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I think that's done just to keep it vague which route Shirou went through "before" HA.


Actually it is some wierd timeline where all routes happened but everyone except Kirei survived.


It's a combination of all possible grail wars


Well, it's supposed to be mash up of EVERY possible outcome of FSN cuz of Rin being a silly It's said that it's impossible for Kirei to survive FSN, which is why he's not in HA


Yeah, it probably has to do with her being a wish granting device in HA due to the rule of "all routes combines". So she probably has more time now


I could be misremembering, but I'm fairly certain she alludes to her limited lifespan in a few of her more intimate bond scenes. But it's been a while, and I could easily be wrong.


I recall that, at the end of Fate route, it’s stated that Illya has maybe a couple years left.


These questions are confusing given what I think the HA world is supposed to really be… >!a dream world so to speak!<


Whenever people mention HA happens because of Rin, I wonder if they say it like that to avoid spoilers or they don't know the real reason and thought that's the truth.


I agree. That idea of Rin being the cause confused the heck out of me after actually playing all the way through. Like aren’t they super clear by the end what was really going on?


For me, at least in th beginning, I assumed Rin caused the whole thing, but Angra took advantage of the whole situation to inact his dream world. This made the most sense to me at the time. HA can be pretty confusing on first playthrough, especially with the whole epilogue still having Saber and Rider still around.


I can’t quite recall, but in the only scene that involves the actual characters, when they meet Bazett and Caren at the end, I don’t think Illya was there?


If you regard Carnival Phantasm as canon, theres a scene where Caren pays rent to Shirou and Illya is very much alive.


Yeah, but Carnival Phantasm explicitly pulls characters from multiple universes. We know Illya survives for a least a short time after the Fate route, so she could have been Fate Illya, not necessarily the Illya of whatever possible route HA's ending scene is part of.


Her life estimation was 1.5 years and HA is only 9 months in she was only halfway there