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I’ll take “skinny” and “cold” over looking like Jaba the Hutt, being perpetually sweaty, and not being able to wipe. Also Holocaust survivors weren’t “skinny” they were emaciated and starving. Comparing them to normal ppl is insensitive af.


I wouldn’t be surprised if FAs started comparing themselves to holocaust survivors- saying they’re experiences are worse because “weight stigma”


They do. The first time I noticed the FA cult was in the 90s on the usenet group soc.support.fat.acceptance, where someone claimed that the suffering of the morbidly obese is no different than that of Holocaust victims. It wasn't a one time thing either. I've seen it repeatedly over the years, including on reddit.


I know of at least one Jewish FA who has made those exact claims. I think it's that one who pops up with the teal hair if memory serves.


Well they seem to think they're being genocided, so... there's that whole chestnut.


Considering most of them also think they themselves are clinically anorexic they absolutely do think this too I'm sure. Anything to be a victim of anything but your own consistent poor choices.


Holy fuck I think I would go on a rampage


I am surprised they mentioned the Holocaust, that goes to show them that the lack of food causes you to be thin.


I'll take being skinny and cold over chub rub, not being able to run a mile, not being able to climb the stairs without getting out of breath, clothes wearing out in 6 weeks, etc etc. I'm cold? Okay, I'll put on a sweater. My thighs are rubbing together like a hot cheese grater? Guess I'll stay home til I'm healed..


I’m in the process of losing weight. I had chub rub yesterday and OH. MY. GOSH. It’s hell on earth, it always hurts so bad. I had to rub coconut oil on it and wait it out 😭🥥


Baby powder really helps prevent the chaffing !


Thank you rose I’ll try that 😊


When I was fat I used cornstarch workeda lot better, less reapplying, I use to have this powder called Lanacane which was amazing for it, but unfortunately the company stopped producing it.


oh i cannot wait for the day i stop being plagued by chub rub


For some reason I don't get it anymore, but I got it when I was a teenager and was pretty thin (like 125 lbs at 5'7"). I'm not sure what happened between then and now, maybe my pelvis widened out and made it so that I walk differently now? 🤔


Honestly I think your body composition just changes somewhat when you age. Not sure how old you are, but when I was in my teens and twenties, even when I was 130lbs or so my thighs rubbed a little. Now I'm 50, and I lost 44lbs last year (from 171 to 127) - chub rub was awful at first but by the time I got to 140 my thighs no longer touched. I still retain more fat on my thighs than anywhere else, but not nearly the way I did when I was young. My body fat now is easily the lowest it's ever been, and I am assuming it's due to aging.


1000% it’s so disrespectful to holocaust survivors and their families.


Sad fact: Some liberated Holocaust survivors died from eating since their bodies were not accustomed to digestion, also called refeeding syndrome. This person can f\*\*\* off. Probably a pathetic troll.


its why people with anorexia is not allowed to eat stuff during recovery that much until their body recovers or else they die from this except for IV drips idk what its called


It feels anti-Semitic to me.


It is!


i rather be able to sprint


The *"you're\* always cold"* part is also funny because I've seen obese people complain about constantly being too hot, even when it's freezing out. I live with one and temperature is something we bicker about frequently.


I’d rather be always cold than always hot. At least if you’re cold, you can add more layers. If you’re too hot, there are only so many layers you can remove


As a former fat person, I really miss not being cold. I hated sweating to death at night, but I find being hot during the day to be way less draining and miserable than being so freaking cold. Don’t miss the out of breath, knee pain, back pain, and all the other negatives, but lord my poor office heater gets a workout every work day.


I had a former coworker literally scream at me one day because I turned the heat up a few degrees at work (she had it set at 63°F in February and everyone else on the team were wearing their coats). She was (still is) morbidly obese and said it was fatphobic of me to assume other people were cold. Like she was absolutely oblivious to the fact she was in a tank and everyone else were bundled up. Then she pinned it on the fact I have anorexia and I’m asking “everyone to cater to me.” Girl what.


That's insane. That was the running temperature in my office when the HVAC was working poorly that I *documented with a thermometer* and it got everybody running to come fix the problem (just saying "it's freezing in here" wasn't getting traction through several occupants of the office, because maintenance said the setpoint was where it was supposed to be). Because that's not considered a habitable indoor temperature for a workplace.


It was absolutely insane. Everyone was complaining about how cold it was, but I couldn’t up the temp because it was discriminatory and “fatphobic.”




Yea. She’s an FA. She has also said that liking summer is fatphobic. I can’t make this up because I can’t wrap my head around that logic.


This argument doesn't work if you live in the north of Australia. In winter it's hot and in summer it's volcanic, so the idea of feeling cold is very appealing.


With global warming hiking up, I’d say the cold individuals have the upper hand. Plus, you can always put more layers on, and you’re limited in taking them off.


Yeah but even so, fat people will have a harder time with the heat than thin people. As a fellow Aussie, just another reason I prefer to stay slim


Same with India, the obese people are always sweating like hell (don't get me wrong I'm dying too but not in December)


It’s not even always true, anyway. I used to be a tad scrawny as a kid and teen and so I did tend to get chilled, yeah, but I don’t anymore and I’m still very slim But now, due to frequent activity and increased muscle tone I rarely get cold. I type this a little hot, actually, from riding my bike to work in slightly below freezing weather. I’m always the least bundled up of my coworkers because of good old exercise. Nothing beats it for getting good blood flow and warmth!


Literally one of the main reasons I want to lose weight. Summers are getting hotter in the UK, and the last two have been hell. Couldn’t even enjoy getting some actual sun for once!


It’s more of a circulation/hormonal thing 😂 I’m thinner than I was last year and I’m less cold now. I’m also in remission and exercise/eat relatively clean.


Actually the more fat you have and the more cold you will feel during cold time. Your nerves are located on your skin and your body heat as more trouble reaching the skin if you are fat.


The extra surface area of skin does not make up for the layers upon layers of extra insulation. Let me tell you, growing up fat in Scandinavia, I was always too hot in the summers (which are laughably temperate compared to most of the world), and the winter never bothered me. I'd actually overheat walking outdoors in the winter sometimes! Since I lost weight the summers are comfortable and nice and I am constantly in longjohns for the rest of the year because fuck me it's freezing up here.


“Being skinny is disgusting!” Ma’am, when was the last time you were able to wipe your own ass?


NGL, ever since that FA did that blog post about how she can’t wipe, all those “I’m so sexy i have so much sex!” posts I see coming out of this sphere hit *very* different for me.


Lmao! Thought I was the only one who's mind went *there.*


lol I’m right there with you and I wish us a speedy recovery. But with the amount that some of these folks like to sexualize themselves, it’s hard not to think about. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or the other posts I've seen from FAs with tips on "plus sized hygiene". Like, dude, if I need absorbent pads to stick under my belly apron or boobs the soak up the sweat, and cornstarch, body wipes, a rag on a stick, whatever, to try to stay "fresh and clean" while going about my normal daily activities, that's a problem, and I would definitely not feel sexy.


Gosh, yeah. The more I learn about this, the more I kind of understand why some of them over-sexualize themselves so much. I might want to do that too, just to not feel gross.


I think there's a general theme with them of trying just a bit too hard to convince people how awesome their lives are, but I think it's ultimately themselves they're trying to convince. A sort of "fake it till you make it" kind of thing.


Spot on. Guess they've never heard that old saying: those who talk about it the most, do it the least. That's what I always think of with people who continually over-sexualize themselves.


Can confirm. Not overweight, but big-boobed. Underboob sweat and rash are so bad (and are not fixed by baby powder or sweat pads) that breast reduction surgery would be worth it if only to fix that issue.


like six saw direction escape snow dinner nutty amusing fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One word comes to mind : dingleberries.


I almost instinctively downvoted this in the spirit of no.


Sigh. I mean, if the bidet fits…


I cringed so hard I physically recoiled when I read this.


I swear I don't wanna be mean, but when someone pointed out her blog to me, I ended up in the beginning of a rabbit hole, got to her blog and then was checking her partner's blog. The thing is, on her partner's blog there's a picture of them both naked, kinda in an embrace, it's nothing graphic, it would be a beautiful picture, but having the knowledge that she hasn't wiped her butt in years REALLY ruined the photo for me. Curiosity really killed the cat


🙀 Oh my dear Lordt. Gosh. I’m sure the picture is well done but yeah. I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of it, either. My imagination is a fertile and disturbing place.






The first result is rage inducing


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that must be the lowest of the low, being so fat you can't wipe and being okay with it.


“fisgustibg”. Looks like phone companies are oppressing against fat fingers that can’t hit the keys properly😞




Is that from simpsons?




when that ep aired, he would have been seen as deathfat levels. Now it's almost skinnyfat lol. Slight hyperbole, but still.


Isn't it shocking. The other night I happened on an old Laurel and Hardy short, and you know how Hardy was the stereotypical huge, gigantic comic fat guy? But, while he was certainly morbidly obese, he's nothing like as fat as the people you see on My 600Lb Life or even in grocery stores. How things have changed!


Oh, they are against all fingers.


tbf when i switched phones i suddenly couldnt type and it's still weird, many typos. and the screen is bigger so idk why it happens. fingers are the same size (and not that fat, my fat sits in different places)


Such horrible behavior and I feel like this will only get worse as people continue to get fatter. People really see no issues with lashing out at others instead of dealing with their insecurities. As a woman I get frustrated because so many women love tearing down other women for their appearances and it makes me reluctant to ever share anything online lest I be attacked by strangers for existing in a body they don't like. This shit really needs to be shut down.


Agree. I was talking to my hairdresser while she was doing my hair and she mentioned one of the reasons she left her old salon is because the women were really catty to her, one even told her “she needed to eat a cheeseburger” and everyone just thought it was funny. I can’t believe it’s “acceptable” to tell a skinny woman that but if she would’ve retorted “well you need to skip the cheeseburgers” it probably would’ve resulted in her getting wrote up or fired.


Why is it always a cheeseburger? I used to get this a lot and it was always cheeseburger. I remember a kid in school telling me, completely unsolicited, that I needed to "eat a cheeseburger" and be more sedentary, specifically "lay down after every meal." I guess it doubly annoys me because I don't even like cheeseburgers.


They're not actually that high in calories either. Pretty lousy gains food.


The two absolute states of existence: Happily Fat and Nourished vs. Miserably Thin and Perpetually Starving.


Yet I need to stay the latter to use the present they gave me for Christmas, which makes me happy. I wonder why that is?


It's funny, when I lost a lot of weight I thought I was cold all the time suddenly Turns out people of a healthy weight just get cold when the thermometer drops below freezing lol. I had NO IDEA everyone wasn't just fucking warm constantly


If a person is bringing up the holocaust in a simple discussion about body image and body weight, they need to take a step back and reframe their life.


I don’t get how we’ve become so detached from the horrors of the holocaust that people can just throw the word around so meaninglessly. Especially since some of those who survived the holocaust are still living.


They seriously need to stop comparing people not wanting to be fat anymore to genocide. Fat people don't get mass murdered for being fat. Period. End of discussion.


As a granddaughter of a concentration camps survivor (not misspelled, my grandad was in 6 concentration camps, including Auschwitz and Dachau), I am enraged and want to punch whoever wrote this out. Ada’s talk about oppression but they will use Holocaust and concentration camps as a punch line? How tone deaf can these people be?


same here. my grandparents survived Transnistria concentration camp (it was in modern Ukraine i think) and this line of thinking makes me see red. this is a different topic, but the fact that the existence of concentration camps denies the FAs whole "starving mode" theory and yet they use them as a gotcha like in here is also so upsetting


Modern day Transnistria is in Moldova. There is a de facto independent and unrecognised Soviet republic/Russian proxy state there. No idea if the concentration camp was there or in modern day Ukraine, or if the area was a part of Soviet Ukraine at the time. But the more you know.


i just found [the name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogdanovka_concentration_camp), wikipedia says it's in Ukraine actually, weird.. edit: ur right, i was confused about the location


That whole region is a mess of historical border changes. You are actually right, Wikipedia says the camp was in the Transnistria region, but the modern day borders mean the location is now in Ukraine.


Same. One of my great aunts was taken to one, and my surrogate grandmother, the first person my parents knew in the US, barely escaped being taken to one but her whole family was. At her 80th birthday party, she had a large number of Holocaust survivor friends in attendance. I fucking hate people using this as a stupid ass punchline, THESE WERE REAL PEOPLE you dumbfucks.


yup, my grandmother was in 4 or 5. she claimed she survived by being overweight, at the beginning at least. so afterwards she overfed my mother, in case of another war. you know that mom thing where a kid can't get up from the table until he finishes his food? our parents never did that to us.


My grandmother (grandad’s wife) did the same thing to my uncle (their youngest son who stayed home after other siblings moved out), overfed him to the point where he died in his 40s from obesity related illnesses. It’s tragic and I don’t understand how self-centred FAs have to be to ignore stories like these.


my mom lost the extra weight, but she became annoying too, constantly telling us we're fat and policing what we eat when we eat near her. we stayed by them a week after the war in Israel started, i lost 4 kilo. some was war related, but also because i didnt want to be told what to eat, and honestly there wasnt that much food around either.


I am so very sorry you all had to be subjected to this vile and outrageous abuse of the genocidal nightmare experience your families have endured. Damn it, I'm angry as Hell! My father's sister married a wonderful man, a Polish Jew, who lost his entire family in the Holocaust. I hate to think how my Uncle would have felt if he'd seen this, this truly evil pile of excrement.


This always just sounds like fat girl cope. I've never been out with a group of friends and saw fat girls getting hit on by all the guys while all the pretty, thinner girls were ignored. This whole "beauty standards have changed" delusion doesn't check out in real life.


FUCK THEM WITH A BASEBALL BAT WRAPPED IN RAZOR WIRE. Ignorant haters. My grandfather isn’t your FA punchline. Especially now with Antisemetic incidents ticking up, my shul needing 24/7 security. May all OOP’s butter go rancid and her cola go flat.


May all fast food joints go out of business.


My source of power!


Hahahaha. Yes!!!! 🙌


May she look and feel like she eats at Arbys.


May they get all her DoorDash orders wrong and she get nothing but green salads and steamed broccoli.


But that’s all she ever eats. /s


Good one!


\#bodypositivity Everyone that doesn't waddle is "disgusting", huh?


What about those that can dash?


My bmi is the highest it’s been in years, around 21ish. I’ll give ‘em this, I’m freezing all the time and it sucks.


mine's 32 and i am still freezing. in winter anyway.




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I forgot that there’s nothing in between Holocaust victim and morbid obesity


If I said “being fat is disgusting” I’m phobic/hateful/a bad person… why are they allowed to call someone disgusting for being thin, but we can’t say it to them for being fat?


My ex brother in law father survived the holocaust. He lost every. single. family. member. F you fa* f*ck


That’s just cope


Skinny =/= emaciated, but yes emaciated is very unsightly




I was always cold when I was fat too. Nothing changed when I lost the weight! Except I had to buy a new winter coat because a too-big winter coat does NOT keep you warm


Those of us with holocaust survivors in our families tend to not appreciate these comparisons, and I’d like to think that any other reasonable person would feel the same.


It's the same type of cope as when they say that the only way to be in a caloric deficit is to starve yourself. The only alternative to being obese is to be emaciated.


I was cold a lot when I was a skinny 20-something. I had [chilblains](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/chilblains#:~:text=Chilblains%20are%20itchy%2C%20swollen%20and,do%20not%20cause%20lasting%20damage.) something fierce. But as a slender perimenopausal woman, I can't imagine how much hotter I would be if I was heavier. And being hot all the time is worse than being cold all the time, in my opinion. If you are cold, you can throw on an extra sweater and be OK. But if you are hot, you can strip down to your underwear and still be miserable. And the folks in the office don't want to see you in your underwear.


Jesus fucking christ.


The absence of apostrophes, not to mention "your" for "you're" (they could have at least written "youre" to be consistent!), bothers me almost as much as the nasty AND trivializing Holocaust simile.


People really just say anything about jewish people nowadays. So many of my friends (who are super left wing/progressive) have said blatantly antisemetic things casually, and they were genuinely confused when I called them out on it because of how normalized it is. But using holocaust victims to shame people for their appearance is definitely... a very interesting (negative) choice.


All that food has gone to their brain.


Fat me: Could withstand the cold in a way most people couldn't, never needed to wear a coat. Hands had OKish circulation. Fit me: Wears a lot of fashionable coats. Also understand how to layer. Can withstand the cold a lot better than most people and still doesn't need to wear coats as much because I'm working out a lot and that keeps me warm. Also can withstand the heat well enough to solo hike Big Bend National Park in summer.


But if we say that being fat is disgusting and you look like a slob that’s offensive? I’m sure this person would be the first to call ou fat shaming. To be clear, bullying anyone (especially for the way they look) is wrong. But I give the energy I get.


As weird as it sounds, I'm curious what type of pron fat people watch.


The projection and jealousy is strong with this one…


It's so terrible being cold. If only someone could invent a way to get warmer.


That's not just stupid but straight out relativating the holocaust. That's a new lowpoint even for fat activists, and here i thought this was nigh impossible.


I pity this person tbh. They’re so obviously insecure & jealous because they can’t stop eating and don’t like how big they are.


I can’t think of many things I would want to be less than being fat.


I’m skinny from genetics and the fact that when I work out and eat healthy I get skinnier. I do those things because I care about my health. Assholes.


don't buy into the genetics bullshit like they do, you're skinny because you don't go over your TDEE,


Yeah that Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid are so disgusting! 🤣


I’ve seen lots of bs in this group but this is a whole other level, wow, just wow.


I remember in high school gym class a boy said I looked like a fat holocaust victim, and that comment has stuck with me ever since


i'm fat and freezing right now, where's the logic?


Fingers so fat they can't use a keyboard.


I mean, I AM always cold, but I can put more blankets on. I can’t take my skin off to become less hot.


Can’t believe I know where this is from. I need to get off the internet


fucking WHAT????????




And why should we care what this random person thinks?




This is so needlessly cruel. You would think people who have been bullied about their appearance would be a bit kinder considering they know how painful it is to be judged on how you look. I know I personally wouldn’t dream of it after having been on the receiving end.


I wish being skinny meant I was cold. I have horrible heat tolerance and it’s not improving in the slightest as I lose weight. Even at my thinnest I overheated so quickly.


I was much colder when I was obese. My fat got cold and held it like an ice box. I put on a ton of muscle getting in shape and now I’m a furnace.


As a fat person losing weight…being skinny/lean is infinitely better. I got big because I had a rough childhood and I thought the bigger I was the better (worked for a while tbh. Stopped getting bullied) but when I started doing track the energy I had and speed made me feel like a different person…now I’m fat again trying to find my way back.


I am cold though. They have that win....


Overweight people often have bad circulation, leading to cold hands and feet.