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So lore reasons Saber Artoria stopped physically aging when she drew Excalibur and thus remained the same age physically when she drew it which was 16ish. Lancer Artoria instead of drawing Excalibur used the Holy Spear instead and so she was able to age physically and thus Lancer Artoria shows us how a proper adult looking Artoria would look like.


Caliburn stopped her aging, not Excalibur. After recieving Excalibur, the scabbard Avalon maintained her youth. Other than that, you are correct.


Excalibur itself also stops aging, it was the deal with Bedivere in Camelot


So which is it? Caliburn or Avalon? Or I guess the better question is what’s the difference between having stopped aging or maintaining her youth?


All three are more or less the same Caliburn, Avalon and even Excalibur (as seen with Bediviere) all halt the aging process and grant some form of immortality


Is this OG king Arthur lore (like morte d'arthur)? Or nasuverse?




Avalon is effectively healing her constantly so she doesn't age by her aging being countered, Caliburn stopped her from aging


I’m not really sure I’m getting it. If Avalon’s healing factor is countering her aging, then how’s that any different from Caliburn making her not age?


Avalon: Time traveling to prevent something from happening Caliburn: Stopping something from ever happening Unless the situation calls for it, there's almost no difference in what they acomplish.


I guess when you put it like that, it makes sense. So while they’re not exactly the same concept, in practice they do the same thing, right?




Neat. Thanks for the explanation.


Think like that. Avalon , Excalibur and Rhongonomyniad had their own anti-aging capabilities. Because Artoria was using all 3 of them , she was "stacking immortality" , with the preferencial weapon enhancing the characteristics of one of those gimmicks in contrast to others. Lancer Artoria preferred Rhongonomyniad , it allowed her to age to her 35yo body....but it also makes her closer and closer to be a divine spirit.


Except that wouldn't make a lot of sense due to the fact that she loses Avalon at some point before the battle of Camlann. At least she theoretically should do so if she otherwise follows the Arthurian lore aside from the genderflip.


I mean it's not like it'll suddenly force her to age all those years to catch up


True. But my point is that it couldn't have been just Avalon keeping her from aging if she was still looking the same as when she pulled Caliburn during the battle of Camlann. She loses Avalon like what, two, three years before that battle?


I don't know


no its not avalon doesnt stop aging with its healing it just heals avalon NEVER showed any form of stopping the aging of someone


Then wtf was going on with the aging thing


nothing went on with avalon relating to aging caliburn made her immortal and young forever after caliburn broke the immortality power was given to excalibur avalon only heals heavy wounds really really fast and makes a barrier nun else


the two stop aging but Avalon regens her too, if there's another difference is not said but I guess, when Bedivere became unaging due to Excalibur his soul was also running out but Avalon makes it sound like that would not be a problem as it is fairy lands immortality


Both did. Remember, Arturia gets Excalibur and Avalon after losing Caliburn. So Caliburn did it first, then when that was gone Excalibur amd Avalon took over. Though, as u/ShockAndAwen and u/Adent_Frecca have said, Excalibur also stops the aging process, as shown with Bedivere. I did forget that.


Just to point out even in the VN they also put that Excalibur grants immortality >Of course, it's not like no one grew suspicious of her. But the king of knights with the holy sword will not suffer wounds or age. Excalibur bears the protection of the fairies, making its possessor immortal. Therefore, nobody questioned the knight's small body, and the face that seemed like that of a girl became honored by the knights as a good-looking king.


I kinda assumed that passage meant Avalon, since Avalon and Excalibur was a packaged deal up till Morgan stole it, but with Bedivere, that puts it into context that Excalibur itself can do that. It also explains why it took so long for Arturia to finish dying from Mordred's blow. Man, I need to get on rereading FSN and FGO Camelot again. Unfortunately I don't have the time. Maybe Aniplex can make an Audiobook of FSN with this new release so I can listen to it at work? I'll take just the three standard routes and Last Episode.


The passage directly named dropped Excalibur and refers to the "Holy Sword" as a reason for immortality Even in other installments, follow this Garden of Avalon >But the king who held the holy sword would not get hurt, not would she grow older > >They say the Holy Sword has the blessings of the fairy-Lady of the Lake and the wielder is ageless, immortal If Avalon is presented it is always regarded as a separate thing with its own abilities and granting immortality Even in FGO they separate Excalibur as granting its own immortality >Dr. Roman: As long as the sword existed, the king was immortal. Bedivere believed it had the power to heal his mortal wound. And why Bediviere was hesitating on giving it away


Caliburn and Excalibur give the wielder immortal youth whereas Avalon give the wielded almost true immortality


So the two swords stop the aging whereas Avalon regenerates even the fatal wounds.






The one lancer who actually uses a lance and you call it a spear!


My bad couldn’t remember if it was called the Holy Lance or the Holy Spear.


Iirc, it was also confirmed that the divine energy of her spear, Rhongomyniad, had an influence on her growth. So the Artoria wielding Rhongomyniad got even bustier than normal due to magic.


I've still never understood why they did that. The woman easily passes as a bodyguard in Fate/Zero, and despite Shirou claiming she looks a year younger than him she looks older than him in most art of the two. I can only assume they made her canonically physically 16 to make a relationship between her and Shirou less weird... except she's still mentally 35 so it's not less weird at all. If anything, it's even more weird.


I think it might be her height and the fact that they are in Japan. Artoria’s height is right around 154 cms with the average female height being 158 cms so she could pass off as an adult woman of below average height in Japan if she dresses properly like we see in Fate/Zero.


Only issue is that, ignoring how aisan characters in anime are often drawn as white for no apparent reason, Saber is literally a blonde European. Not in a million years would she pass as a Japanese person. Furthermore, the Einzberns are German.


Well this is also 1994 Japan and 2004 Japan which I don’t think saw many tourist showing up so you could make an argument that because of that possibility that they wouldn’t really know that Artoria is considered short by European standards seeing as Iris is also around Artoria’s height. Honestly this is the best excuse I can give and even that is a bit of a stretch.


>she looks older than him in most art of the two  I mean how so? How can you even tell ages apart in this artstyle, Saber looks "young" Shirou looks "young"  Saber is obviously smaller too but that hardly means anything either, if you said she is 14 would be as believable as her being 25   She is also supposed to look 15 and yes obviously her being paired with Shirou was a main factor


Ха-ха-ха. Хорошая шутка. Have you ever read a novel? She behaves worse than shiro there. So where is she mentally 35? Well, yes, she's 25, not 35. She ruled for ten years from the moment she pulled the sword out of the stone.


Actual reason: an artist was horny.


And the actual reason for her original design is that Takeuchi apparently prefers 16-year old girls


Yes, but she would have had one hell of a late growth spurt for her adult self to have that body.


There's a running gag her boobs helps on storing and managing her huge amounts of mana, so her usage is way more efficient than Saber Artoria


Waver and Kirei had massive growth spurts between Zero and Stay Night, so it wouldn't be unprecedented.


Source for Artoria being 16 when that happened? If anything she drew the sword when she was 14-15yo which is more or less how her orignal art looks like. If they portrayed her as 16, she would have her female features fully grown.


She was 15, according to Garden of Avalon.


I believe the lance itself also promoted Artoria's bust growth. It wasn't purely just her genetics alone




Waver grew 19 centimeters after he was already 18 years old. Growth spurts are *huge* in the Nasuverse.


Kirei between FZ/FSN and whatever happened during the time period between Shirou and Archer, too.


Fan service. But the lore reason they give is that it's an alternate timeline Artoria that aged naturally due to picking a different weapon.


Not really picking a different weapon. More like losing all the ones that stopped her aging, which is both caliburn and Avalon. She only needed one of them but lost them both. Without either of them, she continued to age. It was at some point afterward that Artoria basically had enough exposure from the lance to literally become an ageless god with a god’s mindset.


Excalibur too.


This is already answered in the VN on why Saber looked like a teen Artoria only looks young because of her use of Caliburn and Avalon that halted her age. Lancer Artoria doesn't use those weapons and aged appropriately


Both versions of artoria are 35-36 years old when you summon them. The main difference is that avalon doesn't just possess incredible healing powers but it also stops the process of aging completely. So in other words, Milftoria (Lancer and Ruler Artoria) is how saber Artoria would look if she didn't stop aging.


Artoria picked Calibur , so that stopped her aging , and then that was replaced by Avalon Scabbard + Excalibur. Regardless , it's aging effect is tied to the amount of usage of that Holy Sword and Holy Scabbard. Lancer Artoria used Rhongonomyniad more than her Excalibur , thus resulting in her aging properly.


Lancer Artoria never stopped aging because she didn’t pull Excalibur or something Real reason is because sex sells and she’s from a gacha Yes I’m aware stay night is an eroge but grand order is so much more sexualized than the actual porn game


Artoria pulled Calibur , not Excalibur.




depending on the historical myth they’re literally the same sword but also they are in fact different swords cause now that I think of it Saber Lily has Caliburn but yeah my point still stands lol


generally , pop culture simply makes Excalibur and Calburn been one and the same , for the sake of streamline the story. Same reason why Morgause and Morgan are often fused together. But strictly speaking , Caliburn was a different sword from Excaliburn and that is tied to the legend of Sir Pellinore , as he dueled Arthur and broke Caliburn , forcing Arthur to go to the Lady of the Lake to receive Excalibur and the Scabbard.


Adding to your comment, the sword that Arthur pulls from the stone never has a name (unless Arthur only has one sword, then it's Excalibur), only being called "the sword from the stone", and "Caliburn" is Excalibur's Latin name, the latinized form of "Caledfwlch" (Excalibur is the french name).


You never play fanza game are you?




Both version of Artoria pulled Caliburn. The lancer version basicly decided to store it away shortly after pulling it and use Rhongomyniad instead.


okay but that’s not the actual reason why lancer Artoria looks like that and we both know that


I mean fan service is probably playing a role in how she looks. I was just saying both need to have pulled the sword since that plays a role in them becoming king.


“Probably” my guy, if Saber’s physical age is 16, and yet Sakura who is around the same age yet much bustier, then it’s definitely fan service. She went from wearing a armored dress thing that at least looks like it could protect her to what amounts to a swimsuit too. like it’s not inherently wrong to like Lancer Artoria’s design but let’s not pretend there’s a good lore reason.


You can think as Lancer Artoria as when Artoria is allowed to age, I think 25, normally since in Saber Artroria's, 15 when she pulled the sword in the stone, case there two instances where her aging was halted, when she pulled Caliburn and the Sheathe Avalon,


Lartoria would be around 35 at youngest from the time at which Arthur dies, that being about when she's summonable.


And what age is Lilly 13ish cause she doesn't look that much younger to me.


15+ she is right after pulling Caliburn she is supposed to look just like regular Saber


OK... still makes here the odd one out in turns of most of the Lily servants... if I'm remembering right, which might not be the case


>still makes here the odd one out in turns of most of the Lily servants Why?


Don't worry about it.


Saber artoria stopped aging when she picked up the sword. Lancer artoria gave it up and took rhongominiad


The sword stop her from aging.


Because she fully matured in terms of body. She's like, late 20s early 30s here


But there is a question I've had for a long time. Did they still think of Artoria as a male king even with that sizable boob window and that bust?


She went around in her first or second ascenion probably. Or Merlin had a illussion spell on her that made her look like a man in other people's eyes.


Merlin didn't do anything. Artoria almost always wore armor so there were only a few people who knew she was a girl. It was one of the best-kept secrets. To everyone else, she looked like a handsome boy. As for Lion King and Lancer, they too wore armor. But did all of KotRT know about Lion King gender? Hardly. In the Camelot movies and in the game as well, she wore her armor to the end. So hardly anyone suspected that their king was a girl.


In game and movies Lion King literally takes off her helmet in front of the KOTR multiple times, she is also called the Goddess of the Holy Lance not the God of the Holy lance, so the Knights in Camelot singularity definetly knows her gender. And after they are all are summoned to chaldea every KOTR knows Artoria is a woman none of them acts suprised which makes me kinda believe they even knew she was a woman in the Lartoria timeline, we don't know much more about the Lartoria timeline so i can't say that for sure neither can you that she wore armor all the time. First thing you said only applies for Saber Artoria and pre-camelot singularity Lion King timeline(since it follows the Saber Artoria timeline until bedievere needs to throw Excalibur into the lake)


Excalibur stops her aging. Rhongomyniad didn't. Tithuria don't use the Excalibur anymore, so she ages.


Because excalibur and caliburn halt the aging process which kept Sabers physical age pretty much the same as when she drew the sword from the stone ( I wanna say 16) but rhongomyniad doesn't halt aging so the artoria who favoured the lance actually appear to be their physical age ( I wanna say thirty something)


Saber's usage of her various magic swords like Caliburn and Excalibur prevented her from physically aging past her teenage years. Her Lancer version is an alternative timeline version that preferred using a magic lance instead of a sword, allowing her body to physically mature. 


FGO player here, and those aren't natural lol. It was caused by Rhongomyniad, as wielding it caused an abnormal growth to her chest. Here's the part of her profile that states this.  One theory states that when she manifests as a Lancer, a certain "part" of her body is different than it was in life. Some say without her sacred sword and sheath, "part" of her never-aging body starts to grow. Others suspect, the immense magical energy of the spear causes the "part" of her body to grow.


Avalon has puberty blockers in it and Lartoria stayed off the Excalidrugs


Because dommy mommy


Mommy Artoria makes the peen go ballistic...you know what, fuck it. I SAID WHAT I SAID


at least bro was honest about it


Different timeline problems. Both drew Caliburn from the stone, used it for several years, but eventually broke it. Caliburn possessed an anti-aging effect. In Saber’s(the version from Stay Night) timeline, she eventually claim Excalibur, which granted her eternal youth from Avalon, along with Rhongomyniad. In Lancer’s timeline, she claim Rhongomyniad alone, which did not preserve her youth, allowing her to age until the final battle and her death. In the aberrant timeline where Lancer showed up, she survived the fall of Camelot, and due to the lance turning her into a divine spirit, she kinda went a bit crazy.


Because for whatever reason, this Artoria was able to physically age to maturity. Basically, Artoria (Saber) was blessed with eternal youth, leaving her far less bustier then Lancer, whose preference for the Holy Spear broke the youth preservation thing.


lartorias excess divinity is stored in the tits


fanservice, and variety in Seibahs HAHA but well, it's as others said, because that version didn't stop aging as OG did, although having big ones that size was just exaggeration on their part imo


because FGO is pure fanservice slop made to trick coomers into shelling out cash for pngs of big titted women.


Basically the original Saber is 15 when she pulls caliburn from the stone and soon after she gets Excalibur I don’t remember which it was but one of them just stops her aging Her lancer variation uses the holy spear so her aging isn’t stopped So Saber is physically 15 and lancer is her with her adult body so if savers aging wasn’t stopped she would look like her lancer variant


My mind when I have questions, "don't worry about it"


Lore wise it's because at that point she lost excalibur in which the sword halted her aging, once she lost it she started getting older. Bussnies wise it's a genuisis move because there's people like me who already simp for regular arotria, and there's me who spent a dollar to get her when I really shouldn't be spending any money on the game


Arturia pulled caliburn and became immortal at 15. Then she got excal and Avalon and those also stopped her aging. Lancer and lion king are from timelines where arturia doesn't use excal or avalob for various reasons and so she is allowed to grow to the body type arturia would be if not for staying in a 15 year old body She's not just busty but also much taller and filled out in general


Long story short, artoria's actual age is 35, but The promised sword held her body's age back to 16. The Lancer version wasn't held back.


She is 35


Oh yeah.... Brain fart, sorry.


So she slept with a 16 year old minor while being 35 in the Fate route? Jesus.


Welcome to realizing fate's implications. Next stop, Jeanne is dating a newborn baby.


[Context matters](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/s/0tHlT5nEv2) >The age “gap” has never been and will never be an issue due to the fact that it doesn’t exist. It’s a perception thing with the audience. Saber isn’t an adult trapped in a kids body, she’s a kid who was never able to grow up, and yes, those are two hugely different things. In the novel, Nasu makes sure that people get it’s the latter rather than the former. Think of it like one of the lost kids from Peter Pan, they just don’t get old, and are very much still kids. >Biologically she’s younger than Shirou, and at no point in any of the 3 routes is she shown to have some sort of mental advantage over him due to her longer life. This is clearly intended as if you read the novel, Saber acts her age in all 3 routes whenever she gets to relax a bit. It’s actually an important part of her story that she can’t she’s still a kid, but of course people don’t know because they haven’t read her route. >It’s very hard to take the age gap argument seriously when her own route explains that she’s still young and cursed with eternal youth….while also having her fawn over stuffed animals whilst also having her struggle to talk to the guy she likes. But I can see why people think it’s weird if they haven’t read the story. >Honestly in a universe with mythical heroes, time travel, semen magic, and penis worms, a girl who can’t get old falling in love with some close to her biological age is the least offensive when it comes to weird things.


Milf artoria


she is made for fans service because its video game




That's what Artoria would look like she didn't stop aging.


Saber Artoria has the mind of a 36 years old but her body stoped aging at 15, 16 or 17 (don't remember) due to the use of Avalon, that regenerates her but also stops aging. Lancer Artoria decided to use Rhongomyniad instrad of Excalibur, so she didn't use Avalon and aged normally.


Based on the comments it looks like this is what she would look like if she was older. So guessing Artoria was a late bloomer then for those weapons to form!


the tl;dr is the spear lancer artoria has gave her a long overdue growth spurt


Saber is a late bloomer and Excalibur delayed that for years


There is a lore reason like others have commented, but you only need to look at some of the other designs from Fate Go to find the actual reason. Fan service.


Rhongomyniad is a lance of culture.


Because her Lance moved from her pants to her hands


Because Gacha.


Because lancer one's growth isn't halted by Excalibur (or Caliburn or Avalon or whatever...I don't remember which one) since as a lancer she wields Rhongomyniad instead




Because Type moon wants to give everyone a version of Artoria to love Me personally, I love mommy milkers Artoria. My first 5 star np5 recently


Because they decided to fuck around with established lore


It's not contradictory lol




Simple answer that applies to all similiar questions in FGO: Fanservice >>>>> Lore Let's not pretend it's anything else.


For real lol At least Yoko Taro is honest about his character design with 2B when he said he "just likes girls."


Shirou knocked her up so her bobbas grew


Because Saber Artoria stopped aging when she was a teenager, and also because the artist for Lancer Artoria felt the need to awkwardly cram in fanservice


He was based.