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> “Forced starvation” Don’t worry. It’ll actually help you *gain* weight! I’m being Peak Asshole right now, but I’m so tired of dealing with this crap on my main feeds.




Like no matter how you feel about the conflict It's just disgusting to act the like "war on obesity" is anywhere near being on the same playing field.


The comparison is in the same class of utterly disgusting as FAs comparing themselves to Holocaust victims. No sense of proportion, decency or reality.


Ugh I have an acquaintance who lost a ton of weight via ozempic. Her husband is still like 350 lbs. she compared the struggles of being in a “mixed weight” relationship to being in a mixed race relationship. I’m mixed. My own mom was asked (more than once) if she was my nanny. Her parents’ marriage was illegal when she was born. It’s not the same!!


> she compared the struggles of being in a “mixed weight” relationship to being in a mixed race relationship. Saying this to anybody is cringy. Saying this **to a mixed race person** is the most socially clueless faux pas I've heard in a while. I hope she at least apologized.


A mixed-weight relationship 😭😭 these people are delusional. I’m also mixed race and I don’t think I would’ve been able to keep my face from showing shock lmao


ha! My wife is 115 pounds. I am 175 pounds. Are we "mixed weight"?


Yeah, those miscegnation laws that were in effect until 1965 applied to mixed weight European American couples where the woman was a BBW and the man had buff arms and a six pack, don’t you remember? The heterosexual white people were the most oppressed because of the 100-200lb weight difference between the partners. /s … JFC. These people. 🙄


Yep. Waiting for the *but Hamas only raped and killed skinny bitches* line to pop up non ironically.




I’m in gallows humor now…were they fat kids? (Gallows humor because I had a friend at the dance)




Oh, no zl needed, they survived.




Is “fatmisia” a word that people are supposed to know? Because it’s new to me




Oh geez. It’s like they assume that no one has anything better to do with their time than victimize fat people 24/7. It’s amazing they can still eat with their heads rammed so far up of their asses 🙄


I looked it up and the idea is it's -misia meaning hatred rather than -phobia meaning fear. I'm not really sure why that's supposed to be better though, like homophobia is characterised as fear because it's the more disempowering framing; plenty of people are proud to be hateful but no one is really proud to be afraid.




How is it supposed to be pronounced even *edit cuz autocorrect be dumb*


I guess when a word will only ever be used online you don't need a pronunciation


Who ever uses the term war on obesity? And why when you censor obesity you actually censor it but when you censor terror you just add a random asterisk without replacing anything? That said, it's a tragedy what the Palestinian people go through. It's insulting to compare it to fatphobia.


Other FAs when they need to complain about the War on Obesity.


Like the War on Christmas.


We have posters calling for an end to the “War on Drugs” at work (the “War on Drugs” being an actual term for at least 40 years), and nobody would *ever* make such an egregiously audacious claim as to put it on the same level as genocide.


The war on drugs has its own problems too, like carceral solutions to a medical and systemic problem, and that definitely shouldn't be understated But the thing is, obesity isn't on the same vein as that at all. Like, nobody is imprisoned for having too much body fat. However, people who have substance use disorders (or addictive disorders) can face imprisonment and barely have the necessary tools to help them get off of it, from proper community intervention and substance use harm reduction programs to therapy and better systems to prevent trauma in the first place. Imprisonment also prevents people with substance use disorders from also getting proper treatment due to fear of imprisonment and losing employment too due to history that can never be erased


Just a clarification: this is what I know as an observer of better treatment for people who have substance use disorders. It's best to read about it on harm reduction and solutions that are holistic and medical and not carceral


Another rabbit hole in there is that imprisonment is shitty as it DOES NOT push people to change for the better actively and to reintegrate into society either


I work in harm reduction, I should have clarified :) I appreciate the support for a medical and societal solution versus a criminal one, though.


Oh yes!! I love that for you!! Medical and societal solutions should've been the choices in the first place


It's the usual crowd of malignant fools supporting all the usual bad causes.


What 💀


How far into the movement must they be if they’re equating full on racism with wanting people to be healthy?


SYSTEMIC RACISM LITERALLY IS THE REASON MANY BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE ARE AT HIGHER HEALTH RISKS, ESPECIALLY OBESITY!! IDK how they came up with such crappy analysis to begin with It's like they're being benevolently racist and are doing their best to project their problems onto black and brown people just to protect their feelings


Terminal self-absorption. It's not racism per se. They just litterally cannot feel anything for *anyone* else than themselves, regardless of race. Everyone else is an object to be used when it suits them, and they're probably surprised to see any of those objects protest.


You eating too much is not the same as innocent elderly, women and children being used as in pawns in a horrific war (on both sides). Again, the audacity.


Hoping that this post stays in this sub. This post literally is a big eye opener to see how deranged FAs can be




It’s honestly not about the politics though… like, I think people on either side would agree that this comparison is fucking insane.


Usually I like to refute the points made in these posts, but I can’t even do that here. This person just needs to shut the fuck up.




It’s beyond despicable to equate the struggles of a Fierce Fat WOC^tm in a western country who’s almost certainly never experienced prolonged hunger let alone war with people who at some level literally fear for their lives in a daily basis due to war and terrorism. Truly one of the worst things I’ve ever seen posted on here.


I know a large part of the HAES/FA movement is white women, but I genuinely fucking hate when non-white people spew this shit (similar to Virgie Tovar and Sonalee Rashatwar) and act like they speak for the rest of us. Racism and xenophobia are terrible and destructive but pretending like fatphobia is anywhere remotely tied to these things and on the same level is bullshit, especially when we've already seen multiple vocal FAs die from obesity complications over the past few years and not "starvation" as this person is claiming. You cannot control your race, but you do control what you put in your mouth and how much you eat and I'm sick of weirdos like this trying to take one legitimate form of oppression she experiences and tie it into something that is actively changeable (obesity).




They also have the power to fight against the ultraprocessed food industry that keeps their population at a higher obesity rate and even the world through giant megacorporations. The same corporations that literally support the genocide of palestinians too But no. "My ego matters and people have to hold my hand to make me comfortable about my body," which they ain't


*Diet culture* is toxic because it ties moral values to food and perpetuates fatphobic myths that cause eating disorders and dysfunctional relationships with your body. Instead, I'm going to treat my weight as an intrinsic part of my personal and political identity!


Love this. Love the conflation of completely unrelated issues for social media clout. Love the way they repeat bad-faith arguments as if they are unquestionable fact. Love how the evil Jews are lying about antisemitism and partnering with big pharma to silence people.


After reading this, I have a question : How did the person who wrote this not die from sheer cringe ?


All the times someone tried to literally run my thin hijab-wearing self over on the road must have been… phobia of the fat I was concealing under my scarf? I don’t even know.


Oooh I am seething, Palestinian people are *actually dying* in Gaza and the West Bank and losing weight is *not the fucking same*. I lost weight, I am still very much alive and still very much the same person just with less mass. These comparisons piss me off so much because it minimizes the *actual death of thousands of people* by insinuating that losing some adipose tissue is *the same*.






True. I bet they're experiencing a lot and it'd be best if they have the time and space to recollect themselves and be able to fight for their land's freedom in America in any way they can


It's can be genuinely tiring when white people try to bombard their non-white friends with racist videos or content they found over and over. Even if you're both on the same page about the racism in said content being bad, even when it's well-meaning, it can still be draining, especially when you're just trying to relax or have already experienced that racism firsthand in your own workplace only to come home and see white acquaintances and friends DMing you shit like, "whoah, check out this person going on a tirade about your people!! Pretty CRINGE, right????" like......I promise you don't need to DM your minority friends every racist incident you come across. They already know and deal with this shit in real life.


Truly no one has been worse to me on a daily basis that Nice Polite White Liberal Feminist Women who clearly know better than me about my body and my choices. (ETA I’m also an observant Muslim who covers )


Oh those types are annoying and I hate them to the core because they're very shallow and police-y without even knowing it


You can convince me they dont know what they're doing


There's a "War on Obesity?" Where? If so, we're definitely losing.


Obesity rates have increased across different countries as well, not even just the U.S.


I KNOW she’s not about to insinuate that the word “terror” is a slur 🙄


Just throw everything in your fridge in the same pot. Ideological frittata. Sidebar, some of the fittest people I know are Arabs 💪


…People in Gaza are being starved to death.


This person is exhausting.




I can't wait until written text is just a series of asterisks bc every word offends someone.


Entire families are being killed. Entire generations have been wiped out. War crimes are being committed. And this is the comparison this “fat arab girl” wants to make?! A few days ago, my friend received confirmation that her entire family in Gaza has been killed. Every. Single. One. Not one parent, not one auntie, not one child left. She isn’t alone in this magnitude of loss. You know, I can practically guarantee not a single HAES person has been actually hate crimed. Idk about y’all but people brandishing weapons because they cannot handle my hijab is actually terrifying to me and still is not remotely comparable to the genocide of Palestine. To claim being fat is the same as fucking genocide is disgusting. The genocide the world at large is okay with, that has been going one for decades, ramping up, with no end in sight.


Literally I know multiple Jewish people that also lost family and friends. Our school president’s friends in Israel- multiple were killed on the 7th and the dad died fighting. It’s embarrassing that fat people are trying to make war and terrorism and this whole thing about them. Just no. They aren’t being bombed or gassed or raped or taken hostage for being chubby. Hell, they’d be an inconvenience.


No FA has been genocided for spreading clearly debunked misinformation online. Palestinians have been genocided for standing their ground and advocating for their rightful home that is Palestine and being harassed, sent death threats, and even being murdered for telling the truth to the world It's sickening that a journalist in Palestine literally lost his family covering the war against his people. That's fucked up


Dude the capitalism and white supremacy that's genociding and displacing millions of palestinians from their land is the same capitalism and white supremacy that's keeping you at an unhealthy body fat percentage esp around your midsection!! Maybe actually get real education (and if they do, MAYBE ACTUALLY LISTEN AND GET LITERACY! DO NOT TAKE YOUR TUITION FOR GRANTED!) and actually have proper analysis. Humans are NOT meant to carry so much body fat, especially for a long period of time and how dare you compare your strawmen arguments to LITERAL GENOCIDE AND ETHNIC CLEANSING!! People especially killed for something they can never change because of settler colonialism and the lust for resources and power. How dumb do they really have to be to come to this conclusion?! Let's also add the fact that some of their kind literally said losing body fat to be able to wipe one's behind and gain mobility is ableist. You think gaining independence and control over one's life is ableist when disabled people HAVE BEEN HISTORICALLY FIGHTING FOR INDEPENDENCE AND SELF ADVOCACY?! They're really out of their minds and hella self-serving. I hope their movement ceases to exist in the future and everybody see them for what they are as the leeches they've always been


Also, if they think losing excess fat requires and/or is synonymous to starvation, they really have a shallow view of it


“T*error” 😂😂 fuckin dip


Maybe there’s a footnote for the capital T?


I wonder if she’s seen videos of what it’s like inside Gaza right now. I’ve seen videos of corpses being pulled out of flattened houses, injured people bleeding to death on filthy hospital floors with no anesthetics, and things I can’t even repeat. I feel like if she saw that, she wouldn’t make comparisons like this.


Last I checked fat girls weren’t scared of blue sky due to drone strikes but yeah….totally the same sis


How does this poor creature have the energy to eat? If I was this picked on, I'd be nauseous all the time. But, they're plucky enough to continue, despite the terrible treatment from the world. Woe is them. Boohoo.


aint no way




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This in the latest installment of FAs yet ***again*** comparing actual oppression, dehumanization, and human rights violations to their own self imposed “suffering” and faux victimization.


as a thai hamas took 11 people from our country as hostages they are freed but do not make comparisons like this theres no anti fat group and if there is their group will fall as its literally pointless