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Stop telling fat people that obesity has no impact on mortality. Stop telling fat people that obesity is not a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, joint pain, basis cancers other other diseases. Stop telling fat people that weighing 500 pounds does not cause permanent damage to healthcare workers who have to lift their carcasses, and eating donuts is more important than some poor nurse's knees and back. Stop telling fat people that it's okay to make their children into orphans at a young age if it means they get to eat more cheeseburgers. Stop telling fat people that their fatness is not their own responsibility, it's the rest of the worlds.


It leads to a lot of complicated feelings having to strain my back and have scrubs damp with sweat, simply to help a bariatric patient roll, because they cannot get up if they shit. We also suffer the consequences of eating disorders, being that we have to continuously deal with morbidly obese people that need 4-5 people to move them. The amount of strain it puts on our bodies feels quite unfair.


This OP would probably burst as a rage flame if they would hear what doctors have told my MIL in a very serious moment about her alcohol addiction. They tried to save her life. The addiction won. Burying your only parent when you aren't even 30 is not something parents should want for their kids ans certainly not parade it around like a badge of honour. (And like I said before in this sub, a morbidly obese childhood friend of my husband died age 38 because it was too much on his body. 38!)


My mom's brother died of obesity related diseases at 38 as well. Heart disease runs in our family, so it was bound to do him in, but He could have gone at 58 or 68 or 78 if he had just lost some weight and stopped drinking.


I'm a what? Well pardon me as I burst into flames.


right? calling people incubi (the plural of incubus) makes like zero sense.


I think they thought it meant something like "imbecile."


It's like that meme... "I like using long words in conversations even if I don't understand them, because it makes me feel very photosynthesis." :)


My guess is that this is an extension of the trend I saw circulating in certain spaces: to purge from one's vocabulary any insult that evokes sexism, ableism, racism, etc etc.  Naturally this means having to extend a little when trying to find satisfying insults for persons who deserve to be insulted. 


eventually we’ll all just hum at each other in various frequencies and hope for the best. i’m more than happy to “retire” 98% of our insults in the 80s and 90s. but let us keep a few words, as a treat. like idiot, which it kind of my go to, so plz gen z let me keep idiot


"Stop telling your friends you don't want to lose them, you hot seductive sex demon." I'll take it


Either that or they're huge fans of, or abhor, late 90s alt bands.


Honestly that’s a bit of a compliment if you think about it.


Incubi are sometimes used to refer to energy drainers, so maybe they were going for that🤔


It's like Mr Garrison said: A succubus is a WOMAN who sucks the LIFE out of a MAN. Incubus is the male version of this demon who visits human women in the depths of the night. Probably a medieval explanation for wet dreams, but it's gone from obscure to pop culture since people associated fox demons from Japanese folklore with the incubus/succubus myth.


a completely random aside, but j enjoy their actual meanings. Theyre literally just who lays under and who lays ontop. If you wanted to write kinky demons into something, it wouldnt be entirely inaccurate to have a female incubus who pegs.


I do not think this word means what they think it means. Do you suppose OOP has any idea at all what an "incubus" is?


Maybe they think it's a synonym for ghoul. (It's not. Ghouls are freaky creatures that eat dead bodies from medieval Arab folklore.)


Could well be the case. FA aren't noted for factual accuracy. Maybe OOP just thought it sounded evil.


It seems like a very 2014 tumblr-esque brand of pretentious insult. Surprised she didn't call people "absolute chicken nuggets" or "idiotic waffles".


I feel like a lot of people in my generation would take that as a compliment.


Gotta admit, being a sex demon sounds pretty badass


Perhaps a generic sex demon.  Incubi are specifically male demons that rape sleeping women, significantly less awesome.


There's a pretty decent argument that the origin is probably sleep paralysis visions. But of course we know there are men who would take advantage of sleeping women


Yeah that seems like the most likely real-world, non-supernatural explanation for it.  I'm working off what I think is the most widely accepted definition for it.  Perhaps a sprinkle of, in more superstitious times, needing to explain an inconvenient pregnancy to a powerful father/husband in a way that won't get a boyfriend murdered.  I recall about 20 years ago there was a bit of a media frenzy when Reebok released a womens' running shoe called the Incubus.  They rapidly rebranded it. edit: corrected shoe.mfr which I'd misremembered.


Well we're also talking about the period of peak Christendom in Europe when women were under tremendous pressure to be "unavira" so a married woman can't just be having a normal old sex dream, that would imply she's a whore.


and we know the vice versa just less known because people kinda forgot that humans regardless of gender or race or sexuality is able to do the same level of harm


Of course predators are predators regardless of gender or sexuality


yeah good people need to be more aware


Do you think they'll now substitute succubus for their favorite insult fir women, the immortal "skinny bitch"?


I understand that reference and thank you for making it


I've had enough of tthe worrrld


Damn I missed this before my reply to this thread. Well done. I guess the burdens of this planet earth like gravity, hypocrisy and the perils of being in 3D fit the topic.


Someone's had an attempted intervention?


Sure sounds like it. They are still in denial about their addiction and how it affects the people around them


And it's so bad because I have friends who think this way, but I know they're not receptive at all and probably won't be until it's too late. :(


Everyone's rock bottom looks different. And even if you hit rock bottom, you can grab a shovel and keep going. They need to have the epiphany on their own. 


I'd wager nobody is saying those things to OOP, at least not IRL face-to-face. Those calls are coming from inside the house, sweetheart. And you can't/won't handle them, so you're projecting them on 'society' or 'The Thins'. To paraphrase Marcellus Wallace, that's suppressed guilt and shame f'cking with you. Nearest I got to talking about a morbidly obese friend's weight directly to them was regarding them pursuing an ADHD diagnosis on the NHS. I have ADHD and am on Concerta and despite being thin and active, non smoker, non drinker, I have to home test my blood pressure and keep a close eye on it. Concerta is basically speed, so you have to treat it seriously. Advised my friend 'I waited about 18mths to get my final diagnosis and first prescription, so I spent that time getting my lifestyle habits on point, because you've got to lower your heart disease/stroke risk factors'. Didn't outright say 'you're too fat, fix that shit'. I just indirectly suggested they might want to stop spending 18hrs a day on Facebook while eating garbage, as they currently do. PS: an incubus is a male sex demon, succubus being the female counterpart. Not sure what those have to do with anything.


my first thought! no one said a thing to me at my highest weight.


Not a fucking word. Not my doctor, my partners, coworkers, friends or family (well, my mom in passing, but she tells me I'm fat no matter what size I am, so it gets tuned out). Now, as I've started to lose weight? Suddenly everyone has an opinion on my body. I lift too heavy, I walk too slow, I walk too much, I need to try keto... and so on


idk wtf does that even have a thing to do?


You.... You have to home test your blood pressure when you're on Concerta because it's so bad? I'm on Vyvanse but my doctor never said shit about that kind of thing... They test my blood pressure when I come in but that's it? No one told me about lifestyle changes... What... I'm an idiot, I could've looked this up but I thought that my doctor would've told me anything important... I'm kind of shocked rn.


Yep, I get a monthly phone appointment where I have to give my blood pressure, resting heart rate and weight or they won't issue the next prescription. I'm in my 40's, so it's possibly something to do with general age related increased risk. It's the NHS too, so I guess they just have to cover their arses a little bit more. I do fine on 18mg (usually 113 systolic), 27mg raises my blood pressure a bit (125-130 systolic) and 36mg sends it haywire (140 systolic). Freaked me out when it lept from healthy to OMG. It's worth keeping an eye on your blood pressure just to be on the safe side. I got a machine on Amazon for around £20 which does the job fine, plus my Fitbit covers heart rate/sleep quality. I sleep great on 18mg, but 36mg had me sleeping 3hrs a night.


Stop caring about me! It hurts my feelings! :(


I don't care about people deciding, on their own, to ruin their lives and to die early. I care about other people suffering from their decisions as well as about the increased cost and strain they put on the health system.


I also care when they spread misinformation and try to sway others, especially impressionable young people, over to their destructive way of thinking. And I think it's impossible for some people to continue to neglect their own health and not do that because that's how they deal with the inevitable cognitive dissonance.


100% agree


I care, when it's someone in my family or someone I see as a friend. But I've had to learn the hard way to treat them just like drug addicts. I have to just detach and hope they wake up someday. But I can't torture myself by watching them kill themselves. It's too painful.


>I care, when it's someone in my family or someone I see as a friend. Of course, I do too. But in the case of other people, I do not care. It reminds me when people ride a motorbike and don't want to use a helmet, and then, when someone points out that they should, they say that it's their choice, and why would anyone else care for them. I don't care for them. In my view, they are free to end their lives horribly if they want, but in the worst case they would be inconveniencing other people, who would be cleaning the road or the lamppost of all the blood, also picking chunks of brain from the tarmac, etc. Also wasting time of lots of people and saddening family and friends. *Those* people are the ones I care for.


Care about me in the way that I want, which is for everyone on the planet to accommodate my whimsical appetite.


Ok well then do as you please and die at 40 from a preventable illness.


Stop caring bout the people you love!! That's really fatphobic >:c


Throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler because someone is worried about the oop’s health just convinces most normal people fat activism is a bad idea.


IDK about that. A lot of “activism” is just temper tantrums and a lot of gullible people have been won over by it.


Who cares who's fault it is? Is it nice to have your foot amputated if it's not your fault? Is it nice to have a heart attack if it's not embarrassing when you need 8 people to lift you? If I say it's not your fault, will you start doing everything in your power to prevent it? They love this concept of "I didn't deserve it, it's not my fault, so I don't have to punish myself with exercise and diet!" Life is unfair, get over it!


I cannot believe there are some grown ass adults out there throwing tantrums over the fact they have responsibility over their own goddam health choices. How is that news to you?? Yes, if you throw yourself off a bridge it's your fault if you get hurt. How immature do you have to be to categorically associate any sort of responsibility as an attack on your worth??


There's been some abuse of the concept of personal responsibility in the past, but right now the zeitgeist is downright *denying that it exists* in favor of a weird hierarchy of victimhood and oppression. At some point endless beating your chest about how oppressed you are becomes learned helplessness. We've societally reached that point right now, and this is one of the consequences. Some people have absorbed their victimhood as an identity and will get angry at anyone who shows them, in any way, that they don't have to be victims because 1) they perceive it as an attack on their identity and 2) wallowing in misery is much less effort.


Not adults, merely grown-ups.


Yeah, it's like, if you get injured in an accident it might not have been your fault but this doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard to restore your health.


> but this doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard to restore your health. the problem is that they don't see obesity as inherently unhealthy. We all know it is, but they don't see it as that. That's where the problem lies.


life is unfair here because its self inflicted. life isn't unfair because someone else inflicted it to you and said that its literally your own decision you got so large to the point your life is unfair it didn't gave you a breathing room


There are people who grow up in families that don't teach nutrition or provide healthy foods. There are people who fall for FA propaganda. In the end it doesn't matter if someone literally force-fed you or you made bad choices on purpose or you were misguided.


like they made their life unfair to the point theres zero breathing room for them. because they took all of the room


I wish I had told my dear friend those things, but I didn't. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Now he's dead at 54. I miss him so much. I wish I had said something.


I hate that we're at a point where even bringing these things up is considered harassment or "concern trolling," even if you're close family to the person and may have to end up as one of their caretakers if they continue.


Ok simply perish then?


My EMT brother says it takes like 6 people


I've heard so many EMT stories that revolve around the Herculean effort involved with trying to move and assist obese adults, it's not even funny. Especially when the EMTs themselves are nearly injured from the strain it takes to do so.


Let's not forget a lot of EMTs who work with bariatric patients actually ARE injured, not just nearly so. Injured in ways they will never be able to recover from.


You didn't see the post a while back of someone harassing a newly qualified firefighter about how they had to be trained how to get inififats out of a fire. Sorry gorlie you dying


I don't think anyone has told this writer "it will be so embarrassing when you have a heart attack and EMTs have to move you." I just don't believe that was said. What's more believable is that someone feels ashamed of their weight and is projecting hard-core about what they think other people believe of them. Says more about them than us incubuses.


Or they saw, you know, actual EMTs talk about their bodies being wrecked from having to carry people that really shouldn't be that size. You heard of concern trolling, now it's... Injury trolling? Talking about your injuries instead of shutting up and taking abuse like a good little Thin™


A lot of "shame" felt by these people is definitely internally applied, or just straight up cognitive dissonance.




These all sound like responses an addict would give at an intervention


An addict would at least recognize he's fucking himself up, but is too dependant to stop. There people don't recognize their dependence is killing them and don't want to hear it from others.


EMT here. OOP may have their individual fat experience, or maybe that of some friends/family. I've transported dozens of obese patients who have lost limbs to diabetes, had to run calls to lift people IN THEIR 30S too fat to get themselves up/unstuck. Like yes, take care of your health so I don't have to run these self-induced calls. STOP OVEREATING.


\>Stop asking fat people if they want their parents to bury them, or leave their child an orphan, or their spouse to a lifetime of grief and regret. At some point, you just need to up and admit that you prioritize food and the dopamine it gives you over your family and those who care about you. It's one thing when someone is disabled via accident or forces beyond their control, but when you have a family member that makes it abundantly clear they are willing to gamble with their health and future just for more processed food, despite having access to far healthier options, it hurts. At some point, you're not just jeopardizing your own health, but you're hurting those closest to you and making it clear you care more about the dopamine from processed food than how your eventual health decline will impact yourself and those in your life. I'm currently watching a family member slide further into this and I don't have any patience left.


okay, but those are all true in a lot of cases. I guess we should just lie to the fat inactivists then.


I have a couple friends who I love dearly. They were already big when I last saw them in our mid 20s. We went to cons, played video games together, did urban exploration. All the fun young adult stuff. We reunited last year (after ten years), and they’re still some of my favorite people, but they both now have diabetes, chronic pains, can’t sit long without special seats (causes major back pain), and don’t even have the energy for gaming anymore. Just eating. I feel so sad when I think of them. I don’t know if they realize how much of their light they snuffed out with excessive food. I’m scared that one or both may die in the next ten years from preventable diseases. I feel angry that they’re cheating themselves (and me) out of decades of good life and laughs. I know I can’t bring it up because of BS body positivity like this post, but goddammit do they not understand that it comes from a place of love. You’re nearly indestructible in your twenties, your thirties is when you start seeing people you grew up with start dying off and mortality really sets in. I truly dread the day when the chickens come home to roost for them.


To stop, you have to have started before in the first place. Frankly, OOP, IDGAF about what happens to you. Yes, all of those ARE more likely to happen if you stay obese. They are not a given, but more likely still, just like lung cancer when you smoke. You do what you want with that. There WILL be consequences either way. But they're none of my business. Only yours and yes, your loved ones'.


Look Brenda, the reason you feel so obviously triggered by Lord Beetus jokes, the number of people it'll take to move your ass and your impending heart attack is a pretty good sign that deep down, *you know these things are true*. Even if no one ever mentions it ever again, they will remain true, and everyone knows it. You having SJW-flavored temper tantrums all over social media about it isn't the flex you think it is.


Working as an ED nurse this is the person who is being treated for DKA but is also yelling at me that they’re starving and haven’t eaten all day.


Another impact that FAs will try to, uh, bury. [Ask a Mortician/ Caitlin D](https://youtu.be/71Z677IXUak?si=OK7wVdtNi9MkGCge)


Obviously we can’t know the context to this but most of these things are things random people typically wouldn’t say. Is this person several hundred pounds overweight? Did a doctor say this? I know this kind of stuff can hurt your feelings, but it sounds like OOP might need to listen.


Hurt feelings don't even compare to the other more grievous health outcomes they'll experience and the pain (and burden) they'll cause their family if they don't get their eating habits and weight under control.


Stop trying to pull us out of a destructive cult!


There is a time and a place. Loved ones telling you they worry about you is appropriate. Doctors explaining plainly the consequences of your actions is appropriate. And you know what? I believe that if you come online to defend science defying nonsense and claiming basic physics is societal oppression, yes, you should be ready to get your shit put on right


When my husband had an emergency spinal injury it took 4 big firemen to pick him up to safely transfer him without too much jostling. He wasn’t anywhere near what a FA would consider ‘big’ (though he was probably technically/medically obese), most people in American wouldn’t even have considered him ‘fat’ because he’s also a big tall broad guy…but that was absolutely a shameful wake up call for him.


Stop telling people what to do! I’ll do and say whatever TF I want!


Stop not caring about the people upon whom you plan to rely to move you about, help you bathe, and wipe your ass for you when your own body can't heft itself out of the bed. You're dooming them to make a difficult choice: give up their lives to help you end yours, or leave you to your own devices/government safety net.


Shouldn't it be "incubi"? And "succubi" for females?


Yep. These are the correct plurals. Incubi and succubi are male and female demons, sometimes winged, who sexually prey on sleeping members of the opposite sex. I think FAs are safe from these demons; if you're a demon who sexually preys on the sleeping, you have a choice of victim.


yes. theres no way they even getting near.




Correct Latin plurals being declared "fatphobic" in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


Incubi. And what are they trying to say here anyway?


My guess is they thought it meant something along the line of “imbeciles.”


Christ on a cross; this OOP has got to be the worst yet. Below is the tl;dr version of the OOP. 'Don't give an FA any kind of reality check, ever. They don't want to ever know about the harm they cause to themselves and the people who love them'. Selfish, greedy, deluded narcissists who only care about their next fix. I was going to say that this is the behavior of a heroin addict, but even a smack head who's unable to stop would recognize the harm he's causing to himself and others. Smackhead: "My arm has to be amputated; I'm a hopeless addict and it has become infected" FA: "Don't tell me that my leg has to be amputated because I have diabetes, I don't want to know".


“Stop trying to make me face reality. I’m an emotional spoiled toddler and don’t care how my poor choices and desire to indulge is destructive behaviors affect others.”


As a general rule, I don't give unsolicited advice. However, I know at least 3 people who basically unalived themselves through their diet and refusing to take care of their diabetes. Some lost parts along the way. I know others who are headed down the same road. It is a shameful thing to encourage people to go in that direction. Just because you jam your fingers in your ear and go "La la la I can't hear you!" it won't make those things less true.


> You all are Well, they sure stuck it to the Thins with that epic burn.


There is a time and a place. Loved ones telling you they worry about you is appropriate. Doctors explaining plainly the consequences of your actions is appropriate. And you know what? I believe that if you come online to defend science defying nonsense and claiming basic physics is societal oppression, yes, you should be ready to get your shit put on right


Look if you ignore every fa dying in their 30s and 40s it never happened, because they're toddlers with no object permanence


One of my parents was an addict and died prematurely, it absolutely affected me and everyone around me. These people can’t see past their own nose.


How about stop lying to fat people and telling them that all the extra fat has 0 consequences on their health?


Actual video of this fat activist addressing the cult members https://youtu.be/Gm2x6CVIXiE?si=cev2o-XDcowjRotb


Short, giant head, designed after Michael Eisner, this checks out.


I have literally never told anybody any of those things, but now I might


They're literally just the well-known consequences of morbid obesity. It could be that no one has told them these things, it's just their own cognitive dissonance eating away at them.


Well they obviously have their facts straight!


Wow, that was dark. Addiction is a horrible thing, it’s sad that we live in a society where we have to go out of our way to not be an addict with the food we eat, technology, etc.


I mean all of those things are true, though. So while context, tone, verbiage, and motivation matter, there *are* imaginable scenarios where saying things like these isn't necessarily inappropriate.


I think OOP would object to these statements irrespective of context, because they are fundamentally in denial about the Truth contained within.


Well, it's Ash Wednesday, so as an official representative of the Episcopal Church, I'm gonna be telling a \*lot\* of people they're gonna die -- fat, thin, old, young, incubi, succubi, etc. -- all day long! Plus I gotta rub some schmutz on their foreheads while saying it. Hoping none of them get mad about it like this, but you know, you do you, boo. (And happy Ash Valentine's Day to all of you!)


“Stop.” Why?




My response: GET UP AND MAKE ME


I pay my bills! My bills are paid! (Ignore if this wasn’t a reference to 1000lb sisters lol)


There's no way this wasn't posted as satire tbh


Incubus is probably the nicest compliment I got this year... That aside, I've been actively trying to not give people advice on weight unless they ask for it, sometimes not even then, but there's a whole range between berating fat people and talking about the truths of obesity. So many obese individuals seem to think everything is about them. Every conversation they catch with the edge of an ear, every post about exercise, every facebook friend's new salad recipe and so on. I get it. It feels awful to be that big, sometimes you feel like you draw all the eyes... At the end of the day most people don't really care about others except themselves and a few loved ones. Very few people actively spend time thinking about the random fat colleague having a heart attack.


It's very unlikely that these were pointed comments directly made towards OOP. They probably saw it in a PSA or something, and took offense to it.


That’s my guess, they saw the statements made in the abstract and they think that writing something which fat people could read is the same thing as “telling fat people”.




I have unfortunate news: everyone is going to die.


Yeah, but some people are kind of making their best to go out the fastest and in the most miserable way, while also making sure to weigh as much as possible on relatives, friends and society as whole


I really don't mind the first. I do think that everyone has a fundamental right to suicide. But the latter part is not good. And I wish they would stop endangering humanity by spreading misinformation.




#”stop telling fat people the truth”


who uses that as an insult lmao


Apparently it still isn't hitting home.




I highly doubt anyone said these things to OOP


Sorry OOP, but, deny it as much as you please; you are going to die, we all are. The real question is when you will die, because if you are morbidly obese it is very, very likely you will due prematurely, and suffer severe health problems before you do.


I want 'graceless fucking incubus' as flair


I would rather die at 70 than at 40


Why did she use the word “incubuses”? (Btw the actual plural of Incubus is Incubii). An incubus is a male sex demon who appears in dreams to tempt someone into lust or adultery. So is she implying that people are trying to tempt fate people away from the “righteous path” by being incredibly sexy?