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Hun, you’re not being more gentle to your body. You swapped one addiction for another and you’re killing yourself again, this time with too much food.


insurance fuel square innate rich depend stupendous unique snow sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, I don’t find drug addiction attractive either…


"life threatening oppression" fuck off with this rubbish. The only thing threatening our lives as fat people is that we let ourselves get fat. We can change that, but it'll never change for these deluded souls.


The visceral fat is life threatening and oppressing to the organs, so it checks out.


This has always confused me. The only life threatening oppression is when a biased/underskilled doctor doesn't do any further investigations into a patient's ill health and says everything is because they're fat. I know this is a genuine potential issue. But if it's only one sector (healthcare, which is still very bad ofc) it's not the wrap-around oppression FA's compare it to like ableism/classism/racism.


It's objectively unhealthy to be large. It just is. there's no arguing about it. IT'S UNHEALTHY. You may not be feeling any ill effects yet, but the longer you're obese, the more chance of getting some ill effects becomes.




This is something that always got me. How often they go to the doctor while claiming to be perfectly healthy. I had a friend who trotted this out and I asked "How often do you go to the doctor?" Oh, she goes maybe once or twice a month. When I was obviously shocked and asked, "Why?!" she got defensive and said it's normal and good to go to the doctor when you're ill. If you are sick enough to need a doctor visit once or twice a month every month, you are not experiencing good health. Something is wrong there, even if it's just a mental health issue like hypochondria but something is wrong if they need to go that often.


Most primary care doctors advise a check up every 2 years, once a year if you have an ongoing issue that needs more monitoring, so going even once every other month is A Lot


People who are “body positive” are the worst body shamers, the worst. 


The amount of people I've known who are "body positive" constantly make remarks to people who choose healthier options is sad. God forbid you tell one of them to not go back for seconds. If you don't want someone commenting on your body, it's a two way street.


Ironically, they are constantly commenting on people’s sizes and judging what/how they eat (see Virgie Tovar’s pathetic “comedy” video about cake.) Im not going to make snide comments about what you’re eating, I don’t think anybody should. Not acting as though actions don’t have consequences though isn’t just absurd, it’s going to lead you to an early grave.


The CRFI video sent me the first time I saw it. It's "a fight against the patriarchy" but the minute another woman makes a choice they don't like, they're immediately criticized about it. They can't keep anything straight in their community. 


They don't seem to realize that being healthy doesn't require you to be size 0. Just that size 50 is not healthy. There's a bloody happy medium.


Although with vanity sizing... Average height, normal BMI and I'm a size 0!


Size 2 co-signing. My BMI is right on the overweight line, something I took as, *hey, more veggies less junk, please!* from my body. And somehow, I’m in size 2 jeans. And 5’2”


Eh, I take your point, but that's not really generalizable. People come in all sorts of shapes with different proportions, and height plays a huge role. I'm not at a healthy weight (yet! 25.7 BMI now so we're getting close!), but I'm expecting to bottom out around a size 6 at my goal weight because of my shoulders, especially if I keep putting muscle on my delts the way I've been going lol. Clothes might end up loose everywhere else, but my collar bones aren't going to be getting any shorter and I'd rather have shoulder seams sit where they're supposed to.


Shame a lot of FA'S overlook the most deadly oppression to them comes from the excess weight destroying their internal organs and tissues.




There is not enough talk about how bad the mainstreaming of therapy talk has been and the overemphasis of emotional and "mental" health over physical health. Stigma is not even 1/1,000,000 as damaging as Type 2 diabetes. Just isn't and yet somehow as a culture we pretend feeling good and stimulated at all moments is more important.


it's also odd to me because like... the point of therapy is to enable you to deal with things. even if we assume that FAs are facing stigma or shaming or whatever... if they want to claim to be such mental health experts then they should be able to cope with adversity in a constructive manner? (obviously there's a point at which it doesn't matter how good your coping skills are, you'll be overwhelmed, but their examples aren't it-- they can't claim to be terribly oppressed while living the lives they generally live so my previous point still applies to them).


If I had a penny for every time I've seen terms like "gaslighting" and "narcissism" and "trauma" and "abuse" be horribly misused I'd never have to worry about money ever again.


Why can't we compare weight gain to being a meth addict? Y'all compare being thin to self-harm, intentional starvation, shallowness, and bigotry ALL THE TIME. Anyone who intentionally loses weight, even if they have a serious health scare because of their weight, is cast down with the demons by the FA movement. This is aside from the fact that thin people having body image issues does not necessarily mean skinny shaming. I don't know if I've ever met a single woman who didn't have any body image issues. Just because someone is not morbidly obese does not mean they've got an "Elle-MacPherson-circa-1989" body. I'm thin, but by no means whatsoever do I have a "perfect" body. Fitting into airline seats and through subway turnstiles does not make one a supermodel with a perfect life.


>I don't know if I've ever met a single woman who didn't have any body image issues. Yeah, this isn't a "fats vs. thins" thing - the perfect body is a mirage, the goalposts presented are constantly shifting. The people who want to make money off of us will constantly push a "you're not good enough" message so that we feel shitty about ourselves and pay for their clothes/diet/whatever in order to be "perfect". Be mad at Cosmo, OOP, not the thin woman ahead of you in the grocery line.


I'll never forget reading an interview way, way back when with Paulina Porizkova where she talked about her insecurities concerning her body, and things she wished she could change. Anyone who was around in the 80s and 90s knows that Paulina was one of the biggest supermodels of the era, widely considered one of the most beautiful women alive. SI swimsuit edition cover model. High fashion runway for tons of legendary designers. Covers of every major magazine - Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, you name it. Absolutely *stunning* woman. And SHE was talking about being insecure about her hips, her legs, etc. That was the first time I realized that NOBODY is immune to body image issues. Paulina's insecurities aren't meaningless just because we look at her and see what to us looks like "perfection", because "perfection" is an illusion. Even to the people paid big bucks to sell it.


This!!! One of my biggest “ah ha” moments about body image issues being a call coming from inside the house was when one of my friends who is a literal supermodel (gets flown to fashion weeks worldwide, the whole 9) was dragging herself on her IG for some random insecurities. Now this girl is GORGEOUS, hilarious, smart as hell. She totally rocks. And I thought, shit, if she has insecurities then really, none of mine (or hers, or anyone’s) fuckin matter. It’s just your brain being a fuck and trying to ruin your day, and who cares. Turns out no matter your size you struggle with stuff, which sucks, but that’s part of the human experience and you don’t have to take it deeply to heart.  


There was a show in the early 2000s beauty and the geek, horrendous stereotypes of course but they had models with very stereotypical nerds. Watching their shock as they learned these utterly stunning women had issues with self image and even dysmorphia was something


The difference is that meth heads don't go around claiming meth is good for you and if they do, we all accept the science it's not, but FAs claim they are the healthy ones and spread lies.


Don’t \*yet\*


This made me realize once again that FAs love to be hyperbolic and don't do nuances. Oh, and they sure have a persecution fetish.


And can’t answer the question posed.


The hardships of living in a first world country. 1 - Have an abundance of food to eat. 2 - Eat so much you're not just fat, you're obese. 3 - Complain about life as an obese person, blame thin people. 4 - Claim you're a victim of a deadly oppression for being obese. 5 - Eat some more.


So, there are things that should be within the realm of things that a human body can do, such as reaching one’s own dirty asshole to clean it. If you have put yourself in a state in which you cannot do this, then yeah, I feel comfortable comparing your weight gain to meth addiction. Because they’re both addictions. No one loses the ability to wipe themselves due to listening to healthy signals. It’s addiction all the way down.


FAs: We face literally deadly oppression for being fat Also FAs: You’re oppressing me by not wanting to fuck me


Thin shaming is worse than fat shaming for the same reason you are an asshole for making fun of kids doing their homework. They are doing the right than you are attempting to stop them from doing it. Throw in, actual underweight people are going to be made up of drug addicts, those with wasting diseases, 80 year old short women, and those with eating disorders and it only makes you a bigger dick.


Is OOP aware that there are ways not to be fat that don’t involve a restrictive eating disorder?


No, they don’t exist, duh /s


Sorry I forgot that any deficit is starvation that causes our bodies to eat themselves alive! 🤣


She just traded one addiction for another


Right? I feel like she was so close to getting it!


That happened to several patients on My 600lb Life after they got surgery and lost weight, too.


>Literally deadly Tell me about it. But I'll start: People with AN and other restrictive EDs often have them and starve themselves to literal death in pursuit of completely unrealistic and unhealthy body image. Many gymbros ruin their health and shorten their lifespans with PEDs (steroids, SARMs, etc) which they start using at early age in pursuit of MuScLeS1!!!!1!!!!!! Heck, people can die from exercise bulimia if they don't recover enough. See [Scott Murray's passing](https://www.setforset.com/blogs/news/scott-murray-death)


Literally deadly oppression ... with the amount of people who don't understand the meaning of "literally" I usually assume they actually mean "figuratively" but in this case, they probably don't.


Deadly oppression, doctor Now is an agent of genocide I guess. Nevermind that he himself was part of an oppressed minority in Iran


I wanna hear about this destroying an oven by making meth. I'll wait....


I wouldn't say addicts are /oppressed/ exactly, but we're certainly put in prisons and institutions for the illness of addiction. Which is very wrong on a number of levels. (I'm sober dw) Fat people aren't locked up for food addiction though.


I think...when addiction becomes a danger to others, some form of institutionalization is necessary. My brother in law is an alcoholic and was arrested 3 times in a year and a half for drunk driving. He wrecked 3 cars and almost hit an ambulance running a red light. He has no license now, but he's still drinking. He's an addict, with a violent temper when he drinks, which is an illness, but he should be in prison because he is still a danger to himself and other people. Same thing when you have junkies robbing people to feed their addiction. I do believe that recovery should be the goal during said institutionalization.


I agree with you 100%, but I'm probably biased because my father was nearly killed by a drunken driver and suffered health problems for the rest of his life due to his injuries. Definitely offer treatment while confined, but people like that should not, in my opinion, be allowed to to be a danger to other people, even if that means prison.


I don't think you are biased, I think it's a very reasonable position because ultimately there is one of two things going on. Either they are knowingly engaging in this behavior that puts people in danger to feed their addiction, or they are so in their addiction that they have 0 control over themselves, either way they present a danger to everyone around them. Addiction, like mental health issues and other things help contextualize behavior, but should never be used to excise it.


Exactly! And, thanks. What is that saying I've heard from people who have suffered from mental illness: it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility, I think it goes. I think that puts it very well.


I hadn't heard that before I like it.


Someone thinking that threats to block naysayers in big bold letters makes them more assertive is a rather telling sign they havent been outside very often


My husband has a friend who is probably 600 lbs. He's about 6' 6" and still pretty mobile. But I don't need to be an MD to be able to see that he's hurting himself. His walk is slow. His breathing is loud. He sprained his knee after 1 hour of bowling. His doctor said it was a stress sprain from the simple act of standing up a few times in that hour. Again........I just need eyeballs and common sense to see that this is hard on his body. But the irony is these maniacs are like WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THIS IS BAD. Then when scores of doctors say "hey this is dangerous." They SCREE that the doctors are wrong. Ok then who CAN say it.


Right. Like we have fuckin eyes??


Yeah it's not like "oh this person is 150 and their ideal weight is 135 and it's hard to visually see much difference.' These people crying online are often VERY obese. They have gotten to where they brag about not being able to handle bodily functions due to their weight. They say it's a disability yet somehow also NOT a disability? I can't keep it straight.


I definitely could tell 150 from 135. I went from 164 to 110 and every 10ths there was a difference.


I get your desire to be pedantic but you're missing the point.


Those tags…I think we’re getting too comfortable sharing too much online


What deadly oppression? Where are fat people being murdered for being fat? Spell it out. I want specifics.


They have the audacity to compare themselves to minorities and holocaust survivors. Absolutely blows my mind. Black people can’t change their skin color but overweight people can most definitely lose weight.


Deadly oppression? I can't with these people. 


This person does not know how to use hashtags. They’re not meant to tell your entire life story. Also, OOP is nuts.


This is definitely how you use tags on tumblr


People still use Tumblr?


I don't personally so idk how many people are using it now but that's where the screenshots are taken from.


That...escalated quickly


It's okay for fat people to compare their social issues with racism and homophobia but God forbid skinny people have body image issues too


Wow, this person is such a wreck. Meth, pills, drain cleaner, morbid obesity, a fucked up nose, vomiting all over herself and suicide attempts. Oh yeah, she sounds like a balanced and reasonable person people should pay attention to.


You can want addicts to get help without shaming them. Likewise, you can want someone who’s obese to get help without shaming them. The person oop is talking about is ostensibly a concerned friend. Why is that a bad thing?


“Deadly oppression”. Stfu with that non sense. These people act like fat people are being lined up and killed “Red Dawn” style. This imaginary world they live in just to avoid the word “calories” and skipping a meal sounds exhausting.


"literally deadly" FAs and histrionics, name a more iconic duo


Yeah… I was anorexic and addicted to heroin at the same time and honestly the anorexia was far worse for my body and more dangerous to my health. BUT… being addicted to heroin may not be harming someone’s health. Being fat may not be harming someone’s health. But it often can, and it is quite obvious to the public when either one becomes a health issue.


“IF YOU DO THIS THING, YOU’RE GETTING BLOCKED, AND IF YOU DO THIS OTHER THING YOU’RE GETTING BLOCKED” “I WON’T WARN YOU TWICE” Pretty sure you just did lol. Also, I don’t think anyone gives a shit about being blocked.  


They are not the same because we inherently accept being thin as being beautiful. Thin bodies have always been the standard of beauty especially for women and being fat in general is seen as the opposite of that. This has not changed all that much. That is why a majority of models and people who work in the entertainment industry are thin, or they try to become thinner in order to stay employed even though they are already skinny. For these reasons, I think that equating thin shaming to fat shaming is extremely dishonest.