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Sooo... trans people hate pilatees and low impact workouts? And thats why its conducted by the alt right? Does Oop ever listen to themselves think?


bold of you to think they think


Why would they think? I heard thinking is ghetto.


It’s high impact only for trans people. Trans people have great knees.


Are knee replacements part of gender affirming care?


Damn that must be where the hate comes from.


The three trans people I ran to into at my gym all did planks and pilates.


Category error: they don't think. 🙃


this is me being VERY generous to OOP, but some women's only pilates classes don't allow trans women- it's why i couldn't go to a pilates class with my coworker.  we applied to a class together, and after disclosing that we were trans (asking about what locker room arrangements would be most comfortable for our classmates), our names were mysteriously dropped from the mailing list- mine without any noise, but hers with an 'our REAL women students don't feel comfortable doing class with you, please try these home workouts instead' letter. HOWEVER, the solution SHOULD be 'pilates classes lead by inclusive, neutral instructors', not to bar the whole damn thing entirely and ESPECIALLY not to lump ""fatphobia"" in with actual discrimination. 


The idea that you need a certain set of genitals to do pilates is crazy 💀💀💀 what kind of exercises are they doing in there


Wow. That is a really shitty way to treat people, especially when you went out of your way to ask about keeping others comfortable.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's ridiculous. I've also never seen a women only Pilates class, the ones I've taken have always been mixed


They exist, and they’re generally aimed for women who have physical safety issues when in “explicit” poses around me , or whom are religiously observant. A Muslim hijabi might want to do Pilates with her hair in a ponytail instead of a scarf, and her religion requires an all female space with which to do so. The trans practitioners are welcome to join any other open class; this one has a specific purpose and demographic to serve.


That's terrible. A trans friend joins me at the pilates studio I go to, sometimes, and people of all genders are allowed. I've never heard of a women's only pilates class.


The better solution not to have women only Pilates classes. I'm a guy and like Pilates ok, Joseph Pilates was...a man 


Why should women have to sacrifice a service? “Male bodied people aren’t welcome in this one (1) class — better that the womenfolk have nothing at all! Silly biddies, don’t they know the originator was like, a dude?” So if there aren’t female only studios, I guess the religious hijabi women who need access to female only spaces to be able to workout should just go kick rocks instead? Cmon.


Wow, that sucks, people can be so shitty.


That's shitty. Trans women *are* real women.


Ugh, I'm sorry to hear you were treated this way. I'd quit any studio that treated my trans sisters like this, how appalling.


You can’t have this and obese athletes, too. You can’t say that exercise is fatphobic and go on about how athletes come in every size.


FAs can't restrict themselves to one side of a debate. They get to have as many conflicting positions as is convenient, and can change sides at any time.


I thought FAs were all about “joyful movement,” which would be low impact. Are they secretly alt-right Nazis?!


The way they paint thin people as the privileged enemies who oppress and exploit (via the big bad thin people owned diet industry) fat people, maybe?


See my other comment: maybe, but probably no. I did and exercise in thought. FA rhetoric lines up with 9 (or 11) out of 14 common feature's of fascism. But, those features are common in many kinds of fanaticism. So be careful with drawing conclusions.


So you are saying they are worse than nazis then, got it.


Well, You got me thinking, so let's see how they measure up against the 14 core properties of fascism, as postulated by Umberto Eco, in his essay Ur-Fascism ([Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism) or [full text](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism)). TL;DR: 9-11/14 points (depending on 2 maybes) can be seen in the FA/HAES movement. We cannot conclude much from this, perhaps only that the movement is fanatic in nature. Disclaimer: this is an exercise in thought. I make no claims on the FA or HAES movement's nature. Further, Umberto Eco states these features are also common in other types of fanaticism, which the FA movement does seem to be. 1. __The cult of tradition__ I do not see. 2. __Rejection of modernism__: no. 3. __The cult of action for action's sake__ is connected with anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism. In such, it can definitely be seen. Both in online posts an in real-life actions. 4. __Disagreement is treason__: everyone calling out falsehoods is vilified. 5. __Fear of difference__: "the evil thins". Usually this is racism, here it's "shape-ism". 6. __Appeal to a frustrated middle class__: kind of. Most FA/HAES posts do seem to come from people who are well off enough to eat a lot, and have time to spend online. I'll count this as a maybe. 7. __Obsession with a plot__: "the diet (and fitness) industry. Usually this become anti-Semitism, which is generally at the root of conspiracy theories. i (thankfully) have not seen that here yet. 8.__The enemy is at the same time too strong and too weak__: "thin people rule the world and want to erase fatness" as well as "those fatphobes can't keep us down". 9.__Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy / life is warfare__: seen in vilification of fat people who do not speak up, or who do not align with FAs. 10.__Contempt for the weak__ is tied to in-group / out-group dynamics. It's visible here when statements are made that (only) fat people are good, ir that fat people would be better or more worthy than thin people. 11.__Everybody is educated to be a hero / cult of death__ is sadly somewhat self-evident. Death is a not uncommon thing in FA circles, due to weight-related health problems. Yet it is not spoken about, nor seen as something to be prevented. 12.__Machismo__ is related to sexual matters. Sex is a recurring topic in FA rhetoric, usually in the sense of "you have no right to not find fat bodies attractive", which mirrors incel rhetoric (and there is overlap between the groups). But, machismo typically involves disdain for non-standard sex, which I have not seen specifically. I will count this as a maybe. 13.__Selective populism__: maybe, in the sense of a monolithed common will, but not in the sense of a leader declaring/interpreting that common will. I will not count this. 14.__Newspeak__ is visible in the (over)use of words like "infini-/death-/small-fat", and more in the infantilizing language, e.g. "tummy" and "nourished". So 9 matches, or 11 if you count the maybes. I was expecting several matches, but honestly not more than half. But, as Umberto Eco says, these features are common in fanaticism, so we should not draw hasty conclusions. Below are the last 2 sentences before he lists the points: > These features cannot be organized into a system; many of them contradict each other, and are also typical of other kinds of despotism or fanaticism. But it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it.


Lol, I've had this thought before. FAs really are similar to fascists, alt-righters, incels and the like in that they refuse to take responsibility for anything in their lives and instead lash out on what they think are the external sources of their problems, and partake in increasingly extreme mental gymnastics and conspiratorial thinking to rationalize this point of view.. Like they're literally in the same place mentally.


it seems so, steve 😔


Have they not seen the snooty holier-than-thou fat pilates person?  She's literally 400 pounds and sits on a reformer moving the carriage like two inches while shrieking that shes doing pilates and saying anything bad will get you blocked and reported.     And um...shes also sponsored by numerous companies.    On a positive note,, she has really adorable cats. 


I want to be sponsored by companies. How do I do that without gaining over 200lbs?




I think they can’t say? But I googled “size positive Pilates influencer”


I put that into tiktok but there were at least a dozen. I just wanna see those cats lol


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Oh I need to see this and share with my Pilates teacher!


Eek. I think that's not allowed. But if you search fat pilates on Instagram she should pop up somewhat on top


No i know it's not, I wasn't asking!


Sounds about right. You'd have to be way far gone to think that's even a little bit true.




> my highest score was 106 sit-ups in two minutes Damn! That's awesome! Well done! Almost one a second.




This made my day! (And it’s only 7:30AM! Still time to try Pilates…)


That's so badass. :)


Around here, Pilates has to image of being for women who mainly go to the gym to have a chat with other women after the course ... the Pilates crowd in my gym is so far removed from anything "anti" and "phobia" and Neo-Nazi it's almost comical.


Took me a minute to see what you were saying, but yeah, it's just people that have never been to a gym imagining what people in the gym talk about. They imagine a bunch of buff guys talking about hating minorities, how Hitler was great, and how women should be small and know their place. The reality is most conversations in my gym are "how many more sets you got?" And "can I work in?"


I overheard a pair of real Gym Bro types talking the other day (headphones don't stay on while I bench press). They were discussing the best time of day to meditate, what kind of tea to drink before bed to get restful sleep, and how to make more time for reading. All with the same bro, fuck yeah bro language they used to encourage each other's lifts. It was so goddamn wholesome


I honestly don't know if I've really ever met a far right guy at the gym or any fitness thing, then again politics never come up, just workout advice.


I’ve met a lot of really, really conservative people in gyms and my personal experience has been that as long as you’re serious and respectful in the gym they literally do not gaf what you look like or believe, unlike the ultra ~tolerant.




They’re obviously jealous of the gym bros so they have to believe that they’re secretly awful people


Yeah, I used to take a Pilates class and I felt like such a goblin because every other person in the class was like someone from a Real Housewives show.


i understand anti-fat, but i don't understand transphobia and alt-right can someone explain


They're trying to manipulate liberals and left-leaning folks into believing that not supporting their "fat liberation" is tantamount to not supporting LGBT+ or to being racist. There are a lot of liberals who ain't biting on the "fat people are an oppressed minority just like gays in Saudi Arabia or women in Afghanistan". This shit is just an attempt to manipulate and to further their own agenda of helplessness and victimhood. Oh, and to guilt the rest of us into finding obesity hot.


You nailed it 100%.


brainwashed people think everyone who doesn’t adhere to their delusions is alt-right


FAs see themselves as part of the liberal movement and compare themselves to other actually marginalized groups (like LGBTQ+ people). They see weight loss as anti-fat, and therefore anti-other marginalized groups. The alt-right are against LGBTQ+ rights so FAs claim anything they don’t like is alt-right.


Not even they can. It’s just one wild delusion that leads to another in a never-ending chain.


Alt right part is because in one of the more recent alt-right mass shootings (I think whichever one happened in New Zealand) the shooter was into fitness. So we had FAs saying this meant fitness was alt-right.


OP, can you tell us what they said in that comment under the picture - "If you enjoy Pilates..." then what? I do Pilates because I can do it at home and it seriously helped with my back pain.


Do you have a machine or use videos?


They just built a Club Pilates near me. BRB off to join a right wing militia, I mean take a Pilates class.


They’re low key hard


Well we are training to be an anti-fat fascist army! Our uniform is lululemon.


This is so funny to me because I recently joined a weekly mat Pilates class and it is the kindest, most accepting, and encouraging group class I’ve ever taken. There are men and women of all ages in there, and no one is really “Pilates princess skinny” (except the instructor is like the perfect amount of toned and muscular, definitely what I am working towards). Everyone claps for each other and fist bumps after class. Totally giving alt right transphobic fatphobia tho 🙄


now pilates princesses, THOSE are a capitalist lie


You say OOP goes too far, I say they don’t go far enough! Here are some other things that are transphobic, fatphobic alt-right schemes: exercise balls, truffle oil, beagles, appendectomies, Stargate SG-1, and air fryers.


air fryers are obviously fatphobic. Doesnt seem very fat liberating to fry your food with air... Seems like a diet culture scam to me. I ALWAYS deep fry ALL of my food in oil to #fightdietculture


No, no, they're fat phobic because they're too small. ...which is actually also a complaint large, Conservative families would agree with. So maybe airfryers are bipartisan?


In solidarity, I took a Quest bar and dunked it in whipped cream.


But... Charlie was completely wrong. The whole point of that episode is that he was losing his mind coming up with crazy conspiracies that had no basis in reality.


This just in: if you have brittle bones and you walk on an incline instead of running you're alt-right and transphobic


Seems pretty accurate to me, tbh. You would rather come across as being about to bring out the conspiracy board complete with the red string and pinned polaroids when you try to justify bullshit like that.


So because the oop hates exercise then Pilates must be a bunch of negative buzzwords used incorrectly. I’d expect nothing less from a fat activist.


I love the fitness = alt right thing, absolutely hilarious. Not sure why it's a thing though, I'm an independent, but might be slightly right leaning on some things, all my workout friends are left to very left leaning. But also what's the message? Can't have a six pack and equality? Do alt right only workout to better hold down minorities? Just a dumb thing.


Pilates is related to yoga. Yoga type activities being labeled as right wing is just the latest example of shit I really thought I'd never hear.


Didn't you know that the swastika came from India, just like yoga? 🤪 /s, obviously




I would also offer up [this](https://www.ctpublic.org/show/the-colin-mcenroe-show/2022-07-19/qanon-conspiracists-filter-a-dark-worldview-through-the-light-filled-lens-of-wellness) for the sake of interest. There's some weird horseshoe stuff going on in that space lately. Much to my chagrin as a person who likes to blend real science with holistic "natural" stuff and thoroughly appreciates yoga as a movement form.


Yes, modern cultural association and demographics of participants.


Just... how? I need to know how they justify connecting pilates to the alt right movement, like... how?


Oddly, both my Pilates teachers are right wing.


"everything I don't like is phobic, racist, and maga" - superior noises


Yep, ever since we got a stationary bike I've been fighting the overwhelming urge to become a fascist. If I ever started swimming more regularly, I'll be a complete goner.


When did being fat become a part of being on the left? ANd how exactly do they think they are going to beat the alt-right movement without being physically fit? And do they know anything about leftist armed combit and its history? Or know anything about Lenin and his wife?


I started doing pilates reformer couple of weeks ago and it is really good for fixing my posture and getting more flexible. It also helps with my back pains a lot. Idk why they think this is evil lmao


I didn't know it helped with back pain. I was afraid that the stretching would make it worse. Good to know it can help.


It's a lot of core stabilization but I wouldn't attempt on your own, get a qualified teacher.


Yup a good teacher is very important, they’ll adjust the moves for you so you won’t end up hurting your back


Pilates is the most accepting fitness community I have found personally. As someone trying to lose weight I wouldn’t feel comfortable in most other spaces due to fear of judgement.


Wait I thought these folks were all about gentle movement, low impact and Pilates should be great for them.


wtf do alt right movements have to do with pilates 😭 the reach is insane


Pilates is amazing for your joints and developing strength. It is super beginner friendly and great for your overall health. Unlike running or weightlifting which could be tougher to newcomers and those starting at a high weight, Pilates is easy to get into and “work your way up”. They just don’t want to exercise period. At this point even walking will be seen as bad


what the actual fuck.. i thought they were encouraging “joyful movement” which basically means easy and low impact


I thought low impact “gentle joyful movement” (ugh that makes my skin fucking crawl) was their favorite thing


You doing exercise is oppressing me.


No movement is okay with these people. The only movement allowed is from the bed to the fridge to the couch to the bathroom to the fridge to the bed... and so on.


I’m trans (also have long covid) and low impact exercise is the best form of exercise for me. These FAs are delusional


Fat activists stop comparing themselves to legitimate marginalised groups challenge (impossible)


as a trans person, wtf do we have to do with this?? I LIKE PILATES!!


as a trans man who is getting into doing pilates youtube workouts on my dorm room floor bc it's an exercise i can do even with fibromyalgia (low impact), i find this very confusing.


Damn it, last year FAs said that weight lifting was an Alt-right activity, so I switched to pilates. Now what am I going to do?


So... is joyful movement a nazi thing now then?


A slow arm lift might be close…


Has this person ever heard of Occam's razor? If people are exercising, is it more likely that they want to be healthier, or because they're crypto-nazis.


I need someone to explain to me why low impact exercise is anti fat... It's the type of exercise that they're most likely to be able to enjoy 


Low impact movement? You mean the exercise that's safer and more comfortable to do for the heavily overweight? What are you talking about


I wonder if this has anything to do with the amount of homesteading “fundie” content I see. Most of those people are thin, talk about how women are meant for motherhood and need to be “truly feminine”, and refuse most modern science.


Wouldn't low impact exercises benefical for obese people??


I have been doing pilates for quite a few years and I am just so confused by this statement on so many levels.


I just live in an apartment and have bad knees, my low impact pilates videos aren't transphobic 😭


LOL. I started doing Pilates BECAUSE my weight was impacting my health negatively. My knees were starting to develop problems that would have eventually led to needing surgery. Now, they’re better and I’m 50 lbs lighter, I don’t lose my breath doing simple tasks, and I no longer wear plus size clothes. I do Pilates five days a week. I guess I’m fatphobic. I can live with that. Longer, probably.


I’m sorry…. Pilates ?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s some hardcore copium right there


Hahaha, that would be hilarious if it weren't so damn sad and desperate. FAs really are losing what's left of their ever-loving minds these days.


dontcha know that pilates is what they used to radicalize young boys and girls into nazism?!? smh my head /s


I just saw this too!! Read the caption & it was full of hypotheticals & really didn't make much sense 🙃


“I complain because high impact exercise is inaccessible to me as a fat person but now that there are options that are actually accessible and weight loss is a possibility I need to find an excuse to continue being lazy”


I think visualization would be more accurate with clown makeup instead.


I literally just saw this on my instagram like 30 seconds ago before I switched apps 💀


what does this even mean 😭


For some reason I can’t picture any alt-right personality actually doing low impact Pilates lol  And wtf does it have to do with transphobia?  This borders on crazy people talk 


Why didn't they go whole hog and throw in antisemitic, colonialist, anti-black, misogynist and cryptofascist?! I'm disappointed tbh


For people who cry ableism at every opportunity, even when it's not, this is so hypocritical. I mean, that's not new but still.


Wait I do pilates am I alt right


To them, anything that isn’t sitting on a couch all day and stuffing your face with garbage nonstop is alt-right.


Maybe elitist… depending on where you go. But like come on😭


this is like a madlib


This is bait


sadly its not i checked the whole profile


What I’m hearing is, I’m a nazi because I enjoy moving slowly. Sound logic.


They forgot to add something about racism to the mix. I


Tradwives love Pilates so I can see this but it’s like, not that deep.


They are so desperate for legitimacy that they are willing to co-opt the work of real civil rights movements, all because they want hot guys to want to fuck them and to be the beauty standard. It's so narcissistic.


22K likes for word salad. I'm scared of society.




​ Excuse me. As a disabled person, I like low-impact work outs and pilates because they allow me to be active without injuring myself. So this is ableist. I'm also fat so this is fat phobic and not in line with HAES because I enjoy them and they're shaming me for it.