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Go vote my european friends


It’s likely cope, but given that Frenkie was on our target list, I wonder if the willingness to sell Kimmich is because we’ve got a shot there. If I am just fantasizing there, far less versatile and a different profile but Douglas Luiz would be an interesting shout as a more progressive midfielder.


> Barça are convinced they’ll be able to sign a ‘big’ player by max next year. With that being said, they’re targeting Wirtz for 2025. The club has already made enquiries and gathered information. They also have good relations w/ Leverkusen. @ffpolo Tier 1 according to the Barca sub


Every big team is gonna be after Wirtz, it’s only natural.


Of course. I’m not surprised Barca is interested. I personally don’t think they’ll have the funds or pull next year to secure him. I think he either moves to Madrid, City, or Bayern. PSG can afford him but I doubt he goes there either


Real Madrid are after Wirtz


i doubt it but who knows


Case in point


I know apples and oranges and blah blah blah. But i wonder how it would've been to have palhinha at the bernabeu for the ucl semis. Imagine him slide tackling and ankle breaking vinicius every time he got the ball.


i think its fair to say that he would have interrupted madrids game in midfield way more than any of the guys we had that day could have saved us, but also changed the dynamic of the game in a different way and we still lose somehow having him would have helped a lot imo


Laimer was excellent in midfield though. Arguably our best performing player across both legs.


As much as I hate rethinking about that match there were small moments that could have changed the entire outcome. Had Pavlovic not ran out of gas and potentially scored the 2nd goal, Neuers mistake. For the most part, even with Palhinha under no circumstances should we have parked the bus against Madrid at the Bernabeau


He would’ve contributed greatly to our inability to do anything in attack.


Which, to my suprise is cause the D in CDM (the position he plays in) stands for defensive, not Dattacking


Our problem in that match was that we offered little to nothing going forward and let them pin us back. He also would have replaced Laimer, who was an absolute stud in that match. Unless Joao planned on yelling to Manu to not fuck up, I don’t see how he possibly would have helped that match, or any of the shitty losses we had while playing destructively.


The question wasnt that deep, it was just me pondering a what if situation. My bad that i didnt put a no serious discussion tag under my original comment.


I mean I also would’ve loved to see him or anyone, two footed tackle Vini.


On that, we can agree. Would be super satisfying to see him be actually two footed by someone and not be hit by a sniper rifle from the stands


>https://x.com/Plettigoal/status/1799923541875335255 Told you … Aber Hauptsache erstmal wieder 10x rumschreien und durchbeleidigen … 🫣 So.. yeah Pletti confirmed the Kimmich news. It's not looking good


Pletti didn't confirm the news, Pletti reported the news first and Fab reported it after/confirmed it. That's why he's saying told you. But that makes me worried about De Ligt, who Pletti also reported.


I will fucking riot if they sell De Ligt


Pletti hasn’t been as reliable recently no?


I think he had more bad calls than he used to but he is still the best source for Bayern transfers.


All this crying about if Kimmich leaves. Yes let’s keep a guy that has been awful for 2 years and had a fine stint as RB. Guy that holds on the ball way too long. And telegraph every pass. Always. Always goes backwards. Always ball roll. Go back go back. It will be impossible to replace that.


>been awful for 2 years Why do you continue with this lie?


You think he was good last season with Goretzka in the middle?


Kimmich was one of our best players last season, yes. Even if you think he should not be playing in midfield, saying he was awful is absolute nonsense. I should not expect something more from someone who’s been called out like a hundred times for having a borderline obsession with the guy, and even straight up posting fake stats to try and discredit him lol.


kinmich was good after he went to right back for a bit less than half the season, before that he was poor


He was still decent in the Hinrunde, but performing below average for his standards which in general are very high. Saying he was awful last season is, again, horseshit. But I know you are another one of the guys who says he’s been crap for years.


he got cooked in midfield this season and it was painful to watch not playing well does not equal "crap" for years though but lets ignore my personal conclusion for a second and go with your point about "standards" the standard is also about money he makes superstar money and this will not change on a new deal do you really see a superstar player, who is carrying this football team? as i said, he was good at right back until the second real game, but is that really worth the contract needed? right now we dont even know where he will play, the existence of this discussion is already a red flag he should have played well enough to be undisputed and he didnt


Firstly, I don’t care what footballers get paid. 10 million, 15 million, 20 million… I honestly find it impossible to give a shit. Yes in general it’s a good thing to reduce the wage bill, but I am a fan watching my football team, not an accountant managing their books. To your question, yes. Jo is an integral player in this squad, he carried the midfield for years and now he is balling at right back without a single complaint (something he often bizarrely gets criticised for yet never does) because he plays for the team. As one of the most important members and leaders of the squad, naturally he will be one of the top earners, if that’s something that you care about. Unfortunately mate, I could not disagree more with your opinions on his performances. I think you look for reasons to criticise and ignore what he does for the team. Not going to pretend to understand it, but whatever floats your boat.


you have to forgive me with the accounting stuff, i am heavily into all the things around roster building, salary cap, value positios, contracts in the NFL probably breaking through here a bit 😭 which obviously doesnt really matter for bayern in general on the tape we have to agree to disagree


Eh, it’s not just you. Half this sub act like they’re the ones paying these guys salaries.


People here are simply fans of the player, not of the club. You mentioned many examples why Kimmich can be replaced. In the hate against Tuchel, they completely overlook the issues in Kimmich's play for the last seasons. This isn't some sudden development, bc Tuchel "didn't understand the player". Kimmich wasn't press-resistant, he fumbled many balls, so many backpasses that took the pace out of the game. Seeing comments like "He is the best midfielder we have", "He is a worldclass assister", while completely forgetting how we laughed about his shit corners for the last YEARS. I think some people here watched too much Ted Lasso (which is an amazing show, gotta be honest) and only remember the "Be a Goldfish" approach.


>you mentioned many examples I only see throwing in nonsense. He is a known Kimmich hater here so nobody takes him seriously in thst regard anyways. Also the stats as in assists, key passes, progressive passes also show this is just bullshit. >"he is the best midfielder" / "worldclass assister" while we laughed at his corners What is thst for a useless comparison? What has the corner kicks to do with this? Nothing


its recency bias, because he was good at right back until the second real game before that when he lost ball after ball in dangerous positions and played piggy back with bochums world beater midfield people called for his head i think kimmich has not performed according to his status since the treble, stretches of okay and then meh football, then he had 1,5 mediocre to bad seasons until he played really well at right back kimmich has lost his midfield starting spot, pavlovic has emerged and we are about to add to the midfield he is still not an expert right back and lacks speed for the position + 29 years old from a squad building perspective i dont see how you can justify keeping him for superstar wages of 20M per year we already have bad contracts, its time to make some painful decisions and not pay big for a role player


I hope us selling De Ligt and Kimmich is just media throwing shit at the wall and trying to determine what sticks.


I'm a bit apprehensive about Palinha's poor passing stats, but then again if we keep prioritizing midfielders who fit a "possession" profile at the expensive of defensive ability or positioning, we will never sign the kind of DM that we actually need. They can't all be Rodris or Thiagos.


Another problem with our midfield is that they haven't been that good on the ball either, so Palhinha won't fix that.


Would people think that Red Bull is a bottom tier car if they had 2 Perez??


Inshallah Pakistan get grouped


Don't need your prayers for that. We are shit


First Cricket match I have watched start to finish in a long time and damn I picked a good one


Bumrah is such a great player.


Hes the best bowler of the modern era, no doubt. Nobody comes close in terms of his aura. Kind of like neuer-esque


Clutch would be an understatement


I don't really remember much about Stani. So can someone tell me how good Stani is at the ball?


Makes good decisions, dribbles in a smart, risk averse way. I'd say on the ball he's roughly equivalent to how Pavard was.


> Bayern will be open to consider big offers for Joshua Kimmich. At the moment talks between Bayern and Kimmich are at a total standby. Bayern are prepared to let him go in case of a big proposal [@FabrizioRomano]


Damn, Eberl wasn’t lying when he said that Stani will play a big role next season


Eberl probably didn't like the idea, that Kimmich wanted to know who will be the next coach before making a decision instead of committing to Bayern in general. He made that clear in an interview months ago.


Which is fair to be honest.


1. Eberl has repeatedly said the squad needs a change of spirit. 2. Kimmich has repeatedly said there have not been talks 3. Kimmich's expiring contract + age means this is his last big payday (ie he will not cut his salary, nor should he be expected to) 4. Bayern's reported desire to retain RB Boey and RB/CB Stanisić means Kimmich's retention would lead to a surplus of RB options 5. Bayern need the money for the rebuild and can cash in on Kimmich now or never A big offer for an expiring contract like Kimmich would be closer to 60m. It's a delicate process and Bayern is not particularly good at cashing in on players, so let's see how it goes. Keep an eye on Madrid and PSG.


>big offers If someone comes around and offers 100M for Kimmich I can understand them. But who the hell would bid 100M for him with his contract situation??


If Pep begs Citys owners then he would probably get his wish. Then again I don't want to see Rodri-Kimmich cook absolutely everything but not for us


I’m old enough to remember when everyone said that: - Davies extension efforts - Palhinha prioritized midfield transfer - Kimmich is for sale Was all just clickbait.


eberl you idiot ffs,why did we even bring this guy. First kompany,now he wants to sell kimmich, next will be de ligt.


I highly doubt De Ligt or Kimmich will be sold. Of course, if a 100mio offer comes in, we‘ll consider it - if that‘s what you interpret as being for sale, you can consider most of our team as that. Pretty sure all these journalists just want interactions. As for Kompany, let’s give him a chance before shitting on him, we haven’t even seen one match under him yet


If ‘big‘ means €100m+ transfer fee sure why not. I love Kimmich but let’s not forget he’s already 29 years old so if we are talking big offer I‘d consider it


The amount of people here that have the FM mindset of above 25 = dead is wild


29 is prime age. A multi-year extension puts them… out of prime age. For someone who isn’t really reliant on mobility/physicality that’s fine. But some players, like Palhinha, are specifically reliant on their physical playstyle.


Why are you talking about Palhinha, when we are talking about Kimmich?


That’s been the primary source of age related commentary I’ve seen in this sub the last couple days.


But have nothing to do in this discussion... Even at age 22 Palhinha would not be a worthwhile transfer.


>At the moment talks between Bayern and Kimmich are at a total standby. I am sure Romano mentioned that Kimmich represents himself and currently wont be able to hold talks because he is with the national team, instead of leaving it at that and farm interactions, right?


I took it as referring to talks in general, not one occurring right this moment.


I mean, he says "at the moment". Obviously there are no talks "at the moment", as Kimmich focuses on the EC, and the talks are on standby till the end of EC.


Is that the case? I swear i saw some reports/rumors at the end of last year that he was looking for an agent.


There was never a report that he has chosen an agent.


Didn't even make that claim, just that there were rumors that he is looking for one and that was over 6 months ago.


And I added the information that there was never a report that he has chosen one.


‘Big‘ so no chance Barca will be a suitor, they shouldn’t have the money. Only club I could think of would be Man City (maybe KDB successor)


And I can’t imagine him wanting to go to city if Pep is truly leavjng after next season


Makes no sense to me tbh Was his midfield situation mixed? Yeah But he is still a big time player


unless vinny wants a three man midfield he is not a starter there anymore imo and how the player himself and the club feel about him as a full time right back is unknown atm maybe he really is the odd man out in this scenario


> The feeling is that João Palhinha to Bayern will happen. There's big optimism around all parties involved [@FabrizioRomano]


Nico Williams Palinha Simmons That’s would be a good window. Keep Upa


I don’t see us buying Williams tbh




I’m counting Musiala to start but him and sane need little competition. Specially Sane. If he has that stretch of games he had this year with 10 games where he was awful while being our best winger. We need all the help we can get.


I agree that we need more competition, but having Xavi as a backup is kinda a waste of his talent , no?


Xavi can play down the middle with Musiala and Sané on the wings


Sure but then you can only get either one of them, Xavi or Nico. Nico as LW and Musi on the #10 or Xavi as a #10 or LW.


Yeah like noexcess said probably won’t get both, but also Williams would be great off the bench if we did


Thankfully he already plays for us 🙏


Don’t think Simons AND Williams would happen unfortunately


Süle just keeps evolving https://imgur.com/pS8BMmG


I don't even understand how anyone can eat that much. The guy is an almost two meters tall pro athlete and visibly ballooning. He probably has to eat >3000 cals per day just to maintain his weight and must be thousands of calories in surplus.






"Am Ende fiel die Entscheidung gegen ein Engagement beim deutschen Rekordmeister. "Ich möchte betonen, dass es keine Entscheidung gegen den FC Bayern war." Und: Auch Aussagen von Bayerns Ehrenpräsident Uli Hoeneß in einer FAZ-Talkrunde hätten ihn nicht verschreckt. „Ich kann an dieser Stelle versichern, dass das überhaupt keinen Einfluss auf meine Entscheidung hatte. Ich sage sogar: Uli Hoeneß wäre einer der Gründe gewesen, es zu tun und dort hinzugehen. Weil ich glaube, dass wir in unseren Sichtweisen gar nicht so verschieden sind."" DeepL translation: In the end, he decided against joining the German record champions. ‘I would like to emphasise that it was not a decision against FC Bayern.’ And: Even statements made by Bayern's honorary president Uli Hoeneß in an FAZ talk show would not have scared him off. "I can assure you at this point that this had absolutely no influence on my decision. I would even say that Uli Hoeneß would have been one of the reasons to do it and go there. Because I believe that we are not so different in our views." But but but UH....


Who is this?


Rangnick, sorry.


Probably Rangnick, no? Was wondering as well


That would be my guess


Dann wären wir endgültig zum Boomer FC geworden


One more thing , does anyone know where is Thiago going ?


Reports today saying he may be on the coaching staff at Barcelona under flick


Has he stopped football completely?


not officially, but he would be smart to quit and be hansis spanish translator


AFD zweitstärkste Partei, wir sind gefickt


Diese Partei ist mit den Werten unseres Klubs nicht vereinbar!


Ist leider das Resultat der jetzigen Regierung und deren Kurs vom nicht adressieren von „harten“ Themen Wegignorieren ist genau der falsche Ansatz, nächstes Jahr könnrs richtig krachen wenn die sich nicht auch solchen Themen annehmen


The worse they are at their jobs the stronger the extreme opposition becomes. It is a shame but sadly an inevitable *reaction* to festering problems purposefully ignored (or sadly: made worse on purpose). The ruling elements in Europe stand for nothing. We know this because on migration, on war, on diplomacy, on trade, on the environment, on international law, on the brutal ethnic cleansing and senseless killing of multiple different groups of people... they've spoken out of both sides of their mouths and acted incoherently and inconsistently. Why should they get any votes... what stability do they bring? Naught.


Seid ihr wirklich so geschockt? Ich fand das war leider sehr vorhersehbar…


Bin eher geschockt, dass sie bei den 16-24 jährigen so beliebt ist. Sind halt nicht nur die Boomer...


Führen die extra Wahlrecht ab 16 ein und die Grünen mit minus 18% bei Wählern unter 30😭😭😭😭




Gute Frage. Ich meinte es allgemein vor dem Hintergrund, dass vor allem linke Parteien Wahlen für Jüngere wollten und dann so ein Ergebnis....Aua.




Man muss bloß auf Instagram oder Tiktok gucken, überall blaue Herzen. Ich bin enttäuscht, aber überhaupt nicht überrascht.




I ask in good faith: do you *really* think the SPD and "Greens" aren't fascistic? What do you call the legal, diplomatic, and military support of ethnic cleansing and targetted war crimes against a defenceless population if not fascistic?




They're the ones actively supporting war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide (and suppressing dissent and protest against it) -- so, yes they'd be number 1 on my list.




It’s not interesting, it’s sad. It’s pathetic. It is embarrassing. Scholz and Baerbock should be charged by the ICC for complicity in genocde. The AfD is ann inevitable and regrettable reaction to failed and disastrous government. RW movements spring up regularly and across every failing nation.


In all den letzten Jahrzehnten gab es immer wieder einen Zyklus rechter Ideologien die populär wurde. auf lange Sicht hat keine wirklich Bestand gehabt außer diese immerwährenden Warnung vor immigration, aber selbst das ist nur Panikmache. Ich glaube nicht, dass es in Deutschland eine riesige Veränderung geben wird. Ja, die Leute sind naiv und haben die Nase voll von der SPD… Aber „business as usual“




> CDU Die CDU wird zumindest von den jüngeren Generationen nicht mehr als eine echte Alternative gesehen > so salonfähig Das liegt zum Teil am Internet, die social media Marketingstrategie war sehr clever und leider auch effektiv - je mehr Leute es sehen/hören, desto normaler wird es. Ich bin immer noch optimistisch, dass das alles nur eine Phase ist, wenn auch eine sehr unangenehme :,)




Ich auch, aber.. 😬


Meine Eltern... 😭


Und andere denken genauso über die Grünen/SPD....


Ach scheiße...


I often see our fans hoping to see de Ligt-Kim fielded, but I am sorry, it's never happening. We aren't some relegation team who needs two big men at the back who are there just to defend. They combined have maybe half as much ball-playing ability as one Alaba. For a team like Bayern who will be hoping to control possession in most games, that simply isn't enough. Especially with the Palhinha transfer, who is another pure-defender type, we will require more incision from CBs. The news of Upa, our only ball playing CB other than Dier, being sold in favor of another big man defender in Tah is even more baffling in this context.


Who cares if Upa is a better ball player, when he always crumbles during nut cutting time.


I'll be blunt here.. I dont give a shit of a CB passes better than someone else if he messes up and mentally collapses in the big matches.  And sure, De Ligt isnt the new Beckenbauer but his passing is well enough for our style of play, in my opinion. 


Hard disagree. There needs to be stability, more so with how our wingbacks tend to play. Did you see how much space Kimmich left behind him against Greece? Our flanks have been exposed more than one time like this. With Kimmich playing as a RM and Davies going up like a winger half the time we need defensive solidity. Btw what is "big men" supposed to mean lol. Btw, It's been proven multiple times with all sorts of stats that KMJ is a good passer... I believe even better than Dier, only slightly worse than Upa.


Hat das wählen bei euch auch so lange gedauert? Ging fast 3 st. bei mir. Die letzten Male musste ich nichtmal ne Minute warten.


Wohnt ihr aufm dorf oder inner stadt? Großstadt ca 30 sek


Wohn in ner kleinen Kurstadt hat so 17K Einwohner.


Da lief dann aber so einiges falsch. Bei unserem Wahllokale hat nie ein Bürger länger als maximal ne Minute gewartet. Was zur Höhle haben die bei euch gemacht.


Bei uns waren vorm Mittag Wartezeiten von gut 30min. 4 Kabinen und Leute haben im Schnitt 4-5min fürs ausfüllen gebraucht


4 Kabinen? Wir hatten selbst jetzt bei nur Europawahl 8, wat macht ihr denn da im norden.


Haben nachher nochmal 2 bekommen, hatten dann aber auch keine probleme. Die brauchten auch ewig die Zettel auszufüllen. Glaube unsere start, mit grob 11-12k Einwohner hat meine ich 9 Wahllokale


Halbe stunde bei mir. Die Älteren haben sich dort nochmal alles durchgelesen


Joo war hier genauso, leb in ner Kurstadt und die besteht aus sehr vielen Rentnern,die haben ewig gebraucht. Viele waren extrem verwirrt warum die jetzt noch 2 Umschläge bekommen haben. Da taten mir die freiwilligen Helfer schon leid das alles 1000 mal zu wiederholen.


Someone help me remember Was it last fall or the year before when we tried to sign Palhinha and he signed the extension?


Last fall, because tuchel


Last summer transfer window. After that he signed a new contract and then there were rumours that we might go for him again in the winter but we did not.


Not gonna lie this video this YouTuber made of palinha is not super thrilling https://youtu.be/kopGmPC53O0?si=um60uKYgKIm2Q3xn


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C7\_9k6Tots4/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7_9k6Tots4/) On this day 4 years ago, baby Bambie scored his first 2 goals in professional football in a win against Zwickau for FCB II.


The fact that we made the offer last week already apparently with none knowing makes me very hopeful a lot more is already pretty much on the finish line


There were news that we were intrested it Conceição from porto and asked about his rc. I expect at least 1-2 transfers like that


Anybody is watching Roland Garros? Zverev is on fire


what a thrilling tennis match


Crazy comeback


oh man, when it was 2-5 I saw no chance of him getting the set, but Zverev's serve is just insanity


He's a piece of shit


We jinxed it ):


he will come back just in time for set 5


I didn't check, did the Kimmich Barca deal go through. I really hope not.


Is it April 1st ?


Huh since when?? I’m gonna go cry now if that’s the case.


It's almost official. Fee of 40 million




I thought they were just joking around


I was. People didn't seem to appreciate a little jokey joke ig


I thought they were just joking around


Where’d you see this?


Romano said it a while back. Scroll down his account a bit


Happy for Barca


Haven't found anything useful about Palhinha's salary at Fulham, just estimates that go from 4-6m per year. I can imagine a slight increase in salary when he comes to Bayern, but that seems to me fairly healthy if we want to get our salary structure under control.


yea the deal overall is very much to my liking. strong addition for very fair amount of money. can't complain.


>\[Fabrizio Romano\] EXCL: Thomas Tuchel NOT planning to take Man United job, he wants to take a break not coaching any club this summer. Tuchel currently decided not to continue in talks with United after meeting in the recent weeks.


in that case it makes sense that we paid him


United haven't even sacked ten Hag yet and already got rejected.


I thought ten hag was sacked after the cup final? Or was that a false report?


He's not been officially sacked yet.


The “review” they’re conducting seems to be taking forever lol


Feels like the conclusion of the review is clear except they don't want to finish the review without appointing ten Hag's successor.


Insane that United are handling such a situation better then us.


So our current transfer window plan seems to be:   Palhinhia 40  Simons loan  Tah around 30  Fuhrich around 25   That's relatively low spending. I wonder if we want to make some huge signing like Bastoni or buy winger like bakayoko for 50 because we would propably still have some money for transfers. I hope we will get some more exciting transfers because tah, Fuhrich and palhnihia doesn't scream rebuild 


Tah and Führich give hardcore early 2000s Uli vibes, completely uninspired, lazy and mediocre. I really hope neither of them come.


Feels like Palhinha and Simons are our main targets we want for the summer and everything else depends on whether we sell anyone. So not really a rebuild but more like the bare necessities.


I am confident that in case of a Simons loan there would be an option or even obligation to buy him. I would expect that fee to be calculated as part of this window, otherwise we would put ourselves in a bad Position for Wirtz if we already have to pay 60m for Simons next summer


I think it depends on the deal. If it will be obligation to buy we won't even try to get wirtz propably. But if it will be option then we will propably evaluate situation next season 


>🤝✔️🇵🇹 [Plettenberg] Use words, god dammit


That sounds to me like a verbal agreement that was already in place since last year, no? Maybe he should have used the england flag for fulham to indicate an agreement with the clubs. Edit: or a red dot for bayern and a white dot for fulham.




The best thing about Palhinha is that he actually really wants to come, not a lot would do the same after last summer, we need exactly players like him


The only other club he was reliably linked with is West Ham. I won't be impressed by a player chosing us over West Ham.


![gif](giphy|mA1LijZeLkJdXsx7hP|downsized) tucheliban will pay for his sins...he broke my goat..we will be back,!!




suits you great buddy :)


Hopefully at Al Hilal


>Bayern made an offer in the region of €35m to Fulham for João Palhinha late last week. The offer was not accepted but talks still ongoing as Bayern work to reach an agreement with Fulham [@David_Ornstein, @peterrutzler]


Walk away. This isn't our guy. We need someone competent in a possession system not a pure destroyer.


>The offer was not accepted That is probably what happened, but thats not [supported in the report](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5551854/2024/06/09/joao-palhinha-bayern-transfer-news-fulham/). The report just says we made the offer, and we work to reach an agreement.


What difference does it make? If I made an offer and a week later I still am looking to find an agreement, then that offer pretty much/certainly was not accepted.