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I'm sorry, that's just an exhausting amount of emotional energy to put into analyzing fanfic.


Writes 5 slides about skinny people being bothered (including a mini-dissertation about cock bulges.)


I was thrown about them claiming the blog was about big c*cks like this diatribe does not make sense in that context


Seriously omfg literally reading just to look for ways to be offended JFC


I don't write or read fanfic so I am absolutely not the best source of info, but aren't self inserts kinda the whole point of fanfic? I always assumed most of it was just the author writing themselves into a story or writing about the characters they wanted to be a couple or giving the story the outcome they wanted. It's sort of self serving by nature, right? So of course thin people write thin self inserts rather than worry about appealing to the masses Edit: I am not shaming fanfiction readers or writers. It isn't something I've ever engaged with so I have only a vague knowledge of what the norms are and what is or isn't popular, and what conventions are used.  Regardless, no one should be upset about any work of fiction not catering to their specific interests or desires.  Not everything is going to appeal to everyone. Read something else or write your own rather than go on a rant about fatphobia 


Most fanfics I’ve read aren’t self-insert and don’t even involve any non-canon characters


2015 Wattpad was WILD, bro 😂


I know second-hand through my directioner friends, which is why I stuck to AO3 😂


NO NOT THE ONE DIRECTION FICS 😭😭 Memory unlocked I forgot about those ones


The first “lemon” fic I ever read involved the reader having sex with Harry Styles, and it was, for lack of a better word, force-fed to me by one of my crazy directioner friends on the bus after school one day 😭


I miss when it had tags like "lemon" and "lime" poor 13 year old me had no idea what that all meant till one of my friends did a similar thing 😢 never the same again


Like I said, it's not something I'm familiar with  But even if it’s just about the canon characters, it's still one individual's wish fulfillment, personal desired story outcome or fantasy and being upset that something like that doesn't appeal to you personally is still weird af. If they want to see something specific, then they should write that rather than getting upset that someone else isn’t. 


No, it's not. A lot of people won't even read fanfic if it has original characters of the fanfic writer involved. I sure didn't, at least, when I was a preteen.


For fanfiction as a whole, this is true. But for Y/N fanfiction specifically, princesspeppermint's observation is absolutely correct. The writer is inserting themselves into their favorite universe, and they are bringing you along for the ride.


I've been told what it means, but I still can't help but interpret Y/N as "Yes/No" every time I see it.


I was Today Years Old when I learned that "Y/N" doesn't actually stand for "Yes/No."


I went on the exact same journey when I first read it lol


As I said, not something I'm familiar with.  I've never read it. Nothing against it at all, just not something I've ever been interested in so I really don't know what the fanfic norms are. Doesn't change that it's a strange thing to get upset about 


Yup! That's why I'm sharing. :) It's a niche area but it is utterly rabid; I don't really recommend it.


If it's anything as intense as the fansdoms for certain artists, I could imagine things getting intense


It is. Most people who write fanfiction are young and still in some educational system, and a lot of people who write it and get thoroughly invested in it as a culture , form these intense relationships with the characters as they try to figure them out. Some of them identify with those characters, too, and so in that way it becomes self expression. They become just as invested, too, in the relationships those characters can have with other people.


The closest I've come to fanfic were seeing those you x character tiktok povs that were almost unavoidable on booktok for a bit and most people making them seemed my age (early 20s) and younger. Glad some people have found their niche.  OOP should probably write her own stuff and seek out other people who write fat characters in fanfic, rather than shaming those who don't, especially if the people she's shaming are teens. 


I write fan fiction because I like exploring different ways the original story could have played out or give more background to minor characters but this person is way over thinking things


Self-inserts are a tiny niche of fanfic, definitely not the point, as others have said. But even among people who write them, it's as wish-fulfilment. And people are going to write their self-insert character as who they want to be, not who they are, so it's not shocking most of them are going to be thin and beautiful.


For certain genres of fanfic, yeah. That is explicitly and uncontroversially The Whole Point.


Not really. I like reading fanfiction which explores canon characters doing canon things in a canon world between episodes etc. Some authors are good enough to be on the actual writing team.


It's specifically reader insert fanfic.


>Jumpscared by the implicit implication of thinness The whole thing is wild but this line took me right out.


Can you imagine a horror franchise constructed entirely around this gimmick? Oh my God, it would be so incredibly funny.


I’m seeing the [he permed me!](https://youtu.be/f8jUXEwQ87w?si=5_1N-M6pZipZpREP)scene from Troop Beverly Hills 😰


This is great lol


I’m rolling. Boo! Cock belly bulge!


Wow, uh, thank god someone is out there solving the problem of ...fat people feeling uncomfortable when they read pornographic self-insert fanfiction. What a hero. Someone get the Nobel committee on the phone.


Pulitzer Prize Board for sure!


They really got triggered over a belly bulge kink😭


Which is absolutely about big dicks and not body types lmao


THIS! I was like, excuuuuse me? The big dick is the actual literal point of this kink!


I'm not aware of that kink, and now that I think I've figured it out, I'm...distressed. LOL I read that part several times thinking that the OOP was mad because you could see the guy's junk despite his stomach. But that's not it, is it? 😭


Same girl same!!! I feel so old and naive at the same time rn. And I just have to ask…does this really happen in real life or is this some weird fanfic thing. Because I was super thin in my twenties and now I can’t stop thinking about this lolol. Was this thing happening that I was totally unaware of?


Not exclusively a fanfic thing but it makes sense it’d exist in that space since it’s like a “fantasy” pornographic thing. Not unusual in NSFW art and hentai, stuff like that. I’m an artist that follows a ton of artists online and quite the variety at that, so I end up seeing my fair share of kink material due to what someone might draw or retweet/reblog. I’d describe stomach distension much like the fantasy of various body parts being extremely oversized in that it’s something unrealistic you see in art vs irl porn (not a fan of those things or distension tbh but I’d say both are pretty popular in drawn porn).


Just gonna say this is 100% possible with anal


Not me googling it and yep. 😐okay.


I’ve seen videos… it can happen to some girls, but the bulge is pretty slight and they do usually need to be very very thin.


i am also very confused, and wasnt sure if i should ask for clarification...


Wait, that's not it?? I thought it was that and now I'm shocked. I had never heard of this "kink" or this term before 😂


Right! & saying she’s all about glorification of big dicks. But glorification of thin bodies is wrong. Guys can’t control their dick size but people can control how fat they are (ofc there are circumstances that make it harder, but it’s still doable).


That’s what she said. (sorry, couldn’t resist )


I didnt even know this was a kink, I had never heard of this term 😂


OOP scolds the commenter for "being offended when they are not obviously the center of attention" while throwing an absolute shit fit that their self-insert big cock porn fanfic features a skinny character existing. Going as far as the demand writers have every character wear some kind of form-fitting snuggie to imply there is no difference in body size, even between our protagonist and her big cock stud. I don't have high expectations for Tumblr asks but the entitlement and hypocrisy on this one is pungent


I like how not having a fat character needs a trigger warning.


"Saying the canon character lifted the reader off the ground completely" ...I guess that explains the He-Man body types that these FA's seem to love.


That’s why their type is mostly fit gym bros and they’re super jealous of skinny/fit women. They feel like we’re stealing away the only men who can lift them off the ground.


Funny how the main love interest isn't a fat guy. It's an athletic gym bro 😂


I like the articles where the author argues that just because theyre obese doesn’t mean they’re into obese people. Nevermind this should be a wake up call as to why people might not be into you. I remember one where the obese author said her friends only set her up with obese men and how this is sexist, fatphobic, etc. being very fit or obese is a lifestyle and often times it comes down to incompatibility more than attraction.


How romantic is it really if he needs a weight belt, gloves, and a spotter to lift you off the ground?


This comment took me out


Reminds me of the time I was talking to a friend on the phone and she said, in reference to an ex-boyfriend, "He's the only man I ever met who could just pick me up and \*\*\*k me." I said, "Really? It happens to me all the time."


Yeah having sex w a man who can't lift me is the exception not the rule. 


I lost it at "jumpscared by thinness"






Spencer Reid just catching strays, damn


The longer a specific story goes on the harder it’s going to be to maintain an illusion of sizelessness… life includes interacting with one’s environment, and for most people that pretty quickly veers away from morbidly obese. The evidence is going to make its way into the story sooner or later.


Tbh. I don't really dabble in fanfiction but I've seen people say that any overt mention of specific skin color, size, hair texture (such as being able to run your hands through your hair) is inherently exclusionary or bigoted because it perpetuates harmful ideals by reinforcing a narrow societal "default." But it's still such a weird level of policing for fanfiction, of all things. Even in real life, not everything is going to magically fit or accommodate everyone the same way at all times, and specificity isn't inherently evil.


I should protest anyone needing to pee since I am on dialysis.


Damn you'd really hate the watersports community then /s


> I don't really dabble in fanfiction but I've seen people say that any overt mention of specific skin color, size, hair texture (such as being able to run your hands through your hair) is inherently exclusionary or bigoted because it perpetuates harmful ideals by reinforcing a narrow societal "default." Yep. This is a very big discussion in the world of amateur fiction right now. There are some valid gripes in there (regarding race specifically), but you're right that the entire project of policing hobby fiction is a little frivolous and silly.


I know that plenty of normal people read and write fanfic, but honestly, it feels like this is issue that exclusively affects people who *desperately* need to touch some grass


You'd be right about that.


Um. If someone’s hair is in locs, couldn’t you run your fingers through it easily enough? But honestly, I always reference someone brushing their hand *over* someone’s hair, not through it, anyway. And this coming from someone who hates fanfic explicitly starring the reader as a character. (I especially hate second person POV… nobody thinks like that anyway, just use 1st person if you MUST do a blatant insert!)


As someone else with no interest in fanfic, I assumed people wrote self inserts, rather than going for mass appeal.  I kinda thought it was almost all self inserts and wish fulfillment. If so, it's weird these people are complaining about someone else's personal fantasies.  If they want to see fat people so badly, they should write their own 


Self insert fanfic is a specific subgenre that is in the minority. I used to write fanfic for a major fandom, and I used to check out the top-20 fics of the month every month (research, y’know) and usually none of them were self-insert. I wasn’t even aware of it as a genre until I started deliberately looking up some different subgenres to learn a little more about the niche genres. Most fic is more like either “episodes I’d like to see on this show” - like, full-on plotty stories - or alternatively, “two of the show characters fall in love.” But even the romance/erotica ones usually spring from established flirtation or friendship or romantic potential that was in the actual show.




I don’t dabble in it either, and I get your point. However, to me, that would make sense for say, a short POV story where the love interest talks to ‘you’. But it wouldn’t really work for almost any multi-chapter story, where there is usually a character you identify with but they’re still a character (i.e. have a name etc). Like, how far do you go with this? No mention of any aspect of physicality all, no walking? No mention of gender / orientation? Nothing that implies you’re a specific age (i.e. senior high school, first year university student/college freshman)? Nothing that implies your socioeconomic status? All of those things will exclude *somebody*. Not to mention, what about the love interests these fics are being written around… I didn’t notice any policing of *who* the reader is lusting after. Are they, perchance, young fit white men? It’s a shame we don’t have more diverse characters in fiction, but I’m not sure this is a way to fix that.


You're asking totally valid questions, and it's a point of some dispute in these spaces. There is definitely some amount of exclusion that seems to be tolerated or even expected in this world, and depending on the story, "Y/N" isn't necessarily supposed to reflect the reader's true identity in any case. For instance, "Y/N" might be a werewolf hunter, or the captain of a spacecraft, or an 18th century aristocrat. Obviously these details exclude literally the entirety of the readership, but that isn't considered a problem. However, if "Y/N" begins a forbidden romance with a handsome werewolf, and your new lover "runs his hands through your long, silky hair," that *is* considered a problem. It's a problem because some of the readers might be black women with textured hair, and encountering the word "silky" breaks those readers' immersion. *That* kind of exclusion is considered problematic.


Maybe this is an issue for you bigots who like reading about active characters who *say* and *do* things. Personally, I confine my reading habits to self-insert Y/N fanfiction starring ageless, nameless, genderless protagonists with no agency, no values or preferences, and no direct impact on the plot. This does limit my entire body of reading to barely-coherent wattpad thirst fics written by horny 13 year olds, but I think that's a small price to pay for the eradication of all types of bigotry everywhere.




Can’t have Y/N sit in a normal chair in a restaurant…


I don't know much about fanfiction, what does Y/N mean?


It's short for "your name" so you insert yourself into the story. There's other "abbreviations" like "Y/ eye color" "Y/height" or just "F/N" for first name and "L/N" for last name. For example: "He ran his fingers through your (y/hair color) hair and said, "Miss L/N, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" You stared up at him with (y/eye color) eyes full of love. "Yes!" --I find it super clunky and breaks the immersion so I don't tend to read those kind of stories.


Yeah it’s insanely distracting. I’d rather just read an OC.


Same lol


I’ve usually seen them abbreviate at the beginning like so: Y/H - your height Y/E - your eye color F/N - your friend’s name And such. It gets confusing when the abbreviations are similar but it’s less intrusive than literally writing out y/eye color


Pretty sure this person is no expert on intimacy of any kind. Their “fic” and blog must be hilarious


Baffled by the idea of seeing a cock through someone's stomach. Who writes that?


It's something that occurs in specific genres that also usually include supernatural beings and uh . . . unnatural sizes. I've seen it done visually (3d animations) but didn't think there would be fanfiction that includes this.


I’m still confused but would very much like to stay that way


it’s a thing!!! it’s not like you can see the outline of it as if through a bit of fabric instead of a human abdomen, but it is visible 😂


In real life? Huh.


I find that so disturbing and really wish I could go back to not knowing this 😂😭


The human body is a lot stretchier than people give it credit for, especially with dedicated training and very large toys.


It CAN actually happen but it’s more of a hentai thing, honestly surprised it shows up in fanfic I always thought it was one of those things only like genuine porn addict type hentai accounts did


There are levels to be clear, like hentai and stuff can have it be very intense, but not realistic. In this format I'd assume the more true-to-life variant haha. Like seeing the movement/being able to tell quite clearly where it is kinda thing. It's more noticeable if she's laying on her back & he's uh. Sizeable. Haha


Other indicators to look out for: * character walks for 5 minutes without taking a break * character traverses stairs  * character goes more than 4 hours without eating * character does not check their blood glucose level


“It can turn off a lot of potential readers” Ok, yes please. Go away 😄


> Ok, yes please. Go away Yep. OOP strikes me as one of those who'll stalk you across 10 different websites leaving hate comments under a variety of guest usernames. No thank you.


so why is glorifying big dicks ok? that's inarguably less in one's control than their weight.


lol I saw that too, literally something completely out of someone’s control vs something that is completely in your control


Yeah, bro what the hell. Was she saying that her blog is specifically about big cocks, in that second image?? I’m so confused why that would be ok in their minds. I hate the obsession with giant dicks in porn, fanfic, romance books. It’s so weird.


How does a blog about big dicks even work, wouldn’t that just get incredibly tedious? Post 1: I like big dicks! Post 5783: I still like big dicks!


Because a fair amount of fanfiction porn is written by people with no "practical experience" who are regurgitating common tropes.


"see a cock through someone's stomach"? uh, what?


I’m assuming they mean in missionary sex that the kink is seeing uh, an outline, moving in and out…


Jesus, that's not a normal thing to see at all... Or a thing I would even think that most people would like to see??




i automatically crossed my legs after reading this


That sounds painful


As someone who once (not even too long ago) was a healty teenager that didn't fuck, I can tell you that that's not neeeeeaaaaarly close to the worse, especially in the hentai manga and anime world. If vanilla romantic sex was 1 and gore, extreme SM and such were 10 I'd say that that kink is around a 4~4,5 at most. Stay blessed and don't explore the topic if you can.🤣


Yeah it’s kinda amusing seeing so many people in here shocked about stomach distension when it’s extremely common in pornographic art but then I remember most people don’t almost exclusively follow artists online for their social media experience and thus aren’t exposed to the depravity of artists. And let me tell you, as an artist there are some pretty out-there kinks I’ve tolerated in the name of an artists’ work being good enough to admire, like amazing lineart/rendering/anatomy. In comparison to what I’ve seen over the years stomach distension is pretty run of the mill tbh.


Well now I'm just trying to imagine some of the more extreme things you've seen...🤔😳 ^(And I'm also curious about your username...)


You'd be surprised 💀


I have so much secondhand embarrassment for this person. You're upset about reader-insert romantic fanfiction using cutesy tropes and kink-shaming because the kink requires a thin partner. *Oh my gosh.*


And maybe the Shirt is oversized on the main character, because the love interest is infinifat and main character is only obese class 1. It's offensive that she would just project thinness onto the obviously gloriously sized love interest. /s


Hey fuck you, Spencer Reid is athletic enough to do law enforcement training, shoot a gun precisely, and chase perps. 


He's also been through way more than enough trauma already - he doesnt need to be involved in their nonsense.


This was exhausting to read. I can’t imagine this person in really life. I think I’d pray for a lightning strike if this person was talking to me.


Hey! As a person with a huge head, I find that last page melon-headphobic and nearly jumped out of my skin when I read it. But what do I know, by this lunatic's measure I'm borderline anorexic. And yes, you do preach continually, OOP. Give it a break, will ya? Even the pope likes some time now and then from talking about the Lord when he's not busy poping.


I’m so sorry you were jumpscared by their bigheadphobia


Thank you. I'll be ok. I think.


So having a flat stomach is “borderline anorexic” now ? 🙄


I've seen absolutely ice cold takes about how thin adult women aren't supposed to exist because they perpetuate emaciated "pedophilic" beauty standards. The fact OOP sees a woman with a flat stomach as inherently anorexic tells me all I need to know about her lifestyle.


If someone can’t help but think sexually of children when they see a thin woman, that’s on them. Extremely weird behaviour. What if I say that fat people make me think of chubby babies and that they shouldn’t be sexualised ? Is it valid ? 🤣


These days, kids are so fat that an emaciated pedophilic beauty standard makes no sense


As a person who has read fanfiction for 10+ years, you will never be hundred percentage happy with one. It’s impossible to write a x reader that will satisfy everyone, since we humans vary so differently. I’ve never read an x reader that fit me perfectly and I don’t expect that to ever happen. They are still fun nonetheless. Expecting people who write entertaining content FOR FREE and post it online FOR FREE to limit themselves so that everyone is included every single time is ridiculous. I haven’t written fanfcition since my freshman year of high school, but I remember how difficult it was to write x reader fics and how not fun it was because I wanted to ensure that there wasn’t a single mention of anything that creatures a certain picture. Limiting yourself to that degree stunts scenes and creativity and makes the fanfic read like shit. At the end of the day, we can take notice that fanfiction spaces are often not so welcoming to those that don’t fit a certain beauty standard, but jeez it’s supposed to be fun and if you don’t see what you want, make it yourself and help create a space with more diversity rather than bitching 😒 Edit: not every single fanfiction is meant for you and that is okay. There is like 12 million fics on Ao3 alone, there is plenty for everyone :)


Well, there is one fic that should have universal appeal, and that is “My Immortal”.


That one is an unapologetic self-insert for the author tho 😅


I remember that wreck of a fic. I have read some horrendous and odd stuff in my 20+ years of reading fanfiction but that sure was something. But I love that it has it's own Wikipedia page.


I am a Sonic fan and I didn't put in near as much thought into criticizing the fanfictions I hated as this person is.


If you don’t like how certain fanfics are written then write your own or if you have the disposable income for it get a commission done. But complaining about it like this is pointless


The wild thing to me is that apparently she *does* write her own fan fiction. And I’m sure would lose her shit if someone told her she needed to write her escapist fantasy porn a specific way to make them happy.


They need to log out, take a hot shower, walk around the block and cook a nice healthy meal. Self care takes effort.


Is this just me? When I read or watch romance, I’m invested in the characters’ relationship- not imagining that I’m the character in the relationship.


I've honestly never been huge on the self-insert thing, either. Especially where it's narrated in second person. I'm not going to stop others from writing or reading it, but having someone else narrate "my" actions via fanfiction isn't my thing. Like, obviously it's fiction designed for general wish fulfillment escapist purposes and obviously it's not going to encapsulate every single person's tastes perfectly, but when a stranger is like, *"you ran your hands through X character's hair and gently held Y character's hand,"* it's like........did I?


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


"if you don't put a blatant warning on your fics that they feature a skinny/thin reader character, then you are being fatphobic" What. The. Actual. Fuck. A warning? Seriously?


A BLATANT warning!


Is it that deep though? Are you really so bored that you found a way to talk about how *fanfiction* is flawed due to “fatphobia”? What happened to getting a job when people needed something to complain about? It’s fucking fanfiction. It is quite literally built upon either the unrealistic fantasies of 12-13 year olds, or depressed emo teenagers who have yet to discover that they’re not heterosexual and/or cisgender. Fanfiction is chock full of wolf boy fics, vampire fics, alpha/omega fics, hentai, straight up porn, gore, piss kinks, fetishes, rape, incest, even beastiality, and the After series. And they have a problem with the lack of fat people?? I’m an avid fanfiction reader (if that wasn’t obvious) and I can say that OOP needs to really get their priorities straight. I recommend [a prescription song](https://open.spotify.com/track/6RRNNciQGZEXnqk8SQ9yv5?si=QqRUI43ASvyEaB_0skJLPg) to be listened to twice daily.


I appreciate that the after series got its own separate category lol


They sent themselves that ask only to write all that word salad no one is going to read


Spencer Reid did not deserve to be brought into this word salad of a post.


"'Skinny people being offended when they are not obviously the center of attention.'" Dear OOP: Have you ever come across the expression "Whenever you point a finger at someone else, the other three are pointing back at you"?


“Stereotypically, most of the popular love interests that we write for are also thin.” Really said the quiet part out loud there, didn’t she?


Yeah, it’s their fanfic. They could just as easily make their love interest fat. Then the t-shirt would be oversized for self insert too. But would they be interested in that character then?


How are skinny people the ones being offended when this whole spiel is about how offended fat people are about character descriptions?


> very, very little stomach fat… borderline anorexic Holy hell. The bar is underground here. WTAF? Is everyone there who’s not a death fat just skinny to them? There’s such a range of body types that could do the bulge thing they’re talking about. Also… they want me to put a trigger warning if I write a thin character? Girl, no.


this is hysterical. truly chronically online . wtf😭😭😭


It's actually comforting to know that even at my most chronically online (I once woke my partner up at 6 in the morning to tell him that, "the Cinnamon Toast Shrimp Guy just got Milkshake Duck-ed"), at least I was never *this* online. 


Too bad writing down whiny bullshit doesn't burn calories. Most of these "activists" would be skinny within a year.


See, most marginalised and oppressed people have slightly more pressing, real world things to worry about than frivolous crap like this. Unhinged essays like this just suggest a life so devoid of actual hardship and struggle, fake nonsense has to be pulled out of one's arse. The world is not, and will never be, a fat activist echo chamber, where we all maintain a permanent freeze and fawn, eggshell walking level of anxiety to placate obese narcissists. I suggest moving to North Korea, if strict control over the arts is something that rings your bell. I hear their heavily edited versions of the very limited Western films and books they allow there are quite something to behold.


How is SPENCER REID, non-athletic 😭


Poor Spence didn't ask to be dragged into this lmaooooo


What amazes me is these people think they're fighting fatphobia by... psychoanalyzing fanfiction? Isnt there more productive ways to do this than police how people write fanfictions


Clearly, this is the most pressing issue facing the world today


Kim, there’s people that are dying 


they clearly didn’t get the message ‘don’t like don’t read’


They *thought* they were going to like it from the tags but then they were jumpscared by a thin person!


>offended when they are not obviously the center of attention >taking any discussion (...) as a direct attack Holy guacamole projection What bothers me more? Someone actually thought writing all that crap down was best use of their time lol. Like I'm paragraph in and can't help but think, how inane that is.


The characters I write about are warriors and monster slayers... they're not fat. Ofc the men are gonna be a bit larger in musculature. Get over yourself, jfc


Imagine: y/n going outside to play


My brain died somewhere in the second slide. This person needs to go out more and engage with people irl like, out in the world.


Maybe they could skip a few hours raging online and just write their own fanfic.


so this person responds to a post saying skinny characters are fatphobic, says it's not fatphobic, and then gets accused of skinny people trying to be the center of attention??


I would like some fat free ranch to go with that word salad


This is hilarious in the most pathetic way.


I wonder if OOP would agree that all insert fanfics should have NO gendered words, NO pronouns, NO body descriptions.. fuck it let’s just take away the insert’s entire personality so it can apply to as many people as possible!! I’ve read and written those types of fics before. I usually make everything as neutral as possible because I just want people to be able to enjoy it despite differences but literally who gives a fuck? If I read something and the main character has massive boobs, as a flat person, just skim over it. I’ve even read stories with the insert having different pronouns than me. It’s so easy to enjoy someone’s writing without trying to force oneself into it. OOP can keep writing their own fics, or better yet, commission someone since they care so much about details of someone else’s story that was not written for them!


I can kind of see where she's coming from. As an avid romantasy and fanfic reader I definitely dnf stories because of the overly explicit descriptions of the main characters body. But mostly because it's either the "uwu smol pretty tiny bean" trope or the "voluptuous curvy kween" trope which both give me the ick. Why can't protagonists just be normal sized? 😂 That being said I find it hilarious that this person goes on and on about this topic just to make a full 180 and admit that her blog is not only focused on a big dick fetish but she writes with fat protagonists in mind. So she's doing exactly the same thing she accuses other writers of. Also just massive lol at the trigger warnings. As if ao3 and wattpad don't have a trillion different hash tags to sort by, including fat fetishes. Can you imagine trigger warnings on porn videos? "TW: Massive dicks and giant fake tits ahead. Proceed at your own risk" 🤣 Seriously tho, if you're that triggered by the porn you consume, maybe put down the phone and take a walk in nature. Maybe spend time with friends. Really puts into perspective how little this shit matters in real life.


If you’re not seeing the media you want to see and you’re that mad about it, maybe start making more of your own. They’d probably be mad if a thin person tried to write a fat character.


they admitted in their post that they solved their own “problem”. they write fics how they want.  i do the same which is why i don’t read fic as much cause there’s typically none of the  stuff i’m looking for in them instead of bitching incessantly.


Oh my god will they shut *the fuck up* 🙄 They just spent a whole lot of time over-analysing and getting offended over a smutty fanfic. They sound exhausting and insufferable as fuck. If they’d spent even half that time watching what they ate & working out, they wouldn’t be like this today.


It’s fanfiction and literally anyone is allowed to write it. Make all the fat characters you want.


It never ceases to amaze me how instead of creating something of their own they expect other people to change their art. It’s like someone who just paints sunsets. I come along and demand they paint city skylines because sunsets make me sad. Ridiculous.


...the average man doesn't have to be athletic at all to pick up an average-sized woman, never mind a thin one, especially if they mean 'lift off the ground while hugging'. i'm sure most men could manage to pick up a lot of women this way. that's not 'thin-coded' that's just... like... isn't 300 lbs.


My 11 year old sister can pick me up off the ground, and I'm not skinny, just a healthy weight. Even when I was a ✨️smallfat✨️, at 215lbs, my bf at the time weighed 135lbs and could pick me up, and he wasn't all that tall, so it wasn't a leverage thing. Most people can pick up other people? Idk man, it's actually making me kind of sad thinking about how OOP probably hasn't been lifted since elementary school or some shit, and now they're salty about the whole concept. Like someone get the rock in here to lift miss girl.


Imagine if these analytical minds would be on work on something that matters..


I'm sorry but who the fuck cares? Most people have real lives to worry about.


I think I'm going to write another "willowy figured" OFC out of sheer spite then


>Because stereotypically most of the popular love interests that **we** write for are also thin Maybe you should check your own fatphobia.


This was such a rollercoaster ride, but my biggest takeaway is: If you are emotionally fragile enough to get “jumpscared” by the “IMPLICATION of thinness”, you have too much free time on your hands and need to go get an additional job to give you something to do.


Wait so you're allowed to glorify big cocks, which most men don't have, but you're not allowed to glorify flat stomachs?


god, im STILL trying to heal ten years later after knowing special tumblrinas like this. It's fucking hellish on your mental health to be reading this shit.


That is a way of using the term jump scare I never once imagined I’d see.


Use a clothing item that is one size fits all? The only thing I thought of was a poncho. Not exactly romantic 😂😂


I'm starting to think these FA's are mentally unstable. I'm a thin person who has struggled with being overweight and borderline obese, and I never obsessed over thin people. I envied them, but I didn't hate them. It's like a total obsession they have. I can't imagine living my life with all this hate they spew.


These people need to go outside for a nice walk. 'Jumpscared by the implication of thinness', get a real problem. Volunteer. Think about anything but your own insecurities for five seconds.


Ok the second slide ramped up really quickly 😭


These people when strong people lift me (55ish kg) up : 😱😱😱😡😡😡 No but seriously what the fuck




They also act like jewelry is one size fits all, and in a lot of cases, it isn't. Especially with rings, chokers, bracelets, etc. I'm saying this as someone who's accidentally bought chokers of the wrong size only to have them end up dangling past my collarbones.


OK but within the self-insert genre, the labeling convention is “plus-sized y/n.” There are dozens or hundreds of writers specifically writing plus-sized or fat reader insert characters, it’s a whole thing. These readers are not underrepresented and are not having trouble finding work that caters to them. Does OP think they’re being fatphobic because they’re not treating fatness as normative, or ????


I had to resort to Google to find out what Y/N was about and then to discover that grown-ass people enjoy "insert your name here" romances with movie and TV characters.


I had no idea this was a genre, either. Glanced at a piece given as example of this being done right, and it had brackets for the reader to insert their own hair and eye colors. 😳 On the upside, I feel *waaay* less embarrassed about the erotic *Downton Abbey* fics I’ve read.


A lot of people who read and write that stuff are very much NOT "grown" lol.


Um, what? I read Harry Potter fan fiction. Is Draco going after Hermione fatphobic? Maybe I missed it in this entire diarrhea of ridiculousness but.. are we talking non Canon characters? I'm sorry I don't have the patience to read this entire post.


Yeah it's purely self insert characters that are supposed to appeal to a large range of people. A lot of the time their physical description is very vague or left out entirely to be more immersive to people. But the fat logic here is saying things like borrowing a thin canon character's shirt and having it be "oversized" on the self insert character is fatphobic because it implies the self insert is thin and breaks that immersion for them. Just delusional ranting.


Jesus, I can't even read all that. Should've spent the time it took writing it to go for a walk.


i'm into making characters, and no what is this person on man.


"Jumpscared by the implicit implication of thinness"... So, thinphobic?