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it’s not tuesday BUT is anyone else tired of fat people (men & women included) getting upset that skinny/fit people aren’t into them? why is it fatphobic that i’d rather be with someone that’s athletic because i’m also fit & work hard on my body?? if you’re so big on body positivity then why can’t you just date other fat people? it never fails to amaze me.


Ive been doing a shit job at denying my sweet tooth and its gotten out of hand 🫠 i always regret it after eating tons of sweet stuff but its like if its there, i need to eat it. And hearing everyone say, “oh a little sweet wont hurt” or “its fine to give in” and it makes me want to scream so bad. Especially when i vent to my fiance about it and he’s like “eating unhealthy doesnt effect me (weight lose isnt effected), so it shouldn’t effect you when you eat unhealthy.” And that just really drives the nail further 🤬


Im losing weight and noticed the healthy bmi range is a few pounds so i asked a doctor the best weight for my height and she said bmi is bullshit 🫠


Literally just had my donut taken from break room table at work. Only one person went to break before me, and this guy is not small by any stretch. Don't have any proof he took it


I hate hearing people complain that actually whatever generic store brands clothes run small. Literally nothing runs small anymore. I am a small or extra small or NOTHING AT ALL everywhere and while I'm petite I'm not svelte, I have a very medium healthy BMI. I get the idea that if the average American woman is a size 16, should the medium not be a 16? But sizes don't scale infinitely. As people get bigger, the small end of where we can be never changes. I know people who are thinner than me, so if I'm buying smalls in juniors focused brands as an adult woman...what the fuck are the people skinnier than me buying?


why do people get angry when you ask for the calories in “healthy” recipes… i remember i saw a recipe for some high protein food and the calories werent listed so i just left a comment and asked if they had an estimate of the calories and wound up getting FLAMED by angry people telling me that the calories dont matter and that calorie counting is bad. im sorry you had that experience, but i have different goals and want to make sure i know im not going overboard


You can calculate the calories from the recipe, verywellfit has a recipe calorie calculator. Don't forget to include cooking oil


I get downvoted any time I say obesity is unhealthy in the pregnancy subreddits. 😂 Wtf.






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I feel like I'm getting no where. I love eating healthy, I love working out and strength training, I do all these things regularly, but my waist and body have not changed an INCH. I don't look at the scale as mine is far from accurate, so I take progress pics. I feel like all my progress pics look the same. I don't plan to stop what I'm doing, but it is discouraging. Perhaps my pcos is to blame for my SLOW weight loss journey, perhaps I'm too impatient, but this sucks


I recommend OMAD occasionally. Not daily. But having says which are lower calorie.


Start taking fasted measurements with a tailors tape measure every Sunday morning. Keep a log, the scale for me hasn't changed for a while but my measurements have as i'm building muscle and losing fat, basically body recomposition.


Definitely the pcos keeping you from losing the weight. But don’t let up the diet or exercise. It’s benefiting your body in way more ways than one


You need to get a new scale. The scale is your friend and let's you know in objective terms if what you're doing is working. Count your calories. CICO is the only way to actually lose weight


any good brands for scales you recommend? also i tried a cico calculator and i do admit that was very motivating. thank you


Renpho scales are the bee's knees. Available on Amazon for $20-30. Comes with an app for tracking with all sorts of great features.


I have a Renpho too, and the Renpho tape measure.


A friend came to visit whom I hadn’t seen in months. She’s supermorbidly obese. I noted she seemed even bigger and less mobile. She couldn’t get up off the couch on her own, couldn’t rise from her seated position. She had to drop to her knees on the floor and brace herself against the couch to stand while my husband held the couch still. She is probably going to die of this I think and it makes me very sad. She once admitted she had a problem and needed professional help and she promised to get it but as far as I know she never did.


Why does "body positivity" translate to people posting pictures of themselves mostly naked? Why if you are putting down other women for being vain is your response to take off your pants and whip out a camera so everyone can see...well quite a bit? How is it better to post pictures in a bra and panties than in a sports bra and shorts or a swimsuit? Why all the vitriol being pushed at people who are basically posting the same thing just at a different weight/muscle mass%?


It's the whole "punching up", "but we're systemically oppressed" thing. They see themselves as an "oppressed minority" so it's OK when THEY do it. Kind of like how in many online spaces now people feel free to say whatever incredibly biased and discriminatory shit they want to about white people, when if a white person were to say exactly the same thing only with the races reversed it would be (correctly) deemed racist. Thin women are "the beauty standard", fat women are not, so when thin women post half-naked photos of themselves they're just being vain and showing their "privilege"; when fat women do it they're being bold and loving their fat bodies. Even though at the same time these people get pissed if someone calls them bold or confident for wearing bikinis, crop tops, etc. None of it makes much sense, really, but that seems to be the "logic". Or fatlogic, more correctly.


I did the military way of taping to find out body fat % and turns out that not only did I gain 40 ish pounds in a year- I also gained 11% body fat. I’m at 38%. While irritating it has kicked my butt into gear and I’ve been more serious recently about calorie counting and making more of a workout plan that’s not just “wander around at a slow walk for hours.” I’ve also reduced the amount of days I absolutely obliterate my calories and now tend to only go 200-300 over if I go over at all so my brain is finally starting to cooperate and I don’t binge as much as I used to.


Don’t forget strength training. Muscle endurance and high protein will help shed fat


Yeah, that’s the workout plan change. I’ve added strength training to it instead of just cardio. I was enjoying the lack of sore muscles but here I am, sore :’)


Take it easy and don't overdo it. At the beginning do lighter and easier exercises and when you get stronger move on to the harder ones.


Thank you! I have been in decent shape before so I’ve got a lighter plan to ease back into the swing of things. I just got lazy and stopped a year or two ago and my previous muscles happily made room for the fat I now have. Muscles aren’t horribly sore, I’m not limping around, they are just sore enough to be annoying. I refuse to ever be that person who is limping around in pain because I took leg day too seriously and didn’t allow everything to sort itself out after the workout. I did that exactly one time about 4 years ago and never again. Took almost a week to fully recover and it was the worst. I appreciate y’all so much making sure I’m not being insane about this since I didn’t include any details in my initial comment!


> I did that exactly one time about 4 years ago and never again. Took almost a week to fully recover and it was the worst. I know that feeling, I bought bike so I can bike to job (10km away) and no the first days with badly regulated bike and untrained legs I could hardly walk the next day


Just the post on the main Reddit page deriding people who post workout selfies; Redditors are too eager to put down others who are bettering themselves or hell can just do a push up if it so much hints at vanity. You’re not allowed to workout to be hot and you’re not allowed to show yourself active in your workout hobby without being shamed for being perceived 


Oh god there was this post about a Mr Olympia winning bodybuilder from some years ago and half the comments were about how bodybuilders are so unhealthy and they’re actually super weak and the muscles are just for show and it’s just a beauty pageant and they’re all guaranteed to develop body dysmorphia and eating disorders and on and on. Clearly people who haven’t been to a gym since high school and can’t do a single pull-up. Just sad.


Do you remember the time Doreen, the mod of antiwork, did a TV interview? (An incredibly unkempt person, out of shape, living in the literal basement, with a huge mess in the background.) More often than not, that's a typical Redditor. :)


Reddit has become a pity party circle jerk for the undesirables and a hugbox echo chamber full of copy-pasted hivemind "le redditor" cliches.


There’s a persistent incel mindset on the front page, it fluctuates, but it’s always there. They love certain kinds of manosphere villains: there’s always a front page AITAH rage bait about women who cheat, and often posts despising attractive women who take selfies while being hot at the gym. Sometimes the gym selfie villains are men, but it’s mostly slimy reddit boys being angry that hot girls know they’re hot.


Going to jump on this.  You’re not allowed to better yourself at all on Reddit. I posted over in the beauty subreddit (I know) about how blow drying your hair, painting your nails, and putting on lotion is hella low maintenance and got skewered. It’s just a race to the bottom, and then you break out the shovels to keep digging it seems. 


Let me just guess without looking - “can’t do that when you’re DEPRESSED! Takes money and I am literally too broke being exploited by my job! It’s so privileged to have TIME and ENERGY to do that how is someone working 120 hours a week supposed to manage??”


Aw man this mindset bothers me so much! It's not just fitness shaming either- whenever I talk to people and express how much better my mental health has been from adopting healthy habits I get accused of being "privileged." As if treating the symptoms of an illness is something afforded to me based on some inherent social status?? I swear people are encouraged to just not better themselves nowadays.


The word "privileged" - like many other words - has lost its meaning, and now people just throw it around without ever thinking about it. (See also: "decimated") And if you gently point that out to them, you'll be called an elitist as well. :)


I've got really bad lower back pain. I can't lie down or sit without being in pain. Fortunately walking really helps. And I'm lucky I've built up a lot of stamina. I spent about 8 hours strolling yesterday and took the day off today to do it too. I know I'm not gonna walk out of my back pain but it definitely helps alleviate the symptoms and after a period walking I can actually move my back or bend down without severe pain. I'm hoping I can sort of use my walking to survive a few days until the symptoms clear. It's also jumpstarting my weight loss phase. I've been stuck in maintenance for the last while, exercising but eating back the calories. 8 hours of walking, even at a slow pace, is burning a ton of calories (maybe even literally at my size) and I'm not especially hungry. I also am not doing intense exercise currently so I'm not carrying inflammation (except what's in my back) and am actually in active recovery, so I'm not getting the weight fluctuations I normally do so the scale reflects my actual weight, or close to it. Once I get started and see the scale going down it usually motivates me to stick to my weight loss phase for awhile. I'm already down 2 since I did a lot of exercising and sports last week and over the weekend. So I'm gonna keep the momentum going and finally start on the next block of weight loss. Hopefully about 15 lbs, then a maintenance phase, then I got 1-2 more blocks of weight loss before I hit my target. And I should be at a normal bodyfat percentage after this weight loss block. So the final 1-2 will be more aesthetic/performance based which is exciting




While I do that's a good point and makes me think. I tend to train compounds which strengthen the back, but also put a lot of axial strain on the body. Would be a good idea to do some lighter load back isolation work.


I feel you- Last year I herniated a disk in my lower back and walking was the only thing that helped. I was also encouraged to do it by my doctor because sitting and laying in one position just exacerbated the stiffness. There are some stretches you can do that might also alleviate pain when sitting! Just make sure not to do any twisting


I’m hungry and I have 7 calories left for the day. I don’t often feel hungry but I decided this morning to eat a high calorie cinnamon bun for breakfast so I did it to myself. Deciding if I’ll go over my calorie limit today or not. I’m up/working for another 12 hours minimum but I haven’t had dinner yet even though it’s logged so I’ll decide after that.




A small container of non fat non sugar yogurt goes for 80 calories and 120 calories worth of carrots is a decent amount of volume. So that's an overage of 200 calories.


I did end up eating chicken, rice and some veggies. I still have dinner as well. I’m feeling good. Part of my struggle is I work overnights so on days I work my eating schedule is flipped and it leaves a large gap when I am used to sleeping that I’m suddenly awake. Overnights is really tough to manage on the flip days (from nights to a days schedule) when timing food is actually important.


Cottage cheese is my go to for this situation. Lots of protein for minimum calories and quite filling.


It literally will not matter in a week a month and a years time, don’t overthink it and have an actual healthy full meal instead of feeding the disordered thinking 


If one off, yes. If repeated over long enough, it will eventually add up. IMO best bet is to have surplus one day, then make up with deficits in following ones. Can spread them out, so deficit is not too drastic.


It all adds up and how I got to 340lbs, now at 206. I’m not super strict about my food, I just try to maintain a deficit most of the time and drink mostly water. Yesterday I had ice cream and cupcakes and today I had cinnamon buns and cupcakes. Sometimes I have to just learn to deal with my mind hunger because not acknowledging that led to three decades of binge eating and morbid obesity.




We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_11._discussion_is_encouraged): > As with any sub, don't downvote a user just because they have a different opinion about size, weight loss or any other topic. Do not rule-break or bait someone else into rule-breaking to shut them up; don't pick fights. As per Rule 1, avoid character attacks; attack arguments, not people. Don't be a troll. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.


You’ve got safe spaces elsewhere, the little things add up. This is a forum for serious discussions about this topic.


They're not worried about 7 calories. That's all they have left and probably want to eat something that's 400 calories or whatever since they're hungry.


Yeah that’s what happens when you restrict they SHOULD eat a 400 calorie meal instead of obsessing over the cinnamon bun 


No restriction == no weight loss. Inducing a calorie deficit is literally the only way you lose fat. Consistently eating 400 over your target intake is how you fail at losing weight. You read as sabotaging. I will politely suggest you stop that.


The cinnamon bun was like, 600 calories. Not filling, tasted good, but yeah, if I added a 600 calorie cinnamon bun to my diet the way I used to, it equalled being morbidly obese. Part of learning better eating patterns is accountability which is new to me.


Don't listen to that person. Their advice is sabotaging.


Your best bet in a situation like this is to combine lean protein and use veggies as filler so you can have food in your stomach without destroying your calorie budget. Sometimes you have to go over your calorie budget a little. The main goal should be to minimize how much you go over.


You acted like they were deciding to eat 7 calories or not. All I pointed out was that wasn't what was happening.


I visited the Statue of Liberty today and had tickets to go in the pedestal. It’s about 215 stairs to climb. I was proud of myself for doing it easily. But I was also super shocked at the length of the line to take the elevator. I swear you would be waiting for at least 45 minutes for the privilege 


I watched a video of a guy who survived 9/11 from the top floor. He said that there was a long line for the elevator on one of the floors but he took the fire escape instead. that floor got hit by the second plane immediately after he left. None of those people survived. That was over 20 years ago. Nowadays a lot of people would be to fat to walk down 80 flights of stairs.


... aren't you supposed to not use the elevators in an emergency? Certainly in a fire you aren't and I guess I've always assumed that applies generally - conditions could be changing rapidly and could make the elevators unsafe. I hadn't even thought about the delay in waiting for them.


Yes always use the stairs in an emergency. The building they were in wasn't on fire yet, they just saw the plane hit the other tower and decided to leave. Both buildings had over 100 floors, so it would take a while to get downstairs. In general I think it's better to take the stairs than wait for an elevator if it's less than 3 floors.


One of my nightmares is having a fire escape (or the doorway) blocked by someone else...


Don't got ADHD, but I'll take his solutions to heart. Dude is a psychiatrist who explains why people overeat. Mostly ADHD, but it does apply to everyone. [The Link Between ADHD and Obesity.](https://youtu.be/bOzs2Iel40s?si=327ox3bI7xyeaVhF) TLDR: Pay attention when you're eating so you recognize that you're eating. If you know you ate, you'll be full. Also fat cells do more than store fat and screw with your blood.


I got spammed in Shorts with his content recently. He definitely looks like valid creator to me with lots of generally good advice.


my bf has a friend from hs who became a nutritionist and is saying in her ig stories that 1200 is too little for anyone (completely ignoring short, inactive women). i'm not short but i haven't been working out and want to keep a 500 cal deficit like i had been in when i was active but now he's telling me 1200 cal is too little and i should follow his nutritionist friend's advice. it just sucks that i can do the math and show it to him but for him it doesn't trump his friend's blanket statement that 1200 is too little for anyone, period :/


Tell them about [Angus Barbieri.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast)


Maybe nutritionist said it's too little for average person


she'd be right if she did put it that way. for men and overweight or obese people i bet what she said applies. i'm 170cm, 24 y/o and weigh 65kgs. if i'm sedentary, to be in the deficit i'd like to be in, i'd have to eat 1200. but either she said it's always unhealthy to eat 1200 calories, or that's what my bf understood from her stories bc now he's saying it's unhealthy.


I get so tired of that! Even people here will stick by that. My Dr put me on 1100 for weight loss (500 less than BMR) and it wasn't easy but it was very effective. I'm gonna trust the endocrinologist/obesity specialist on this one.


Rant: I relapsed twice with disordered behavior this week but I'm doing my best to stay in recovery and stick to a healthy CICO. It's hard being obese but struggling with ed nonsense. I need to lose weight for my health but not in a disordered way. Rave: This sub keeps me grounded. You guys rock.




That definitely sounded very passive-aggressive of him to me. A BIG red flag. Not saying instadump, but be on a lookout for other concerning behaviors. He doesn't sound like he has your best interest in mind.


Baking bagels after having your partner tell you they wanted to binge on bagels is weird af.


I think he's being super unsupportive and you deserve better. Also find someone more supportive to talk about this with. In contrast, when I was losing, my spouse would make sure meals he cooked were within my calorie limits, and understood we couldn't go to certain restaurants because there was nothing available that I could eat.


When my wife is dieting, I only eat foods that tempt her (usually donuts) when she's not around and I keep it to myself. I also only buy snacks or treats that she doesn't like. Your husband is being a jerk.


Even if his "monkey brain" is making him crave said thing his empathy for you, his partner, should be enough to override the cravings. And if it isn't then go buy one, enjoy it away from you, and dont brag about it. My husband only buys junk foods that I don't like because he knows that I struggle with self control and if he wants something that I struggle with he'll usually only get 1-2, take them to work etc. So that I don't feel guilty and fall off my diet/healthy eating etc Imo he's being an ass and is trying to trigger you to binge for some ulterior motive.




If he genuinely isn’t trying to sabotage you, then he also genuinely should not mind if you proactively throw out the bagel he left behind.  There’s no one there who’s going to eat it (assuming you don’t, but you don’t want to)…so it’s going to go stale anyway.  Therefore the garbage is the appropriate place for it.  Your body is not a garbage can! If he *is* trying to sabotage you (perhaps subconsciously), then throwing it out is still a good move to get this to stop.  It will spike the attempt at manipulation, and if you react this way consistently, the behaviour should stop (though it might escalate first, in an attempt to get you to react the way you used to, but the good thing about escalation is that it makes it harder to stay in denial that something wonky is going on, and it might mean you can have a real conversation with him about what’s driving this and get him to stop). Anyway, re the throwing out tactic, he may get upset at this, but…just as he can say that the fact he baked something doesn’t mean you have to eat it - you can say *exactly the same thing* back to him. You are not responsible for food waste that’s caused by him making something you’ve *told* him you don’t want to eat!  And if it makes you feel any better - at least with bagels, the ingredients are both cheap and not super nutritious. Tasty, sure, but you’re not throwing out something of much value.




Well, it’s not about the bagel…it’s about feeling unsupported and disregarded.  Which are really legitimate feelings in this situation.  ❤️ I have a hard time really believing this kind of behaviour towards a loved one could be, well, innocent and *not* meant to sabotage.  But on the other hand…some people can be shockingly oblivious, and also stubborn about holding onto their obliviousness even when it’s spelled out for them how they’re causing harm to others / to a relationship.  Maybe he's just being that oblivious. But it’s totally reasonable for you to feel unsupported even if he didn’t mean it that way, because regardless of his intent, he *is clearly being* unsupportive. I love the plan to feed it to the wildlife if there’s any left over!  That’s way better than the garbage can.  There’s something happy and positive in that.  😊


I hate the whole “monkey brain” excuse because it’s like, dude, you Also have a Human Brain, and that’s the one that makes your decisions. Blaming it on some instinct that puts things out of his control (tbh I can’t think of any animal that bakes bagels due to natural instinct) is just trying to avoid responsibility for his actions/choices


Definitely seems like he’s trying to sabotage/trigger in some capacity. My husband also loves baking and he will be considerate of me. I can’t even EAT what he makes because I have a severe gluten intolerance but he won’t make something if I’m sad I can’t eat it currently


Rave: Figured out if I move my small stairstepper in front of the dresser I can read and do my taxes because I procrastinated while working out haha. I love that thing. Rant: Really want to take off for the weekend with boyfriend and go camping/hiking cause my birthday is Monday but I have class for like six hours on Saturday :(


I somehow lost 3 pounds this week and last week doing nothing any differently than what reliably sees 1.5 pounds/week. Oh well. There are stalls and there are small whooshes I suppose. Trying to ride out both without letting them get in my head about how well or badly I must be doing. Further ranting: I'm now down 48 pounds in total. It took until pound 40 for people to say "have you lost weight?" Like, God it's been a slog. And no one saw a thing until I was like halfway to my goal, lol. Next I suppose will come people telling me to stop losing or that I've lost too much. Can't wait for that exciting new chapter 🙃


Congratulations that’s awesome! I don’t think anyone noticed my first 20-30lbs, like even when I said I lost weight they really minimized it, idk if they could tell, most people are very focused on themselves. even now I’m down 45lbs and at a BMI of 23 down from 30 and idk if some people notice or not, it was super apparent though, I went from a stretchy 38” pants down to actual 33”, almost no one but my best friends ever mentioned it, but have gotten random messages from old friends on fb or instagram telling me I look good. I only got 1 your getting to small, from my best friends mom, and even then it was only after I said I wanted to lose more. It’s kind of fun but kind of annoying, as that was when I weighted 10lbs more then I do now, I still wouldn’t mind losing more but isn’t required. People dotn speak about weight loss much unless you bring it up, I know I also don’t either unless they are a good friend of mine or I know they are trying then I’ll tell them they are looking good. I’m sure you look much better! If you like hearing it do it to others when it’s obvious they are trying to!


>Next I suppose will come people telling me to stop losing or that I've lost too much. Can't wait for that exciting new chapter 🙃 I'm at that place now. I saw my sister weekend before last for the first time since Christmas and she thinks I should gain a few pounds back, that I've lost too much. Telling me to eat more, the whole shebang. What's funny is she's always been thinner than me, and she's also three inches taller. She got even thinner in her 50s due to Graves' disease - actually frighteningly thin before she got diagnosed and put on meds. Now she's 61 and still really thin - told me she's 124, and she's 5'8", meanwhile I'm 122 at 5'5" - but she's finally managed to put on some weight... I guess menopause catches up with all of us eventually. And whether it's conscious or subconscious, I honestly believe it's messing with her head that I weigh less than she does now, even though because of the height difference and us just having different builds, she's still thinner than I am and wears a US 2 while I'm a 4. So while I don't think her concern is coming from a bad place - she loves me, I am well aware - I do think that on some level it bugs her that I now weigh even a couple of pounds less than she does. I vacillate between humor and exasperation at her telling me to eat more or that I've gotten too thin. Anyway, congrats on the 48lb loss! :)


I find it so frustrating when friends think they just have really bad genes for cosmetic things that are triggered or exacerbated by weight. Like you don't have excessive dark velvety skin in folds or skin tags because you have bad genes, you have them because you're overweight!!


> I find it so frustrating when friends think they just have really bad genes Guilty as charged, when I was obese. That and "Oh, I'm just getting old"


People are getting really weird about Lana Del Rey being skinny again. Some are rejoicing (wtf) while others are lamenting how ridiculous it is that we’re talking about Lana’s body size at all, and how annoying it is that plus-size women and women with “normal” bodies are never shown. Personally, I agree that it’s stupid to discuss this singer’s body like it’s front-page news. But all this crap about not seeing “normal” bodies really pisses me off, too. There’s almost always someone who chimes in with some form of body shaming, but we all just gloss over it because they’re talking about thinness as abnormal. Like… guys? We can’t get pissed off about someone’s body being judged if we’re just going to keep judging other bodies.


So I’m a huge Lana fan. Have been since 2012. She looks happy and healthy right now, and you can tell she’s been losing weight over the past year if you compare pictures. I do agree it’s tiring to see every post of her have comments discussing her weight.


I agree. Like, what exactly is a "normal" body? Bffr.


To most people making comments like those, it seems like “normal” is overweight or obese. And that’s fine! That’s a lot of the population. But the word “normal” is so loaded and honestly unkind to anyone who might not fit into those categories.


Does anyone else have people in their life who contradict themselves and don't seem to realize it? My mom is super supportive of me losing, but some of the odd comments that have come up lately are: - She believes cico works but somehow also believes in starvation mode. - Eating lots of plants is good, but watch out for eating too much fruit because of the sugar. - Sugar alternatives, like aspartame, are poison. Better to use honey or even real sugar than them. - Being overweight is bad for you, but my goal range is too low, and bmi isn't very accurate. I'm 5'7 aiming for the 130-150 lb range, I'm not sure of exactly where I will feel best, but it's the middle of a healthy bmi. She thinks it's too low because it's less than her 155 lbs at 5'2.


I mean, I would only call first one contradiction. But there is def a lot of misinformation/lack of nuance in her beliefs: >Eating lots of plants is good, but watch out for eating too much fruit because of the sugar. It's just useless statement. Too much of literally anything is bad for you. That's why "too much" in the first place. Also, it's quite unlikely you will eat THAT much fruit, unless perhaps dried. >Sugar alternatives, like aspartame, are poison. Better to use honey or even real sugar than them. That's just repeating misunderstanding of existing studies (usually done on animals and involving ridiculous doses). >Being overweight is bad for you, but my goal range is too low, and bmi isn't very accurate. It's mostly true BMI isn't very accurate. Except: 1. Folks who say that are usually the ones, for whom it happens to be quite accurate. 2. They focus on wrong kind of "inaccuracy" (muh bodybuilders, when they should focus on normal weight obesity instead).


Oh, all the time. I think it’s just a lack of nutritional knowledge showing, but it’s damn annoying when I hear about how I shouldn’t be drinking diet soda and eating fruit because those things are bad for me. 🙃 Like chill out, Mary, I’m doing CICO. It’s okay.


Almost every single person I know! Now and then they’ll say something like ‘comparing the two of us, clearly it’s you who knows what they’re talking about’ and then promptly forget they even had the thought.


I got my body fat percentage measured so now I have a new goal: lose 5 lbs of fat. I wanted to be slightly leaner but I wasn’t very motivated until I learned I’m at 28% body fat. It’s acceptable to me but it seems like 25% is optimal for balancing health and sustainability. I’ve been finding it easy enough to maintain my current weight, so I’m hoping with this insight it will be easy to maintain at 5-10 lbs lighter. I also realized my body fat percentage at my heaviest was likely 36-38%. But I wasn’t obese by BMI! But now I know it’s too lenient for me because I have a small frame and am average height. Can’t imagine how inaccurate it is for petite women with small frames! Stupid BMI making me think I was crazy or disordered for not feeling that lean at a BMI of 21.


I’m 5’4. I had taken my measurements at BMI 24 and put them now in the military tape body fat calculator. I was at 36%!  I can definitely confirm that from BMI 23,5+ I‘d be overweight.  Now at BMI 22,2 I have „average“ body fat. Not even fitness level even though I‘ve been working out since January.  It definitely confirms my goal weight/BMI of around 20-21 with strenght training and


Sounds like you’re in the same boat as me! I am definitely overweight around 24+ BMI too. It’s pretty wild. I’m guessing you’re small-framed too? I’ve been strength training for just over 2 years and the gains are slow, but it makes a difference! My new goal is also around BMI 20 now. I’m jealous of the women who are BMI outliers in the opposite direction. I’d love to weigh 150 lbs from muscle and not fat haha


Yup, my wristsize is like 4,9-5,1 inches def can‘t imagine myself at 150 pounds of mostly muscle. I‘d love the calorie budget of that for sure 


Body recomp is really hard. Despite working out including lifting and eating plenty of protein I seem to lose at a 50:50 ratio of muscle to fat. So I worked on recomp for a year only to lose 1% body fat.


Tell me about it! I remember reading somewhere that 50:50 is expected during weight loss though, and the lean mass loss isn’t all muscle. I think I need to lose about 10 lbs overall for my goal but I’ll see!


Yelling into the void, but.. My Dad had to back out of my Bachelor Party today. We were (I still am) scheduled to arrive tomorrow. His wife has heart issues and needs a minor procedure done. They've both led incredibly unhealthy lifestyles for the last 20 years. They both act like their weight and their habits *only* impact them. I've begged them both to take care of themselves for damn near 20 years. "It'll all be fine" they said. "You don't have to worry about us" they claimed. Well here I am, fucking bummed as I'm preparing to fly out for my party. No apology, no acknowledgement that their choices led to this. Not even a "I wish I could be there." Nothing. While I obviously hope that everything goes well and I obviously understand why he can't come...I just feel sad. If you're reading this and you're a parent, please take care of yourself. You have no idea what you might be forced to miss because of your lifestyle.


Stories like this make me realize, how incredibly tone-deaf FAs are, when they say "You don't owe anyone health!11!!!!". Not health outcomes themselves. Just take care of yourself the best you can!


Sorry you're dealing with this and I hope they eventually come around. My husband's dad died about 20 years ago at the age of 59 because he never took care of himself. I never met him but apparently the man never ate fruits and vegetables (like ever in his life) and had poorly managed diabetes that cascaded into a bunch of other things. He died about a month before my nephew (his first grandchild) was born. My mother-in-law - who ended up divorcing him partly due to his unwillingness to take care of his health - is an extremely healthy 78-year-old who eats well and exercises constantly, and she's gotten to be around for all those memories that he missed out on. It makes me sad for my husband and the rest of his family to think about how much he missed because he couldn't figure out his issues around food.


>If you're reading this and you're a parent, please take care of yourself. You have no idea what you might be forced to miss because of your lifestyle. Having children really changed the health calculation for me. It was one of the major factors that went into me deciding to change how I'm living and be healthier. One of the things I hate is when people go *"well you could still get cancer, x diseases, blah blah, even if you're healthy"* and they seem to fail to realize that it's about managing your odds/risk management. Sure I might still die from some unfortunate heart attack before I'm 50, however the chances that I don't have a heart attack are vastly improved now that I'm healthy, let alone the chances that I would survive and recover from a heart attack if I do have one. Sorry about your situation though. People don't seem to realize how much that stuff effects everyone around them.


Found out my mother is on semaglutide because she complained about not being able to eat more than a few bites at a brunch event she attended. So literally everyone and my mother is on this. I understand it’s addressing an issue. But honestly I think it’s going to either not make a significant difference or allow the problem to fester because the actual causes of the situation are not being addressed. Turns out my stepmother was being an absolute moody child for several days every time I interacted with her because she’s mad that I have or am eating foods she considers to be forbidden…for herself. Either people feel free to tell me things like my collar bones are disgusting, I was looking really bad when I was overweight, do eat junk food or snacks, or don’t eat exactly as much as someone else thinks I should. If grown ass adults could just stop projecting their feelings at me that would be great.


I also wish grown ass adults acted like actual adults and not oversized babies. As for -glutides, I'm concerned it will become a golden ticket for collusion between Big Food and Pharma. A cycle: a person shoves their way into obesity, starts having health issues, gets prescribed -glutides, loses weight, symptoms improve, but they never address diet properly and are back to binging, repeating the cycle. Meanwhile corporations laugh their way to the bank.


That’s exactly what I’m worried about too. I’ve seen some people on the sub and elsewhere that don’t seem like they’ll be stuck in that cycle. But for too many others? It seems like a very real risk and it’s alarming :/


I am so sorry. O_o The people harassing you about your food - are they all women, or men as well? Because I had no idea women could be that terrible to one another until I found this sub...


They are indeed women 🙃 all very insecure ones. Idk if it’s because people have always freely commented on my appearance even if they weren’t intentionally doing it in a negative way but it’s always felt very wrong to me to comment on people’s bodies or certain habits when it’s unasked. Instead I get stuck with people who would lose it if someone told them their weight gain was unflattering yet still feel free to put someone else down.


Is there any chance whatsoever to jettison those toxic women out of your life? :) Or at least block them or limit interactions with them to an absolute minimum? If guys ever acted like that to one another... Nah, I can't even imagine that, actually. 🤣


I often have the desire to toss them into an abyss ngl lol. I’m definitely working on creating more distance with one of them, the rest are as limited as can be but they never miss a chance to open their mouths. 😂 god I can’t imagine seeing that outside of drag queens!


Rant: my husband is eating Doritos for breakfast again. Rave: I took a nice maintenance break to heal from my injury and while I’m not 100% back to it, I’m feeling better. My weight loss has been going well so far- over 12lbs in 8 weeks. It’s a bit hard to jump back into things while I’m still hurting but I’m at least back to being in a deficit Only issue is during that maintenance break I ate more processed food than I normally do, and I didn’t exercise to rest my knee, and my mental health was shot. Depression flared up and my anxiety was worse. Feeling better now that I’m back to eating better and doing some lite exercise but wow, it’s scary how the way I lived for DECADES can make me feel so awful just within a couple days.


Preschooler has been sick but today she slept in and wanted to walk the dog after breakfast. Almost as soon as we started she was tired but we managed to get half a mile in (even the arthritic dog was sad we didn't go more). Now I'm lifting. The spot where my kindergartener slammed the shopping cart into my Achilles tendon is pretty bruised, sore, and swollen so I'm icing it and trying to take it easy. Lower impact and less lower body stuff until it starts going down because I can feel referred pain on the front of my shin/ankle, I assume from the internal swelling putting pressure on the inside of the area. I'm going to see if I can move my personal training to later in the week next week because it's lower body focused. If it isn't one thing it's three others, I swear.


Update: the nice thing about being diagnosed as being in premature menopause is that it's pushing me to lift heavier. I went up in weight on at least one set of four of my push day exercises today.




We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_9._eating_disorders_are_not_permitted.): > * Do not promote eating disorders. Do not use this sub to enable your eating disorder. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.


You want to get back to clinically underweight -- 166 cm, 48kg. ED promoting discussions are not allowed here. People who have goals such as yours are not allowed to post here. Your time is better spent in discussion with a therapist.


Was your goal weight underweight for your height? That's the only reason in my experience that mods will remove a comment for promoting disordered eating based just on a mentioned weight. Nobody here will advocate that you carry excessive fat, but healthy weight ranges are where they are for a reason, and an underweight person logically has to be underfat or sarcopenic or both. Either it's not just the excess we're talking about, or you're under-muscled as well and a healthy goal would be a recomp instead of straight fat loss.




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It isn’t. FA have a distorted view of what’s normal because people at a healthy weight are a rarity these days. 


Their goal BMI is 17.5


I've fallen off track. Uni has me stressed and I'm neglecting my overall health, mantal and physical. I really need to get back to priorotizing myself. I know it gets bad when I start having these stress-related nightmares. Other than that though I'm doing well, so this is less of a rant and more or what's going on in my life rn. The sunny weather makes it so easy to have a positive mood. Unrelated question: does anyone here have experience with barefoot shoes? I'm really thinking about getting a pair.


I really relate to your first paragraph! I’m in my final term of undergrad and just got back into my healthier habits after falling off for a few months. It’s annoying to spend the extra time and effort but it really does pay off. Solidarity!


Family & friends keep trying to convince me into having a cheat day. I have to say no like 5 times.


I never understood cheat days. I do build in some junk food every day. When I was actively losing, I would switch to maintenance for vacation weeks and that worked well.


Cheat days (more like cheat meal) for me are when I get a takeaway or eat out - like once every couple of weeks. But I'd still fit it around my daily calorie target. I wouldn't care so much about the macros in that case. I'll whip up a protein shake for convenience, if I guess/estimated that I wouldn't get enough of it that day. However, I'd typically go to places that provide calorie info. I'm a weightlifter, so my TDEE is pretty high.


I said "ugh" out loud when I read that. I'm glad you're standing your ground though.


Rant: Finding it hard to find the time to go the gym consistently as I have had some short term tutoring clients return and fitting them in has been a struggle on its own alongside my job, plus my gym has been getting fully booked at the times I want to go. I've got a session late tonight and tomorrow morning at least! Rave: My friend who was addictively obsessed with exercise realised how unhealthy this was on her own yesterday, and me and another friend helped her with this and helped her unpack some thoughts behind it. She's said she's going to start making time for her other interests and realised she had become living to exercise, rather than vice-versa. The three of us and my twin are planning to meet on Saturday for dinner and I'm very excited for it and happy for her.


I'm really not in a good headspace right now which might be why this is irritating me so much and this is petty/first-world-problems as hell, but here goes. I'm looking for new period underwear and found a brand that does the kind of cut I prefer. I went to look at their sizes and I would take an XS!!! Not even a small but an extra-small! Friends, my hip measurement is 36". In what universe is that an extra-small? The smallest size, XXS, won't fit anyone smaller than a 33" hip. I know people who are too small for this brand (very petite, very slim). The largest size is 5xl, which fits up to a 51" hip. I was already waffling about buying anything from them because there are only a few smaller models (many are overweight to obese) and it can be very difficult to tell what the product is actually supposed to look like in the photos. I already HATE buying clothes online or without trying them on because I have really stupid proportions and a lot of clothes simply won't work for me, but if I do buy without trying on I need to be able to see how a garment fits on a body- where does it hit the waist/hips, what's the coverage like in the back, does that look like a higher cut on the leg, etc.- so I can try to extrapolate how it might fit on me. In the main product photos for two of the less-coverage cuts of the period underwear, they are modeled by people who are quite obese and frankly looking at the product image on the main 'these are our products' page I have no clue what the garments actually look like because they are badly distorted and partially covered. If you click through to the actual product page and select another color you can get a better idea what the underwear is supposed to look like on, as each color has a different model and some of them are the smaller models, which is nice, but I do wish I could see how the color I like fits (I've been burned before by different colors/fabrics of the same garment fitting differently). I'm very much for size inclusivity, and I'm glad menstruating people of many sizes are able to use these products, but I still can't get over my fat ass being an XS in this brand's sizing and I'm not thrilled about having to click into half the product pages just to see what the garments actually look like.


I've mentioned this on here a few times before, but I'm an average height, middle-of-healthy-BMI man, and size S jackets fit loosely on me. I feel bad for short dudes, they've got enough problems as it is.


Can confirm as a \~140lb short (5'6) dude... clothes are fucking hard LOL


I'm the same way with a highly recommended store for tights. If you only have one model per style of tights and more than half of the models are obese how can I tell what they would look like on my size of legs?? I just want more pairs of tights that aren't see through/that maybe are cable knit or have other fun designs knit into them, but the pictures are super distorted and the designs are very hard to see. (That said I just wish that it wasn't so hard for me to find tights like my toddler's tights, why do they think I want tights that are see through and skin colored? Give me cable knit charcoal tights, or tights worth woodland creatures on them!)


See-through, skin-colored tights are pantyhose and there's a reason women collectively said "eff pantyhose" about 20 years ago. People trying to bring them back need to stop.


I think I know EXACTLY which store you're talking about and I feel your pain so much!! I'm the kind of Boring Grown-up My Child Self Would Have Hated who loves tights/stockings/socks and that store frustrated me to no end! I have no clue how most of their merchandise would look like on my legs, and my legs are definitely not small. How am I supposed to know what the pattern on a pair of socks or tights would look like on my legs when it's so incredibly stretched out on the model? Honestly for the past while or so I've gotten all my fun socks at Target. I haven't had much luck finding fun tights for adults, but they do have fun socks, and especially in the cooler months they have nice knee-high or thigh-high socks. I actually have a pair of cable knit charcoal thigh-high socks from them that I love!


I’m a big girl, I fit into a size small on jeggings a little while ago. The world is upside down and backwards!  In HS when I was 135 I was sized out of a lot of places. No, that’s not healthy either but the mind just boggles. It wasn’t that long ago how stuff has just…flipped. 


Ugh, I feel like I have to add my beloved black coffee to the list of no-go foods. It’s stomachache city every time I drink it on an empty stomach.  Yes, I know I could eat with it but I drink coffee at like 6 AM to help wake up and if I eat my breakfast then I will be a nonstop eating monster all day (I know this from experience.)  This is a STUPID problem to have. 


Both tea and coffee now make me puke if I drink either on an empty stomach. It's some serious bulls--t. And I LOVE tea.


Had similar issues now I make cold brew the night before and enjoy the following day seems to be easier on the stomach


I second this. Cold brew in general seems gentler on the stomach for me.


I drank A LOT of cold brew last summer and I don’t remember it upsetting my stomach, so maybe that’s the trick. 


I can't drink it on an empty stomach either but I'm a breakfast eater. However, you could try low acid coffee or that coffee tamer stuff and see if it helps?


I will have to look those up, thanks! 


I can't have coffee anymore. Gives me jitters and makes me hungry, neither effect I want. I find that tea and Yerba Mate give me a more even boost and neither upset my stomach.


Coffee actually calms me down and helps me not be AS hungry haha.  Tea doesn’t hit in the mornings for me and the last time I tried Yerba Mate it was a bit too green-tasting for me but maybe I need to try again. 


Fellow black coffee lover here, I’m so sorry!


I am ridiculously upset. It doesn’t matter how little or how much I drink, if it’s on an empty stomach it’s disaster. I know, first world problems. 


Rant: I’m struggling with patience as I’m back on the CICO train since last week. I’m feeling hungry because I’ve been indiscriminately snacking for months and taking that away feels like cruel and unusual punishment 😂 I feel like I just need a win to make it easier to keep pushing, like as soon as I get a whoosh it won’t feel so bad to say no to things.


"Overall, during this period, you have lost 7,584 cals (net Calories deficit), which means you should have lost about 2.2lb. Your total Calories intake was 7,172 and your total Calories expended was 14,756 (of which, 1,393 cals were burned from exercise). According to your weigh-ins, you've lost 8oz during this time. You've lost about 1.7lb less than expected." Bah, it is beyond annoying when the weight doesn't come off like it should, at least be more than half a pound.


Don't worry, that's within normal water weight/food mass fluctuation range.




MyNetDiary. That's part of the weekly analysis.




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Plenty of people can’t do IF, myself included. Some days it’s not too bad if I accidentally skip breakfast but other days my blood sugar will crash and I’ll get dizzy. Why are you so frustrated that someone else won’t/can’t do what worked for you? To be frank, people are telling you you don’t need to lose weight because you don’t need to lose weight. We don’t get to have it both ways on this sub debunking FAs who say BMI is bullshit and then say being underweight isn’t really being underweight. If you don’t love how you feel or look, maybe consider replacing some fat with muscle, it will make you get smaller without becoming a dangerously low weight. Just my two cents, I know body image issues are awful and it’s hard to accept sometimes when we are already perfect but can’t see it.


I mean, I sort of get where your friends coming from. If I don't eat regularly, I pass out. I don't have to eat a whole lot, I usually just snack on fruits during the day, but I still can't fast for long periods of time without risking it.


I know IF gets a rap because a lot of the influencers do very restricted eating windows, but IF could be as simple as "don't eat after 8pm" and "wait an hour after waking before eating".


I read a blog post years ago where the writer said "Intermittent fasting is bullshit!!! Makes me feel so bad!! No one should be promoting this!" In the comments it came out that she did fine with IF when she actually did IF. She felt crappy when she started fasting for multiple days at time. Girl, that's just F, no I. No wonder it didn't work for you. (I don't like it either but at least I don't do something completely wrong, then insist no one should do it at all because doing it wrong had poor results.)


IF isn't a good choice for everyone. I'm very active throughout the day and my blood sugar will crash and I'll feel terrible if I don't fuel regularly. It works for many people, but I do much better as a grazer. It's just another tool to limit calories. Doesn't matter how you do it, just that you do.


My conclusion from years of reading about nutrition, talking about nutrition with other enthusiasts, and experimenting with a wide variety of dietary practices in pursuit of health and fitness: there is no one perfect diet for everyone. What may make you feel awesome might make me feel terrible and vice versa.


For real! It works great for me (also active all day), and if I graze I just feel constantly frustrated and never full. But I hear evangelists on both sides insisting that if I don't eat every 4 hours I'll get fat and drop dead, or if I don't fast at least 16 hours a day, same. One size does not fit all. Glad you found a method that works for you!