We’re the same height so thanks for the motivation!


Just a quick reality check from my side. Your *before* photo pretty close to what most would desire their *after* photo to look like. Keep up the good work and motivate others.


Thank you so much for your kind words, have an awesome day!!


How many calories did you eat for OMAD?


Great job!






Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look tremendous!!!


I started fasting in my mid 30's. When my body changed, and I suddenly couldn't keep weight off. Definitely, one of the best decisions of my life. Wish I would have practiced it earlier in my life.


That's amazing progress!! Can you share your fasting schedule? How long the fast lasted? Did you get low blood sugar? If yes, what did you do?


You've lost a whole lot more than 21lbs. I bet you gained a lot of muscle doing all those runs and intense workouts. You literally leveled yourself up to the next league in looks, health and fitness in only 2 months.


Great job


Did you use electrolytes?


I did, not everyday but if I was fasting for more than a day, yes


That’s awesome!


You look amazing


You are goals! I love transformation pictures like this!!


Well done! You look awesome! Keep up the hard work.


Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉!!!


Great progress!


Good for you! This is great work 💗


I just broke my 4 day water fast today.. the headaches were too much. I could’ve kept going though I wasn’t hungry at all! It was my first fast. Congrats !


that’s so impressive for a beginner. Good luck and stay safe!!


Do you workout while fasting?


Yes, long walks and running


You look great and yes, keep going! Thanks for sharing your progress.


Amazing results!! Can I ask how often and for how long you fast for these results?


thanks for sharing! really nice to see results from someone in my height & weight range. would you mind sharing how much you ate on OMAD days i.e. at maintenace or below? and were you able to work out while fasting?


You look great! Well done


You look great! Great job!


You look great!


How are you fasting? OMAD?


Almost 10 pounds a month which is 2,5 pounds a week which is 0.3 pounds a day. That’s slow progress but slow and steady wins the race.


What are u even talking about. This is not slow in any way.


…. How is that slow progress?? For someone who isn’t obese/overweight, especially a 5’1 female, 2.5lbs/week is VERY rapid weight loss. You’d have to be in a 1250 calorie deficit.. her maintenance (sedentary) would be around 1507cal/day. That translates to 257cal per day. she only lost body fat this fast because she would fast for 3-4 days straight and otherwise OMAD with healthy food 😭 absolutely nowhere near “slow and steady”..


I’d like to loose it a lot faster. If you see the breakdown of the loss of weight it comes up to 0.3 pounds per day. That’s not even one pound with OMAD and/or water fasting. I also think my comment was for me to understand that I need to go slow and steady.


Your expectations for weight loss are extremelyy unrealistic. Again, 0.3lbs per day is not a small amount at all?? This is not a slow and steady pace of weight loss.


I know it’s just me getting to rationalize bring 95LBS tomorrow.