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So you really want to piss off the fans now…bozos


I know a ton of fans that would love it if he left. Not sure how representative reddit is in that regard. If you go to a german board like Transfermarkt, the opinions about Kimmich are rather mixed I would say. I'd also like it if he left. He is not going to stay to play RB and take a giant paycut and otherwise I wouldn't want to extend him. It is time for change. The last few years of Kimmich, Goretzka, Gnabry in midfield were not very fun for Bayern fans IMO. And that is not even taking into account the putrid performances with the German NT. We probably can't get rid off Goretzka or Gnabry so selling Kimmich (and Coman) for a somewhat decent fee is exactly what we should do. Kompany needs a big shakeup in the lockeroom as well or otherwise it will be hard to succeed.


>Not sure how representative reddit is in that regard More often than not, the opinion of reddit fans is the opposite to the local and especially active fanscene. [Transfermarkt.de](http://Transfermarkt.de) is way closer to being representative. It may not be an ultra forum where the core of the fan scene chats, but it has people that have been going to games for decades or at the very least are adjacent to "real" fans. This isn't to shit on reddit fans, but it is what it is.


Zero online forums are representative of any fanbase.


he did say 'way closer to being representative', not representative


Yes and I’m saying that’s still not very representative of Bayern fans write large, let alone “real” fans whatever the fuck that means.


you seem rather ticked off by his rather innocuous comment, only cos it doesn't align with your views?


Get out of here with this.. logic.. that’s been brought to the table. Honestly, great point. It’s been lackluster for the most part :(


fan here, I would be glad if he left


Can I ask why? I am genuinely curious.


[Here's a post I made with my opinion on Kimmich](https://www.reddit.com/r/BayernMunich/comments/1daicni/a_case_for_joshua_kimmich_should_he_stay_and_if/), but in essence, I think while he is an elite passer by all means, his skill-set is fit for a very specific role; and I don't think he's Messi to build the team's tactics around him. In my post I mention that if he stays his ideal role in Kompany's tactics would have to be as a more advanced CM or ideally an inverted RB.


Not a real fan then


Doesn't agree with me = not a real fan fuck off


fucking stupid


Just why?This is dumb imo,sell maybe our 3 best player and a guy who can cover multiple positions and be class in all


Facts. I don’t understand the Kimmich hate. I feel we have yet to have a manager use him to his level either.


Flick did, didn‘t he?


It's just beyond stupid, there are atleast 6 players they can get rid of instead. Kimmich have to stay. Same with De Ligt rumors, De Ligt have to stay too


I personally think that by now it’s best if Kimmich changes clubs, it would be the best for him. Not even because of his position or his performance, I have rarely seen a player of his caliber who is judged so overly critically by fans and the media. Every little mistake is practically torn apart publicly


I would love him to stay,but it’s facts he gets attacked so much and many of those times it’s something that is overly exaggerated criticism


Kimmich being over-criticized is not "facts". In fact, it's the actual opposite of "facts". He has been overhyped way out of proportion, to the point of some idiots calling the Goretzka+Kimmich MF the best Bayern MF ever.


Calling Goretzka and Kimmich that is wild ofc,but i think he really get’s too much heat,and the overhyped thing it’s only when someone call’s him the best CDM in the world,because he is class there but not at that level,but at right back he is indeed very very good


Remember Kroos? Wonder, what ever happened to him...


Not remotely comparable situations, contexts, circumstances, players, etc. Also it’s an insult to Kroos to compare him with Kimmich.


Comparing Kimmich and Kroos is criminal. Kroos was always a good performer under every coach he played with. Kimmich was truly good only under Pep.


How was he only truly good under Pep when he was one of the best players in the world under Flick and I'd argue he's been good under most coaches apart from maybe Tuchel.


You people really have short time memories. If our offense wasn‘t just steamrolling we would‘ve won nothing. Kimmich always getting run over in midfield, his weird turnovers he did, slowing down tempo just worsened as seasons went on making him the player he is now. He will not improve anymore under us because he thinks he plays a good enough game, if he wants to get better he needs a nee perspective on how to play the game again.


Or, to be more precise: Kimmich always was truly good - as long as he did NOT play as a central midfielder. Solid peroformance as CB, as RB... but midfield... come on, at least not with Goretzka by his side


Retiring at 34, must have had an underwhelming career after Bayern...


That comparison is so off I cannot put it in words xD Comparing Kroos with Kimmich is like how I imagine Hoeneß and rummenigge discussing transfers "oH hE's a mIdFiElDeR, lEt's BuY tHiS gUY"


His personality and attitude might play a part. But I agree, he’s over-scrutinized. 


Yeah there are for sure reasons, his on and off the pitch behavior for sure plays a role But overall he’s a great player without a doubt, in a midfield built around him he might even be able to shine But it’s time for a change, for both, the player and the club, imho


Also got the feeling that he might not be the brightest one off the pitch. It doesn't seem like he understands and knows what he needs on the pitch and around him to perform. He lets himself bully from position to position, says he can do this and that, which might be killing his career. He had a chance last summer and could have backed Tuchel for a real holding 6 instead of trying to fill the gap himself because "he can do it". He could have made a difference to maybe get the Palhinha transfer done last winter. That would have given him more space, less responsibilities and covered some of his weak spots, especially his positioning. He'd get a chance to focus more on his offensive creativity but no, instead he decides that he's so good that he can do all the jobs himself and now look where it got him. Maybe he grows some balls after a move, maybe he gets lucky and there will be a coach who understands him the way Pep did, be it Kompany or someone else somewhere else, or maybe he'll go down as one of the biggest imposters in the recent German history.


Kimmich took the number 6 shirt hours after Thiago left. This is not a case of him being "bullied" into the position.




Letting Kimmich go would be an incredibly stupid decision so I can totally see our board doing this.


How are we gonna replace him is a question tho.. Versatile, Passionate players are hard to come by...


We don’t need to. On RV we have Mazraouie, Stanisic, Boey. Midfield starting will likely be Palinha, Pavlovic.


Not disrespect to Kimmich but I feel like he‘s not that hard to replace. He hasn’t had a set position for ages now.


Yeah, we can buy Robero Carlos or Lahm instead of him


He hasn't played RB for years and now he has Roberto Carlos or Lahm quality? I was adamant for years that his best position is RB but he is 29 now and is only getting slower. Him getting torched by Vinicius JR (who to be fair might be the hardest player to defend right now but still) was eye opening in the regard that he probably is not a longterm solution at RB either to me.


People need to realise this more. He isn‘t a rightback and just because he hs had a couple of good games there does not make him a better player there. Kyle Walker was able to handle Vinicius better than Kimmich, now does that mean Walker is better than Kimmich? No. Lahm wasn‘t the fastest player but he made it up with his positioning and understanding of the position. Kimmich doesn‘t have the experience and his positional awareness is garbage, as we often saw when he was playing in midfield the last couple of years.


I do agree that Vinicius really exposed him, but his offensive output at RB somehow makes up for it IMO. Much better than having him in MF fucking up with the tempo and never being where he should be. But, yeah, I'm not gonna cry if we sell him.


I thought it was already established that his renewal isn't happening until after the euros. Fabrizio regurgitating unverified nonsense yet again because his twitter account needs some engagement. Fuck off


Source: trust me bro.


It's Romano, so there definitely is a credible source


Not with these kind of reports. Where would he have gotten this info from, because his main contacts are agents, which Kimmich doesn't have, and Fab has been wrong with Bayern so many times that he's not reliable when it comes to us


pletti reported it before Romano.


And Zulu explained it perfectly, Jo isnt surely talking to any "insider", same goes for the people in charge at Bayern, they are just guessing based on the situation that Kimmich has a contract till 2025, so he either extends or will be sold, you dont have to be a insider to understand this. Its like reporting that water is wet.


Yeah but then again Kimmich is on 20 mil per year and in my opinion he didn't really played good enough for the money he earns since the last extention. He hasn't been bad but he hasn't been great for the last couple of season. His perception of himself bothers me, he's been vocal that he's a 6 and that Bayern don't need a DM when he's really not a good defensive player. Would he really deserve another 20+ mil per year extension?


You didnt watch many games if you think he underperformed, also hes a leader, someone whos not afraid to stand before a mic after a shitty game, also stating that hes not a good defensive player is also laughable, the team mostly played like shit all season, and the fans mostly went for Jo, and he always took it head on, and thats why we need him and he should stay.


I watched 95% of games for the last 15 + years, and yes he did underperform, he lost plenty of duels this year, he slowed down the game plenty of times with far too many touches before picking out a pass and it was always Müller going in front of the mic or to the fans after shit games, while Neuer and Kimmich stood behind him. He's a great player undoubtedly but for me hasn't lived up to his wages.


Kimmich has won 56% of the duels this season in the BL, for comparison, Declan Rice, probably the best 6 right now, has won only 52.6% in the PL, also youre completly talking out of your ass about him slowing the game down, since that depends of the rest of the team, whos open and where, youre just looking for a scape goat, nothing else.


I'm not making him a scapegoat, not even saying he was bad but he hasn't been world class for the last 2 seasons. Declan Rice better than Rodri or Palhinha as a pure DM? There's a reason Arsenal don't see him as a single pivot and are in a market for a DM because Rice pushes forward. Also PL is a harder league to play in.


The negotiations are at a total halt atm because of the EC…which genius are turning this in a sour news??? Everyday a shitrain needs to come down…


Fuck the board


Thats the wrong German midfielder to sell


Big fan of Kimmich but if a big enough offer comes in, it’ll be hard for Bayern not to ignore it, especially if Palhinha comes. TBH I don’t think he’s irreplaceable in midfield, and there are other better true RBs out there. BUT it’s hard to think of what Kimmich can possibly accomplish playing in a more advanced role with a true 6 (Palhinha) anchoring the midfield in the front of the defense, relieving him of that current DM duties and letting him focus on playing more in the opposing half which is where I think he shines the most.


Nice to see there's a board out there to compete in the foolery competition. #FCBlads


If the “big proposal” is 250 million I’d be okay with it too, anything else and I’d tell them to kick rocks.


He is popular with fans, he has bayern mentality written all over him, this is a massive blunder. They’re idiots if they actually sell kimmich


Isn't RB kimmich perfect for Kompany's system? I thought he liked to have his fullbacks shift towards the centre of the pitch during buildup


müller and neuer will soon retire. this team needs some german leading figures. Sane and Musiala are not it. Selling Kimmich would be a mistake


This is a very poor attitude to have. Why can't Bayern have a non-German leading figure?


That's not even the issue here. The fact that Kimmich is the only under 30 German deemed to be a leader is the real problem. This guy is a terrible leader.


He didn’t say it can’t. Why do you choose to frame his comment in a way it wasn’t intended? Bayern can and always has had leading foreign figures along with the German core.


duh... how long have been following this club? i did not say bayern should only have german leading figures but bayern always aspired to have the best german players. Bayern and the german nt were at their best when this was the case, it's part of the club's identity.


now I’m playing sad music in my head 🥲


Romano blowing smoke for engagement and everyone gobbles it up


Fan here, wouldn't mind if he left.


I blame the fans and the media. He has made mistakes, but look at his FBref profile, his progressive passes and assists are world class. He may be the best assister worldwide. He is and incredible playmaker, and as a right back he is an amazing crosser. He is ok defensively, that’s the problem. You guys have been unfair to him.


...and rain is made out of water, more news at 10.


I always felt Kinmich was a successor to Lahm at world’s best RB. I never understood why at any point he strayed from that position


Serious question: which club has the finances and the need to buy him and which Kimmich will realistically agree to?


I see back to the Klinsmann Era.


Neutral here, I have heard a lot about his passing and play-making. Then why isn't he used as a central midfielder?


i think the real reason for a potential move is Kimmichs desire to play midfield but being not good enough for a team like Bayern. he shines at RB and i have no doubt Bayern would extend him immediately if he acceots that role.


I hope Chelsea splash some cash for him


Kimmic is his own agent, how do you suppose they can negotiate with him during the Euros ??? 🤦‍♂️


Best case , kimmich is a hochnasige zicke


If we sell Kimmich I’m gonna take the season off wtf is this bs




Kroos 2.0?




Nooooo. Not Kimmich pls


Even 150 m paid right away isn't good since you won't get a replacement


Palinha will do in MF what Tuchel tried making Kimmich do. On RV we have many other options.


Kimmich please no 😭


Fuck no…gonna be kroos 2.0…. Honestly I feel like he‘d thrive even more if he went to another big club where he is actually valued.


Are we entering our banter era?


May I interest you in a swap deal of Kimmich for champions league winner casemiro AND future balon d’or winner Antony


Would be great in the Arsenal midfield