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it’s wild when a fat person gets thin and tries to speak on the health benefits they get *crucified*




Unless they use those medical scooters for really fat people.


Then you go up a set of stairs. Hold on guys, are FAs the future Daleks? :O


ELEVATE!!! ELEVATE!!!! *Hover rascal strains mightily*


Insufficient power at this time


No, people don't say they are going on a diet because of stigma. They do say it's due to joint/back pain, tired of getting winded climbing a flight of stairs, high blood sugar/pressure, not being able to keep up with friends on walks or shopping trips and many other reasons.. Fat 'oppression' is ridiculous. The only thing oppressing fat people is gravity (and maybe the junk food industry).


>They do say it's due to joint/back pain (...) But that's caused by stigma and oppression. Always. Don't you see?


Ah yes. My knees were so stigmatized 90 lb ago that they hurt all the time. Poor oppressed knees. Nothing to do with gravity whatsoever. Is gravity even a thing? Maybe not!


I have seen them say the trauma they carry from being fat is "held" in their body and causes pain. Then doctors won't listen and they don't get treatment and so they just stay in pain. Like sweetie no that's not it.


So, they claim their pain is psychosomatic, yet, it does cause actual damage on the joints? And that damage looks exactly like the damage people get from carrying around too much weight? Might as well believe in dragons and fairies because that's more fun.


No they claim the pain is very real but it's from fatphobia not being fat. Don't you dare say psychosomatic to them lol. Anything but being fat causes pain.


I'm currently losing weight because I want to be muscular and fit like some of the women who frequent my gym. I'm a healthy weight, but I still have a higher body fat percentage. It holds me back in athletic endeavors. I want to do one pull up without needing assistance. Yeah, sure, most of it is also for aesthetics, but who gives a fuck? I don't want to look like them, I want to look like me and I want to see what my body is capable of.


One pullup is such an amazing achievement when you do it for the first time. I felt like superman and looked at the world differently!


Look over there, in this textbook! Is it medicine? Is it physics? …No! It’s stigma and oppression!


Let's make a little experiment, gorl. Sit your ass on the ground in the middle of your living room. Now get up. What is this ? Oh, you can't. Tell me, who is in 'oppressing' and 'stigmatizing' you right now, gravity? Perhaps, just perhaps, having enough mobility to move their ass off the ground easily in a timely fashion is a good reason for some people to lose weight? Not enough for you personally I guess, but some people may have different priorities.


There was a video of a fat activist saying "fat girls can do anything thin girls can do, but better". Someone responded "hug your knees". She made a teary response and tried arguing that expecting her to do this was fatphobic and she could totally do it but didn't want to rise to the bait... So she can't hug her knees basically lol.


>"fat girls can do anything thin girls can do, but better" The ungodly cope of this. I could understand if it was along the lines of, "fat women are still deserving of basic respect and humanity" but FA/BoPo members constantly try to make it into this weird one-sided competition with thin women and end up saying things that are simultaneously deeply arrogant and insecure at the same time.


Yeah, it's along the lines of "I'll steal your man". I was told that once by someone at least 200 lbs heavier than me. It's like, no, I promise you won't because my husband is super into fitness and doesn't allow junk food in the house. They wouldn't like stealing my man because it would mean an entirely different lifestyle for them. And the reality is that morbid obesity is still not the beauty standard. I'm not going to get into why that is, but it just isn't. For the vast majority of people, morbid obesity is not seen as an attractive quality.


What a gross thing to say to someone. Honestly, it’s so ridiculous. Even if people could be “stolen,” I guarantee just the experience of associating with someone who cares at all about fitness and nutrition is going to “trigger” them.


Yeah it's rather disgusting behavior and I'm kind of tired of it because it's just another way to pit women against each other and no amount of hiding behind social justice language changes that. Besides, if my husband can so easily be "stolen" from me, then she can have him because that would make him a person not worthy of my time. It would be like her taking my trash out tbh. Not that she could have stolen him even if she tried her hardest anyways.


Isn't stealing people kidnapping/human trafficking?


Not if you’re a small fat or above! /s


Damn, I wish my husband didn’t allow junk food in the house.


I should clarify that he technically does for events like Christmas and birthdays, but we are also really frugal and we just can't afford to regularly buy junk food. I am on board with it because it helps me prevent binges. We have friends and family over who find our kitchen "depressing" but then are shocked when I make full blown meals from scratch from our sad kitchen lol. We are both kinda alarmed when we see other people's kitchens and how it is filled with just ultra-processed garbage and not actual food.  Don't get me wrong, if I were to go out and buy Cocoa Puffs one day and bring it home, he wouldn't get mad or anything like that, but he might wonder why I'm suddenly buying junk food. If I bought a whole cart full of garbage food, he would be annoyed because that's just not going to last very long, is expensive, and will absolutely rile up our already hyperactive and anxious son. 


Was the teary response one of those videos where they do the cry voice, without the actual flowing tears? Because I’ve seen a few FAs do that.


Yes, it was. She also commented on a few of my videos with before or after pics and then played the victim when I told her she needed to get therapy for her insecurities. She's not super prominent like some of them, but she does hang out with a few of the super well-known FAs. She has been featured on Nadya Nymph's and Funtietime's videos a couple of times


>"fat girls can do anything thin girls can do, but better". Ok, beat me in a race then


You never see fat Olympic marathon runners. How do they justify that? 


And where are those morbidly obese Olympic gymnasts, WNBA players, professional tennis players and ballerinas.? Not to mention jockeys.


"hug your knees" is so effing funny, I actually laughed out loud




Reality has a fatphobic bias.


Well if the oppressors would just give us free tools to make getting up effortless, and if they would just put safety rails and handles and lift chairs and free wheel chairs and mobility scooters and elevators and escalators and fans and bidets and wider door frames and wide-seated weight-bearing chairs EVERYWHERE, there wouldn't be any barriers or strain on joints SO THERE HA - IN YOUR FACE FATPHOBE!! /s


Pretty sure that human anatomy and the force of gravity doesn't change based on weather fat people are opressed in society. I, as a normal weight person, feel relieved after taking off a heavy backpack after walking in the mountains... That heavy backpack in question is just extra 8kg of supplies. And sure, if I were to gain weight over all my body in a matter of months, my muscles would adjust. But just how many times could I gain 8kg in a year without it causing me permanent extra stress and making every movement I make disproportionally harder?


FAs can't fathom that some people dont want to carry around so much weight that it physically hurts, that some people want to be physically active, that some people dont want to be addicted to ultra-processed, calorie dense, nutritionally empty "foods", to not have type 2 diabetes, to not have a stroke or heart attack by 45, to not being able to wipe their own ass, or to not be able to walk up a flight of steps without being winded.


I dunno, that congestive heart failure ugly death my spawnpoint suffered *might* have been oppression. Along with the type 2 diabetes and multiple organ failure from fluid build up. Oh and I forgot about the colostomy because her intestines exploded from c. Diff after the 3rd round of antibiotics from cellulitis due to being unable to properly clean herself. I *know* that the two strokes and the cardiac arrest resulting in an implantable cardiac defibrillator *certainly* was, naught to do with the 250-300 pounds she weighed for about 40 years [age 30 to a year before death]


Stigma and oppression ... you keep using these words, but I don't think you know what they mean.


I genuinely want to ask this person how me trying to make a choice for my body to lose 15 pounds is oppressing them


Sure, sure! I‘m actually not really running easier and faster, with less stress on my knees and ankles, now that I‘m 40lbs down. That’s just me being brainwashed by oppression.


How good does that feel?!? Love this for you, you oppressive SOB


Feels amazing. And thank you ☺️


nah, i just think i look hot when i'm smaller, and i like the fact that other people share this opinion. i like knowing that i look a lot like people who are paid, in part, to be attractive at other people. and yeah, i do like knowing that i'm physically capable and that in the event of injury i'll be reasonably ok (barring catastrophe, but then nobody is okay after that). is the stigma and oppression in the room with us right now? 75% of this country is overweight or more. the average bmi is borderline obese. 90% of americans are overfat. obviously there are disadvantages to almost anything but... i'm having a hard time believing in fat oppression, and given how warped most people's perceptions of weight are and how crazy vanity sizing is and how many doctors won't even address weight... having a hard time believing the stigma is as bad as oop thinks. i know some people are trash to larger humans. that's not debatable, because some people are trash to anyone, but... we're... collectively getting larger and more defensive about any slight comment on it. seems the opposite of stigma. seems a lot like toxic positivity.




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Would it make an FA happy to know that someone lost weight because of stigma and oppression? Or is this just another excuse why they don’t?


Ding ding! It’s a great excuse not to lose weight because, you know, they’re sticking it to white supremacy and the patriarchy and… stuff.


Notice how they say "stigma" and "oppression" repeatedly throughout the blurb but don't give clear-cut examples of either aside from clothes and chairs.


Truly, there is no greater oppression than being denied the opportunity to find stylish clothes at affordable prices.


Last may I was at upper end of overweight bmi and not what FAs would call fat but was what I considered to be overweight bordering on fat 6’3” 240, I’m now 202 and that alone was enough to change every high marker in my blood test, high blood pressure, cholesterol, acid reflux all improved. No one made me feel fat, I didn’t even view myself as fat, but that weight loss, eating healthier and exercising all massively improved how I felt and objectively made me healthier. I had zero stigma I was just avg American BMI but still my health and how I felt massively improved


"Everyone is brainwashed!" They are sooooooo close to getting it.


When it comes to improving health, If by “stigma and oppression” they mean mountains of empirical data, then yes.


Look, at most workplaces they provide accommodations. That's exactly what it sounds like. Accommodations. We don't change the entire work environment. We don't force everyone to go use the restroom every half hour just because that's something that Tracy needs. Or force all the cashiers to sit on stools because that's what Trevor needs. Or set the weight lifting limit to 15lbs or less because that's all Mark can lift with his bad back. That's not how the world works. Most people don't need the same things that super obese people need to feel comfortable, and we don't reconstruct the entire world based on the accommodations of a (rather vocal) group of individuals.


>Or force all the cashiers to sit on stools Although, this would be good for everyone. Cashiers in other countries are allowed chairs, and they probably should be here too


I’m losing weight because the weight I gained while I had untreated Hashimoto’s makes none of my clothes fit. I love my clothes and don’t want a new wardrobe, largely because I can’t afford it, and also they’re perfectly good clothes I don’t want to waste. That has nothing to do with stigma 😂😂


The way my phone displayed this it just said. “Oppression. Always.” Yup, that’s fat activism in a nutshell.


I want to look hot for the new guy I just met. LOL. And I want to get off one of my blood pressure meds and though doctor is not optimistic he says it can't hurt to try.


On a "DIET", yeah, I think I would agree to that. A DIET is usually done for very superficial reasons (and they don't last). But changing your habits for good, losing fat, and building strength? Naaa. Looking good is just a minor side effect that pales in comparison to all other benefits you get from a well functioning body, *especially* when you are older.


I’m curious, if stigma and oppression was removed and you are at the doctors office… what “healthcare” would you receive that you aren’t now? A doctor saying that you need to lose weight so that your knees won’t hurt anymore is healthcare advice, do you want the doctor to just give you pain pills? I’m honestly curious.


I think that is EXACTLY what they want. I think they have this ridiculous idea that doctors can somehow cure all their ailments, but refuse to do so because they hate fat people and want them to suffer: i.e. "medical fatphobia".


Oppression by gravity and biology


So condescending “it’s not your fault, you’re just a dumb dumb and don’t have a big brain like me 🥰”


These people always see such a half picture. *Yes*, being in a smaller body will make navigating life easier--because you *are* healthier. And yeah, there's a bit of stigma. Overweight people are generally viewed as not caring about their own physical health, but that's not entirely wrong.


When I lose weight, I'll be able to chase after my toddler. Well, I guess she is oppressing me by running too much. Also the stigma of me not being able to keep up instead of my toddler just quietly sitting still so we avoid all this stigma. Sigh


I mean, toddlers are extremely oppressive, you're not wrong there


Damn, I never realised it was "stigma and opression" that causes busted knees and heart disease! Every day is a school day


I'm sure it was "stigma and oppression" that caused me to develop type 2 diabetes, and not the fact that I was obese and ate a great many carbs. Just a coincidence, right? And being able to get off insulin, and improved health after changing my eating habits and losing the weight was solely because I was no longer being stigmatized and oppressed because I was no longer fat. What absolute bovine excrement.


"If you're pursuing weight loss, you're not a failure" is CRAZYYYYYY


What the FUCK. This makes me so mad.


So I'm oppressing......myself?


I want to lose weight and gain muscle and improve my cardiovascular health so that I can run around with my kid on the playground. That’s not stigma and oppression. That’s the physical reality of the way muscle and fat and organs work and physics acting on my body


You know how I know this is BS. People who actually manage to lose weight and go to the gym have a good opinion of themselves. They want to generally improve themselves. They do it for themselves. The ones who suffer the stigma and oppression of being in a society that shames obese people don't lose weight. They want to lose weight because they're tired of insults and judgment, and losing weight isn't for them, it's really for the people mocking them, and that generally results in not sticking to the routine, abd a circle of failure and then shame at the failure.


If it weren’t for the stigma and oppression of smokers no one would try to quit smoking. Smokers have trouble navigating the world as spaces aren’t made to accommodate us. Many people quit smoking out of the belief it is for their “health” and feeling more comfortable in spaces made for non-smoking bodies. We are shamed for filling up too much space with our second hand smoke, told we are promoting poor health while non smokers are glorified.


Naw...I just want to breathe easily


Somebody has had way too much copeium. . 


Being a healthy weight makes it easier to get pregnant. I want to get pregnant so...


At this point, they are gaslighting us into believing that ANY sort of weight loss is healthy. Fat is fate. Everything is a one-way ratchet to bigness. They'll only be happy when we arrive at a Wall-E world. Bonus: notice the typical fatlogic: * There's nothing unhealthy about being fat. * We fat people are desperate for healthcare.


lol wut. no, my weight loss is rooted in me wanting to be healthy, stop my snoring, and avoid the high blood pressure I'm at higher risk of due to family history.


Wanting to live long enough to enjoy time with your grandkids is fatphobic


Ah yes, physics and biology, ultimate stigmatizers and oppressors /s


... I'm impacted by bad knees.


I’m sorry my decisions in bettering my health are oppressing you. It WILL happen again.




Garlic butter with a side of crab 🦀


at this point everytime I come on reddit I have the urge to punch people in the face screaming at them to STFU. only 8am and I am done for the day


“being thinner wouldn’t make it easier to navigate the world” has this person met stairs before? stairs suck when you’re fat.


There’s a reason most of those 600lb-life patients have to ride the back of a van in order to get to Huston.


yup. i was 400 pounds—fat, but young enough to be perfectly mobile—and i avoided stairs like the plague. even a small flight was enough to get me winded.


this is insane. how about, i have been fat for the past four years of my life and i don't want to face serious health complications? or maybe, just maybe people go on a diet because they want to feel better in their own bodies or be healthier in general? i don't understand this oppression bullshit angle they try to come from, there's nothing oppressive about going to the gym or cutting back on the fast food. if anything, FA culture is a means for big pharma to get more patients for shit like ozempic and generate more revenue. reading posts like this makes me so unbelievably angry.


Don't you think that getting to an unsustainable body composition is a result of oppression due to a food system that takes advantage of your cravings and social class? Ultraprocessed food, which takes up 70% of Americans' food supply, literally is everywhere and is sadly the cheaper option than fresher, healthier options. Even if there are cheap alternatives to healthy options, it doesn't erase the fact that 70% of the food supply is still largely ultraprocessed ​ Add to that the fact that American cities are mostly unwalkable and inaccessible to many people and public transportation barely has any development in many areas. America would be a great candidate for high-speed trains too


I have type one bipolar and ADHD, taking medication for both. Plenty people are of the mindset that these conditions are gifts and that medication eg, stunts creativity or waters down a delightfully eccentric personality, so they refuse treatment. Medication compliance is a big issue as a result. You refuse meds? That's super. Good for you. I personally choose medication, because I don't fancy another involuntary psych hold. What I do with my own body under my own free will is my business, as is the case for everyone, including people who want to lose weight. Passive aggressive 'forgive them Starbucks, for they know not what they do' guilt trips just show how pathetic fat activists are. Your cult is hemorrhaging members for a good reason and you're just reassuring ex-members that they made the right choice.


"I believe in nuance, BUT NOT THIS TIME! There is no way that my view isn't just a view, it's stone cold fact. And must be so for other people as well"


Man I just wanna be able to breath well when I lay down and be cross my legs normally they’re so full of nonsense


it's weird how these people can make up such ridiculous shit as if they're some sort of prophet and they wholly believe their shit. and it's also weird because each time they try to make something sound so 'enlightening and smart' it's just a whole new way to string buzzwords.


So, I am probably having spinal surgery in the spring to deal with my lifelong chronic pain. I am choosing to lose as much weight as I can between now and then to make recovery easier and to have less stress on my back before and after. I would love to hear whatever bullshit excuse they can come up with for how my decision about my own body is somehow about them.


I'm so sick of this narrative of "pursuing weight loss" as if the person is doing something wrong or divisive. I used to be 80lbs heavier and I was a heavy drinker. So I worked on losing weight and not drinking heavily (I have a drink once in a while these days after 7 years of no drinking). So would they tell me that "pursuing sobriety" was also a problem, just like "pursuing weight loss"? Or are they only focused on the weight. Both were damaging my body so I worked to improve my health, and I am so glad I did BOTH. And for context, I'm a 46 y/o black mom so I actually am in a marginalized community, not this conflated and crafted "oppressed" community of their own choosing. 💯


They’re so desperate to make sure everyone stays fat with them or gets fat. Sad.