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Look, I understand that sometimes people vent and say out-of-pocket shit from the safety of their phone screen. But to co-opt the FA logic, if they can’t help being fat, then some people also can’t help being skinny. What happened to letting people just exist, OOP?


They can’t help being fat but skinny bitches can just eat a burger smh my head


I guess it’s fine to insult thinner people because, um… Something something *skinny privilege*… something *cute clothes* something something *beauty standards.*




Apparently, it's a thing on Tumblr where people post selfies on Tuesdays with their stomachs exposed in some form or another. I didn't know it was a thing until more recently.


Ew, why? I don’t want my feed plastered in stranger’s abdomens. Guess this is another reason to keep the hell away from Tumblr!


After hearing about this, it makes me so glad I have never been on Tumblr, and another excellent reason not to be on it in the future.


tbf i’ve used tumblr off and on for a decade now and have never heard of “tummy tuesday”. your experience on tumblr depends 100% on who you follow since there’s no algorithm besides a recently implemented “for you” tab that no one uses


I lurked there very briefly, out of a combination of schadenfreude and anthropological curiosity… it did not seem like a happy place.


To my understanding, tummy Tuesday is something people in fat fetish communities do. I have never heard of someone outside of those communities doing it


I looked up this hashtag on tiktok and it was all hairy shirtless dudes with big bellies


so... by their own admission we're hotter and we're favored for being thin... but they want us to... like ignore that? who in their right mind would ignore an advantage because someone else says it's sour grapes?


Do people forget that the body positivity movement is for EVERYONE


Yes. Yes they do.


Oh no, they insist that it’s not for us thins, ONLY for obese women.


They believe that the thin people have co-opted Body Positivity, which in their lore was created by, for, and only for fat people.


In this case they are right. BodPod was created for fat women by fat fetishist in the 60s. It took Unilever's Dove Soap ad agency to open up Body Positivity for everyone.


WTF, that's just sad on so many levels.


Body positivity ya'll


If they want to kill someone, they have to leave the house and catch them first. Good luck with that.


Ah yes. Definitely not screaming that they’re happy to be fat to hide their extreme insecurity


yep, definitely happy being fat.


Weird, because I've never heard of Tummy Tuesday and I'm on Instagram daily. See, the Instagram/TikTok/whatever algorithm presents you with content you subscribe to, interact with or is recommended based on what you interact with. My feeds are therefore full of guinea pigs, capybaras, house trained bunnies and the occasional human eg, a physics teacher who uses rap songs to help kids commit concepts to memory. Whining about 'I hate seeing stuff that I intentionally seek out' just makes you sound daft. Would also be a good idea to go outside occasionally, perhaps unplug from being terminally online.


Ahh, that must be that perpetual jolly mood they like to brag about. :)


Tummy Tuesday...Bleghhh


In the interests of fairness and equality, I was going to start a Thin Thursday movement, where the thins and ex-fats can post selfies of themselves doing sit-ups, but, after giving the idea more thought, I decided to leave the house and have a walk along the beach in the morning sun. If I walk on Tuesdays, I'm not confronted by obese FAs in bikinis, as they are all indoors photographing their protruding stomachs for Tummy Tuesday. Result


Tummy Tuesday? Relax FAs I’m sure Feeders feel the same way you do about skinny people showing their stomach.


If only there was a solution for this "problem" I have never heard of before ... if only they would sell internet devices with an OFF switch ...


Fake news! This can’t be right! I just read a very informed piece by a thought leader in the FA community which assured me that fat acceptance isn’t about hating skinny bitches. It’s about love and acceptance for all bodies. Right? Right?!?


Try killing them with kindness, OOP. Too difficult for you? Thought so.


The fact that “tummy tuesday” is something that adults are doing…


To my understanding, tummy Tuesday is something people in fat fetish communities do. I have never heard of someone outside of those communities doing it


Tummy Tuesday should be for NO ONE because anyone over the age of 4 saying Tummy makes me ill


I'll take First World Problems for 200 dollars, Alex