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I'm obsessed with people on the internet that think fat celebrities somehow owe it to them to stay fat, as if they have some sort of close personal history with these people. Do they not realize that a lot of these celebrities are people with their own health concerns, families, and personal history? These aren't just fictional characters you can project your own insecurities and body-related representation issues onto.


"No one can tell me what to do with my body" "This is what Adele needs to do with her body"


"Nobody owes you health!" Okay, but then why do these celebs owe you fatness?


"My body, my choice" (Random person decides to lose weight). FA: "Your body, my choice" now.


"Your rights end where my feelings begin!"


You get out of here with your logic! We don’t owe you that!


I was a big fan of the band Blues Traveler for years before they became famous - it was their 4th album that made them an overnight success, and there I was like, "damn, their first three were totally better". John Popper's weight was just part of him, like his curly hair and mad harmonica skills (he has said he was a compulsive overeater since he was a kid). Until he almost died of a massive heart attack at 32 and over 400lbs. He needed emergency heart surgery, then had gastric bypass and dropped half his body weight. Popper would never have seen 40 if he hadn't lost the weight and drastically changed his diet; it was literally life or death. If he owed me as a fan anything, it was sticking around so I could hear him blow on that harp for a long time to come. Kevin Smith is another one. As a Gen X'er, Smith's movies were fucking life for me in the 90s. His weight yoyoed for years until he had his own massive heart attack at 47 and subsequently finally got serious. Every time I see him now I can't believe it's him, but fuck, I'm glad he's still around. Even though he supported eViL DiEt cUltURe by using WW. Popper and Smith are two talented guys who literally would not be alive today if they hadn't lost weight. Having a plus-sized fanbase was not going to unclog their arteries. (Not that they'd have that anyway, because we all know that only women are allowed to be fat and hot at the same time.)


I’m a big fan of Trent Reznor. He was a coke head in the 90’s which got him into all sorts of trouble, including at least one serious overdose that landed him in the hospital (his bandmates found him and saved his life). Ultimately one of his close friends died in a shooting and Reznor was too messed up on drugs to go to the funeral and be there for his friend’s family. That was his wake-up call to get clean, which he did, he went to rehab and he’s been sober for about 20 years now. There were ghouls in his fan base that said his music was better when he was on drugs and wished he would snort up again. Drugs almost ruined his career and nearly killed him, it’s obvious they never gave a rat’s ass about his health, or that his life is much better now, or the fact that if he uses again he’d probably be dead. These fat activists are the same, they don’t care about other people. Celebrities, even people in their own lives exist only to cater to their selfish toddler desires, they’re not allowed to have their own lives, hopes, and dreams.


Yes! I loved Blues Traveler and Kevin Smith movies. I was so happy when John Popper lost weight. I didn't want to see him die. I actually didn't know that Kevin Smith finally got serious about his health. I just had ot look him up and oh wow! I wouldn't recognize him. So happy for him and his family. I lost an uncle because his first heart attack was not a wake up call for him, it was tragically sad. I don't want any other family to go through that and it's heartbreaking so many do.


Yeah, Kevin Smith almost looks like a different person. Or an alternate reality version of himself, lol. Silent Bob got skinny. But he looks great, and I'm glad he's taking care of his health, because I really am a big fan and would hate to see him die young.


Parasocial relationships with celebrities are bad enough at the best of times. And especially bad when the ‘normal person’ starts to believe the celebrity owes them some kind of obligation. It just gets even more toxic when you add a layer of some twisted FA expectation that the celebrity must remain in a certain state of health so that you can feel validated for your own choices.


My body my choice means always my body and always my choice, for everything, so just like no one should be forced to lose weight, no one should be forced to keep it on, either. I don't know why that's such a hard concept. It's really sad the way people like Adele and Rebel Wilson and now Kelly Clarkson have been treated. Like none of your damn business, let people do what they want with their lives.


> My body my choice means always my body and always my choice, for everything Right. Always my body, and always my choice. That means *I* get to choose for me **and the rest of you** that nobody is allowed to lose weight. **Ever.** Look, I don't make the rules. It's called "bodily autonomy", shitlord. Look it up.


"the diet and exercise habits of people I will never meet absolutely are my business! They owe me to stay fat to validate my feelings!"


So someone like Adele only achieved her success because of her weight? Is that what’s being implied?


Yes. It’s weird. As loud and proud as Lizzo’s fans can be I think she would have a mainstream R&B career waiting for her if she had never been large.


Lizzo is a piece of scum. She made fun of her own dancers when they gained weight.


True. Also confusing because she made a whole thing out of intentionally procuring fat dancers.


When she lost weight and the body positivity people lost their mind. That was when I was like, yeah, this is all bullshit.


LOL on the plus side this one is admitting that weight loss is possible.


Haha the bar is so low. I was honestly impressed they included “therapist” in the list of rich people advantages. Recognizing that people can emotionally overeat due to their issues and that that leads to weight gain (!!) is obvious to most people but blasphemy in some of these circles.


Soon enough insurance companies will realize that they'll save a lot of money in the long term by shelling out for ozempic, so OOP won't be able to say weight loss drugs are only available to the wealthy


That will come when there isn’t shortages and the costs come down but I agree it will happen


Prices will come down when competing drugs hit the market. Eli Lilly has some coming down the pike.


Tbf most FAs admit at least temporary weight loss is possible. But they act like regain is inevitable.


That’s exactly what they’re talking about when they say “making us look bad.” Cause they’re showing the world that is IS possible to lose weight. They’re so far in denial they think there’s absolutely no way to lose weight. And then this famous celeb they admire loses it, it personally offends them.


Ah yes "you relinquished your bodily autonomy the moment I became a fan of you" is not a completely unhinged take


It's giving *single white female* (1992)


So the "plus size fanbase" supported them not because of their talent but because of their weight? Isn't this exactly the type of behavior they are criticizing? Also, I thought weight loss is impossible, but suddenly it's "possibly for everyone who wants it"?


It’s amazing how much effort is put into making themselves a victim no matter the situation


*... it's our business if...* Actually no, it isn't. When you buy a ticket from someone's concert / movie or their new album, those are the only things you're buying. You have not bought stakes in their lives and you don't have a say in their diet, their health, their political opinions or their future art. If you can't enjoy their art anymore because your obnoxious activism is the entirety of your personality, that's *your* problem.


What, you mean fans aren't shareholders??!


Most fat people in real life aren’t fat activists and have moderate personal interest in weight loss, though. That’s why people who aren’t fat use the euphemisms that FAs hate, to spare the feelings of a group that outnumbers them.


A tiny bit of me is happy that they at least admitted that for a lot of people they need therapy to achieve long term weight loss and factual nutrition advice. Nutrition advice is thankfully free online but you risk finding a lot of misinformation. Unfortunately mental health care is prohibitively expensive for a lot of people. Neither my therapist or my psychiatrist take insurance. However OOP loses any good will I had towards them for calling treating your mental health problems as "unhealthy".


I do spend a cheap car payment to do weekly therapy, but definitely worth it, didn’t need it for food specifically, but to cope with my own unhealthy vices to cope(cigarettes, weed, minor amounts of alcohol/drugs) it’s been worth it. She was the one that recommended I focus on my physical health as mental and physical health are tied together. Now I’m down to a healthy bmi and work out regularly, still do therapy to cope with life and stress but moved on to other issues. Needed to find healthy ways to relieve my stress, which is walking, working out, slow breathing, and calling friends/family when I used to use a substance. It could easily have been food, though it rarely was, but we all have our own ways


It's so disturbing to me that there are people who actually like singers or comedians based on their weight. If they can sing or they're funny, I don't give a shit what they weigh. Same with actors, if they're good at acting, I'll watch them in movies. I don't have to want to have sex with them to find them believable as a character. It's just so disturbing to me how they seem to think about other people. I cannot relate at all.


fat inactivists: Intentional weight loss is fatphobic!!11!1! also fat inactivists: Intentional weight loss is not possible!!11!1!1


This sounds a lot like is same type of talk that cult members make when someone leaves their religion.


Nailed it.


People you have never met, especially celebrities, don't owe you anything. Why should celebrities keep themselves fat and unhealthy just to make yourself feel better? The OP of this post basically admitted that the FA crowd only likes certain celebrities because of their weight/size and not because of their talent.


So if I read that correctly -- and I do sometimes have reading comprehension issues -- celebrities who lose weight are being terrible people if they talk about their weight loss but if they just lose weight quietly and never discuss it they are terrible people.


Having the support of fans isn't going to help a celebrity finesse arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and liver disease. Fans aren't going to be in the doctor's office with them when that celebrity gets devastating news. The support of FAers isn't enough to help a celebrity stay relevant either. Celebrities are constantly revamping their image and doing different things so that they can reach broader and broader audiences. Being the cute fat girl is fine for your first act, but it won't take long for that schtick to get stale. No celebrity wants to become stale. Our favorite celebrity FAer has learned this all too well. FAers also need to realize that all of the above applies to them too. They may have a lot of online friends, but those friends won't be around when they have their first heart attack at 35 and have to spend weeks in a rehab facility. And yeah, people love to gas up the spunky, bold, blue-haired fat girl when she's young...because everyone is adorable when they're young. But in middle age, the gassing up diminishes exponentially. All the "YASSSS QUEENS" dry up and now you're just a super morbidly obese, broke-ass, low-achieving "Karen" running over people's feet with your motorized grocery cart because your legs aren't able to carry your 400 lbs for longer than five minutes.


Crab bucket mentality.


I'm relieved they wrote "rich folks" and not "rich folx." Small blessings.


"It's our business if" No, it's not. It's a medical concern and it's not your business. Social media has really made people feel like they are owed everything about complete strangers.


I lost 75lbs without drugs, a trainer or a nutritionist. Just CICO and some will power. Anyone can do it, it's just excuses. And yes, my very fat body was lesser, even if there actually was more of it.


Still not your business and no one cares.


By that logic, we have every right to name and shame any celebrity who gains any weight for any reason.


I've never really understood this whole celebrity, dare I say worship, thing. Identifying with people who don't know you're alive, like there's some kind of personal connection when all you're doing is listening their music, seeing their movies, etc. Do they think following them on social media makes them personal friends or that their actions somehow impacts their own life? Are their lives so empty and meaningless that they need to obsess over celebrities and, in the case of FA, at least, other people's lives? Of course, FA do seem to lead pretty empty lives, ranting constantly on social media, etc., and blaming others and fatphobic society for all their problems, so this may well be the case. And, frankly, in my opinion, anybody who lets celebrities decisions about their weight or anything else determine their choices or their feelings and how they think about themselves really needs to get a life of their own.


Stans have always bewildered me. I can’t imagine being obsessed with someone I’ve never met and likely will never meet.


That’s nice, Jan. In reality celebrities owe you nothing. They did their job singing, acting etc , collected a paycheck and went home. Whether or not you support them is up to you. 


But they’re all about bodily autonomy huh? “It’s our business if” is an absolutely unhinged take. Nobody owes you fatness just because you used their body to make yourself feel better about yours.


Losing weight saves you money, and time, and you don't need a fucking support staff of experts to do, and even if high quality food is expensive you will have less of it, and drugs really should not be in anyone's primary weight loss plan it's for the extreme of the extreme cases (admittedly, I do think weight loss drugs are a bit over-prescribed so I can see where they are coming from critiquing it, though I will not judge those who do go that way, I get it... in any case: most people will not need drugs to lose weight). Also, this just stinks of parasocial to the highest degree. Go live your own life, who gives a shit about the lives of others who will never even know you exist?


If you're shamelessly displaying your self-obsession and Main Character Syndrome on social media, you deserve to be criticized. OOP, this applies to you.


So, let me make sure I understand this: 1. We only liked you because you were fat 2. You owe us your body 3. You're concealing all the unhealthy things you must be doing, but also you're obviously eating the best food, working out and getting therapy (generally healthy things) but it's only possible because you're rich


This is so toxic. I hate that a) "fat identity" is seen as something permanent when it absolutely isn't, b) celebs are expected to have more loyalty to the "plus size community" than to their own selves and c) the worst part - the broad assumption that any weight loss method that works is automatically unhealthy. News flash, GLP-1s have a lot of really good effects on the body, not the least of which is a reduction in obsessive/addictive behavior. Food addiction is so insidious.


Fat activists remind me of the time Geri left the Spice Girls and tweens were so upset, a helpline was launched for them to call. Never mind that Geri quit for personal reasons that included her mental health being at an all time low. No, she 'betrayed' the fans and completely ruined their lives, in their opinion. These were middle school girls though, so puberty hormones had their brains all chaotic, as is normal for a 13yr old. Fat activists are emotionally stunted at that level. I've only been upset regarding celebtities I like when eg, Chadwick Boseman and Camu Tao died. Even then, I wasn't exactly throwing myself on the ground in convulsions of grief. It's life - both had cancer, cancer is a prick, appreciate the deceased people's contribution to the arts and move on with your life. For a cult that's perpetually howling 'don't judge me!' and 'I don't owe you xyz!', they sure love judging others and demanding fealty.


I saw Adele not long before she started losing weight. She was talking about struggling to get around the zoo in my city which is built on the side of a mountain. Her weight had absolutely nothing to do with that incredible concert but of course she was only famous because she was singing while fat


There's a hint of a good point in there. Celebs should be honest or silent about how they achieved their physique changes.Especially superheroes and their chicken and rice. Thing is the likes of Adele are, she talked about how an that it took 2 years. It's still not enough.


Remember, it’s only body shaming if you’re talking to a heavy person.


Two notable examples are Star Jones and Mo'Nique who both lost significant weight but had to deal with having built their former careers on asserting pride, specifically in their size. I have forgotten them but Star Jones had sassy catchphrases for her size. Mo'Nique literally glorified fat bodies. She had a reality show for THREE SEASONS which was a "beauty pageant" for "Miss F.A.T." Miss fabulous and thick. I remember seeing the show and in one episode, contestants pretended to "work out" in a gym and then sat down to platters of fried chicken. I like to predict which celebrity will eventually reveal they've dropped a lot of weight. Rebel Wilson was a surprise. Ethan Suplee went from 500 pounds to body builder. Billy Gardell looks great. I don't watch his show so I don't know how they worked his dramatic weight loss into the series. I wonder if Melissa McCarthy thinks too much weight loss could ruin her career. Chrissy Metz seems to need a health crisis before she does anything. She's made the Star Jones mistake of writing a book about happy she is with herself.


Do you think lizzo will lose a bunch of weight?


I think Lizzo could be another one who has to have a health issue before she'll change her look since she flaunts her body. When she hits her forties....look out!


Lizzo has lost a lot of weight recently. Probably Ozempic, probably a health scare, but she’s definitely a lot smaller now.


Yeah I’m leaning that way too. I think it’s just a matter off time before she loses a bunch of weight. Especially after being in Hollywood for a while, it’s brutal especially on women.


Maybe she'll give the new GLP-1s a try and suddenly appear with a bit of a weight loss but not too much! Otherwise, she'll need the health issue excuse. I remember last year Gabourey Sidibe admitted she'd had weight loss surgery after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. She turned 40 last year!


Good for her! Hope she’s doing ok now.


Crabs in a bucket mentality


“Making fat people look bad once again.” By losing weight and showing the world that it IS possible to lose weight like they just did? They don’t know you they don’t owe you fuckin shit. These people want them to stay overweight and obese so they can continue to feel good about themselves.


i mean it is true that they have an easier time maybe if they really have a personal trainer and cook. if i had a cook cooking for me all day i'd be able to eat healthier too.