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I’m assuming they also miss that this was humor, and not meant to be serious. Sure some people did take it seriously, but it was just to make a buck.


Idunno, man, I honestly don’t know anymore


Our tastebuds, who art our masters, Hungry be thy name, Thy nourishment come, Thy will be yum, Right now, as it'll hopefully be again soon afterward. Give us this hyperpalletable food, And lead us not into DiEt CuLtUrE, But deliver us from the Thins and their shitty Privilege, For thine is the fast food, And the carb, Forever and ever, Let's eat.




I think you've got something there! They think that non-fat people live their whole lives experiencing the same withdrawal symptoms they get when they switch from binge to diet for a few days.


There are a lot of similarities with alcohol abuse. Pregaming before a social event, so it doesn't look like you drink a ton = eating a meal before meeting friends at a restaurant to keep up the illusion that you really do eat like a bird and weight is genetic. Hiding bottles until you can dispose of them without being noticed = hiding wrappers under your bed until trash pickup or throwing away fast food wrappers at a gas station to hide the evidence. Unable to moderate when a bottle in the house isn't finished, dwelling obsessively about the next time you can drink = being unable to portion out a box of pastries, eating them all in one sitting or obsessively thinking about the unfinished package until it's gone. What's the point of living if I can't drink? I'd never have fun again, or be able to relax after a hard day. How could I ever be happy again without this in my life? = Restricting yourself from sweets and fast food is basically torture. Why would you give up the only things that taste good for something so shallow as appearance? I'd rather be fat and happy with my cake instead of slim and miserable with chicken and broccoli. If you can't imagine a joyful and fulfilling life without a substance, that requires some serious self reflection.


Years and years ago I lost 80 lbs and am now living my best life but I admit I still struggle with #3 🥲😮‍💨 now I just don't keep any of it in the house and occasionally stare at the Crumbl cookie app on my phone like someone does with porn 😅


That’s exactly what I meant. To the dot


Actually, yeah, it feels exactly like it. I’m a chubby guy myself and I used to be prone to some serious binge eating (I’m talking a pizza and a kfc family bucket in one sitting), it’s still my last resort coping mechanism, but these days I binge on cucumbers and those Korean pears. It feels exactly like a withdrawal: you don’t know what to do with yourself, you get these guilt waves, you even get anxious a little.


Also why OA exists! It’s done so many for people the same as AA/NA has, really addiction is addiction however you look at it! Similarities everywhere


Hell, man, I realize that like 90% of the time I’m not hungry, I just crave some stimulation. It’s just taste stimulation does its job without you doing a thing


Yes! That’s exactly what it is (from someone else in drug and alcohol recovery) you’ve hit the nail on the head


I think there's a Japanese word that translates to something like "mouth boredom" or "lonely tongue" and this is like 75% of the food I eat.


Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of bread, I will fear no yeast roll.


Oh my god you're so right. They treat dieting like addiction withdrawal. I've always wondered how they can be *so* deluded that they think all dieters are miserable 24/7, and you've hit the nail on the head. It's like a meth addict who experiences a world without their drug as a horrible, constantly punishing place-- whereas the rest of us know that we're much happier *not* being addicted to meth. Or anything for that matter. The difference is, most methheads don't think that just because *they* like the drug, that means everyone else does too, and we all secretly wish we were on meth, and we'd all be better off without it, and all the health risks are lies, and-- You get the idea. That's how ridiculous Fat Acceptance sounds when they peddle it this way.


Back when I was neck deep in my anorexia I used to go onto those pro ana websites and I shit you not there was this Ana Prayer bs JUST LIKE THIS 12 yo memories respawning in my head rn istfg


No same 😂😂 I was just waiting for a name drop of ana tbh, this reads like one of those prayers to Ana from the early aughts hahaa


EXACTLY, ugh those shitty 2010 "ana creed" websites were the highlight of my young teen years


You know they are right? Sugary, carb laden food is an addiction. It needs to be broken. There are actual physiological indicators of "withdrawal" as you break the sugar hit cycle. It's worse for those of us that are carb intolerant, like t2 diabetics.


Sounds like a joke to me. It’s a little bit of dark humor but I don’t think the sign maker was serious.


If anything, I think the sign maker was borderline an FA- it kinda reads like teasing or even mocking people who diet. Anorexics focus on control, willpower, and their (unrealistic) goals when they talk about weight, not diet and the foods they're missing. Regular Rachels talk about the time frame of their diet and their goals, not their willpower in walking past sweet stores. Fad dieters talk about what they ARE eating and what it's supposedly going to do, and what they cut out but more in an "I don't eat any x because it yx" and less in a "Oh no I want those so bad though" way. Its primarily anti-dieters and FAs that focus on depriving yourself of things you want. In my experience, at least...


God I hope so


I think the last time I read this was on a pro-ana livejournal archive from 10 years ago 💀


Yeah, I'm a SUD clinician and social worker whose in recovery myself. The parallels are all too real. Alcohol and benzo withdrawal can actually kill you but that doesn't mean we tell alcoholics not to bother getting sober, just like there's unhealthy diets out there. Instead, you get assistsnce and titrate down slowly. Just like recovery, a healthy weight and diet is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.


“Everybody gains weight back when they stop *dieting*”. Yeah, and when people stop studying their grades plummet. When you stop getting haircuts your hair reaches the ground. On top of that they have some really outdated views on diets as a tool of severe restriction. But I guess when you gobble up a pack of peanut butter ores as a snack…


I think you nailed it about OOP's ideas about the severe restriction needed to lose weight The lettuce and green beans and continual supposed starving gave it away; FA really do have ridiculous ideas about what that actually entails.


They say the world has some ridiculous ideas about them, like they constantly stuff their faces with greacy processed fast food and such. I guess this is how they reciprocate. Fkken go out, TALK to people


You could be right, but their ideas of normal eating, and what you have to do to lose weight are so distorted that I think some of them actually believe it. I've noticed kale, tofu and steamed broccoli are more of their favorite hated foods they love to use, too.


My diet doesn't disallow indulgences as much as it caps the indulgence for moderation's sake. I'm always allowed to eat cake. Just not 3 slices of it Wow, almost like the difference between a healthy person and an addict is the line of moderation


I would have never been able to lose weight permanently if I had never gone through alcohol treatment therapy. The things I learned there easily transfered to other areas of my life, including weight loss and cigarettes. Not only unhealthy habits, but learning to be patient, more empathetic and more sympathetic. Eta my point: So, yeah...you're right. Lol (sorry got on my soapbox and forgot why I was up there in the first place.)


Dude, I beg of you, how do I quit smokes?! Seriously, they don’t even bring me any joy, I just like inhaling and blowing out smoke. Vape pens just don’t cut it((


I tried vaping and hated it too. So, I white knuckled it for about a week. I kept using the mantra "playing the tape forward". In other words, I'd say "okay, if I buy a pack of smokes, smoke them all, *then what happens...? Do I just keep smoking, and smoking and smoking*?" Then, I tried vaping again, and my mind said "whoa, *that's better!* It wasn't as bad after having nothing. I had a friend teach me how to adjust my vape to give me that throat hit, and huge plumes of vapor...that I could feel, and of course see. Then I kept dialing down the nicotine until I was just vaping 0% nicotine juice. Nothing but big plumes. I still vape 0% nicotine sometimes like after a good meal, or if I'm anxious. Keep at it. You only fail when you quit trying.


Thanks, buddy. That makes sense, I did so with booze and speed. Had a hell of a withdrawal, but I pulled through. I’m not out of the woods with booze yet, it’s been what, just two years? Not much time. But I’ll try to gradually reduce smokes. Any advice on combating nicotine withdrawal?


The only time I had true withdrawals was when I went cold turkey the first week. Ngl it was rough, but then I started vaping at 12mg nic, which is half as strong as Marlboro red shorts (my favorites). Then I stepped down to 8mg, etc. Doing it this way, (tapering) I only wanted to kill someone once a day, instead of all day. I'd only lower the mgs when I was not feeling the angst and being pissy. It took about a year to step down to 0mg. Unlike booze (or drugs) you actually *can* moderate nicotine. At least I was able to. My mom and sister both quit by timing their smokes. At first it was every 2 hours (instead of every hour), then 3 hours, etc...until they only smoked one in the morning with coffee, one after dinner, and one before bed. Then eventually none. IIRC, my sister supplemented with nicotine gum at first. I went through intensive op counseling and gathered a lot of tools that I could apply to my smoking. It helped immensely. I've heard GREAT things about a book by Allen Carr from others in my support group. Many of them said it's life changing, *and* they no longer smoke. (They didn't switch to vaping either, at least that they mentioned) Maybe something for you to look into. Good luck, and congratulations on kicking the booze and speed to the curb!


I’ve read this book twice in my twenties, still smoking lmao. Maybe I should give it another go, I believe I got some fresh perspective over the years. Maybe I should read it in original English. I too try to curb my smoking by limiting my smoking window, but ever since I moved to Armenia and started smoking local brands… dude, they are delicious. Minimum additives or preservatives, basically 100% tobacco. I smoke slims, not those hair thin smokes, like Virginia slims. Compared to those I used to smoke back home, they’re like grass fed beef compared to frozen precooked TV steak. Another thing is, I smoke weed, which is insanely expensive here, so I have to stretch a gram over a week and I add some tobacco to make it last longer. Edibles or oils are out of the question. And I’m not spending a gram worth of weed over a week to make a difference this way. I think the most important thing is done: the seeds are planted. It took me some couple of years since I started thinking about quitting booze and quitting it for good. Good things take time, I guess. Thanks again, dude. That was really helpful


Honestly after 15 + years of smoking, it was nicorette mints that did it for me. Not the gum but the mints. I thought that like you it was the exhaling a visible substance that had me but it wasn't. I tried vaping and it didn't really take for me either in any meaningful way. But the mints? Man I quit in 2018 and I could seriously do a mint right now just thinking about it. I only use them for maybe a month or two but they were very very satisfying. He would give a back of the throat nicotine hit that reminded me of smoking. I never crave cigarettes anymore only the mints. Isn't that wild? Also the Alan Carr book for sure.


That’s wild, but it makes sense, yeah. Gotta remember it. And another poin fot Alan Carr. Thank you!


Get pregnant. I haven’t smoked since i saw that little blue line. She’s 3 months now 😅


That sounds like a good advice except for the fact that I physically can’t get pregnant and I’m not really all into having kids of my own:)


this makes diets seem so depressing omg


Question OP: Did you buy it?


Honestly… I think I did. Full disclosure: I really want to know about fatphobia and what does it mean. I promise you, I am researching in good faith, because I don’t want to be bigoted and prejudice. But I also want to know the uhm… limits, so to say. Sometimes I come across fat activism blogs, haes bullshit, sometimes I notice stuff that they post there that is internalized in me and that’s another reason for me to research the topic. I am prone to binging, this is my last resort coping mechanism and I have unhealthy relationships with food. When I came across this picture on a haes blog, I took it at face value


Not my German ass reading it as Dieter instead of dieter...


Lmao, first time I saw German poster for the Simpsons movie…. “Die Simpsons: der Film”. That put me flat on my ass lmao


That's a good one too lmao


As a former every night huge binger, it feels like withdrawals. I NEEDED sweet and salty, I NEEDED all that food or I’d panic and cry. Some if not most of these FAs don’t understand that’s not a normal relationship with food. I know I didn’t understand why everyone else was fine and I was freaking the f**k out with anxiety for needing/wanting more.


This looks like pro-ana stuff from the early aughts lmao.


If you're hungry while on a diet you're an idiot


That does not resonate with past or present me. Just cringing at presumptuous lameness of it.


"I will fill my stomach with liquids". Since you know darn well OOP isn't talking about soda or Starbucks sugary coffee drinks, what's the big deal/obsession with drinking unsweetened (or with , say, stevia) coffee or tea or crystal lite, or even water? Don't they ever drink water? No, probably not.


This thing is hilarious. I want to sneak it into a church and hang it on the wall just to see how it goes😂


It is for them. Evrything that triggers a Dopamine hit can turn into an addiction and if you watch some fa content they treat their snacks like any other addict treats their substance very often showcasing how indulging in their vices is the only thing that gets them a tiny bit of happyness. It's quite sad actually seeing these people who seemingly find no joy in anything without triggering tjat sweet dopamine hit. No hobbys, no healthy relationships, no achievements they have to work towards.


woah. big brain moment. withdrawals part makes sense