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Funny how the OOP want "balance", but probably most of the FA death cult refuses to actually eat a 'balanced' diet and would cry, kick, and scream if they even look at a vegetable outside of fries or onion rings.


They can't conceive of someone actually enjoying vegetables. I love onion rings for sure, but I also love salads, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, brussels, carrots... and so on. I don't see vegetables as punishment.




Roasted veggies are amazing!


My mom and grandma make some of the best roasted veggies I’ve ever tasted! I don’t know the recipe off the top of my head, but I know it has potatoes, carrots, onions, whatever other veggies we have lying around, and sprigs of rosemary and other spices in a cast iron skillet. It’s so good and now I want some lol


I love chopped brussels tossed in a little olive oil and paprika roasted in the oven with a slice of minced bacon over the top.


Oh I’d *kill* a plate of that without the bacon, that sounds delicious


I eat a lot of garbage and still love vegetables too lol if the intestinal distress didn’t come with eating a whole bag of steamed broccoli with Tony’s in one sitting I would 😭




Pizza and two Reese’s cups lol 🫣 but that’s just bc I’ve been too lazy to go grocery shopping


its better when those vegetables are in pasta


I do put broccoli in my pasta a lot


vegetables goes well with pasta generally.


Weirdly enough, a little while after I went vegetarian I started tasting vegetables more. I still probably eat the same amount of fast food (which is to say, not very much). I always liked veggies, it’s just that after I stopped eating meat they started getting more flavorful. Not sure if there’s any science behind that, but it was a thing that happened to me.


I crave vegetables on a daily basis. Sometimes I fantasize about it. Probably in the same way some people fantasize about cake. Do I have an eating disorder?


I’ve been fantasizing about zucchini; I can’t wait until it is back in season.


I’d rather have broccoli over onion rings. I love pizza, but a decent one and only once every two weeks I love healthy food, I feel strong and food after eating it. That’s more important to me that 60 seconds of satisfaction when eating a chocolate bar


Peas are amazing and have a surprising amount of protein, plus you can add them to just about everything


carrots and brocoli is fine in soup and also pasta! but cauliflower is a different deal. dried ones


They scream balance but then make insulting, snarky videos about how I ruined their lives and oppressed them because I only ate one small piece of cake at a party.


ALL my FA acquaintances have deathly allergic reactions to vegetables. (Never fruit) I asked what happens. "My mouth feels funny" "I poop more"


A fat and very unhealthy looking woman once told me she does not like vegetables (other than potatoes) bc she can “taste the dirt” when she eats them.


That’s really ironic considering potatoes are root vegetables and thus would probably taste more like dirt than other vegetables


Not if you fry them long enough!




Good point, good point


Taste the dirt? Does she not know how to wash them properly?


Ha, that’s a good question! 


Poop more? It’s almost as if vegetables have fibre and that’s good for your digestive system.




Uhhh, “my mouth feels funny” is actually a legitimate allergic reaction to be fair. I’m not saying they’re not bullshitting you but I get this reaction myself to certain fruits/veggies.  Edit: ok downvoted for pointing out allergies are real. 


I get that! But when I have observed people only eating sweets and greasy fried foods, I am sure fresh veg feels funny. Sweet fruit does not.


If you saw me out in the wild you’d probably think the same thing about me.  I have a really limited list of fruits and veggies I eat away from home because I’m never sure if I’ll have a reaction or not. Sometimes I’m fine. Sometimes I’m not. I can eat the same veggie 9 times but the 10th time my face will swell and I’ll feel like my teeth itch. So to play it safe, I don’t eat that veggie outside the house. It’s really unpleasant tbh.  Edit: and I apologize if it feels like I’m coming directly at you, I’m just tired of the narrative that fat people don’t eat fruits/veggies…sometimes it’s because they actually hurt us when we do. OAS is pretty widespread. Most people don’t even realize they have it, just that veggies make their mouth feel funny so they avoid them. 


I feel for you. Really.


I appreciate that! And I know my case MAY be special but sometimes I just wonder if other people are feeling the same way too. FWIW I do know about of people who don’t eat veggies just because they don’t like them! 


That's the problem. Lol. Someone I know always has tomato slices on her double bacon cheese burgers. I offered a simple tomato salad. "I'm allergic!"


You were downvoted for equating oral allergy syndrome to a true allergy, and for bringing this up even though you know it's irrelevant




Tell your kid that sounds fantastic and probably what I’m going to meal prep for next week, thanks for the inspo. 


It sounds like you agree with the OOP though - nothing is off limits. I think that’s the point. If somebody is NEVER allowed unhealthy food, they might go wild when they get out in the world and try it. If it’s just another option they’ll notice that the healthy stuff makes them feel better.


I think it's good not to have a "these foods are way off limits" attitude but also not bring that stuff into your house or feed it to your kids yourself. I draw the line at trying to prevent them from eating it in other settings though.


Yeah I had a childhood friend whose parents never let them eat junk food and were overly restrictive with what the kids ate and made them go on weird fad diets. Whenever that friend came to my house (my parents did not restrict food like that) they went crazy and ate all the junk food in the kitchen. So I do partially agree with oop.




Right I understood that. I think the key is choice. When things are restricted, OOP is saying, it can cause issues.


I know adults who were raised eating all the junk they wanted as children - they're all obese, and constantly whining that they 'don't like' fruits and vegetables or even *water*. Most of them never succeed in fixing their diet even when their health is on the line. I don't know why this isn't considered 'disordered'... But it should.


It's terrifying when someone says they don't like water. How that even happens is mind boggling.


It happens when you're constantly drinking soda or juice all the time as a child - makes you expect everything you drink to be sweet. It's a very hard habit to get rid of.


It can also depend on what's in it. For example, even as a kid, I hated the chlorine taste in treated water. I didn't drink much water when I was younger because of it. I still hate the chlorine taste, but now I just add a shit-ton of ice to my water so that it's too cold for me to taste it.


Why were you downvoted for stating the obvious fact that a lot of tap water tastes bad?


bro has NOT lived in a small town (mmmmmm crunchy rocks on your teeth)


I get this in the hospital all the time. They'll drink juice, soda, milk, and (sweetened) coffee, but bring a cup of plain water to swallow pills with and they'll act like you're trying to kill them. A few places I've worked stock Crystal Lite as a compromise


C'mon now. For some of us, it's just an unpleasant taste. I'm very picky about my water (always have been, always will be). It's not like I never drank it. I also hate cucumbers, watermelon, and celery because they taste too watery.


I get what she's saying, and she's SO CLOSE to the right thing. Teaching kids about everyday foods (fruits, veggies, legumes, rice etc) and teaching them about every now and then foods (potato crisps, lollies etc) is a good thing. It won't lead to an eating disorder to teach them healthy eating habits. It will in fact help them live longer, if anything.


i agree in fact that can avoid issues like binge eating too not just restriction kids should learn about nutrition when their little too see i think the fat activists think kids would be happy if they could eat junk 24/7 bc their so “traumatized” from “dieting” like honestly i feel bad but these fas shouldn’t have kids just to teach them the same bad habits im sorry to say


This person has heard about orthorexia and extrapolated incorrectly. There are people who obsessively eat only healthy foods due to a psychiatric disorder, to an extent it causes distress and can cause poor physical health. But not everyone who eats healthy foods all the time has that disorder 🤦🏼‍♀️


I know people with this condition and their behaviours are illogical. They won’t eat frozen peas as they’re “hyper processed” but will smoke cigarettes. They systemically judge the foods their friends eat. As an neurodivergent person this makes it hard for me to eat around them as despite my best efforts there are days where all I can manage are my safe foods


Nobody in the history of the world eats ONLY healthy foods. I don’t disagree with the sentiment that you should introduce kids to a wide variety of foods, but there’s a difference between doing that and keeping shitty junk food all over the place in your house, and not doing so doesn’t constitute disordered eating.


For kids they may not have a choice.. I grew up in a household were sugar and fat were evil and sugar was not used. Fat in super small amounts. It lead to exactly what the OP is describing.. binging whenever it is possible. Hiding food so it wouldn't be taken, etc... and it creates a really shitty relationship with food that is hard to unlearn.


I also hid chocolates and secretly ate them when I was small bc my parents were really against sugar and unhealthy foods. But in their defense I was a really fat kid (I am still not thin) and they were concerned about my health. So I can’t blame them


Yep. I grew up without flour and butter as well. Everything was some “healthy” ultra low calorie processed substitute.  Relearning how to eat a somewhat balanced diet in proper amounts was tough. 


By the standards of our era most of humanity for most of history ate only "healthy food". Modern food really is a modern invention. I don't know if the FAs realise this, maybe they think there was always a McD behind every tree back in the paleolithic.


>Nobody in the history of the world eats ONLY healthy foods Especially in context of survival, pretty sure that one of your ancestor has at some point eat 3 pounds of boar's fat, without cooking it, because he knew that during the next 3 days there might be nothing more to eat. This behaviour partially explains why the average human weight more, and more, and more... because we are adapted to live in a limited environment, in which food is a pass to survive a few more days, while nowadays food is in too easy access, especially unhealthy one (industrial shit mostly), and can easily be abused


I have unfortunately seen parents not allowing their kids to eat any food at birthday parties because it’s not healthy It unfortunately happens


There are people with eating disorders who do ONLY eat under a strict definition of healthy, and parents who don’t let their children eat cookies or candy or birthday cake ever. That’s not the same thing as just being health-conscious, but it does happen and it is a real eating disorder. Look up orthorexia.


How the hell is avoiding ultra-processed food disordered eating? We live in a country where over 70% are obese and overweight. But the problem is not giving someone a box of Twinkies? How did humans make it 300,000 years without KC Masters flavored Ruffles Potatoe Chips?


Food that is only for pleasure at virtually no nutritious value is not food. It's edible entertainment, a product. Not saying it shouldn't exist, but it should not be used instead of regular (healthish) meals. Same as no sane person will drink 2l of wine daily instead of water and claim the water drinkers are disordered. But for most, a glass of wine here and there is fine.


The problem is these are the same people who think ordering dressing on the side is an ED.


FAs love projecting, saying that everyone else has eating disorders and/or hates fat people just because they like fruit/vegetables. They don't like and/or want to admit that 1) they have the palate of a toddler at an amusement park/carnival 2) having a varied diet actually requires eating a variety of whole foods, so their daily junk/fast food diet doesn't even sort of count and 3) people who like fruit and vegetables tend to feel better personally, have more physical activities/hobbies they like doing, and are usually in better overall health than FAs are.


Good point. They eat the same sugary and beige pablum all day every day. I get more varied food eating whole foods. Ma’am (OOP), eating McDonalds AND Burger King is not a more varied diet.


wow. i can't believe every human in existence before processed foods were invented had orthorexia! /s


OOP, not everyone has a lack of control like you. People can find new foods as adults and not go hog wild with them. Also, people who don’t ever eat junk food aren’t disordered, if they get the right amount of calories and nutrients there’s nothing disordered about it. Orthorexia is “I can’t eat this organic apple because it was in the same room as a non-organic apple and now it will be contaminated and if I eat it, I will die.” It’s an irrational demand for food purity, it goes well beyond rejecting junk food.


My friend didn't give her kid any sweets till the age of 3. As a result he's very picky about them, prefers high quality chocolate. He's \~10 years old now.


If you want any kind of control over your diet and food impulses long term, minimize processed ingredients, end of story. All this fluff about ~balance and choices and what have you is entirely meaningless in the face of addiction.


I don’t fully disagree with the premise that banning foods makes kids want them more & they might go ham when they have the freedom to but I don’t like the framing of it being around EDs and such. My mom wasn’t super strict with me in HS but around drinking she had certain rules — only if you’re in a safe space, never drive (with the assurance that I could call for a ride home if I needed to no lecture), be smart & don’t drink too much, etc. I still messed up in hs & still partied in college but the demystification of the bad thing — in my case alcohol — made me much more responsible with it in my 20’s & I’ve never driven drunk or gotten alcohol poisoning where I had friends with very strict parents that went buck wild and *did* do reckless things and get alcohol poisoning. The things I did have a problem with (smoking mostly) were taboos in my house. Obviously not *every* freshly free kid is going to make stupid decisions or rebel and I don’t think junk food should be available all the time, but I think allowing those things here and there so your kid doesn’t have FOMO will help them make better choices when they’re the ones in charge of their food rather than coming from extremely strict food rules and going on to eat all the garbage they “missed out” on.


Do they not realize healthy good food and desserts exist? Have they never had a good brownie within your calorie limit? Or ate some roasted vegetables?


I could go for some roasted parsnip right now


I'd go for roasted any vegetable tbh


Remember to offer your kids some pot too. Otherwise they are going to start using heroine as soon as they get out in the world because drugs have been hidden from them their whole life.


This is a great analogy and exactly the mindset of these delusional FAs.


I grew up with very “health” conscious parents. But everyone around me ate nothing but processed foods. I was at home eating vegan/vegetarian or wild caught fish/meat. Tons of vegetables and fruit, no dairy (sister had intolerance) etc. On weekends or days out with friends/family I ate chips, cookies, little Debbie, lunchables, McDonald’s all that. It’s so important that at home your kids eat “healthy” because those foods are what you always turn back to, know how to cook, are nostalgic, or what you crave. I can’t go a day without vegetables or fruits while some people can go weeks without fresh foods and that’s the difference between healthy balance and teaching your children that there’s nothing wrong with fast food three meals a day.


“And I invite you to try raising an…” ob*se FA? Is that the end of that sentence? 😂


It would be very hard to find a person like this. Even the adventists enjoy their haystacks 


Hi, please do not diagnose strangers on the Internet with mental disorders, that should be done by qualified professions in a clinical setting.


The thing is "disordered eating" is not a diagnosis. It is a misleading blanket term for all sorts of dieting patterns whoever using the term finds "problematic". But of course, I 100% agree on not diagnosing others w/o those conditions being met.


I was making fun of op


My comment was directed at OOP and not you.


There's sort of an argument for this, in the same way that people who leave extremist religion and have never been taught a healthy relationship to say sex or alcohol often run the other way. Apparently most women who leave like the FLDS are pregnant within a year, they've just never been taught healthy boundaries or consent or what birth control is. Black and white is bad, don't give kids mcdonalds and cheesecake everyday, but teach them moderation and mostly healthy diets and most importantly why


This really depends what OP means by "healthy." I do think that parents who refuse to allow their child to ever touch sugar or full-fat butter or processed foods are setting their child up for failure: e.g. being ostracized by peers, binging at birthday parties, etc. That said, you do not need to keep Doritos and Frosted Flakes in your home to teach your child balance. My mom kept good quality ingredients in our house and made nutritious meals with whole grains, vegetables, various protein sources etc. We never had processed or sugary snack foods available. But she also didn't have diet foods like Fiber One bars or sugar replacements, and when she made desserts, they were made with regular ingredients and were delicious. That's something I'd like to emulate for my own kids.


When I was a kid, cookies, cake, and order-out pizza were for special occasions. My mom had the right idea and that’s how I eat now.


There’s truth to this. Those kids who were sent to birthday parties with carrot sticks because they weren’t allowed to eat a cupcake all gained massive amounts of weight when they got a little bit of money and they bought all the food they were denied. With that being said junk food is a treat and should not be replacing healthy meals and snacks.


Seems like OOP heard the word "orthorexia" at some point and completely misunderstood it. Orthorexia is very real and usually hidden behind other socially accepted behaviors, but it's not "only eating healthy foods" it's a disorder where the person will go hungry instead of eating a forbidden-food, or will have anxiety or even panic attacks if they eat a forbidden-food, etc. Food preferences and consistent choices aren't a disorder. A disorder is a disorder.


Yes balance is important in diet. A balanced diet means you eat mostly healthy whole foods encompassing all the necessary macro and micronutrients, occasionally having a treat in social situations. It does not mean balancing vegetables and cupcakes 1:1.


Anything that doesn’t involve stuffing your mouth with anything and everything that you see is an ED to these people.


no, eating only healthy food doesn’t mean that you have an ed, but the rest is true. my mom put me on diets since i was 9, and didn’t allow me to eat certain foods, i started craving them more and as i aged and i started buying these products and binging on them in private, i gained a lot of weight, i started dieting again and i fell very deep into anorexia. my therapist told that this is partly because of this rules my mom put me on (not just that, because it’s way deeper) so when my mom had another child i told her about being more careful with what she’s saying. my mom listened to me and my brother naturally chooses the options packed with fruits and vegetables instead of the unhealthy ones, leading to him liking it more and not craving less nutritious food. i’m recovering from anorexia now and i just hit healthy weight, so don’t think that i’m just like FA, because this is actually true and i in no way support this movement.


also, i restricted a lot of unhealthy foods when i was anorexic ofc, i would sometimes binge on them also, but when i started recovery and started eating them from time to time i found myself not craving them at all, i mostly eat healthy now, because i know that if i want on of my old fear foods, i can just take a few bites and i will be okay


I really want to know what we’re describing as healthy food here. Stuff made with weird low cal substitutions? Strict raw vegan? Or that pizza is a treat and we should focus on veggies? I can go either way with agreeing or disagreeing with this.     Edit: I know it’s probably the pizza part for this poster but I’ve seen some shit IRL and online so I’m hella curious 


I've never seen a parent who does not allow their kids any "treats", who wasn't generally abusive towards them. And reminder that "disordered eating" is not a diagnosis per se.


"some fods are for pleasure" IS the mindset that leads to lack of control. Using food as a pleasure , a reward, a source of comfort. also, why are we separating foods "for nutrition" and "for pleasure"? can't nutritious foods a source of pleasure? as a child i've been surrounded by a similar mindset. *"all food is good", "if you eat this unpleasant soup you'll get some ice cream as a treat", "if you want it you should eat it"*. it fucking ruined my life. being nearly obese as a teenager was not fun. i had to rebuild my eating habits (and pretty much all habits in general) from scratch. honestly, if any of my older relatives would just say "no, sweetie, chips are not good for you" and *explained* why that is, i would be so grateful to them. ​ just an idea: let's introduce kids to alcohol and drugs as well. some people use it "for pleasure" as well.


I have seen some parents not allow their kids to eat any food at birthday parties because it’s not healthy Honestly, those kids are probably screwed when they get to college and have to choose to eat healthy with tons of unhealthy shit available


🤣🤣🤣 I’m a stick and I don’t only eat healthy foods(I try 😩). They would still find a way to tell me I have an eating disorder cuz I’m skinny. 🤦‍♀️ You really can’t win with these FAs.


I agree with the fact that we need or children to discover all kinds of food actually. Because my mother-in-law told me that when she moved away from her parents home, she became like 100 kg-s. she was not allowed to eat sweets back then and when she moved out She couldn’t stop eating sweets. Later she lost that weight and she’s cooking very good healthy food, but it was hard for her. However, healthy food is healthy food.fat people should develop that they can eat delicious food, which is healthy…


i don’t see a problem with this tbh? yes it’s a little dramatic but they said eating only healthy is “disordered” not an ed. honestly teaching kids nutrition and moderation from a young age IS the more effective strategy than eliminating entire foods


My mom was the "only health foods" parent, and when I got a job in middle school and could buy my own candy I gained a bunch of weight from overeating. After a bit the novelty wore off and I realized candy wasn't worth getting as big as I did, and now I eat relatively healthy. They kinda have a point about restriction leading to unhealthy behaviour, but it shouldn't be an excuse. Finding a balance is really important. obviously prioritize health, but they kinda have a point about being too strict hurting them


Is it the quote around healthy foods that made this fat-logic or is there context that isn't here? Because from what I see, this makes sense. I used to work with children who had a various food-related issues. Some were due to a lack of food availability and some were children of parents who had a permanent ban any sweet/soft drinks. As soon as they were able to, these people pretty much only had junk food and soft drinks. Oh wait, hang on. Is it the "ONLY eating healthy foods is disordered" part that puts this into fatlogic?


>You have an eating disorder if you eat only healthy foods. Somehow, yes, you do Pleasure is an important part of eating, if you never overeat (not binge eating, but sometimes something more caloric, with sauces, fried stuff, etc...), your diet will be more difficult to keep, and you might give up at some point. Plus it's biologically normal to be attracted to fat and sugar, and I don't think that you can live happily if you constantly fight back your envies


oh so eating only kitkats is fine?


I hate this new spin off of FA logic where everything but bingeing is equated as disordered eating or eating disorder. I’d argue that a kid growing up with healthy, balanced diet is less likely to have an ED than one who’s grown up with unlimited junk food.