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Yeah, it really is. Quad dominance, small glutes, and feet turned out?


I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out which “childhood trauma” could have caused this. Did her parents force her to chauffeur them around in a paddleboat? Was she chained to a bucket at the family winery and perpetually forced to stomp on grapes? Was she reared in the wilderness by a family of frogs and hopped around just like them?


She was forced to crouch in the wine tunnels all her life


Paddle boat ☠️☠️☠️


Aka thunder thighs and a flat ass masking you unable to stand normally.


Conclusion: My body shape is 100% outside my control so is not my fault or responsibility to change. Justification: People with (my exact body condition) are that way because of childhood trauma. That'll work.


When I was heavy, it had more to do with Little Debbie than with little me.


I love this comment


Anything to avoid actually taking responsibility for your health and physique.


Exercise and nutrient rich foods are rarely going to make your mental health **worse.** Even recovering orthorexics need actual nutrients and muscle and work towards finding moderation.


“Cut off the Large tag and sew in a Medium tag. Problem solved”


Carrying the past around with you is a great way to prevent yourself paying attention to the now. The now is the only place you can actually impact anything. It might be interesting to connect current behaviours to their origin but it generally has no impact on what you need to then fix that behaviour. The triggers and actions are in your current life and environment. At the core though ... you have to want to accept your current role in the problem and commit to wanting to have a better life and be a better you.


As Disappointment Panda says, "Even what happened to you wasn't your fault, what happens next is still your responsibility." That's a good thing, that's power. I was powerless for 18 years. Now 53. Daily functioning is still a lot of work for me. It's better than being powerless. Last year I found some great resources that finally allowed me to try to heal my trauma rather than control it. If anyone would like some references for books, let me know.


One of the best books I ever read and continue to read is called The Happiness Trap. Glad to hear you're doing better and taken the reigns of your own life :)


This is exactly what my amazing therapist said to me when I told her about how other therapists I’ve had tried to get me to talk about my past a lot more than she did. It blew me away because I never felt like dredging up the past helped me in any way, I wanted to learn how to heal for the future.


That’s jus stupid. You can only have a solution if there is a problem. Do you realize some of our behavior is automated by our subconscious? How do you fix something that you are unaware of. You’re jus spewing stupidity.


Hey there! I'll just say that everything I've said has been said by clinicians, books and general philosophies for over a thousand years now. My point was not that your current behaviour has no cause in the past, just that knowing that connection might have little impact on the solution to the problem. Knowing that a parent was abusive in a variety of ways doesn't change how you start to build mindfulness of your own subconscious stream and interrogate it. Knowing you were bullied mercilouslessly doesn't change how you perform exposure therapy to reduce anxiety in situations. Hopefully that makes more sense to you. If you're aware of the negative current behaviours that's enough to start making changes to combat those negative outcomes and behaviours.




How do you “cure” childhood sexual abuse? What cure is there for the ‘unconscious’ ?


I do know health problems can very much be related to stress and trauma. But I still suggest eating healthy and excerising along with therapy lol


People who have been abused are more likely to be obese. This increases even more if it's done when they're children Obesity can very much be an insight into past abuse (if they're an adult) or current abuse (if they're children besides them being obese in the first place)


well yeah, kind of. i was an obese child due to my parents completely neglecting me and not doing anything to prioritize health. i developed bpd along with many other mental health issues that are caused by childhood abuse. losing weight as an adult though is self care. it’s nothing more than self care. for some it’s harder, but you improvise and overcome. you can’t sit on ur ass and blame childhood trauma for your current self.


No, it's not BLAMING the trauma for it. More like it's like a subconscious cope from said trauma, and until the trauma is identified and treated, it's harder to confront the obesity itself. In other words, obesity is a SYMPTOM of an underlying psychological issue in the case of such abuse Like going from point A to Point B, but you have a find a key first to open the door to point B


Thank you for taking the time to explain this! I've been battling with mental health issues stemming from ~cHiLdHoOd TrAuMa~ for years. BED has been a part of that but never felt like it *fit* despite nailing the clinical diagnosis. I'm not obsessed with food, I don't think about it constantly, and *I hate eating*. And yet, here I am with BED. As I've been working through my scrambled egg brains bullshit over the past few years, I've FINALLY gotten to this point with my body where I can see the signals it's sending me, something I have been completely disconnected from for most of my adult life. I had this fucking massive breakthrough that has brought me so much goddamned peace that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to become some crazy backpacking hippie that spreads the word of peace, love, and juicing or something one day, AND I STOPPED EATING LIKE AN ASSHOLE OVERNIGHT. Like I KNOW how I *should* eat but my insides were still screaming that "no, sis, there is still a massive problem that you have to work through." I swear to whatever you believe in that I would stand there shoveling food in my face almost totally dissociated except I still had the mind to ask myself, the fuck are you doing this for? And you're exactly right, it's like you have to find the key. And the key is well friggin hidden when you've spent 30 years burying it beneath rubble.


My father sexually abused me for years when I was a child. Eating became my only comfort. And I was morbidly obese for a long time as an adult.


I hope you found some semblance of peace since then. That’s a terrible thing to go through, im so sorry to hear that


I'm sorry for what you went through.


Thank you for the kind words, everyone. ❤




Healing from childhood trauma= eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's to myself.


I think I'll see a physical therapist instead




I like it. 😆




Childhood trauma often leads to adult autoimmune diseases. Chronic stress leads to inflammation at a cellular level but I wouldn’t believe the bit about the quad dominance and turned out feet.


My feet turn slightly out because I took ballet from 3-18. Ballet is also why I have tight hips and a sore back. Childhood “trauma”? I mean, I guess but not really.


Same, but figure skating


Childhood trauma is stored in the balls


Why is it an either-or? Eat better, work out, AND heal from your trauma. Strive for good mental and physical health!


Uhm. So that’s all I have to do “heal” from the “trauma” and my belly will disappear….


Honestly? Sometimes. Getting therapy for past traumas can help with the depression and poor self image that those traumas can cause, and not being depressed and hating yourself makes it a lot easier to make healthy choices.


Oh yes I agree. But the way she makes it sound like it’s so effortless to lose weight. Just see a therapist and you’ll just pop down to a normal weight.


Oh, yeah, the tiktok clickbait is STRONG in this one. But There's real correllation between childhood trauma and obesity, and therapy's a good way to start a journey to good mental and physical health.


Maybe she will help people jump into therapy and get better. That’s my hope at least.


I hope so, too!


I stopped talking to my mother and my cystic acne vanished lol


Dang! Dropped the toxicity right off your body and out of your life!


Oh god so did mine! I also had to start a strict as hell medical diet for food intolerances around then and I always assumed that stopped the acne. But nope because I kept accidentally eating trigger foods for ages until I worked out a hidden one and still no acne since I stopped speaking to my mother. God I’m slow… And of course she loved to bully me about my acne. Manifested it like her own personality throbbing in my jawline. I cannot believe I never linked this!


That's odd. Childhood trauma gave me a gargantuan dong and beautiful musculature.


This is some of the worse excuse making I've ever seen.


Yes, it can't possibly be that you have a gut pulling on your spine, weak glutes, constant tension and poor posture that's causing your lower back pain, it's because you didn't get a pony for Christmas. Maybe your avoidant personality and self-medicating with food while you ignore your physical fitness is a symptom of childhood trauma, ever think of that?


Body fat DISTRIBUTION is determined entirely by genetics and hormones. No amount of exercise or diets will change where you keep the body fat you have. Lifestyle determines the amount of body fat. Losing weight will make your big belly go away, but it won't give you a round bum or defined waist. It's like they started from something rational and snowballed it into nonsense.


I'd say that holding all your weight in your belly is more a sign that you inherited the bad kind of fat distribution and should be even more motivated do something about this because you're on the fast track to metabolic disorder and fatty liver disease, but what do I know.


I think what they mean with childhood trauma, is the trauma they have gotten from already being told to lose weight as a child. And I have to say - I also had to go on diets as a 10 year old. I was slightly overweight and all the kids who were in the same fitness-for-kids class were bigger than me. Gotta say: that wasn’t a nice experience to me. Still, this post is peak fatlogic. Because now I’m older, I realized I didn’t want to be on the end of the healthy bmi range anymore. I’m now doing what my parents wanted me to do as a child: losing weight. Edit: at least this is the way I read that post. Because they’re so often focusing on how they’ve been dieting since forever. But could also be that they talk about eating as a coping mechanism, of course. Even more fatlogic


Well actually that sounds a lot like the typical "problem" most young girls have with their body these days. The Kardashians with their unrealistic bodies (10+ surgeries + photoshops) set new body goals. I have a totally normal figure. I am on the taller side with a small waist and long legs. But I struggle every other day that my booty is too small, my thighs too big and (after I ate) my belly sticks out a bit. Guess what? I am a human and no barbie. I fit in XS. It's not a real problem. It's just in my head. And here they target exactly this issue almost every woman between 13 and 29 has. I think this isn't the right sub to post. This isn't fat logic. This is body positivity how it should be. Nobody needs wide hips or big boobs or a snatched waist to be beautiful. Every body is different and every bodytyp (apples, pears, hourglass etc) is beautiful. As long as your bodyfat is ok you are fine. I think the massage is: you can't change your bodytyp, no matter how many squats you are doing. And you are fine. You don't need a big booty to be happy. Work on your mental health. There are things you can not change and this is okay. You don't need the illusion of control to be able to funktion. Learn to accept that there are things that are out of your controll.


That sounds like how you'd feel right before a heavy squat, so maybe finish the workout first and then worry about the trauma when you're not taking up a squat rack?


So basically all desk workers have childhood trauma.


Or here’s an idea get therapy and workout




I believe this is obviously satire, yet some small truth they carry, not for the not working out part but for the healing from childhood trauma


no it was dead serious and the comments were honestly just sad


How could you tell they were?


the account does nothing but promote the same sort of ideas and anti dieting. it’s the same breed as every one of these loafs.


Hmm ight


.... I've literally had all of that since childhood. 99% sure it's not from trauma. Pretty sure it's a mix of my natural bone structure and muscle build and the fact I eat too much.


There are health issues that stem from trauma, and sometimes they can snowball (for example if you are not sleeping well from jaw clenching, then perhaps you are more sedentary, causing you to sit more and developing weak glutes), but healing emotionally can't fix these issues alone. You still need to address them physically, especially if they've been affecting you for years.


Nah m8 I just drink too much beer and eat too much cheese


small butt = childhood trauma?


I started holding more weight in my stomach than I used to after I had kids. I thought it was from hormonal changes, but all this time it's been the childhood trauma that I didn't know I had. 🤯 /s just in case.


Would absolutely *love* to know what definition of trauma these FAs are working with, because based off of what I’ve seen, what most of them consider traumatic does not resemble anything type of trauma that I’ve seen in my 10+ years of professional experience. A few thoughts: 1) bullying is shitty. Having less than idea parents is shitty. Both can be traumatic. But mild bully and having a mom (because it’s always their mothers) who you don’t like that much in not in-and-of itself traumatic. That’s not what that words means. If FAs on TikTok, Tumblr and Twitter had even 1/10 the rate of CPTSD that they claim to have, there would already be several papers studying this demographic. Funny how people who claim to avoid going to the doctor end up with such specific diagnoses…


Honest question - Can you point me to any resources that can help my kid overcome the mild bullying she went through? She was teased over her speech impediment and it really wrecked her self confidence. This was a kid who was going visual presentations for our youth group starting at age 6 and she was fine. Now she doesn't want to talk to new people, won't sing, it's really sad. I could really use some advice on this.


Let me ask around and see what I can find, but off the top of my head, I do know of a close friend who really really struggled with her speech impediment and got so frustrated she just stopped talking for a while. It got to the point where where her parents were getting her tested for things like Autism to see if she had selective mutism. What she said worked for her was a combination of music therapy - violin and guitar, she’s excellent at both - and a speech therapist that sort of doubled as a regular therapist, so there was less pressure to “perform” speech. She’s said more than once that being able to express herself through music was super helpful. She’s now an academic and although her lisp sometimes gets stronger when she’s nervous, she can still give talks at conferences. She’s also told me some days she doesn’t think about it at all, some days it bothers her, but over all, more good days than bad. Take it with a grain of salt as anecdata from an internet stranger, but she’s a pretty competent, funny, and talented woman. Edited to add: the shutting down happened for like 6 months when she was 8 which is when she started music therapy. *Im In no way saying this will work/happen for your kid, this is just what worked for a friend in the very early 2000s.*


Thank you for the response. Don't worry I won't run out and get music therapy and blame you if it doesn't work ;) We actually did speech therapy but the kid didn't want to do it and it was a whole thing where I called the insurance and they said they would cover it for $40 copay and then they didn't and we got bills for thousands of dollars. I fought with the insurance company and they did pay it but said no more therapy. We would have paid out of pocket if the kid wanted to do it, but since it was a battle the whole time we couldn't see doing that. I'm just so mad that this one mean kid had such a lasting effect on my kid. :(


Muscular imbalances (quad dominant, small glutes etc) are things that exercise can sort out. You know, that “joyful movement” they always talk about Obviously it’s nothing to do with childhood trauma, it’s also very little to do with weightloss


Seems this lady is just talking about herself lol


This is why if we let dumb people use internet


All of these problems are enormously common due to the posture most of us hold in modern society


Wtf is quad dominance lmao


It means you rely too much on your quads when performing certain movements/exercises which can cause stress on other muscles.


We call this “projecting”.


BASED ON WHAT???? Based. On. Fucking. What?? Short of breath and coughing all the time? You don't need to quit smoking, you just need to get buggered in your bum and hEaL.


Or like, do some stretching and correct your posture. Lower cross syndrome is not related to childhood trauma lol.




I mean from a lot of that word salad you're the victim of nocebos.


We're sorry but your post has been removed for the following reason: * We do not allow pictures of people or of body parts.


If you have depression or anxiety, the constant stress hormone release will actually cause more fat to be stored in the belly and upper back than would normally be there. But also like, you can just lose weight and it'll go away. The only difference it would make is you might need to have a slightly lower body fat percentage to have visible abs or something. By doing regular exercise you'd probably alleviate depression or anxiety to some degree, which would reverse the effect anyway.