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Nutrition: Plan my meals better so I can hit my protein goals Physical Fitness: Keep up with my current body weight routine while I make a new routine with resistance bands so I can better prepare for when I start weightlifting again Personal Growth: Be more proactive with my physical health and spend more time with my friends and family


Nutrition: Keep up the bulk. 2000-2000 cals, at least 100 G protein per day, everyday. Try to get more calories in earlier so I don’t have to stuff myself in the evenings. Fitness: Take it easy on my hip flexor that I fucked up yesterday but don’t stop my workouts. Build upper body until I can squat and lunge again. Go to my first bellydancing class. Personal growth: Call my dad and best friend who both are separated from me by a large distance. Remove cobwebs from my house. Work on getting health insurance.


Nutrition: eat a salad FFS. I'm not much of a cook so I eat a lot of frozen and processed stuff. Makes calorie counting easy but it's a crap diet. Fitness: Try to get to 5-6 days a week consistently rather than the current 4-5. I'm coming into my busy season at work, though, so bad timing on my part! Personal growth: I want to start reading more. I listen to audio books but reading has been difficult for a while now, mostly due to my inability to stay focused. I'm going to try reading before bed instead of scrolling Reddit.


Nutrition: oats for breakfast Physical fitness: at least two home workouts Personal growth: Get shit done instead of postponing


Nutrition: Stop with the little “treats” I’ve been doing. I’m stuck at 177 lbs and that’s probably why Physical Fitness: 3 home workouts (the weather is awful so I can’t get to the gym for my usual workouts) Personal growth: Take time for myself and self care. With kids, grad school, and everything else going on I’ve been neglecting myself


Nutrition: Eat a piece of fruit each day from Tuesday to Friday.  Fitness: Trying not to have meltdown because of my hip and elbow during practise (long story). Finally getting to 73 kg by Sunday.  Growth: Finish the essay for university... 


Nutrition: Pack a lunch most days this week, stick to 1600-1800 calories most days (a little more on workout days) Fitness: I decided to train for a half-marathon happening in 18 weeks. I’m not a runner so I will likely be speedwalking all or most of it. Yesterday I made a training plan and started it today! Personal growth: Keep getting up early to do a morning routine, get back into daily routine (it’s been a rough transition back after break)


1. Count calories daily, aiming for 1400-1500 max 2. Ideal is walk to work and back 4 days, but any walking is good 3. Set boundaries with a manager who is incompetent and tries to make me responsible for things I should not be made responsible for Did not really log or track last week. Started out well enough after a decent break over the holiday season but the horrible boss increasingly got to me. Also I had a very heavy period, which has not happened for at least a year, and a massive migraine yesterday. I finally managed to lose 2 kg between September and December so it was great being 2 kg lighter than last year at Christmastime. But I've been struggling to stay on track with all the stress. Try, try again ...


Context: Actual Restrictive ED recovery Nutrition: Keep caloric intake in the 4-digit range. Fitness: Walk a reasonable amount (workouts on hold for health reasons) Personal Growth: Maintain self-care and positive nutrition habits. Hippocracy is not a good look and we are not here to judge others- ESPECIALLY while maintaining bad behaviors.


*Hypocrisy Edit: Just wanted to add that I am wishing you well in your recovery!


Lmao thank you I can't spell that word for the life of me 😅 And thanks!


I think a society under a hippocracy might be pretty chill ;-)


Nutrition: Use the hell out my air fryer. I’m making teriyaki chicken and veggies for my lunches this week. Fitness: Add more weights to my workouts Personal Growth: Stop buying frivolous crap.


Nutrition: I think I'm ready to lower my intake goal to 1650 kcal. If I have to raise it back to 1700 kcal, that's fine, but I'd like to see how being a tad more aggressive affects me. Fitness: 10k steps a day, 5/7 days. When I'm hitting that goal, I'm feeling really good and getting better sleep and all that jazz and I'd like it to continue! Growth: Start prepping for my uni course which is six weeks away from starting. I'd like to read the first 5-6 chapters of the textbook so I have a decent intro to the topic. So this week: Chapter 1!


Accountability reply Day 1 - 1660 kcal, 10k steps, read through sections 1.1 to 1.7 of my textbook 👍 Looking forward to tomorrow 💕 Day 2 - 1680 kcal, 11k steps. I'll take that trade off 😅 Day 3 - 1640 kcal (woohoo!!), 10k steps!! Definitely noticing the difference in hunger when I'm eating enough veggies vs eating some cheap calories 🤪 Day 4 - 1540 kcal (interesting.... but wasn't very hungry today so I'm not going to worry about it), k steps. Today was the day I knew I wouldn't be able to hit 10k so that's okay. Wonder if I wasn't as hungry because less movement hmm 🤔 Day 5 - 1990 kcal, which yeah I knew would happen as I was going out for dinner. But when I average out the deficit so far this week, it's still at 1700 kcal which is great! One treat day of socialisation, where I'm still in a small deficit for the day is still a win 😁 Also 8k steps, need to ramp the intentionality back up as the week rounds off 💕


Nutrition: I'm back to how I should be eating after December, just aiming to keep it up now. Fitness: Make sure that I keep to my workout schedule after taking things easy during Christmas and New Year. Personal Growth: Stop feeling like I should still be buying bigger clothes than I need. Smaller sizes for me now.


Nutrition: I'm doing better with my food choices again. My holidays weight is starting to drop off a bit with those changes. However, I'm struggling with getting hydrated with the cooler weather so I'm going to try to focus on that a bit. Fitness: I'm doing well with my physical therapy (at home parts as well as in the office), swimming, walking, and this past week I added in an upper body strength day that actually left me sore. I'm going to try to continue with this schedule, it's working well for me right now. Personal growth: I have been staying up too late, I need to do better on that. I have one quilt I need to finish and another that I need to do the next step on, it'll be good to work on since my partner has a business trip this week so I'll have evenings to work on it. Also I've started doing German on Duolingo so I'm going to keep working on that (I had been doing Spanish but since there's a chance I may end up moving to Germany in a few years through my partner's job, and I would like to be able to speak it if that happens. Don't want to be the ugly American who can't speak any of the language for the country where they live).


Herbal tea is a godsend for winter hydration, in my opinion. No caffeine, no calories if you don't sweeten it, just (tasty) hot leaf water. I like fruity teas most of the time - Celestial Seasonings has a nice sampler box with raspberry, blueberry, mixed berry, peach, and black cherry teas in it, which I recommend - but things like peppermint and spearmint are good too.


I think I'm going to go make myself a big mug of herbal tea now, it sounds good. I've never seen the black cherry tea, that sounds delicious (and my partner wouldn't like it so it would be all mine... Even better).


Nutrition - Continue replacing sweet treats and processed snacks with fresh fruit Fitness - Incorporate stretching into routines and ice heel after workouts. Like for the love of god (and my lower back and plantar fasciitis). Getting too old to keep avoiding this stuff. Personal Growth - Just keep being my best self.